Chapter 86 – The Gnarled Card Appears

Release Date: 2024-07-12 00:29:48
A+ A- Turn Off Light

While the gnarled Chica, Pu’e, and other aboriginal powerhouses began to move, the three great powerhouses, Luo Feng, Cang Dome King, and Purple Bell King, were in a state of frenzy.

“Escape, escape, escape!” Luo Feng’s wings vibrated like ghosts as he kept flying and turning in the twisting corridors.

“This Cangjin king is too strong!”

“Seal king limit, this is the seal king limit, his strength far exceeds the peak of seal king, even if the night star king explodes himself he can’t hurt him.” Luo Feng was anxious in his heart, “My insect king army combined can’t help him, if I fight him hard, as long as he burns some immortal divine power he can completely kill my earthling instinct, once the earthling instinct perishes, it’s going to be a problem, this sacrificial tower corridor space is just too small, there’s no way for the golden horned behemoth bilocation to come out and fight!”

The Golden Horn Beast Bifurcation, its strength was much stronger than the Earthling’s original, but unfortunately, the space inside the sacrificial tower was too small for it.

“Human, don’t run away, give up.” The Cangjin King roared with a voice transmission, chasing after it.



Only to see his eyes burst out a thick thunderbolt from time to time, within the corridor the speed of the thunderbolt naturally far exceeded Luo Feng, the instant that thunderbolt bombarded Luo Feng it transformed into countless electric snakes forming a grid of electricity, as if it was bound by countless ropes, causing Luo Feng’s speed to be greatly impacted, after desperately struggling to open up, that Cang Jin King’s second wave of blocking arrived again.

A thunderbolt after a thunderbolt ……

Making Luo Feng suffer!

“If it wasn’t for this corridor environment, I would have pulled away from him long ago, as long as the distance is pulled away far enough, that thunderbolt can’t touch me at all.”

Luo Feng’s wings vibrated, desperately fleeing.

“Still really able to escape.” The Cang Jin King was also desperately chasing after him.

He was affecting Luo Feng all the way, but he was actually only able to keep from being thrown off by Luo Feng, which made the Cang Jin King feel sad.

The two of them chased and fled, while the Violet Bell King who was behind the Cang Jin King also kept chasing.

“King Cang Jin is really ruthless, borrowing the hand of that Night Chen King to get Ice Blade killed.” Purple Clock King’s eyes flashed with cold light, “I, Ice Blade and his Cang Jin King are all in the Mechanical Clan camp, the same camp simply does not dare to kill each other, once they kill each other especially if they are synchronized and teleported to the virtual world …… they will be hunted down by the collective of the Mechanical Clan camp, and will not even be able to escape. ”

“So ……”

“The Cangjin King wants to swallow the treasure alone and doesn’t dare to do it himself.”

“Now that the Ice Blade has perished, it’s actually him using a knife to kill someone.”

Purple Clock King secretly hated, “Hmph, no matter what, he only managed to kill with a borrowed knife, he doesn’t dare to directly deal with his comrades in the same camp. Moreover, I’m not Ice Blade, even if the Tiger Spike King and the others blow themselves up, it’s impossible for me to fall.”

“Cangjin King you want to swallow the treasure alone? Hmph…… “One idea after another flashed through the Purple Bell King’s mind.

The same camp comrades in arms does not mean how good the feelings are, it is only because of the restrictions of the military rules that they do not dare to kill each other. Violating the military rules …… was not only the super powerhouses of the mechanical race community making their moves, even the super existences within the Cang Jin King’s own race would come out to kill the Cang Jin King.

Luo Feng, the Cang Jin King, and the Purple Bell King, were flying away along the corridor, each with a different idea.

“Up ahead is the core area exit.” Luo Feng did his best to flee.


With a phantom, Luo Feng arrived in front of the core area exit, the six passages were still open, but what made Luo Feng stunned was that …… at the exit of the passageway, there was a powerful foreign immortal deity wearing purple armor with six arms hovering, and he was exuding a burst of divine power ripples, blocking the passageway exit completely.

“Amazing sacrifice continent aboriginal?” Luo Feng was also shocked when he saw his appearance, he couldn’t be bothered to be surprised at the moment.

“Get out of the way!” Luo Feng bellowed as he was about to rush out.


These six arms of powerful alien immortal deities, their arms violently lengthened and grew bigger, they actually blocked each of the six passages, when Luo Feng rushed towards a passageway …… one of those arms was definitely a one off, the oversized palm that grew bigger was directly a slap that sent Luo Feng backwards away.

“Haha, Amazing Ritual continent aboriginal? Thank you so much.” The Cang Jin King laughed and showed up while transmitting his voice.


The Violet Bell King also appeared.

Luo Feng, Cang Jin King, and Purple Bell King were all standing on the ground, while that Amazing Ritual Continent aborigine was blocking the entire exit six channels, and his strength was truly peak Seal King level, Luo Feng might have an advantage in speed, but if he wanted to break out …… hard, his strength was indeed a huge difference.

“Yang, who is this?” A stream of light flew in the distance, it was the Tiger Spike King who was flying along another corridor, Tiger Spike King landed also looked at the aboriginal powerhouse in shock, “Aboriginal?”

Luo Feng, Cang Jin King, Purple Bell King, Tiger Thorn King, these four great powerhouses looked at each other and then also looked at that aboriginal.

“You remnant of the Amazing Ritual Continent, you escaped the catastrophe back then, and you still dare to show yourself?” Cang Jin Wang drank, the four strongest people present all knew that the discovery of the Amazing Sacrifice Continent’s remaining sins could be reported, however, there was no mandatory requirement for this in the army system, so perhaps the matter of hunting down those remaining sins ……

The army system just never took this as the responsibility of these warriors.

Moreover, the Sacrificial Tower involved treasures, and the Cang Jin King, Purple Bell King, and the others didn’t want to attract more powerful people to come.

“Fellow enemies of the foreign races.” The aboriginal powerhouse hovering there was chubby, but his smile was palpitating, “I would love for all of you to die, but since you all want to escape from this sacrificial tower, then I have to show myself. First, let me introduce myself, I am …… the survivor of the Amazing Sacrifice Continent, ‘Gnarled Red Card’. Back then, my Amazing Sacrifice Continent suffered an extinction catastrophe, and at that time, I was merely an ordinary immortal, and countless years have passed, and although the long years have caused me to be incomparably lonely, they have also allowed me to possess a powerful strength.”

“You’ve been here all this time?”

The Cang Jin King, Purple Bell King, Tiger Spike King, and Luo Feng were all startled.

“Yes, I’ve been inside the sacrificial tower, watching your every move.” Native Gnarled Card smiled, but the smile was eerily chilling, “Originally, I wanted to design …… you to kill each other and die more, you foreigners, you destroyed my tribe back then, the more you die today, the better.”

“But I want to get the talisman even more.”

“I didn’t expect that you, this fellow, would actually take away the talismans of the two powerful people who perished.” The gnarled card pointed at the Cangjin King remotely.

The Cangjin King frowned slightly, this indigenous powerhouse actually knew that he had taken away the talismans, it seemed that he was really monitoring the entire sacrificial tower.

“What do you want the letter talisman for?” Cang Jin Wang drank.

“You said you designed ……” Luo Feng but his brows furrowed, “Is that treasure room ……”

The Purple Bell King, Tiger Thorn King, and Cang Jin King were all shocked at what they heard.

“Clever.” Native Gnarled Red Card quipped, “There is finally a smart guy among you foreigners, haha, I have long been inside the sacrificial tower, that treasure room has been open …… If there is really any treasure, I naturally took it away a long time ago. Which will wait to give you guys to take. Those three hidden treasure boxes …… are just empty boxes, you guys can’t detect them anyway, they are tools used to let you guys kill each other.”


“Empty chests?”

“For the sake of empty chests, the two great sealing kings, Night Star King and Ice Blade, perished?” The Tiger Thorn King roared lowly, and the Cang Jin King, Purple Bell King, and Luo Feng were all surprised.

For the sake of this treasure everyone had put up a fire, the Cang Jin King, Tiger Spur King, and Purple Bell King were all injured and lost some of their Immortal God Body’s.

“Humans. “Indigenous gnarled red card looked at Luo Feng, “When you got those three hidden treasure chests, you should have seen that text content, it clearly states that to open the chests you must be from my own clan, I naturally opened it long ago to get some of the treasure and left the empty chests to design for you.”

“There is this text content.” Luo Feng and the Purple Bell King both frowned slightly.

“Zi Zhong Wang, you saw that text content?” Cang Jin King transmitted a voice, and Violet Bell King also transmitted a voice, “Yes, there is indeed that content. And when we found that cabin, that treasure room door was open, and this aborigine knows every move we make, obviously has been monitoring us, and being able to monitor us, he must have known about that open treasure room, and that there is treasure that he has taken away a long time ago.”


Cang Jin Wang also agreed with this.

“If you don’t believe me, you can take out a treasure chest and give it to me, and I’ll open it for you guys to see.” The Native Gnarled Card snorted.

“Yang, take out your hidden treasure chest.” Cang Jin Wang looked at Luo Feng.

“Take it out.” The purple bell king said.

Luo Feng frowned slightly but still flipped his hand and took out one of the treasure chests, this chest was densely covered with complex ritual secret patterns, how could it not be opened by reliable brute force, Luo Feng casually threw it over.

The indigenous gnarled red card took it, once his hand stroked the edge of the treasure chest, he easily lifted the lid with a click.

The Cang Jin King, Purple Bell King, Luo Feng, and Tiger Spike King were all staring in death.

The inside of the chest was empty, there was nothing.

“Empty hidden treasure chest.” Cang Jin King’s eyes were filled with anger as he let out a low roar, “Bastard.”

He spelled all burned some Immortal God Body, and only now did he realize that the treasure chest he spelled for was actually empty, although the materials of the chest itself were considered valuable, but in the eyes of the Cang Jin King that was not worth mentioning at all.

What he wants is ……

It was the treasure of one of the parts of the Amazing Ritual continent’s aboriginal communities that had fled back then!

“Haha ……” Indigenous gnarled red card laughed loudly, “If it wasn’t for the fact that this human escaped quickly and was about to escape from the core area, I wouldn’t have shown myself. You guys are killing each other, the harder you kill the better.”

“If you didn’t show up, we didn’t know you were there, why did you show up?” Cang Jin King said in a low voice.

Luo Feng, Purple Bell King, and Tiger Stinger King also stared at the native.

The indigenous gnarled card looked at the Cang Jin King and the other four powerhouses with slight disgust, “You foreigners, if it wasn’t for the real treasure in the sacrificial tower, I wouldn’t bother with you.”

“Real treasure?” Luo Feng was secretly shocked.

The Cang Jin King, Purple Bell King and the others were also stunned.

“Haha …… you guys wouldn’t think that a treasure room that could be destroyed by a peak Seal King blowing himself up would be hiding a truly great treasure, would you?” The indigenous gnarled card snorted, “You guys wouldn’t think …… that I, who got the treasure, would still be here to waste time with you guys and joke with my life, right?”

“Yeah.” Luo Feng, the Cang Jin King, the Purple Bell King, and the Tiger Thorn King all woke up in shock.

A treasure inherited from the clan, with a protective hatch so fragile?

“Treasure, divided into light and dark.” Indigenous Gnarled Card indifferently said, “The bright place is the hatch you see, it is true that there are treasures in the treasure chest, but it is very ordinary. And the dark place …… hidden is the real treasure of the clan.

“The treasure in the bright place, as long as it is my own clan clan can open.”

“But the truly great treasure in the dark, not only do you have to be a member of your own clan, but you also have to carry a token in order to open it. Possessing a token is a symbol of status, and clansmen who don’t have one are not qualified to open it.”

Native gnarled Chica said, “Back then, when my clan fled, the clan’s universe honored ones were also worried about ordinary clansmen being controlled by their souls, so they had to carry a token in order to be able to open the Great Treasure Treasure, and those who carry a token “are all Sealed King existences! To soul control a sealed king …… is a very difficult thing.”

Luo Feng, Cang Jin King, Purple Bell King, and Tiger Thorn King also secretly nodded as they listened.

They had to admit.

What this native said made perfect sense and everything was logical.

“If you guys leave, I’ll never be able to get the real treasure, I can’t open it without a token, but without me, you foreigners can’t open it even if you have a token.” Native gnarled chica looked at Luo Feng and the others, “My request is simple, that great treasure, I want half of it!”

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