Chapter 89: To the Death

Release Date: 2024-07-12 00:29:56
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Luo Feng eyemeter swept, this treasure wear body was cast from G grade metal, with that mysterious ritual secret pattern, it was unrealistic to want to go out by force.

“Aborigine, what do you want!” The Cangjin King held the Spear of Thunder and Lightning, his voice booming as he angrily looked at that clan elder, Gnarly Chica.

The Purple Bell King and Tiger Spur King also looked at that gnarled red card icily.

Although the door to the treasure room was now closed and they couldn’t go out, Luo Feng, Cang Jin King and the other four powerhouses weren’t panicking because they could escape through the “Divine Realm Teleportation”, but because they didn’t trust each other and they still wanted to get the treasure, they wouldn’t choose to leave directly for a short time.

Right at this moment…

Outside the treasure room.

Two streams of light were rapidly flying in and stopped outside the treasure room, and they were none other than Menbu and Latimer, who were among the strongest natives.

The two of them were both agitated and agonized as they looked at the two pieces of the token locked on the door of the treasure room.

“Snap! “Snap!” Menbu and Latimer reached out and easily took down the sigils.

They both hesitantly looked toward the treasure room, both of them knowing …… that within the treasure room their clan elder was inside.

“Clan Elder!” Menbu and Latimer agonized in their hearts.

“Don’t go yet!” A voice directly drilled into both of their ears, “Hurry up and go, the clan inheritance can’t have a hint of slackness and carelessness.”


Menbu and Latimer gritted their teeth and immediately turned into streams of light and left this treasure room.

“Clan Elder, you came out alive, you must come out alive.” Menbu, who was running, looked up and shouted hoarsely at the corridor.

“Clan Elder!” Latimer shouted back.

A voice came from the corridor, “I will definitely come out alive if I can, but the probability of me coming out alive is very low, as long as you guys are able to bring back all the inheritance in the inheritance room, I won’t have the slightest bit of regret anymore.”

“Clan Elder!”

“Clan Elder!” Latimer and Menbu burst into tears.

At this moment, in the core control room of the sacrificial tower, God Lord Pu’e was looking at the scene in front of him with both excitement and pain, this plan is the “inheritance plan” formulated by Gnarly Chekka, and the entire plan is to obtain the token more efficiently, and the plan is very simple, that Gnarly Chekka appeared to attract these foreigners with the treasure, and then led them to arrive outside the treasure room to ask for the token. Outside the treasure room, asked for a token to open the treasure, then use this to leave the token on the door, and the gnarled red card is immediately scampered into the treasure room a picture of the appearance of grabbing the treasure, naturally attracted those foreigners to go to grab the treasure, and so on the treasure room door closed dead, the token fell into the hands of the door to the cloth, Latimer.

When the door is closed, the foreigner friends can’t get out.

Menbu and Latimer could naturally head to the inheritance room and take away all the countless inheritances in the inheritance room.

There were two needs for luck in the entire plan:

One was whether or not the Cangjin King and other powerhouses believed in Gnarly Card and were willing to travel with him to the Treasure Room.

Two whether the Cangjin King and other powerhouses will follow Gnarlchka and rush into the treasure room together, and whether any of them will pay attention to the talisman on the door and ask to take it down, but even if they take it down …… Gnarlchka will secretly control the door to fall down and shut down, so that Gnarlchka can just say, “The talisman must be on the door, or else the treasure Room door will shut.”

Overall, both of these harbor a bit of risk.

The gnarled card himself was the first to rush into the treasure room, allowing himself to be trapped in the treasure room as well……. This is the main thing that makes the plan work, assuming that he doesn’t go in, or that he escapes as soon as he enters. Cangjin King and other strong people will naturally follow him won’t be locked up in that treasure room, it will affect the inheritance plan.

“Third Brother.” Divine Lord Pu’e cried out in pain, “You can, you don’t have to enter the treasure room.”

“If I don’t go in, they won’t go in, if they don’t go in …… door cloth they won’t be able to get the token easily, and the inheritance plan will be hindered.” The control room echoed with Gnarly Card’s voice, “All for the sake of the pack!”

“Well, everything for the sake of the pack.” Divine Lord Pu’e also nodded silently.

In the beginning, there were three treasure rooms, the first treasure room contained very few treasures, and it was a Mingzhong treasure room. The second treasure room had a lot of treasures and was a true treasure. The third treasure room had countless secret methods that were suitable for the body structure of the aborigines of the Amazing Ritual Continent, and it was a true community inheritance.

The inheritance room, was the most important of the three treasure rooms to the clan, and Gnarled Red Card could not allow himself to fail. So the …… natural thing for him to enter is the second treasure room.

In the treasure room.

“What am I going to do?” Gnarled Chica, who was pressed against the wall by the Spear of Lightning, smiled as he looked at the Cangjin King, “Strong person of the foreign race, guess what I’m going to do?”

“Still fooling me.” The Cang Jin King’s voice boomed.

Luo Feng frowned as he looked at the gnarled card, he always felt that this gnarled card was in a wrong state, as if he was assured of victory.

“Say, how can you be willing to open that treasure chest.” Cang Jin Wang pointed at the ancient treasure chest that was bound by 12 chains in the center of the entire treasure room.

“Hmph, hmph.” The gnarled card looked at the Cangjin King with a smirk.

“Do you want to die?” The Cangjin King held back his anger and roared lowly.

“Smart!” While being pushed against the spear of lightning, Gnarled Chica looked at Cang Jin King and softly said, “I just want to die!”

Next to him, the Purple Bell King, Tiger Spike King, and Luo Feng were all a bit stunned, and the Cang Jin King was also stunned, then looked at this indigenous powerhouse incredulously.

“I just want to die.”

“Do you hear me?”

“It’s been too long, I’ve lived and suffered for too long. The clan has suffered an extinction disaster, and I’ve been struggling and fighting for countless years, I’m too tired and worn out. It’s time to end it now.” There was a hint of relief in the gnarled card’s eyes, “When I die, I might even be able to drag one or two powerful sealed kings of the foreign races, haha, it’s really delightful.”

“Not good.”

“This aborigine is crazy.” The Purple Bell King, Tiger Spur King, and the two of them, however, were startled.

This aboriginal gnarled red card was also a peak Seal King ah, assuming he blew himself up, the Cangjin King might be fine, but the two of them would be in bad shape.

“The inheritance has finally been obtained.” The gnarled card closed his eyes and smiled, “I’ve also done enough.”


“My love …… from the moment you aged and fell, I wanted to leave with you. It’s just that I can’t, and now …… I’ve come to accompany you to sleep forever in the land of silence.” The smile on the face of the gnarled red card who closed his eyes looked serene, and immediately after that, the energy fluctuations on his body violently erupted.


Seeing the scene in the virtual projection, the Divine Lord Puye in the control room hissed in agony, “No!!!! Third Brother, don’t, don’t do this!”

Shoo! Shoo!

Two streams of light flew into the control room, it was none other than Latimer and Menbu who had received the inheritance, both of them also froze as they looked at the scene in the virtual projection.

“Clan elder!”


Inside the treasure room.

“No!” The Tiger Thorn King’s eyes widened as he fiercely blasted the wall next to him, but the walls of this treasure chamber were too hard.

“Crazy, crazy, crazy!!!” The Purple Clock King gritted his teeth and cursed madly in his heart.

“What a lunatic.” The Cang Jin King also let out a low growl standing there indifferently.

Luo Feng on the other hand wrapped his wings together wrapping himself and silently said, “I wonder if I can survive this.”

The whole body erupted with fearful energy fluctuations gnarly chi ka but smiled, then closed his eyes, “Rumble ……” every cell of the whole body body instantly burned completely erupted with heart palpitating terrifying energy, the immortal god body that had been cultivated for hundreds of millions of years all gathered! At this moment burst!

“Boom …… “The violent energy comparable to the combined strength of a million Realm Lord Kings swept through the entire treasure room.

The treasure room was so big that there was nowhere to hide!

“I can’t die!” The Tiger Thorn King roared.

“Hmph.” The Purple Bell King snorted lowly, the shadow of a purple bell faintly appeared on his body surface.

Luo Feng’s wings wrapped around himself.

The Cang Jin King watched this indifferently.

A powerful energy storm instantly swept through these four powerhouses, at this moment, both the Tiger Spur King and the Purple Bell King put their lives on the line.

“Boom!” The impact after the double weakening of the Wufei Feather and Silver Armor, still shocked Luo Feng’s last layer of Mo Yun Battle Clothes directly to completely shatter, the Mo Yun Battle Clothes toughness was comparable to a Seal King Primary Human, even if the average Seal King Higher Powerful Person was also very difficult to directly shatter off the Mo Yun Battle Clothes.

Shattering it completely meant that the gap was huge.

“Rumble …… “The impact of the double weakening, and then by the Mo Yun war clothes almost completely resisted, stabbing the remaining impact of the body of Luo Feng shook, instantly destroyed 80%, but a large amount of energy infusion under the rapid repair again.

The Cang Jin King, Purple Bell King, and Tiger Thorn King without the Wuxia Feathers and Armor are all different.

Cang Jin Wang stood there indifferently, his body was shattered instantly but immediately coalesced again, still indifferent expression, coldly looking at Purple Clock King, Tiger Thorn King, Luo Feng.

The misery in the treasure room was needless to say, while in the core control room.

PuE, Latimer, MenBu however were all in immense pain, the clan was destroyed, they had been struggling under the leadership of Gnarly Card, Gnarly Card was their spiritual leader, had been shielding them from the wind and the rain, many difficulties and dangers had been solved by Gnarly Card, and now that they had gotten the inheritance, Gnarly Card was gone forever.

“This is a piece of last words left by the master before he perished, asking me to show it to you after his death.” The voice of the sacrificial tower intelligence resounded through the control room.

Puet, Latimer, and Menbu all held their breath.

At the same time Gnarly Card’s voice rang out.

“Pue, Latimer, and Menbu, when you hear this I have perished, forgive me, I am an escapist! For billions of years, I was only supporting myself for my beliefs, now that the inheritance has been obtained and I am satisfied, I will leave the following to you. Remember, that treasure room door has been closed, those foreign races can’t get out at all, and they can’t open the treasure chest, I believe that they will ultimately choose the Divine Kingdom to teleport away, once they leave, one of you will arrange for one of you to quietly go and fetch the treasure in that treasure chest!”

“This is the most perfect outcome, assuming no other foreign races arrive, you guys immediately enter the divine Kingdom through the spatial passage and destroy it.”

“Make a two-handed plan.”

“Pue, my brother, Latimer, Menbu, children, the future of the pack is in your hands, forgive me for running away ……” No more voices.

Pue, Latimer, and Menbu couldn’t help but cry.

These immortal deities who survived after the annihilation of the clan had supported each other for billions of years, their feelings had long been incomparably deep, and Gnarly Chica was like an elder brother who had been shielding the clan from the wind and rain.

“You’re not running away, Third Brother, you’re not running away, you’re just too tired, too tired and need to rest.” Pu’e chanted, while next to him, Latimer and Menbu had long been sobbing uncontrollably.

For the sake of the clan, their clan elder Gnarly Chica …… perished ……

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