Chapter 22: The Long Years

Release Date: 2024-07-12 14:39:11
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Luo Feng immersed himself in it and watched for half a month, then shook his head and sighed: “It’s a pity that a generation of supreme powerhouses perished like this, if he was given more time, he would have been able to transcend reincarnation and create yet another holy land universe, it’s just a pity …… that this last step stopped him.”

Desiring to transcend reincarnation was extremely difficult, or else there wouldn’t be just two Holy Land universes now.

“This ‘water and fire origin’, Jie Fanzi just realized a foundation, even the foundation is just built, if the foundation is a success, I’m afraid that it will be able to transcend reincarnation. If the entire Jedi is truly small, it will be even more terrifying. When it’s perfected and accomplished …… “Luo Feng sighs over it, it’s a powerful Jedi that points directly to the origin and is unique.

In reality, even crossing over from true god (the strongest person in the universe) to a higher level.

It also hasn’t yet involved the mysteries of the origin of the universe where everything reproduces and life flourishes……. Obviously the realm isn’t enough, but it’s hard to study such a profound jedi, so naturally it’s hard work, and it hasn’t succeeded in its bitter cultivation for three reincarnation epochs.


“This Jie Fanzi’s Jutsu is unique. When I become a true god and want to transcend the cycle of reincarnation, this ‘Water and Fire Origin’ will also help me in ‘water’ and ‘fire’.” Luo Feng had gotten the Broken East River lineage, so he naturally knew very well what he should go for.

First was the “divine power route” to become a true god!

After becoming a true god, the ten basic laws of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, light, lightning, wind, time and space …… will be the root to condense the void.

The Water and Fire Origin, on the other hand, had a slight borrowing effect.

In fact, starting from the Ten Basic Laws was the king’s way! Ten legs advance at the same time, naturally easy.

Jie Fanzi was stupid to use “water” and “fire” to move forward, and pointing directly to the ultimate goal, naturally all the way to the bumpy road, and eventually perished, Luo Feng also sighed for it.

Luo Feng collected the inheritance crystal ball and many hidden treasures, at the same time the consciousness in the virtual universe also informed the chaos city lord of this big human community happy event.

“Luo Feng, you said that Jie Fanzi’s treasure …… at this level of peak palace category alone is a full 32 pieces? A full 91 pieces of ordinary peak supreme treasures alone?” The Chaos City Lord was completely shocked, “My human race plus the harvest I got from the Thunderstorm Star Clan before, all together, it’s not even as much as this. This is too, too much!”

“It’s because senior Jie Fanzi is a tenth rank top battle power existence ah.” Luo Feng sighed, “He left these supreme treasures behind to ask me to help him spread the inheritance.”

Inheritance, from low to high.

Immortal level can start cultivating just by first realizing the law of water and the law of fire, you can start comprehending the water and fire origin. With the records alone, it was entirely possible to cultivate to the limit of the strongest person in the universe. And then to transcend reincarnation? Jie Fanzi didn’t even do it, the later can only go on to create it themselves.

“This Jie Fanzi senior left behind so many supreme treasures, only begging me and others to constantly his inheritance, this I human community should help.” The Chaos City Lord was thrilled and delighted by this, “With so many supreme treasures, each of my human race’s own Universe Lords will be able to have a set of peak supreme treasures.”

Humans only had a total of nearly 20 universe lords.

Indeed, they were able to make a big change.

“However, there will be more and more Lords of the Universe of my clan in the future.” Chaos City Lord said, “One must also think about the future.”

“This is in your hands anyway, teacher.” Luo Feng laughed, “I will also start the long road of cultivation next, feel free to break into the three great jedi, in the near future I will send the treasures back to the clan.”

How many supreme treasures can a strong person use in total?

Too many supreme treasures could only be thrown within the treasure vault like Jie Fanzi.

This time when he got so many supreme treasures, Luo Feng would naturally choose a few to make his four divine bodies’ weapons armor and so on as perfect as possible. But how much can he use himself alone …… , more or throw it to the clan. I believe that the original ancestor and the giant axe founders in the beginning were all like this.

“Start the long road of cultivation!” Luo Feng immediately stepped out, directly out of this green colored token chamber space, and then took the tomb tomb boat, began to roam the three great Jedi’s roaming cultivation years ……

Time passes.

Thousands of years, ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years ……

Time was like running water, passing silently without leaving the slightest trace.

In cultivation, a thousand years and ten thousand years were incomparably short.

Tomb boat into a silver boat, Luo Feng riding a silver boat roaming the three great Jedi …… He also has the name of self-knowledge, are in the three great Jedi in the inner domain of the intrusion, at most in the core area of some of the borders of the swaying circle, relying on the tomb boat dare to this swaying, if it is not sure of the place, but is not deep at all.

After all, Luo Feng’s main purpose was to cultivate, not to take risks!

The Tumbledown Peak Realm, it was ever-changing and bizarre.

Cosmic boat, mechanical flow of super treasures, divided into billions of areas, vaguely recognizable cosmic boat back in the year intact form of some traces.

Stream heavy mountain, strange and beautiful, like a labyrinth.

In the process of drifting ……

Luo Feng returned to the primordial universe once, sending back a large number of supreme treasures. Then he cultivated in peace.

Luo Feng’s 600,000th year of drifting in the cosmic sea.

The flow heavy mountain of the three great Jedi.

“Rumbling …… “Raging currents swept through space and time, in the midst of the endless currents that covered the sky, three figures were standing on a towering mountain rock. The surroundings are getting more and more dangerous.” A crimson rock being roared lowly, “From the looks of it, a supreme treasure is about to come out.”

“When the supreme treasure comes out, it will depend on which of the three of us is stronger.”

“Everything depends on strength.”

The three universe Lords are silently waiting, nerves tense, around the hidden and light diffusion obviously all cast open the field type treasure, only, even the field can only cover part of the area mouth like that monstrous water flow inside some of the berserk area can not be covered at all, and can not know in advance when the most precious treasure will come out.

“Rumble …… “The originally violent and overwhelming water current suddenly began to move regularly.

In this side of heaven and earth, a large number of water currents rotated and converged, and connecting heaven and earth, a water tornado actually appeared!

“Right there!”

The three Masters of the Universe instantly burned with their divine power instantly, each of them about to put up a fight.

“Boom!” On the huge water tornado in the distance, a small white jade-colored boat suddenly broke through the water, which caused all three Cosmos Lords to be dumbstruck.

“It’s the Galaxy Lord!”

One of the strange, black wrinkled-skinned creatures covered in black hissed, and next to it, the rocky powerhouse, and the double-faced, four-armed powerhouse were all startled. Especially that double sided four arm strong man …… even instantly drilled into a palace supreme treasure and turned his head to flee.

The white jade colored boat?

Within these 600,000 years …… the three great Jedi are circulating a story, that the human cosmic lord harnessed the clean white jade colored boat, suddenly appeared in some places where the supreme treasures appeared, and then snatched the supreme treasures away in one fell swoop! Although the three great Jedi are too vast …… the supreme treasure emergence is not much of a rule, but still by Luo Feng robbed dozens of times, all said Luo Feng a strong person to seize the treasure efficiency, compared to the five universe strongest person!

The reason why the efficiency is so ruthless is that by virtue of the tomb tomb boat, directly drilling into some dangerous places, when the other powerhouses are waiting outside, Luo Feng has already intercepted the supreme treasures that come out in advance.

“Poor Yu Yan!”

The black wrinkled skinned creatures and rock life powerhouses all stood aside obediently, looking sympathetically at the double sided four armed powerhouse that was fleeing.

The Lord of Yu Tan, one of the Purple Moon Sacred Land’s Cosmic Lords.

And in these 600,000 years, the Galaxy Lords broke into the three major Jedi, sometimes appearing in the flow of heavy mountains, sometimes appearing in the universe boat, the tilting peak world, and has been silent always suddenly appeared …… and once they encountered the Purple Moon Sacred Ground Universe Lord, they always acted ruthlessly, and directly captured, and it is not known whether they are imprisoned, or extinguished.

In a short period of 600,000 years, since the Lord of the line of the equipment after …… Luo Feng has captured the Purple Moon Sacred Land three universe of the Lord.

Although the wind was so strong that some of the universe lords of the Purple Moon Holy Land had retreated back to the Holy Land universe, there were still some universe lords who were unwilling to retreat like this, and they were cautious.

“Yu Lan has always been cautious, it was only when the greatest treasure was about to come out that he showed up. I didn’t expect that the Galaxy Lords were also staring at this supreme treasure …… just to be discovered, the Galaxy Lords must have been in the water before, they couldn’t even be probed, and when the Galaxy Lords appeared …… it would be too late.” Black wrinkled skinned creatures and rocky beings sigh for it, but they are not worried.

Everyone knows ……

If you don’t provoke the Galaxy Lords, the Galaxy Lords won’t deal with other universe lords. The Galaxy Lords would only target the Purple Moon Sacred Land, the Fire Source Clan, and the Gnarled Rock Clan, of which the Fire Source Clan and the Gnarled Rock Clan had long since hidden within the small universe and barely came out, only the Purple Moon Sacred Land still had a Universe Lord who was unwilling to do so.

“Lord of Yu Excursion, don’t struggle.” The small white ship flew in, and suddenly a nine-story tower appeared out of thin air rapidly growing larger, and an abyssal black hole appeared at the base remotely facing the Lord of Yu Tan who was fleeing in the distance.

The Star Tower swallowed!

“Galaxy Lord, Galaxy Lord!!!! I, the Purple Moon Holy Land, will not let you go, absolutely not.” The Lord of Yu Tan flew out from his palace supreme treasure, wanting to flee, but Luo Feng merely manipulated the Star Tower once again, locking the Lord of Yu Tan once again (the previous lock was on the palace supreme treasure).

“No!” The Lord of Yu Browser struggled, but he was still being swallowed over, and as he neared the base of the Star Tower, he automatically became smaller as well, before being swallowed in.

“The two of you …… are sorry, I just happened to pass by here, this supreme treasure will be mine.”

A voice came from the white jade colored boat.

Those two Masters of the Universe standing at the top of the towering mountain peaks even said that they didn’t dare to, and they were all respectful and humble.

With that, the small clean white-colored boat in mid-air quickly broke through the air and flew away ……

As soon as it flew away, the white-colored boat quickly turned into black, and even its appearance changed slightly.

The suppression space within the Star Tower.

As soon as the two-faced, four-armed Lord Yu Tan landed here, he saw three other figures in the distance.

“Yu Duan! You’ve been captured as well?”

“Yu Duan, why have you been captured as well!”

When the other three Cosmic Lords of the Purple Moon Holy Land saw the arriving Yu Ban, they were all startled and all greeted him, and at this time, a white-robed figure suddenly appeared in this suppression space, a white-robed, black-haired youth.

“Galaxy lord.”

“Luo Feng.”

The four universe lords including Yu Lan all gritted their teeth and looked at the arriving Luo Feng.

“Don’t look at me with such resentment, it’s not that I’m going to kill you guys, it’s that the Purple Moon Patriarch doesn’t want to save you, can you blame me?” The white robed youth shook his head and sighed.

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