Chapter 82: The Treasure Room

Release Date: 2024-07-12 00:29:37
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The Cang Jin King, Ice Blade, and Purple Bell King’s side quickly split into two and went exploring along the two corridors.

“Cang Jin King is the strongest and extremely fast, I’ll follow him.” The Night Star King transmitted his voice, “Tiger Spike King, Yang, you two go along the other corridor …… and absolutely cannot let the two Ice Blade and Purple Bell Kings get the treasure.”


“They’re dreaming if they want to get the treasure.” The Tiger Thorn King grinned and Luo Feng, quickly turned into two streams of light and chased after them, while the Night Star King also quickly chased in the direction of the Cang Jin King.

Both teams, were chasing in two directions!

Because the entire sacrificial tower contains incomparably complex sacrificial law secret pattern, under special use, the entire internal range of the sacrificial tower completely spatial blockade can’t instantly move, so both teams can only rely on speed in flight, and at this time, Luo Feng’s advantage came into play, only to see his silver double wings a shock ……

Ga! Ga! Mile!

In the encircling and twisting corridors, he quickly changed direction and constantly soared in speed, causing the Tiger Spur King to be unable to chase after him.

“Yang, you stop them in front first and influence them.” Tiger Thorn King also knew that the speed was not as good as Luo Feng, after all, Luo Feng’s strength was not as good as theirs, the reason why he was still invited was this advantage.

“Don’t worry, leave it to me.”

Luo Feng’s speed kept soaring.

Because the corridor was the corridor inside the sacrificial tower, and the core area was just over 10,000 kilometers in diameter, while this deep and twisting corridor was hundreds of thousands of kilometers, encircling many areas of the core area, and in some places it was very narrow, constantly twisting and turning to change direction, even to the point of a big change of direction of almost 180 degrees, causing Luo Feng to also have to violently decelerate to a near-stop, and then immediately turn around.

Under this kind of passage ……

Just accelerating you have to immediately decelerate, then accelerate and decelerate again, each turn is as short as a few kilometers and as long as a hundred kilometers. To a Seal King powerhouse a single scurry would easily reach the end, which led to the misery of the many powerhouses who wanted to desperately catch up with their speed. Just like a twisting alleyway in a slum area on Earth, even the best sports car could not reach extreme speeds in a twisting alleyway.

For these existences with extreme speeds near the speed of light, curves as short as a few kilometers and as long as a hundred kilometers were simply torture.

“The longest bend is only a hundred kilometers, only just accelerating and then have to slow down, the speed simply can’t get up, can only maintain the flexibility to switch at low speeds.” The Cangjin King roared lowly, his eyes filled with anger.

“Haha, Cangjin King, your speed is amazing, but in this kind of narrow place, your advantage can’t be utilized, whereas I am a winged human race, and I am good at changing directions, haha.” The Night Star King chased after him from behind.


The Cangjin King let out a low grunt and turned his head to look at the Night Chen King.


A water tank thick lightning with Cang Jin King’s eyes as the source, directly burst out, this lightning just after bursting out directly dispersed, like countless electric snakes winding, forming a huge electric grid directly shrouded towards the back of the Night Chen King, the channel is only so wide, the electric grid completely blocked the entire channel.

“Boom.” Night Chen King’s golden pupils flashed with a cold light, the whole person vaguely transformed into a white light, hard to break through the power grid, but also affect the speed.

“Want to overtake me? Haha, Night Star King, you juniors are just dreaming, I will always be in front of you, as long as the treasure is found, I will definitely be the one to get it first.” Cang Jin Wang voice transmission snorted, sometimes is to turn his head eyes shoot lightning to block Cang Jin Wang, behind the Night Chen Wang gritted his teeth but can not help.

Night Chen King and Cang Jin King were so stuck, while the other side.

Luo Feng was different, naturally zigzagging and changing direction, so the six strongest people couldn’t soar to the limit of speed, it was Luo Feng who couldn’t do it either. But Luo Feng was good at zigzagging …… still had a big advantage, he could almost reach almost ten times the speed of the Purple Bell King, Ice Blade and the rest of them in such a weird passage.

Ten times, what kind of concept?

Instantly caught up.

“Still want to escape.” Luo Feng’s field of vision appeared two large and small figures of the Saki tribe in front of him, it was none other than Iceblade and Purple Bell King.

“Catching up.” Purple bell king turned the corner of his eye and spotted Luo Feng, startled, “This yang, so fast.”

“It’s fine, this Yang’s strength is the weakest of the three of them, I guess he’s just good at flying in this kind of narrow and twisty area.” Ice Blade said confidently, “Purple Bell King, let’s see what you can do.”

“I’ll be able to blast them back with a single strike.” Purple bell king said confidently.

Luo Feng was too fast.

Directly from the side to overtake!

“Roar ……” The Purple Bell King opened his mouth and a roar that could be heard by the faintest of ears rang out, at the same time that invisible weird wave directly blasted Luo Feng.

The silver armor resisted the impact of this roar, surviving some of the impact acting on the inner layer of the silver armor’s Mo Yun battle suit, which was directly resisted.

Even though Luo Feng easily blocked it, his speed was still affected.


Luo Feng’s silver wings shook violently, directly executing a three vibrations shuttle universe.

“Wow!” An acceleration, just like a silver light, he directly scurried out from the side of the purple bell king and ice blade, so fast that the purple bell king couldn’t even attack in time.

“Quick, stop him.” Ice Blade said urgently, “Purple Clock King, you’re the best at blocking!”


Purple bell king gritted his teeth and roared again, then directly roared out a big bell formed by ripples visible to the naked eye, this big bell flew like lightning, the attack speed naturally far exceeded Luo Feng’s flying speed, this big bell formed by ripples directly covered Luo Feng, then violently shook, “Buzz …… ” then burst open, the attacks almost all made Luo Feng fade away.

“Shit.” Luo Feng’s body also trembled his speed sharply reduced.

“You human, don’t even think about getting the treasure! The treasure is mine!” Purple bell king roared and transmitted his voice.


Luo Feng’s wings shook, the Wuicide Feathered Wings were indeed powerful.

Even though he was affected before, he scurried out again with just a shock of his wings, making the Purple Bell King and Ice Blade behind him unable to chase after him at all.

“I know why that night star king invited him, this human’s flight is too weird, the instant burst of speed is too amazing, in this kind of narrow and twisted area can be this fast.” Ice Blade said.

“Purple Clock King, this bit of skill of yours! Haha …… get the treasure, you just dream.” Luo Feng transmitted his voice.

At the same time he himself was making a turn into another bend.

Behind him, the Purple Bell King could no longer see Luo Feng with his naked eyes and couldn’t even attack if he wanted to.



Purple bell king and ice blade two great powerhouses gritted their teeth and chased after him.

In the core control room of the sacrificial tower, the four great powerhouses of that Amazing Sacrifice continent aboriginal people were watching those two parties chasing.

“These foreign races are fighting really hard.”

“The more powerful the fight, the better, it’s better if they kill each other and die.” The gnarled card looked at the virtual projection and said icily, “This group of foreign races …… back then was the four peak communities that opened up the battlefield before destroying our communities and occupying our hometowns, in the future, in the future, in the future, in the future, we must let them have a taste of extermination!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“Let them know the taste of extermination as well!”

The four Seal Kings were all gritting their teeth, their endless hatred filling their chests.

Only they themselves are also clear, this is only their wish …… unattainable wish, even if the clan was still there back then, it was countless times more powerful than now …… still easily pinched to death by the peak clan.

Hunters kill a large number of prey, prey of course want to retaliate.

But if you are afraid of the prey retaliation, then it is not a hunter.

This is the strongest of the weak and the strongest of the strong!

Cosmic resources are more, but hundreds of millions of communities are also more scary, which community accounts for more resources …… depends on who is stronger! Nakedly the weak and the strong eat the strong.

“Two corridors, the passageway …… chosen by those four foreign races is the closest to the first treasure room, that silver winged human is the fastest, almost to the first treasure room.” The gnarled card said softly.

Luo Feng flew along the corridor on his way, he also quickly observed one of the large chambers next to the corridor, with a single glance with the naked eye, the chambers were all empty, incomparably clean and empty.

“Eh?” Luo Feng saw at a glance that a hundred meter wide hatch of a passageway hatch in front of him was half open.

And the body of an immortal deity was lying at the hatch entrance.

“It’s the immortal corpse of an Amazing Sacrifice continent aborigine, I guess it was also swept by the soul and perished instantly.” Luo Feng according to the location of this hatch, unlike the randomness of many previous hatches, this hatch is in the center, and the corridor also surrounds it in a circle ……, which makes Luo Feng slightly slow down to take a closer look towards the inside.

At a glance.

Inside placed a translucent platform, in front of the platform sitting cross-legged a body, to Luo Feng’s breath sense judgment, that should be a already perished immortal deity body, at the same time that platform seems to be very solemn placed three ordinary book size gray box, which made Luo Feng eyes light up.


Luo Feng’s wings shook and traced an arc, whistling as he rushed into this chamber.

Inside the chamber, hundreds of meters long and wide, Luo Feng swept a glance at the corpse sitting on his knees and didn’t pay the slightest attention to it, his gaze mainly landed on the translucent platform in the center that was about ten meters long and wide, that translucent platform soil also had densely packed text which was obviously in the human’s language library.

“It’s the script of the aborigines of the Amazing Ritual continent.” Luo Feng had long ago learned all of them in the language library.

With a conscious computing speed like Luo Feng’s, a language could be learned and flexibly utilized in a matter of seconds.

“This is ……” Luo Feng took a look at the text and immediately figured it out.

The text described.

Our clan is facing a great calamity, the three treasure chests in this treasure room each contain a world ring, the world ring contains a large amount of treasures, hopefully the descendants of the clan can make the clan rise again. Treasure chest contains induction detection system, must be the clan members can open, foreigners can not open.

“Rather, it’s an exquisite refining, a treasure chest refined with G9 grade metal containing secret patterns of laws?” Luo Feng swept his gaze and saw the hidden treasure chest soil densely packed with secret patterns, “It is estimated that to forcefully break open, it would have to be the strength of a Cosmic Exalted to be able to do so, this elaborately made chest alone is worth over ten million hybrid units, as for opening it ……”

“Whatever, turn around and take your time to fix it.”

Luo Feng revealed a hint of a smile, and with a smooth hand, he directly took away the three treasure chests.

“Leave the treasure!” The “Ice Blade” flying outside the cabin accelerated violently, looking inside the cabin he immediately gritted his teeth, transmitting his voice and roaring.

“The treasure is mine!” The Purple Bell King was even more frantic in his eyes.

Although the two of them didn’t see the treasure chest, they saw Luo Feng standing inside the cabin …… with the time urgency of exploring the treasure, it was impossible to stop at a place, if they stopped at a place, they were sure that there was a treasure in this place that attracted him.

“Cang Jin Wang! Yang got the treasure!” Ice Blade roared violently.

Immortal divine power as a transmitting substance, this roar immediately spread along the passageway, divine power shuttling speed how amazing, and the corridor that Cang Jin Wang he chose …… and the corridor that Luo Feng chose on their side, originally had interconnecting spiral passageways.

“Treasure?” The Cang Jin King who was in the middle of entanglement had a stern flash in his eyes.

“Jan got the treasure?” The Night Star King, however, was overjoyed.

Whoosh! Mile!

The two great powerhouses immediately flew swiftly over along the directional passage from which the sound had spread.

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