Chapter 29: The Other Side of the Wormhole

Release Date: 2024-07-12 14:39:29
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Inside the tomb tomb boat.

Luo Feng’s face showed shock, his body couldn’t help but shake.

“Luo Feng, what’s wrong?” Chaos City Lord immediately realized that Luo Feng was not right.

“The Demon Slayer detachment that I went in to explore, perished.” Luo Feng said directly, at the same time in his heart there were some palpitations, it’s too scary, like the universe boat, tilting peak realm and some other dangerous places of environmental threats even if they can’t be probed, but at least the field of probing will appear as a “vacuum”, on behalf of this area is in a state of not being able to probe, at least it can also allow Luo Feng to understand …. . there is danger there!

But before, his own domain width was spread out, everywhere could be explored.

In this state, he was killed! The pinnacle palace treasure also shattered without a sound! Even if the energy in the “source” of Wu Deicide’s feathered wings were to shatter the peak palace treasure, it would still need to be forcibly chopped, but it simply couldn’t be done so silently.

“Perish? How did it perish?” Chaos City Lord even asked after him.

“It should be the wind.” Luo Feng said.

“It should be?” Chaos city lord was stunned.

“Because I didn’t see it at all, didn’t probe it.” Luo Feng shook his head, “Everything is fine with my domain type supreme treasure, everywhere can be probed. That wind just appeared out of nowhere …… my peak palace supreme treasure directly shattered, and my god body directly shattered as well. The Demon Slayer Clan split died just like that. It didn’t even have time to put up the slightest resistance or struggle.”

The Chaos City Lord was shocked, the peak palace supreme treasure couldn’t even resist? Wouldn’t that mean that whoever went would die? Unless one took a supreme supreme treasure to fight.

The Hong alliance had a total of eight universe lords who went to explore, Luo Feng entered along the gap in the mouth of the “behemoth”, the fastest to go, the fastest to perish.

On the second day after Luo Feng perished, another Master of the Universe perished.

On the fourth day, two Masters of the Universe perished one after another.

On the fifth day, another Master of the Universe perished.

Within ten days of Demon Killing Luo Feng’s perishing, all the other seven universe lord detachments on the Hong alliance side perished, none of them survived, this perishing probability makes all the universe lords in the Hong alliance chilling, even the other three big Jedi …… aren’t this scary.

“The Galaxy Lord encountered the wind that could not be probed, the wind that appeared out of nowhere, as soon as it appeared, the peak palace supreme treasure of the Galaxy Lord was turned into flying dust and annihilated. The Lord of the Snow Crane, on the other hand, encountered fire that appeared out of nowhere …… The moment that fire appeared, it also caused the Lord of the Snow Crane’s peak palace supreme treasure to instantly annihilate. There are other Masters of the Universe …… “Inside the hall hall of the Boat of the Tomb, with the last Master of the Universe who went to explore the path also perishing, the Masters of the Universe of the Hong Alliance are discussing heatedly.

All eight had perished.

Either wind, fire, or fog ……

Seven of them were instantly annihilated, without the ability to resist, except for one who found an endless stream of water that came from all over the sky, and as soon as it appeared, it caused all the surrounding space to condense, making it impossible to escape instantaneously. As for the current itself, it easily corroded the top palace treasure, killing the Master of the Universe within it.

“Everyone.” The Chaos City Lord spoke.

Immediately, the palace hall quieted down, and the nearly 200 Cosmos Lords all looked at the Chaos City Lord.

“According to the news I received, not only my Hong Alliance, but even the various other forces …… but whoever ventures into it is entering into an endless abyss.” Chaos City Lord said, “After going in, they simply can’t find any other environment, all of them are endless abyss, and then in the endless abyss because of the fire that appeared out of nowhere, or the wind, or its ground …… gives a direct kill. Not to mention the peak supreme treasure, even the strongest supreme treasure palace, also destroyed in it.”

“Supreme Supreme Treasure Palace?” There was a cry of alarm.

“Just got the news.” Chaos City Lord said, “The First Reincarnation Era Skeleton Clan, went to explore the road then took the risk of sending out the Supreme Strongest Supreme Treasure Palace, and then encountered the flames …… directly incinerated, and couldn’t even resist for an instant.”

Each and every one was greatly shocked.

Luo Feng see also sigh, just now he knew when the same shock, to strong to treasure palace incineration? You have to know …… even if some of the organs within the tomb tomb boat can kill the strongest person hiding within the supreme supreme treasure palace. It also couldn’t do anything to destroy the Most Powerful Supreme Treasure. However, the terrifying abyss within this behemoth had destroyed the Most Powerful Supreme Treasure.

“Even the Supreme Power Supreme Treasure Palace can’t stop it, so what do we do?”

“This is even more terrifying than the three great Jedi.”

“Every single one of them perishes, and none of them can survive. The three great Jedi didn’t have such a high death rate.”

A chaos ensued.

The Chaos City Lord suddenly changed his face and fiercely bellowed, “All of you.”

Luo Feng also looked at his teacher in surprise, all the powerhouses in the great hall pointed over.

“Just got the news, the first reincarnation generation several forces, all have strong people who have entered the natural wormhole of the endless abyss.” Chaos city lord said, Luo Feng’s eyes also lit up, before when he went to explore he found the natural wormhole early on, but didn’t even dare to rush towards it, instead he continued to explore.

It seemed like the first reincarnation era was even more anxious, even going to drill natural wormholes, and it should have turned out badly, otherwise it wouldn’t have come out publicly.

“What’s at the other end of the natural wormhole?” The Lord of Snow Crane even shouted.

Other than Luo Feng, the other seven universe lords had also discovered the “natural wormhole”. Because no matter if it was from both ears, both nostrils, or the gap in their mouths, they would all end up entering that endless abyss, and they would all pass through that giant sky’s natural wormhole.

“Enter the natural wormhole!” The Chaos City Lord said, “One would then be directly transported to a hidden place filled with chaotic air currents, where there is a seemingly ordinary mini universe.”

“Small universe?”

“Small universe?”

Everyone was stunned, Luo Feng was also stunned beyond measure.

The natural wormhole in the behemoth’s body actually led to a space with a small universe?

“According to confirmation! The hidden space that the natural wormhole leads to should still be within the humanoid organism.” The Chaos City Lord even said, “And several forces of the First Reincarnation Era’s powerhouses have tried to explore that small universe by all means, arranging for their mechanical puppets, arranging for other means, and even entering …… personally, but all of them were turned into flying dust and annihilated when they touched the membrane wall of that small universe. ”


“Small universe membrane walls are all this powerful?”

“How is it possible?”

Everyone in the hall hall of the Tomb Raft was shocked, even Luo Feng couldn’t imagine it because the membrane walls of universes usually didn’t have offensive power. Like when the strongest person in the universe kills his enemy with the help of his own “small universe”, it is also after the enemy enters the small universe and then kills him with the help of the small universe origin power, to be killed by simply touching the membrane wall is too incredible.

Perish! Perish! Perish! Perish! Perish! Perish!

All the forces of the cosmic sea, no matter how to explore, all perished, without an exception. The result of this absolute death …… scared all the forces.

At least give a ray of hope ah, so that all parties have a hope. But a ray of hope is not given, who is not anxious?

In the entire cosmic sea all the forces, are in the behemoth around anxious helpless when ……

A message came out – the three Great Ancestor Gods of the Primordial Universe Ancestor God Sect had summoned all the forces of the Cosmic Sea, and would have the order of the Primordial Universe Origin Will conveyed.

“What, the three great Ancestor Gods?”

“Aren’t the Ancestral Gods within the Primordial Universe never out of the Primordial Universe?”

“Orders of Origin Will?”

All parties exploded, the Ancestral God who never entered the Cosmic Sea had arrived here, and had to convey the order of the Origin Will of the Primordial Universe, no matter which one it was, it caused all the forces in the Cosmic Sea to pay attention to it, coupled with the fact that all the parties had encountered a wall and suffered a loss when they were probing for the “Behemoth” before. At once, all the forces immediately gathered in the past ……

The Tomb Boat also quickly rushed there.

“The order of the primordial universe origin will?” Luo Feng frowned, “The three great ancestor gods entered the cosmic sea for the first time for this?”

“There must be a purpose.” Chaos City Lord looked solemn.

When he killed the Hao Lei Star Lord, he was able to use a power that was the opposite of “divine power”, which made Luo Feng wary. He realized at that time that the …… cosmic sea definitely had secrets that he didn’t know about.

“This behemoth is one of the unknown secrets.” Luo Feng also wanted to know what the Three Day Ancestor God was going to say.


A palace supreme treasure supreme treasure rushed there, the tomb tomb boat was also among them.

There were three white robed figures standing side by side in the void about ten million light years away from the behemoth’s head, each of their white robes faintly emanating colorful light while an incomparably powerful pressure …… irresistible pressure emanated from these three Ancestral Gods, diffusing out into the surroundings.

Outside the three white-robed figures, there is a palace suspended, followed by a large number of strong people appear.

At the hatch of the tomb tomb boat Luo Feng and the others also stepped out one by one, standing in the void, looking at the three white robed figures in the distance, Luo Feng couldn’t help but sigh, “What a strong pressure.” It felt like the hundreds of light years range of space and time around them …… was dominated by these three ancestor gods, that kind of pressure far exceeded any of the strongest people in the universe.

“At this moment, they are the spokespersons of the Universe Origin Will.” The Chaos City Lord transmitted a voice, “Their pressure is also the pressure given to them by the primordial universe origin.”

“Let’s see what they have to say.” Luo Feng stared as well.

The human side didn’t have a good feeling towards the primordial universe origin will in the first place because the original ancestor was the one who was suppressed.

As time passed, more and more powerful people gathered.

The most dazzling ones in this side of space were naturally those three ancestor gods.

“The three great reincarnation eras, the two great Jedi, and all the major powers have arrived.” One of the three Ancestral Gods in the center, the pale-faced Ancestral God slowly said, “Then we will begin, this time, the three of us entered the Cosmic Sea by order of the Primordial Universe Origin Will, specifically for this behemoth.”

Saying this he pointed remotely towards the huge humanoid creature lying flat next to him.

“You and others just entered it, you can find a natural wormhole, enter the natural wormhole, you can arrive at a space. There is a small universe in that space, and that small universe …… will be the ‘World of Jinn’!” The Crow Elder Ancestor God said, “It’s also the only place within the entire behemoth that you and others can enter alive.”

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