Chapter 14 – The Fall of the Most Powerful One

Release Date: 2024-07-12 14:38:51
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Inside the hall hall inside the tomb tomb boat.

The Golden Horned Beast Luo Feng was standing there on all four hooves, looking outside from a distance, while in his heart there was a pang of fear: “What kind of power is that black air current? It feels like a power that is diametrically opposed to divine power, just like water and fire, light and darkness, diametrically opposed …… and I’ve never heard of this kind of power.”

That feeling of powerlessness just now made Luo Feng afraid.

Anyone who was strong was simply unable to resist. Even the Broken East River lineage heritage had never been documented or covered up by the primordial universe will.


“This, is the reason why the primordial universe wants to kill the three of them.” Luo Feng suddenly had a moment of realization.


If this kind of “black air current” power, every strongest person in the universe had it. Then it shouldn’t be a secret! He should know about it himself, and it wouldn’t be so bad that even the Broken East River lineage didn’t record it. Obviously this “black air current” is not an ordinary power, that Hao Lei Star Lord at first would rather escape but did not use, and finally was forced to death, this is crazy to use out.

“A strange object is forbidden to enter the primordial universe. The Lord of Gaki Ao, who possessed a strange object, was also killed, and in the end, the strange object was still expelled.” Luo Feng silently said, “Black air current, the owner of this mysterious power, ‘Hao Lei Star Lord’, similarly caused the primordial universe will to want to kill it.”

“And ……”

“Why do the three of them want the giant axe to die?”

Luo Feng instantly swept many thoughts through his mind, he vaguely felt that this cosmic sea wasn’t as simple as it appeared. Hao Lei Star Lord, Zhen Jia King, and Gnarled Rock Ancestor God …… the three of them must have a big secret.

Luo Feng’s thoughts were so fast, he was still staring out, at the same time, his divine power was manipulating the Star Pagoda to suppress the “Hao Lei Star Lord”, no matter if it was his own body or a doppelganger, the manipulation of the supreme treasure was the same. Rumbling …… super high speed flying tomb boat directly impacted on the Hao Lei Star Lord.

How big was the ten billion kilometer long Tomb Raft?

Once it was impacted, trying to fly to avoid the impact surface, with the Hao Lei Star Lord’s current pathetic speed, it would be flying for three days without being able to fly out of the impact range.

“Boom ……”

Under the terrifying impact.

“Ah, he still has a bilocation here! Damn human!” Hao Lei Star Lord was instantly in a collapsing situation, he had thought that if he killed Luo Feng, then the supreme treasures and treasures that Luo Feng manipulated were no longer manipulated, naturally they were no longer a threat, even though he had lost a lot, he had gotten many treasures, so he had made up for it.

Even if Luo Feng had a doppelganger, but if the doppelganger was in the primordial universe and was far away, it wouldn’t help at all.

But the fact is ……

Luo Feng’s other split “Golden Horned Beast Split Moon” was in the Tomb Boat!

Luo Feng is always on the alert for danger, he doesn’t dare to be too arrogant, even though he is very confident now, he still has a hand. For example, his two big god body, naturally not together, the honored one is adventurous, the Golden Horned Beast is placed in the tomb boat, even if the honored one is in danger, the Golden Horned Beast is still safe and sound, can save the situation.

This habitual leaving a hand …… made Luo Feng dodge a bullet this time.

If at the beginning of his two big split to kill out, I’m afraid that the end is two big split by the “black air current” killed, all the treasures by the Hao Lei Star Lord to get away.

“No matter how confident I am, I still have to save a hand.” Luo Feng secretly rejoiced.

“No, no ……” Hao Lei Star Lord was suppressed by the Star Pagoda, and was hit by the endless majestic tomb tomb boat towards the back of the core vortex, he was unable to resist the impact of the tomb tomb boat, and could only keep being hit and fly backwards. …… had already entered the range of the core vortex.

“I fought until now, I tried my best, I gambled everything …… just to transcend reincarnation ah, not to die here. No, it shouldn’t be.” The Hao Lei Star Lord was agonized and frantic.

“I’m not willing.”

“I’m not willing to die at the hands of a Cosmic Lord ah!”

Accompanied by the unwilling roar, the Hao Lei Star Lord was suppressed and crashed into the core vortex by the Tomb Tomb Boat, the terrifying strangling and tearing force of the core vortex of the Spinning Zephyr Sea was constantly acting on his entire body, only to see that his lightning giant body was soon torn apart and began to shatter, even if there was a supreme supreme jewel divine armor to protect the weakening attack, the impact through the divine armor still caused his body to be plunged into a state of destruction.

In just a moment, accompanied by a final roar, “I’m not willing!!!”

Everything returned to silence.

The bottom of the massive Tomb Tomb Boat directly opened up, and an incomparably huge entrance appeared. Even in this core vortex,…… the tomb tomb boat is still incomparably stable, directly the perished “Hao Lei Star Lord” a large number of treasures quickly swept in, even the Star Tower also got the whole thing in.

Immediately closed the bottom of the huge hatch, the tomb of the boat and steady fly out.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The Blood Shadow Knife, Silver Four Wings, Mad Demon Destruction Armor …… and all other treasures floating in the seawater immediately flew towards the Tomb Tomb Boat and flew directly in along the side hatch.

Inside the Tomb Tomb Boat, the main cabin at the bottom.

A golden horned beast is walking on the corridor, during the walking process, suddenly the golden horned beast’s body divine power continuously escaping towards the outside, cohesion on the side to converge into a humanoid, soon, cohesion into the Earthman himself. The Earthling himself had 90% of his divine body at the moment, while the Golden Horn Beast’s split body only had nearly 10% of its divine body.

“No matter what, leave a bilocation within the Tomb Raft. At least at the critical moment, one can also bring back the supreme treasure.” Luo Feng secretly celebrated.

After this calamity, one had to be even more vigilant.

Luo Feng and the Golden Horned Beast both walked to the railing and looked down at the large amount of items in the huge to almost limitless bilge below, there were treasures such as the Star Tower and other treasures, as well as trophies left behind by the Hao Lei Star Lord after he perished, as well as some of the fragments of the body of the Hao Lei Star Lord after his death.

“Come.” Luo Feng beckoned.

One by one, the Blood Shadow Blade, Star Pagoda, Mad Demon Destruction Armor, and so on immediately flew in and merged into the body of the Honored One.

“The strongest people in the universe are different, they can even keep corpses after death.” Luo Feng laughed as he looked downwards at those body fragments, the strongest person in the universe downwards, and the strongest person in the universe, were very different life forms. Different life forms, determines the strength is vastly different, because the rules suppress …… only to make them play to the level of the Lord of the Universe 10,000 times the genetic divine power.

If there is no suppression.

Even with the help of the environment, with the Tomb Boat, and with the help of The Broken Destruction, it would have been impossible for himself to kill one of the Universe’s strongest people like this.

“Let’s see, what treasures are there.” Luo Feng began to leisurely conduct an inspection of the loot.

And at this moment –

In the different regions of the three great Jedi in the Cosmic Sea, something bizarre was happening.

“Danger ahead, let’s work together-” deep within the inner domain of the Tilting Peak Realm, six universe lords were carefully and vigilantly observing ahead, one of them was still speaking, but suddenly the Thunderstorm Star clan powerhouse among them was directly collapsing without a sound, his godly body was unharmed, but his life breath had dissipated. But the breath of life has been dissipated.

The other five Masters of the Universe were stupefied.


“How, how did they suddenly perish without a sound? No one attacked either.

“Ah, could it be the collapse of the small universe he lived in? Small universe collapse …… all the life hosted in this small universe all perished. Ah, could it be that Star Lord Hao Lei has perished?”

“I heard that Hao Lei Star Lord fought with Galaxy Lord Luo Feng, could it be ……”

In the same instant, all over the cosmic sea, by the major powers alone, there were enough six Cosmic Lords of the Thunderstorm Star Clan who had directly perished without any breath of life. This caused the various forces to immediately contact the 15 Masters of the Universe who were watching the battle at the “Spinning Zephyr Sea” reef area.

On the central reef of the Sea of Spinning Zephyr, the 15 Masters of the Universe were all watching the battle.

The 15 Masters of the Universe were all inside their respective palace treasures, watching the battle with apprehension and anxiety, sensing the fluctuations.

“Is the Hao Lei Star Lord dead?”

“Have you guys found anything?”

One by one, the news came.

These 15 universe lords all communicated with their respective friends, and the leaders of their various races, “Nope, can’t see it at all, Luo Feng and the Hao Lei Star Lord are both fighting at the bottom of the Spinning Zephyr Sea, we don’t dare to go down at all. Just now the area around the wanton was shaking, but now it’s quiet.”

“Didn’t see it, you’re saying that several cosmic lords of the Thunderstorm Star Clan, without being attacked, directly perished? Ah yes, just now Luo Feng and the Hao Lei Star Lord were fighting at the bottom of the sea, surely, the Hao Lei Star Lord must have died, otherwise it can’t be explained.”

“Clan Ancestor, hurry to the Hao Lei Star Lord’s small universe, once he died, the small universe disintegrated, there must be several universe lords and a large number of universe honored ones inside. Suddenly perished, the treasures can all become ownerless …… There is also the Thunderstorm Star Clan’s clan inventory, which must also be hidden within the small universe. Quick! Humans are still in the Primordial Universe, even if they want to arrive it will take a long time, our Clan Universe, which is closer to the Thunderstorm Star Clan’s side, will be able to arrive soon. Hurry!”

Right at this moment-

“Rumble ……”

The incomparably huge ancient ship, from the distant whirlpool of the core of the Spinning Ze Sea directly broke through the water and came out, covering the sky and the ground, and flew towards the distance with great vigor and absolute confidence and arrogance.

Those 15 Cosmic Lords who were originally transmitting with their friends and clans were instantly dumbstruck.

Immediately following, even began to notify.

“Patriarch, I see it, it’s the Tomb Tomb Boat, it’s the Tomb Tomb Boat! The Tomb Tomb Boat just flew out of the Sea of Spinning Zephyr …… didn’t see the Hao Lei Star Lord, it must be that the Hao Lei Star Lord is dead. Too, too unbelievable, the strongest person in the universe has perished one. How the hell did this Luo Feng do it.”

“It’s the tomb tomb boat, didn’t see the Hao Lei Star Lord, didn’t see it.”

Many forces throughout the cosmic sea were the first to know, there were even many forces that immediately guessed that the Hao Lei Star Lord’s small universe disintegrated, that’s a large amount of treasures can be ownerless, at once many cosmic lords and even the strongest in the universe, quickly rushed towards that. They all thought-

Even Luo Feng, I’m afraid he didn’t think he would win.

So I’m afraid the human race hadn’t arranged for anyone to be outside the small universe of the Hao Lei star lord.

Endless chaotic currents filled the air.

The black pyramid hovered, and within the black pyramid, the Dark Lord was keeping his eyes on the huge mini universe far outside.

Suddenly, an email was sent directly to him through the virtual universe.

The content of the email was just seven words – “Hao Lei is dead, sweep away!”

The Lord of Darkness stared wide-eyed and froze for a full three seconds, then roared in a low voice, “To have actually gotten one of the strongest people in the universe killed, this my master nephew, awesome! Hahaha …… disintegrating small universe, I’m coming.” Riding the Black Prison Tower, the Lord of Darkness immediately flew towards that small universe, when a close, he already saw that the surface of the small universe began a layer of detachment, cracking.

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