Chapter 25: Can’t Swallow

Release Date: 2024-07-12 14:39:19
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The Spinning Water River is a place of secondary danger.

To intrude in the Spinning Water River, if one is too arrogant and careless, even if one rides a top level palace treasure, one will suffer some losses, but over …… wanting to make the top level palace treasure instantly explode and the Lord of the Universe instantly perish, how terrifyingly dangerous must this be? The Spinning Water River simply couldn’t have this level of danger.

“I’ll go and take a look myself.” The First Allah first sent a message to the other four Allahs, and then set off alone to the Spinning Water River.

Only three days had passed.


The First Allah stood in the chaotic airflow, frowning as he looked in front of him, only to see a large number of water streams scattered and dispersed in the distance, as for the many islands within the Spinning Water River at the beginning, none of them could be found. The Whirlpool River has been destroyed in its entirety? This makes the first true lord immediately heart shocked, he is very clear “universe sea natural environment” terrible power, to want to destroy the entire whirlpool river …… even if the entire universe sea all the strong people together join hands, but also simply impossible to destroy a dangerous place.

“How does it feel ……” The First True Lord frowned, “This Spinning Water River seems to be impacted by an incomparably powerful force, positively. That’s why the ‘river’ of the Spinning Water River splashed into various areas and scattered …… As for those islands in the river, they were all shattered and annihilated.”

The First True Lord trembled in his heart.

At the same time, a huge wave rose in his heart! Although he was trembling, he was excited.


“Opportunity!” The First Allah was roaring inwardly, no matter what caused this scene, it was an existence beyond imagination, and it definitely contained a great opportunity, “The Great Limit is approaching, and I’m afraid that this unknown opportunity …… is the only chance for my clan to transcend the cycle of reincarnation.”

Buzz ……

The back of his head suddenly showed a huge aperture, and the aperture is to show as if the flesh and blood grows into a huge one-eyed, one-eyed irradiation of the endless void in front of him, it seems that everything is seen in the eyes. In this huge one-eyed …… vaguely there is an endless behemoth light and shadow, bombarded in the Spinning Water River, causing the Spinning Water River to collapse!

“An existence that is millions of times more terrifying than the Spinning Water River.”

“Even I can’t reverse time and space to see what it looks like. Even with the combination of my talent and secret methods, I can only determine …… that terrifying existence, flying from this orientation, impacting the past and heading towards that orientation!” The First True Lord nodded darkly, “Chase!”


Immediately, he performed an ultra-long distance instantaneous transfer and chased after the confirmed direction.

In fact, from the current situation of the Spinning Water River, it was completely possible to deduce the direction of the Behemoth’s flight, but to be incredibly precise, it would take enough time. And the first God, also known as “God’s eye God”, in the view of the calculation is extremely good at …… instantly will be incomparably clear to determine everything.

A few days later.

“Boom!!!” The behemoth still maintained an incomparably astonishing speed, roaring forward in the cosmic sea.


The First Allah was stunned, he did his best to barely “see” that the behemoth was actually a lying humanoid creature, about 160 million light-years high, with a speed of about 120 million times the speed of light. The First True Lord’s ability to be able to accurately determine on a “God’s eye”.

Like the other Demonic Beast Ancestor who had been following along, he had not been able to confirm the exact speed.

“First Allah! I discovered this first.” The Demonic Beast Patriarch roared in an angry voice transmission.

“Hahaha, just you, you want to monopolize this great opportunity?” The First Allah was disdainful, what the hell was a Demonic Beast Beginner? He didn’t even have a single supreme supreme treasure, whereas he had a full two in his possession.

“No, I don’t have the luxury of monopolizing it, since you found it, then you and I will jointly possess this opportunity …… The other four Allahs of your God’s Eye Clan will never be allowed to come over.” The Demonic Beast Patriarch angrily droned, “If the other four Allahs of your God’s Eye Race dare to come over, then I will immediately spread the news so that the entire Cosmic Sea will know about it!”

“You–” the First Allah was furious.

This time, it was bound to be an opportunity against the heavens, and I’m afraid that transcending the wheel of reincarnation was possible through this opportunity. Of course, the First True Lord wanted to bring two more members of his clan to help, but he couldn’t ignore the “threat” of the Demon Beast Patriarch! After all, the incarnation of the Demonic Beast Patriarch was set in the Primordial Universe, and if it was to spread, it could definitely spread in a short period of time.

“Good!” The First Allah said, “Then you and I will monopolize this opportunity together.”

Thus, the First True Lord and the Demonic Beast Patriarch began to try their best to make the Behemoth stop. After all, the “behemoth” such a terrible speed, the two of them simply do not dare to approach …… After all, the behemoth that speed, the surrounding space and time has long been turned into absolute nothingness, to get close to can only rely on the “fly! “The first thing I’d like to say is that I’m not going to be able to get close to it.

The shockwave that escapes alone is enough to injure them.

If you dare to get close to …… is afraid that will be alive shock death.

The most important thing is the flying speed of the two of them, in fact, before catching up, that behemoth flew out of sight.



“Change his direction.”

The First True Lord and the Demonic Beast Patriarch were like two small ants trying their best to make a flying mountain stop. Naturally, they were “out of their depth”.

Time passed.

More than three thousand years had passed, and the forces that discovered this “behemoth” had increased to seven forces, with the God’s Eye Race and the Demonic Beast Patriarch being only two of them. At this moment, no matter if it was the Demonic Beast Patriarch, the First True Lord, or the other five forces that joined one after another, they were all a bit desperate.

“Boom!” The behemoth instantly rushed past and disappeared within the field of vision of the eighteen powerhouses.

“It’s useless, it can’t be stopped no matter how.” The First True Lord shook his head and sighed, “We have already done our best to make this behemoth also crash three dangerous places …… but its speed has barely changed. Obviously those dangerous places can’t affect it at all. There are only two possibilities to slow it down.”

“One, is to follow the direction it’s flying in now, crashing into the Primordial Universe and entering within the Primordial Universe. With the might of the Primordial Universe …… it can naturally be easily suppressed.”

“The second, is the three great Jedi! Any of the three great Jedi, any one of them is comparable to it …… has a great certainty of blocking it.” The First True Lord said, “Everyone, what do you think?”

Each one present looked at each other.

They were helpless.

It was true that they could make the Behemoth change direction slightly and hit some dangerous places, but it would be useless even if they did. If it hits the three great Jedi, but the three great Jedi major powers gathered …… major powers will be able to know! If they hit the primordial universe, once they fall into the primordial universe, their cosmic sea forces will not have a part in it at all.

“Make it public.”

“Anyway, if we hit the three great Jedi, all the major forces will still have to know about it. And to make this behemoth change its direction, hitting any of the three great Jedi, this change in direction is not small. It’s not enough for us alone.”

“Make it public.”

One by one, they were helpless, they also wanted to covet this opportunity.

It’s just that the opportunity is too big …… for them to swallow.

“Definitely don’t allow it to crash into the primordial universe.” The First Allah secretly said, once it entered the Primordial Universe, there would be no part for his God’s Eye Clan.

“It must be redirected.” Hengxing Demon God also roared, he is the fifth strand to participate in, “If we do not change the direction of the impact to the primordial universe …… maybe it will affect our small universe, although the small universe is large, but on the resistance is afraid that it is not even as good as the Spinning Water River. A collision, must be shattered.”

Everyone present nodded.


The Cosmic Boat, Tilted Peak Realm, and Flowing Heavy Mountain were all indestructible. After all, the “Small Yu Trial” was only a small universe of a True God, and even though its size was large, other True Gods couldn’t shake it. But what if it was an existence that exceeded that of a True God? The impact of the behemoth, already do not know how many levels above the true God …… to destroy the small universe is very easy, but as long as the impact is enough, enough to make the small universe of the “origin” of the collapse, so that the entire small universe collapsed and shattered.

Can easily crush the Spinning Water River ……

It’s easy to crush a small universe.

As the news spread, the entire Cosmic Sea was shaken!

The “Cosmic Boat” of the Three Great Jedi.

“Teacher, you said that you found a huge object in the Cosmic Sea, flying at 120 million times the speed of light, and it’s about 160 million light years tall? And it’s a lying humanoid creature?” Luo Feng blinked his eyes, “teacher, who intentionally made up a lie, the universe sea 100 times the speed of light is the limit, the strongest people in the universe can fly 100,000 times a million times the speed of light is the top, 120 million times the speed of light? And a humanoid creature a little bigger than a cosmic boat?”

“Don’t ask so many questions, it’s not just one strong person saying this, but quite a few strong people, including several of the strongest people in the universe.” The Chaos City Lord said, “You quickly leave the universe boat and rendezvous with us first.”

“Fine, but it will take me 200 years to go out from the universe boat.” Luo Feng said, “I’ll return now.”

After contacting his teacher.

“What are juggling?” Luo Feng said softly.

“Cosmic boat, flow heavy mountain, tilting peak realm one level behemoth? Or lying humanoid creatures?” Luo Feng felt his heart blaze with imagination alone, “No matter if it’s real or fake, we’ll know when we see it.”


The tomb tomb boat directly reversed its direction in the endless black gale, directly revealing its most basic shape, and without hiding it, it directly flew towards the outside of the cosmic boat at the fastest speed possible.

It flew for over two hundred years before flying out of the universe boat.

“Luo Feng, come here quickly, we’re here.” Hong League’s action team sent Luo Feng coordinates directly through the virtual universe.

“Coming.” Luo Feng rushed there immediately.

The raw coordinates were changing all the time.

Obviously the Hong alliance action team was also following the behemoth, in fact, in the past two hundred years or so, with all the major forces rushing there, Luo Feng already had no doubt about the authenticity of the behemoth. Although through the virtual universe to see some virtual out of the image, but vaguely a fuzzy silhouette, naturally not the slightest sense of shock, or to see …… with their own eyes to know.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Luo Feng instantly moved one after another, finally catching up with the Hong alliance action team.

“Luo Feng.”

“Luo Feng.

“Galaxy lord.”

“Galaxy Lords.”

A vast number of more than 180 universe lords and chaos city lords had gathered here under their personal leadership. Not only the human camp, that allied camp was also a large number of strong people rushing to …… both sides obviously also had a tacit understanding, this kind of critical moment, the two camps also temporarily truce.

“Luo Feng.” Chaos City Lord said, “At this moment, the three major forces of the Cosmic Sea and the two Holy Lands, alone have gathered here 68 of the strongest people in the universe and over 3200 Cosmic Lords. It can be said that all the major powers have sent their strongest power elites to rush here.”

“That many?”

Luo Feng was only surprised for a moment when he heard this number, but with one collective instantaneous movement of the entire Hong League action team.

“This is really ……” Luo Feng stood in the void of the cosmic sea, with a glance, he only saw a dense line of figures dispersed in the distance, thousands of figures each at the very least a master of the universe, it did cause an extremely strong sense of shock.

Immediately followed by Luo Feng turning his head towards the distance, the instantaneous movement was actually an early instantaneous movement to the direction the behemoths must pass through.



Although they couldn’t see it, they all sensed the vibration caused by the invisible shockwave arriving. Immediately followed by “boom” incomparably terrifying shockwave really spread out, and a huge thing into a dazzling light whistling past, even Luo Feng, also instantly have a kind of a big mountain smashed to a small ant endless fear. Looking at the endlessly looming lying humanoid raw yoke …… himself and other cosmic sea powerhouses were as fragile as a bunch of small ants.

“Too, too …… much,” Luo Feng’s eyes rolled round, completely shocked.

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