Chapter 21: The Treasure of Jie Fanzi

Release Date: 2024-07-12 14:39:08
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Luo Feng riding the tomb boat, speaking into the universe boat inner domain, breaking through a terrible dangerous area, although not afraid of the road but also has been careful to hide, is to want to let the Purple Moon Sacred Ground universe side of the powerful can be careless …… once found a natural unmercifully with the Star Tower to catch away! Both can ruthlessly deal with the Purple Moon Holy Land, but also can get some treasure, how good?

Just until he spent nearly 900 years finally arrived at the green chamber space area, have not found a Purple Moon Holy Land’s strong man.

“The Purple Moon Holy Land is also too careful and vigilant.”

“I didn’t even find a single one after such a long journey, it seems like every single universe lord within the universe boat is carefully hidden.” Luo Feng couldn’t help but sigh and shake his head, universe boat after all is extremely vast, his own view of this kind of high speed forward, the other side swaggering their own may be able to find, but the other side is careful to hide, simply can’t be found.

Looking at the vast space ahead, the front is already the green colored token chamber space area.


The ink-colored boat flew forward at high speed.

To be able to arrive in nearly 900 years, the Tomb Tomb Boat deserves a lot of credit. After all, many dangerous places can be brute force rushed through …… After all, even if it is a supreme supreme treasure that can resist some dangers, but it will also be impacted by some terrifying environments to fly around. But the tomb tomb boat is very stable, by virtue of this move …… Luo Feng along the way, specializing in seeking some of the place where there are treasures out of the world, and actually also got an ordinary peak supreme treasure, two top supreme treasures, a high supreme treasure.

When Chaos City Lord and Luo Feng chatted, he had said, “Tomb tomb boat, untouchable, the three great Jedi, ninety percent of the terrible dangers are ineffective against it, may also be on the core area to make it stop …… relying on this tomb tomb boat alone to search for treasures, afraid of the efficiency of the strongest than any. ”

“Riding the Tomb Tomb boat, traveling the three great Jedi regions and searching for many treasures, it’s really a beautiful thing.” Luo Feng was inside the tomb tomb boat, looking at a building suspended on a huge blade in the distance, going closer to sense, “When I get the treasures left behind by Jie Fanzi, I’ll roam the three great jedi.”

To roam the three great jedi, one only needed to detach a sliver of consciousness.

Luo Feng’s main focus was still on cultivation.

It took two days.

Luo Feng found his own “green colored token space chamber”.

“This is the one.” The dark green boat slowed down and slowly descended onto a huge blade, the hatch opened and Luo Feng stepped out of it, looking up at the building on the blade in front of him.

“Black token chamber, green colored token chamber, same nothing beautiful.” Luo feng waved his hand, the tomb tomb boat was put away, then he directly strolled towards the ancient building in front of him, as soon as his body touched it, it was like touching the water, he directly penetrated through and entered the interior of the spatial chamber.

Luo Feng appeared in mid-air and took a look, there were nine huge blazing fireballs in the void, each fireball was a thousand times bigger than a normal star.

The nine fireballs were suspended high in the void and circled around.

In the center of their surroundings was a piece of suspended land.

“Eh?” Luo Feng stood in the void, his mind moved, the ten wings behind him unfolded, the hazy golden light spread out, instantly enveloping the entire independent space, for a moment everything in the entire independent space was under control this view …… caused Luo Feng to reveal a startled look.

With a single step, he instantly arrived at that piece of land.

The land was vast.

Luo Feng stood in the desert on a piece of sandstone, tilted his head to look at the sky, only to see the sky around the nine blazing fireballs produced light in the entire land over the intertwined together, but also formed a scroll, the entire scroll is a number of fire snakes composed of words, dense text, although not Luo Feng know the words can be every word contains fluctuations, transferring the message, so that Luo Feng can easily read and understand.

“I, Jie Fanzi.”

“I am a special being, born to be immortal with the law of water, cultivated all the way until I became the strongest in the universe.

After I became the strongest person in the universe,…… one day, I live a quiet life in a life planet, suddenly have a feeling that life on this life planet must be water to survive, water, is the source of life. But the whole planet is with the help of the fire and heat of the star, drawing energy in order for everything to grow.”

“The law of water, the law of fire, is not as simple as the law that we perceive.”

“Nor are they simply two laws, water and fire, both involve the source of life, the source of all things, the source of reproduction. So I created my school, a new Jedi, The Origin of Water and Fire. I traveled all over the primitive universe, and then the primitive universe destroyed, I look at the cosmic sea, and then enlightenment of the two reincarnation era …… “Water and Fire Origin” more and more perfect, I believe, give me enough time, I will be able to reach a higher level of transcendence reincarnation. Just not enough time …… Although I have reached the top of the 10th order, I am still unsure of transcending the cycle of reincarnation. But “Water and Fire Origin” is my heart and soul of the three reincarnation eras, I don’t want to give up its disappearance, and I hope that those who come after me will be able to pass on what I have realized.”

“Nine fireballs around the void, is a peculiar thing in the cosmic sea tilting peak world, nine ‘ice crystals’, transformed by my ‘water and fire origin’ mastery, the formation of nine fireballs, represents the highest level I can achieve, nine fireballs have been able to form a self-contained body, the power does not leak out. ”

“Beneath this earth, there is a peak palace supreme treasure.”

“Inside the palace there are all the treasures I have left behind, as well as the detailed inheritance of my mastery from low to high, I hope that my descendants will not let my heart and blood, my inheritance be cut off.”

On the scroll high in the air, the message passed down by the words made up of fire snakes made Luo Feng suck in a breath of cold air.

Top of the tenth order?

The Origin of Water and Fire?

“It really is true that all generations have produced supreme characters.” Luo Feng marveled at this, “This Jie Fanzi actually has a top 10th order battle power, comparable to the original ancestor back then. Definitely one of the most powerful characters of that period at that time, no wonder ah, no wonder he can’t forget his inheritance, it seems that the Water and Fire Origin that he created is indeed a mastery that he is incredibly proud of, so he doesn’t want to have his heart’s blood disappear and his inheritance cut off.”

Of course in terms of strength and talent, Jie Fanzi was inferior to the Original Ancestor.

After all, the Original Ancestor had reached the top of the tenth rank at the Primordial Reincarnation Era stage before being suppressed. Jie Fanzi, on the other hand, was only able to reach the top of the tenth order after three entire reincarnation eras.

But ……

Nowadays, in addition to the Original Ancestor and the two Great Sacred Land Patriarchs, the other strongest ones are only at the top of the ninth order. From this, one could also see Jie Fanzi’s talent.

“The Origin of Water and Fire, the Source of Life? The source of all things? The source of reproduction?” Luo Feng was touched, in the past when he practiced laws, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, etc., they were all independent of one of the most basic laws, he didn’t even realize that this seemingly simple independent law also contained the wonders of the origin of life.

If the created mastery was of the ordinary, then even if it was severed, so be it.

A unique one like The Origin of Water and Fire, which far surpasses other strongest people …… This kind of Jedi is what is truly worth being proud of.

“Such a magnificent figure.” Luo Feng sighed, “To have also passed away like this, without ever breaking into reincarnation, breaking into reincarnation ah breaking into reincarnation, how difficult.”


Luo feng casually threw his hand, at once the star tower flew up, as Luo feng’s divine power guided it, the nine fireballs in the giant sky high in the sky were quickly collected into the star tower.

“Rise!” Luo Feng looked at the earth next to him.

Rumbling …… the earth parted and a palace emerged from the ground, the sand and rocks parted towards the sides to reveal a palace.

A trace of Luo Feng’s divine power penetrated out and quickly recognized this palace supreme treasure.

“The treasure inside.” Luo Feng a subscribe to this peak palace to treasure, quickly will know inside the treasure of the many, after sorting and summarizing, this only to figure out Jie Fanzi legacy of treasure, this figure out …… also make Luo Feng for the ate a shock.

Although there is no strongest supreme treasure in it, but it is also more than the harvest of killing the Hao Lei Star Lord (plus the harvest of sweeping the small universe).

There were a full 32 supreme treasures at this level of the Peak Palace Class Domain Class.

Ordinary peak supreme treasures (top domain class supreme treasures also counted at this level), a full 91 pieces.

Ordinary top level supreme treasures, high level supreme treasures, and ordinary supreme treasures, however, were few and far between, adding up to just over a hundred pieces. Perhaps Jie Fanzi didn’t care to look at them.

As for the large number of numerous precious treasures, materials for refining supreme treasures, treasures for restoring divine bodies, and treasures for improving life genes …… were equally massive.

“Not counting the supreme supreme treasures, that’s more than the entire wealth of one of my human communities.” Luo Feng marveled over this.

It was actually normal.

A clan, wealth was mainly created by the strongest people in the universe. Like the strongest soloists, whether it was Jie Fanzi back then, or the present day Sitting Mountain Guest, Beginning Transformation Islander and so on, they were all soloists and didn’t need to work hard for the community. The treasures they got were casually put away, but their treasures were in no way inferior to a clan!

Jie Fanzi, who was a top ten ranked combatant, had also swept across the entire Cosmic Sea in that era at that time.

It was just that he was obsessed with The Origin of Water and Fire, and didn’t have too much ambition, or else if he had been bent on plundering, there would have been a bit more treasure.

Collecting so many treasures from three reincarnation eras was naturally normal.

“So many treasures.”

“The last scar on my Wusicide Feather’s white feather can be repaired as well.” Luo Feng was pleasantly happy for this, then with a flip of his hand, a fist sized spherical crystal appeared in his palm, a large amount of messages were stored within this spherical crystal, within it was none other than Jie Fan Zi’s greatest pride, The Water and Fire Origin.

“Let’s see how this Water and Fire Origin is.” Luo Feng took a look and immersed himself.

Looking at it, he was pleasantly surprised by it.

The degree of subtlety of the Water and Fire Origin was such that it was even qualified to be placed in the core inheritance ranks of the Broken East River lineage. It was just that Jie Fanzi had only realized a foundation for the “Water and Fire Origin” mastery, and even the foundation had just been constructed, even though the foundation had just been constructed, it could still be seen as subtle and magical.

“According to the “water and fire origin” mastery description ……” Luo Feng secretly said, “to reach the peak of the place, a thought, with the two major origin of water and fire as the core, can be instantly diffracted to form a real universe to. ”

“Once in battle, a true mini universe can be instantly formed around the body. When the enemy is inside the small universe, how can the enemy live?”

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