Chapter 99: The name is “Fimo

Release Date: 2024-07-12 00:30:23
A+ A- Turn Off Light

It is easy to spend 560 billion mixed units, but how can it be used most effectively? Luo Feng, who was lying in the pool, was also very confused in his mind. There are so many treasures in the universe, and Luo Feng alone knows countless of them. There are also many that Luo Feng himself does not know.

“I have several major moves now.”

“Golden Horned Beast, Zerg Legion, Vulcanite Explosion, and the Arm of the Sky.” Luo Feng thought, “I’m already strong, I should strengthen myself.”

“The Zerg Legion!” Luo Feng’s eyes lit up, and he suddenly stood up from the pool. “If I can upgrade the Zerg Queen Irina to the Immortal level, the immortal Zerg Queen… carrying the immortal Zerg Legion, that would be invincible against the universe’s masters. If I can succeed, it would be worth it to spend all 560 billion.”

The more he thought about it, the more he looked forward to it.

The Zerg Queen can control 10,000 Zerg warriors at once, and each of them can unleash attacks that contain the laws. Or she can control millions of Zerg warriors with precision, and although they cannot unleash attacks that contain the laws, they can still hit wherever they want.

Back then, the Zerg Queen controlled 10,000 Immortals, and her power was already overwhelming.

If it controls millions of immortals?


The more he thought about it, the brighter Luo Feng’s eyes became. He couldn’t help but say, “Let’s ask Irina.”

The inner world, the Zerg island.


Luo Feng, dressed in black, returned directly from the world ring to the insect island in the inner world.

“Whoosh!” With butterfly wings, the beautiful Irina flew directly into the sky, then bowed gracefully in front of Luo Feng: “Master.”

“Irina,” said Luo Feng in black, “I’m asking you, how much will it cost to evolve into an immortal?”

“Master, you…” Irina looked at Luo Feng in surprise.

“Just tell me,” said Luo Feng, with a sense of wealth and arrogance.

Irina smiled lightly, her voice clear and pleasant: “Master seems to have an amazing amount of wealth, but it is very difficult for my queen to become immortal. The materials alone would cost nearly 100 billion mixed units.”

“Buy.” Luo Feng’s eyes lit up.

“Master, please listen to me finish,” said Irina. “This is an external condition, but it also requires internal! My queen needs to have a high level of understanding of the laws, either the laws of space or the laws of time! It is impossible to become immortal by comprehending the laws of gold, the laws of wood, or any other law. You must achieve a high level of accomplishment in the laws of space or the laws of time.”

Luo Feng frowned slightly.


Irina explained, “The truly intelligent life forms in the universe all need to achieve a high level of enlightenment in the laws in order to become immortal! It is not enough to rely on external material alone. Just like humans, no matter what, they must at least understand one of the laws of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, lightning, and light in order to successfully become immortal. If there is no achievement in the laws, even more treasures are useless. The same goes for the Queen of the Zerg. As one of the most advanced species, the Zerg Queen, who is truly considered a wise life form, is very difficult to become immortal. The requirements for understanding the laws are extremely high, and the requirements for external material conditions are also extremely high, a double requirement.

“But the Morwing vine you use is different. Plants like these have very low intelligence, they are more like ‘things’, and they don’t have high requirements for the laws of the universe. They can evolve by relying on external factors, and once they evolve, the universe will naturally make them realize the laws of the universe that are similar to their own attributes.”

“But this kind of thing…”

“It can only happen to some plant life, insect warriors… and other creatures with very low intelligence. Other truly intelligent life forms need to achieve success in the laws.” Irina said, “I have now comprehended the law of fire, but I am still far from the law of space. No matter how many treasures I have, I can’t become immortal.”

Luo Feng listened with a sense of disappointment, but he also understood.

Yes, insectoid warriors like those that can be mass-produced have only pure wildness and extremely low intelligence. In the early days, the “Muyun Vine” and “Star-Eating Grass” also only had instincts and some simple emotions such as love and hate. When they became immortal, the Muyun Vine was able to communicate with Luo Feng’s consciousness for the first time and conduct a normal consciousness dialogue!

“For other intelligent life forms, humans, machines, demons, the Zerg queen, the Protoss, the natives of the Yanshi continent, the Thunder Spring tribe, the Qitang tribe, and so on, the most difficult thing to become immortal is to understand the laws.” Luo Feng sighed, thinking that he had been wrong from the beginning. He had thought that the Zerg relied on resources to evolve, and those Zerg warriors did rely on resources, but the Zerg’s most fundamental “Queen” were truly advanced lifeforms, and their requirements for the law were extremely high. Irina had comprehended the law of fire, but it was still not enough.

“I haven’t fully understood the law, so you don’t have to prepare various resources and treasures for me.” Irina smiled slyly. “But when I feel that I’m almost there, I’ll have to rely on you.”

“Well, no problem,” Luo Feng replied cheerfully, but he was not happy at all.

He went away with high hopes, but returned disappointed.

“That’s right, the immortal queen of the insect race is invincible in the universe, so it’s not easy to break through.” Luo Feng immediately sent a trace of consciousness into the virtual universe.

Virtual universe.

Virtual universe, Luo Feng’s manor in the primitive area of Yuxiangshan.

Luo Feng sat at his desk, looking at the screen, searching for detailed information on various treasures.

“Black hole weapon, can instantly turn the target into a small black hole, only the Supreme Being can survive?”

“Soul-destroying aurora, collected from the mysterious light storage in the secret universe. Once a soul-destroying aurora is released, even a Supreme Being will be injured, and the Supreme Being will definitely die?”

“The weapon of the still wind. In a certain secret universe, there is a still wind belt. The still wind is a ‘wind’ formed by a peculiar substance in the secret universe. In the depths of the still wind belt… even if a universe master is blown by the wind, his immortal body will be crushed like powder and then annihilated. This weapon of the still wind is made from the still wind collected from the outer area. Anyone who is hit by it will definitely die…”

“The Caso weapon, named after the discoverer, is a strange metal that has a strong destructive effect on the immortal god body. A Caso dagger made entirely of Caso metal, when stabbed into the body of a King Sealing Limit Strong, will instantly cause the body to collapse and perish.”

One weapon after another.

These are all customizable weapons, and many of them can be made by humans themselves.

Luo Feng searched with the goal of “the universe’s supreme being will definitely die,” and he found a total of 203 weapons in one go, which made Luo Feng dizzy.

“My goodness.”

“Are all the universe masters destined to die?”

“It seems that the immortal gods are very fragile, and some of these weapons have primitive power that can seriously harm the universe.” Luo Feng was stunned. 21 of these weapons were technological weapons made by the mechanical race, 3 were technological weapons made by humans, and the rest were all weapons made from special materials collected from the universe.

“But it’s no wonder that I’ve never seen anyone use them on the battlefield outside the territory.”

“Who can afford to use this stuff?”

“If anyone uses it, once it spreads, I’m afraid they will be besieged by countless kings to seize this weapon.” Luo Feng looked at the price tag and thought, the cheapest of these customizable weapons is 6 trillion! The average is over 10 trillion… this price is enough to make the universe dignitaries tremble.

Whoever holds such a weapon is simply holding a super treasure.

How much is the treasure in the sacrificial tower?

A weapon worth more than 10 trillion mixed grass places, once exposed, will naturally make countless immortal gods go crazy and fight for it!

“You can only look at it.”

“I can’t afford it.”

Luo Feng suddenly felt that he was a poor man, and he could only afford a fraction of any of these weapons. In fact, if you think about it, you know that some technological weapons, such as the “black hole weapon,” are very complicated to manufacture and require high conditions. And weapons like the Soul-Destroying Aurora and the Silent Wind… they need to be collected from dangerous places, and they need to be stored and ready to use, and they need to be used often. Some of those dangerous places are where the universe’s masters may fall, so it’s no surprise that they’re expensive.

The Zerg Queen cannot become immortal, and she cannot afford the kind of weapon that can defeat the universe’s masters, so she can only settle for the next best thing.


Luo Feng began to study again and again. Like many items that were “treasure troves” that he could not see with his own authority, and many shops in Hongmeng City, with Luo Feng’s 560 billion cash deposits… naturally qualified to enter some of the important places in the shops. Those important places were often where the cosmic masters went to buy treasures.

“I only found three materials in the third level of the Treasure Vault, but I found 18 materials in the many shops in Hongmeng City, almost all of them. But they are really expensive…”

“It’s too difficult to fully cultivate the “World of the Original Deity.”

After spending more than a month researching the many shops in Hongmeng City through network access, Luo Feng finally made a final decision. He had to be careful this time, because he would only be able to get 560 billion this time. He didn’t know when he would be able to get such a huge amount of wealth next time.

He spent about 110 billion Hunyuan units to purchase the expensive resources that allowed the Golden Horned Beast to cultivate the “True Self of the Universe” to the realm of 16 times the amplitude. (It costs 10.2 billion Hunyuan units to reach the second level of “True Self of the Universe”).

Spent about 130 billion Hunyuan units to purchase four Fire God Source Crystals (each costing nearly 30 billion Hunyuan units), as well as a large amount of Water God Source Crystals (which cost over 10 billion Hunyuan units and are the most suitable energy source for the Arm of the Sky) to supply the Arm of the Sky.

Spent a total of 300 billion mixed units to purchase 1 kg of “Fimo” venom.

Spent 8 billion credits to upgrade the Cloud Vine from the peak of the Seal of the Marquis to the initial level of the Seal of the King.

There were some other small expenses, but the huge wealth of 560 billion gained this time was almost completely used up.

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