Chapter 18 – Five Pairs of Feathers

Release Date: 2024-07-12 14:39:01
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“You can’t escape!” The Lord of the闇堣 looked at the white jade-colored boat in the distance, filled with endless battle intent, and the black four wings behind him instantly erupted with five rays of light, and the five bands of light representing the might of the five Laws of Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth instantly shot up into the sky like rainbows, directly shrouding over towards the white jade-colored boat in the distance.

In the view of the Lord of the Equipment Line.

Even if the other party hid within the palace treasure and didn’t come out, he could still trap the other party through the Binding Mysteries, then get the other party to some extremely dangerous environment in the inner domain of the Tilting Peak Realm and kill the other party through the dangerous environment. After that, that ownerless treasure …… alone will be attracted by the summoning of each other, and I am afraid that it will actively fly to him.

“Treasure.” The Lord of the闇堣涔嬩富 was incomparably looking forward to it.

“The Lord of the闇堣!” A voice rang out.

“Eh?” The Lord of the Order Line was stunned and suddenly felt bad, only to see the white jade-colored boat stop in the distance, from which a man with six silver-colored wings walked out.

The Lord of the line to the silver six wings is also a happy, because his wings is the color of silver, but when he saw the man …… his face suddenly changed, human beings? Black hair? Silver wings? At once a name came to mind – Luo Feng!!!! The object of his greatest jealousy, how could he not know?

The Lord of the Universe who didn’t have a palace type supreme supreme treasure in his hands simply had no chance of survival when he met Luo Feng.

“No!” The lord of the闇堣 turned his head and flew towards the three tier spire behind him.

Knowing full well that he couldn’t run away.

But he was unwilling! He was in the holy land universe for 18 reincarnation times ah, how long, finally came to the universe sea …… He felt that his road to fame and fortune in the universe sea had just begun, he was not willing to die, not willing ah, knowing that he could not run away, he had to run …… Doing everything he could in the desire to grab a sliver of life! .

“Escape what escape?” Luo Feng shook his head, “How nice to chat.”

Luo Feng’s left hand stretched out, in his palm was a compact star tower.


The star tower flew out directly and quickly grew bigger, an abyssal black hole even appeared at the base and was pointed at the lord of the equipment line from afar. An incomparably powerful swallowing force directly on the “Lord of the Line”, so that originally flew to the side of the three-tiered spire of the Lord of the Line instantly hissed in pain.

Only to see that the Lord of the Plantation Line flew towards the Star Tower without any resistance.

“Why, why don’t you give me a chance, give me a chance to survive.” The Lord of闇堣 had no motivation to even struggle, he had previously had the luxury of hoping that Luo Feng wouldn’t use his killing moves, then given some time he might be able to escape.

For the Lord of the Universe ……

Star Tower swallowing, it was a nightmare! I didn’t expect Luo Feng to come with such a killing move.

“You’re very cooperative, if you weren’t from the purple moon holy land, I might have spared your life, but unfortunately you’re from the purple moon holy land, let’s let you die dryly.” Luo Feng shook his head, the star pagoda that was originally swallowing and sucking was instantly driven by Luo Feng with the fourth secret pattern, performing the “smash” move.

Even for the sake of a dry and crisp death, Luo Feng also executed the “Broken Destruction” in an instant!


Star tower with endless power, lightning-like directly bombarded on the head of the Lord of the闇堣’s head with four faces, the Lord of the闇堣’s original sixteen arms to block at the same time, but the arms were directly smashed to pieces and then smashed on his head …… followed by …… BOOM! The whole completely annihilated.

Eighth order top might, kill a just out of the holy land universe, not even peak supreme treasure armor, God body defense in front of comparable to the fourth order top of the line of the Lord of the Lord of the line of the line of the line of the line of the line of the line of the line of the line of the line of the Lord of the line of the line?

Too weak.

The only advantage of the Lord of the Recorded Row was the binding, as for the combat power defense and so on were all at the level of the fourth order, and only the binding and escaping were powerful enough to be designated as the fifth order. Not even the top of the fifth order.

The top of the eighth order kills the top of the fourth order, a difference of four levels.

As if the fifth order top (Chaos City Lord) to kill the first order top (is just become the Lord of the Universe, even the genes are only a hundred times, to the treasure is also very poor, theoretically the weakest Lord of the Universe)…… naturally, a move, a second to kill! After all, it is and Hao Lei Star Lord’s strongest power comparable to the attack ah, to kill a defense of the top level of the fourth order, naturally easy.

Star tower smashed, instant annihilation.

Only some armor, feathers, a three-tiered spire, and many other supreme treasures were left floating around.

“Whoosh!” The two pairs of those feathered wings that had changed back to silver color instantly turned into silver light and flew directly towards Luo Feng.

“Collect.” Luo Feng waved his hand and put away all the other supreme treasures of that Lord of the闇堣涔嬩富, he didn’t bother to check what treasures the Lord of the闇堣涔嬩富 could have for the time being, after all, in Luo Feng’s mind …… how many good treasures could a guy who had just come out of the holy land universe have? It was considered good to have two pairs of feather wings.

“Feather wings.”

Luo Feng grabbed those two pairs of flying silver feather wings, then grinned, directly flew into his clean white jade color boat, after all, Wuicide feather wings is an absolute super powerful treasure, the breath pressure of the feather fusion is also very strong, it’s still better to test it within the tomb tomb boat.

Purple Moon Holy Land Universe.


“Luo Feng!!!” With a mournful roar, the divine power incarnation of the Lord of the Ordering Line directly dissipated, and the guards who were originally standing outside the palace all froze.

Great Lord of the Universe, what happened?

The divine power avatar dissipated?


“Eh?” At the core of the Purple Moon Sacred Land Universe at the place of the One Universe Origin, a purple figure turned his head to look distantly, his gaze passing through the space-time obstacles and directly seeing the palace. This was after all his small universe, everything that happened in the small universe …… as long as he deliberately understood it, even if he reversed space and time he could check what happened in the past.

He valued Luo Feng.

And since a universe lord under his command had perished and called out Luo Feng’s name before he perished, it naturally caused him to pay attention.

“Jiexing? Perished? Luo Feng?” The Violet Moon Patriarch immediately ordered with a voice transmission, “Awakening!”


The Juehua True God within his divine hall suddenly heard a voice ringing in his head and immediately even responded respectfully.

The Violet Moon Patriarch added, “The Lord of the闇堣 has perished, it should be Luo Feng who killed him. Pass on the order …… to have all our universe lords around the area where the Lord of the Preservation Line is located to be careful.”

True God Jue Hua was shocked beyond belief, wasn’t the Lord of the Pilgrimage in the Pilgrimage Realm? Luo Feng should be in the universe boat? Yes, Luo Feng has been in hiding for so long, with the fastest speed of the universe lord, he can almost reach the region where the lord of the闇堣, immediately even responded, “Yes, originator, I’ll pass on the order.”

The ink black boat was breaking through the air and moving forward, obviously Luo Feng had changed the color of the tomb tomb boat again.

What reaction would the death of the闇堣 cause in the Purple Moon Holy Land, Luo Feng didn’t care, he was now completely staring at his Wu Slayer Feather.

“Rumble ……”

Inside the tomb tomb boat, in the inheritance space.

Luo Feng raised his head to look high up in the sky, only to see the huge five pairs of feather wings high up in the sky were unfolding to their heart’s content, at the same time the five pairs of feather wings were still frantically fitting and connecting with each other, emitting a burst of pressure that was getting stronger and stronger, and was even stronger than the Black Prison Pagoda, Yanjun Stick, and Hao Lei Battle Armor which were the most powerful supreme treasures that Luo Feng had ever seen.

“Just five pairs of feathers and the pressure is so ridiculously strong.”

“What a treasure.” Luo Feng marveled.

Everything was expected, after all, two pairs of feather wings were second only to strong supreme treasures, what about three pairs? What about four pairs? What about five pairs and six pairs? According to Luo Feng’s speculation, even if it was several levels higher than a normal supreme strength supreme treasure it should be. After all, two pairs of wings are second only to a supreme treasure, then theoretically three pairs of wings should have the power of a supreme treasure.

In midair ……

The changes were still going on, as the five pairs of feather wings continued to change and combine internally, it also caused many secret patterns to integrate with each other, forming even more massive and complex secret patterns, and finally, everything came to a halt.

“Wuicide feather wings.” Luo Feng pointed from afar, and divine power immediately poured in.


“There really is damage.” Luo Feng said softly.

Without comparing, compared to the previous two pairs of feathers that were repaired after the energy of the blade inside the “source” was absorbed, these new two pairs of feathers were obviously at a different level. Especially when the divine power flowed through them,……, the power was obviously greatly weakened.

“Last time it consumed a large amount of blade energy inside the ‘source’, I hope I can save it this time, there’s still the expected sixth pair of feather wings yet to be found.” Luo Feng lamented.


Source, was originally placed by Luo Feng inside the first pair of feather wings of the Wuicide feather wings, at this moment, as Luo Feng manipulated the two pairs of newly obtained feather wings to absorb, at once …… the massive amount of mighty and terrifying blade energy stored inside the “source” quickly surged out, the naked eye can see that A channel of blade light emerged from the interior, in the regicide Wu feather wings surface constantly flow, especially the third pair, the fourth pair of wings, as if the dry riverbed, those flowing blade light once touch these two pairs of wings will be swallowed.

“Have to wait slowly.” Luo Feng immediately sat down on his knees and waited quietly.

He was very experienced.

Because the last time he devoured the energy of the “source” to repair the two pairs of wings, it took a day and a half.

Time passed by, about 35 hours later, the terrifying fluctuations in the sky finally stopped, knowing that every blade of light was more terrifying than the attack of the strongest person in any universe. Even peak palace supreme treasures would be shattered under the attack, how strong were the fluctuations?

“Wuicide, how much of the source’s energy was consumed?” Luo Feng even asked after him.

“Last time it consumed about 20%, and this time it also consumed about 20%.” Kingslayer Wu responded.

Luo Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.


The blade storm energy within the source was still sixty percent left! Then there was only the last pair of feathers left …… Even if they had to be repaired, the energy would be enough.

“The energy in the source is an existence far beyond the strongest person in the universe, I don’t know if it is more than one level or more, in any case, it is definitely above! That kind of existence in the “source” in the conversion of stored energy, is absolutely their own hands of the biggest trump card, the most terrible trump card.

Unconsciously scattered sweeping, can destroy the peak of the palace treasure, if it is concentrated together, the strongest treasure must be finished.

Especially through the blade, it was even more terrifying.

Luo Feng had never used it, in the primordial universe he couldn’t afford to use it, in the cosmic sea it was unnecessary.

In the primordial universe, there was an iron rule – even the strongest attack from a single person would be suppressed to the top of the sixth rank. The energy in the “source” is from a strong person, if it explodes and is suppressed to the top of the sixth order by the present rule of the entire primordial universe, Luo Feng will regret it to death.

Although he doubted whether the primordial universe origin could suppress it, he was not willing to gamble. After all, this “source” in the cosmic sea …… is absolutely sweeping everything.

However, in the cosmic sea, one had to look for a suitable opportunity, after all, right now Luo Feng’s own strength could deal with most dangers.

“Come here!” Luo Feng’s mind moved, the five pairs of feathered wings high in the air quickly landed and directly merged into Luo Feng’s back, only to see Luo Feng’s ten wings behind him unfolding as much as he could, at the same time as the divine power was urged, the clattering …… Wuxia feathered wings unexpectedly extended a set of silver armor, quickly enveloping Luo Feng’s entire body.

“Battle armor? A battle armor at the level of a supreme supreme treasure?” Luo Feng was dumbstruck.

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