Chapter 30: Tears

Release Date: 2024-07-12 14:39:32
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The three Great Ancestor Gods for the original cell Zeus origin will spokesman, at the moment they surrounded by colorful light, but also contains gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, lightning, light, time, space all kinds of laws of the power, and at all times exudes endless pressure …… Obviously alone the three Ancestor Gods can not be done, which is obviously the original universe origin will of the “Enhancement”, to a certain extent, also proved that what the three Ancestral Gods said would definitely not be a no-brainer.

“That small universe, we have tried, and we will perish if we touch the membrane wall.”

“It’s simply impossible to go in.”

Immediately, a strong person pursued the question.

The Two-Faced Ancestral God on the side of the Three Great Ancestral Gods spoke, “If you are trespassing, naturally you cannot enter. This ‘World of Jinn’ is extraordinary …… If it were normal, it wouldn’t come out even after thousands and thousands of reincarnation eras. However, the Endless Cosmic Sea, everything has operating regulations, and at this time, it should come out.”

Not bothering to ask how to enter, the words of the Two-faced Ancestral God alone caused the major forces of the Cosmic Sea to shake!

When it comes out of the world?

What do you mean by “when it comes out”?

Normally thousands of reincarnation eras wouldn’t come out of the world?

“What the hell happened?” Luo Feng was shocked and transmitted his voice to the Chaos City Lord next to him, “Teacher, listening to the words of the three Ancestor Gods, this ‘World of Jinn’ coming into existence seems to have a special meaning.”

“Hmm.” Chaos City Lord also nodded solemnly, “There are regulations for everything, although the Primordial Universe Origin Will is powerful, it is very transcendent, there is no good or bad, it just follows the most basic rules. Even to deal with the ‘Lord of Gaki Ao’, a Universe Lord, and to deal with the Hao Lei Star Lord, etc., it must use other powerful people to make a move. Obviously it isn’t omnipotent, even if it’s the original ancestor, that origin will can only suppress it, not kill it.”

Luo Feng nodded.


Everything had to follow the laws of the underworld, obviously under normal circumstances, this behemoth shouldn’t come out into the world. And at this moment it was when out of the world! Obviously representing this period …… had entered a special stage that was different from other reincarnation eras.

“The world of Jinn.” The Ancestral Deity with the cleanest face and a red scaly tail that looked like a teenager spoke, “It contains endless crises and endless opportunities. It’s even more special than the other three great Jedi places……. That behemoth is not beneficial to the entire Cosmic Sea, and the ‘World of Jin’ within it is the truly important place.”

“To enter the World of Jinn, one must wait for the right time. The cosmic membrane wall of the World of Jinn changes in cycles, when it turns black it is the strongest, when it turns white it is the weakest. Ordinary universe lords can easily pass through. Each cycle …… is about one epoch.”

“All of you only need to wait and wait until the membrane wall of that ‘World of Jinn’ turns white, then you can enter.”

With the words of this Ancestral God, all of a sudden, the major powers were dumbfounded.


For a time, even many powerful people wanted to rush there immediately, but once they thought that the cycle was a full epoch, they still pressed down and continued to listen.

“The World of Jinn, mysterious and unpredictable.” The pale Ancestral God in the center said, “There are even living spirits living within the World of Jinn.”

“Living spirits?”


“There are living spirits?”

Thousands of top existences across the cosmic sea were shocked, Luo Feng was also shocked beyond belief, the three great jedi like the cosmic boat did not contain living spirits.

“The living spirits of the world of Jin can only live in the world of Jin. They can’t come out.” The Old Ancestral God continued, “Once they come out they will die. If you and the others enter …… and come out you can only carry some lifeless dead things, if you carry a living spirit out, you will be killing the other party.”

“At the same time the world of Jinn …… also contains the secret of transcending reincarnation.”


It exploded, the thousands of existences gathered were truly excited, the secret of Transcending Reincarnation? Wasn’t this what they longed for the most?

“Remember!” The Crow Elder Ancestral Deity said, “The secrets of the Transcendent Reincarnation, the secrets of the World of Jinn, you can explore and learn about them after you enter. However, once you leave the World of Jinn, you absolutely must not leak them out. Of course …… you guys can’t leak it even if you want to.”

Everyone was pondering.

Luo Feng, on the other hand, immediately understood …… just like the Broken East River lineage inheritance he had gotten, he simply couldn’t see any deeper. Like when the mountaineer gave himself the “Nine Tribulation Mysteries”, he also had to pay a sufficient price before he could pass it on to a disciple, so it was obvious that there was an invisible “regulation” affecting everything.

“The secret of transcending reincarnation? The secret of the world of Jin?” Luo Feng’s heart surged.

He knew very well.

In so many previous reincarnation eras, the “world of Jin” had never come out. I’m afraid that this time is the closest he’ll get to the secrets of the “cosmic sea”.

“The World of Jinn should be the fourth Jedi of the Cosmic Sea.” Cang Lao Ancestral Deity said, “All of you must remember …… that when opportunities come, crises also lurk. The World of Jinn is much more dangerous than the Tilted Peak Realm, the Flowing Heavy Mountain, and the Cosmic Boat.”

“Let’s go.”

The three Ancestral Gods looked at each other then directly disappeared into thin air and left.

The thousands of powerhouses from the Cosmic Sea were also incomparably swift, one by one they all returned to the Palace Supreme Treasure, and a large group of powerhouses from the Hong Alliance immediately returned to the Tomb Ark.

The three generations of ancestral gods for the primordial universe origin will spokesman, although passed on the message and advice, but the cosmic sea of the major forces do not dare to fully believe, or first carefully explore, suddenly found …… from entering to the natural wormhole on the route there is no danger, once through the natural wormhole, will be able to arrive at the hidden space, to see that the mini-universes –World of Jin.

“Luo Feng, the world of Jin has never been explored by a strong person, it’s too dangerous for you to go in right now, once something goes wrong, the loss to you will be great.” Chaos city lord persuaded.

Luo Feng was carrying numerous supreme treasures.

If it was a real loss, it would indeed be huge.

“Teacher, I can’t give up on this kind of opportunity since. And I have an alter ego, even if I fail I can still turn around.” Luo Feng said, “Feel free to rest assured, teacher.”

Luo Feng split into two ways.

One way, is to separate part of the divine power to coalesce the devil slaying clan split, from the devil slaying clan split with the “wu slaying feather” “star tower” set off to return to the primitive universe. After all, the world of Jin all unknown …… if all the treasures are brought in, once the failure of all the loss, that regret are too late.

Along the way, the Earthling’s own body, the Golden Horned Beast split carrying the Blood Shadow Blade, the Tomb Boat, ready to enter the “World of Jin”.

Along the natural wormhole, they arrived at another space.

The tomb boat was hovering, Luo Feng looked at a small universe in the distance. It was a small universe that was dark blue in color, obviously it wasn’t time to enter.

“Even if I don’t have any supreme treasures, with my current battle power, I can still stand at the top of the cosmic sea.” Luo Feng had full confidence, he just didn’t want to gamble in all the supreme treasures, so he sent back the Wu Slayer Feather and Star Tower. But still, he brought the blood shadow blade and tomb tomb boat to kill in, this was already enough!

“Wait, wait for the moment when this Jinn’s World can be entered.”

The Tomb Raft waited silently.

At this moment-

That one dark blue miniature universe, the diameter of the entire miniature universe was only about ten million light years from the outside. However, its might was many times stronger than the small universe of the strongest person in the universe.

Around it, is suspended a palace to the treasure, the entire cosmic sea all the forces have strong people waiting for …… Of course, as a dangerous place that has never been explored by strong people, not many forces dare to kill the whole army to go in, and most of them are just sending a very small part of the strongest people to go to explore first.

There are more than 200 strong people (including the strongest in the universe) who want to explore it first.

The 200 strongest people who are ready to explore are waiting outside the “World of Jin”, while most of the other strongest people from the major forces in the Cosmic Sea are on their way back, such as the Hong League’s action team, which is heading towards the primordial universe.

So ……

At this moment, outside the huge humanoid creature containing the “World of Jin”, it is already very quiet, unlike the bustle of a moment ago. There were only a few strong people stationed in the void.


Space rippled.

A silhouette appeared out of thin air, with crystalline horns on his forehead, wearing a black robe with black light, it was the “Mountain Sitting Guest”. Although Sitting Mountain Guest had arrived long ago, no matter how many parties had searched before, or whether the three Great Ancestral Gods had openly summoned them, no one had been able to discover Sitting Mountain Guest.

Even Luo Feng hadn’t found the teacher, he had even asked him through the token, but he hadn’t replied.

Sitting Mountain Guest stood in the void, silently looking at the huge humanoid creature in front of him, just silently looking, his gaze passed through space and time, landing on every inch of that humanoid creature, he looked at the hair, eyes, nose, ears, mouth, and that ancient armor.

Incredibly scrutinizing.

As if he was observing incredible treasures.

“At last ……,” murmured the mountain sitter softly, “it’s here.”

He advanced step by step.

Instantly advancing, he soon landed on the body of the humanoid creature.

With his feet on the vast and endless undulating mountains, Sitting Mountain Guest advanced step by step, each step was an instantaneous advance, he came to the humanoid creature’s fingers, to the humanoid creature’s shoulder, and even to the humanoid creature’s waist …… There was a broken wound there.

It was a wound in the armor.

The sitter stroked the torn armor coat, just too big for him at 9 million light years long.


Sitting Mountaineer suddenly laughed hoarsely.

“Haha, hahahahaha ……” Sitting Mountain Guest suddenly laughed out loud, laughed his whole body trembled up, laughed incomparably maniacal, gradually, that crazy laughter even became mournful, containing that hysterical endless hatred and madness.

The laughter gradually disappeared.

Sitting Mountain Guest slowly sat down, gently caressing his armor, crystal glowing golden tears slipped down noiselessly.


“Coming.” Sitting Mountain Guest’s fingers trembled as he stroked the armor.

“The World of Jinn!”

“The primordial cosmic origin, designated as the World of Jinn? Jinn …… Jinn ……,” Sitting Shanke muttered, “The will of the Primordial Cosmic Origin, which has no feelings, also remembers ‘Jinn ‘?”

The Sitting Mountain Guest raised his head and looked into the endless void.

Rumbling ……

The chaotic currents of the void were running, and a powerful will was hidden.

“I won’t be as stupid as the Original Ancestor and give you a chance.” Sitting Mountain Guest shook his head and immediately stepped into the void, disappearing into the void.

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