Chapter 34 – Eastern Army Barracks

Release Date: 2024-07-12 14:39:42
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The world of Jin was vast.

This group of 800 warriors from the Dry Wild Tribe and Luo Feng, led by the True God “Northern Rock”, sometimes moved instantly, sometimes flew at high speed. The road alone revealed many dangers …… and made many tribal warriors who hadn’t ventured into the world of Jin seem very curious.

“I had heard that here in the Nine Smoke Zephyr, it was entrenched by three Void True Gods of the Fey Beasts, commanding a large number of Fey Beasts.” Bei Feng looked down towards the bottom, sighing and marveling, “Even the eastern army, training warriors will send quite a few to attack the Nine Smoke Zephyr, it’s worthy of being the famous Nine Smoke Zephyr.”

Luo Feng also looked down towards the bottom.

This was an incomparably vast zephyr, cloudy and misty, a beast was faintly visible in the clouds and mist, the number of true god level existences was astonishing.

This was a terrifying force that was ten times stronger than the “Gan Ye Tribe”.

“Three Void True Gods.” Luo Feng was also marveled by this.

In fact, it could be seen that the world of Jin was mainly divided into two forces, one was the tribal force and the other was the foreign beast force. Both sides obeyed the rule of the army! The army was truly superior, but in order to hone their warriors, the army would still send some ordinary warriors to attack some foreign beast divine forces and tribal forces.

However, these “attacks” were low intensity and did not require the intervention of a True God of the Void.

All the way forward.

Even Luo Feng, a “pseudo traveler” had his eyes opened, marveling at the number of powerful beings in this Jin world.

“There are hundreds or thousands of True Gods from the Dryfield Tribe. Like the Nine Smoke Zephyrs, there are even tens of thousands of true gods.” Luo Feng secretly said, “What about the entire Jin’s world …… there are countless tribes and countless foreign beasts, so how many strong beings are there within this army?”

The Northern Rock True God led all the way, due to having the most powerful and precious warships to ride on, there was no danger along the way, but it opened everyone’s eyes.

After advancing for about three months.

“We are about to arrive at the Eastern Army Barracks.” The Northern Rock True God looked at the distant sky and bellowed.

“Eastern Army Barracks?”

The tribal warriors each looked towards the front, Luo Feng also looked carefully, the distant sky over …… vaguely had an endless pressure amplitude spread, as the warships continued to advance at high speeds, it also gradually became clearer, and one could already see the rolling and boundless military camp.

“This is the east army barracks.” Luo Feng was expecting a lot.

He knew that the armies within the world of Jin were divided into four armies, southeast, west, north and west, and although they were all loyal to His Majesty the God King, these four armies were always competing with each other.

“It’s really big!” As they flew closer and closer, the group of warriors from the Dryfield Tribe couldn’t help but marvel at each and every one of them.

It was too shocking.

The rolling military camps that could not be seen at a glance, the military camps were densely populated with warriors, the most common being the “Master of the Universe”. In addition to the countless warriors, there were also some “foreign beasts” that joined the army, and the various forms of foreign beasts made the group of warriors, including Luo Feng, gasp in amazement.

“Which is what.”


“That high?”

The tribal warriors suddenly all noticed the strange objects that stood majestically in the depths of the barracks, each one of them was hundreds of millions of kilometers tall, the warriors next to them were much smaller in comparison.

“Eh?” Luo Feng also looked carefully, that a hundred million kilometers high strange object, similar to the “huge spherical fortress”, at a glance there are thousands of spherical fortresses, in addition to these spherical fortresses …… in the fortress surrounding the bottom there are also a large number of birds like flying birds like strange things.

“That’s machinery!” The Northern Rock True God marveled, “That’s powerful machinery built by the mechanical sergeants.”


“That’s the machinery that can be used by a large number of warriors together to erupt with powerful battle power?”

“The legendary machinery that can easily exterminate a Void True God?”

The tribal warriors were all excited.

Luo Feng also looked at them with blazing fervor, of course he knew about the mechanical flow treasures, just that he only knew about it from reading the inheritance of the Broken East River lineage before, the mechanical flow treasures that he had seen with his own eyes were too rare. And in the distance that was a large number of mechanical flow treasures.

“Exterminating a Void True God?” The Northern Rock True God nodded, “Yes, you guys, look, that tallest sphere-shaped machinery, named ‘Jin Luo Heaven and Earth’, at the very least, it requires one million True Gods to fully maneuver it. The extreme capacity, it can reach ten million True Gods in it……. It only takes one collective blast to exterminate a group of Void True Gods.”

Luo Feng was shocked.

The limit can hold ten million true gods? Such machinery, even in the ancient civilization inheritance data records it was top notch.

“My world of Jin! The most proudly manufactured machinery is the Jin Luo Heaven and Earth.” True God Bei Yan proudly said, “The materials used are economical to the extreme, and the power has reached a peak. And it can be manufactured on a large scale! For endless years, my Eastern Army alone has created more Jin Luo Heaven and Earth, and even if all the warriors of the Four Great Armies were to use the Jin Luo Heaven and Earth, they wouldn’t be able to use much of it……. The Jin Luo Heaven and Earth was created too much, and it was meant to be used for the purpose of the Jin Luo Heaven and Earth. There are too many of them, and they were originally prepared for His Majesty the Divine King to fight in the outside world. It’s just that His Majesty the God King hasn’t come to enlist his warriors for a long, long time.”

Luo Feng secretly nodded.

Jin Luo world, this kind of great killing weapon was indeed for external conquests. The internal fights within the world of Jin would not utilize this kind of machinery.

“Look guys, the small bird like machinery next to Jin Luo heaven and earth, that’s the famous ‘Hatchet Painter’, and one of the proudest machinery of my world of Jin.” True God Bei Yan introduced, “The Hatchet Painter requires at least a hundred True Gods to be catalyzed in it. At most, it can hold up to a thousand True Gods.”

“Hat Painting is famous for its speed and flexibility! Although it lacks only one means of attack, it is extremely powerful in large-scale wars. But it is an extremely effective machine in large-scale wars.” True God Bei Yan said.

Luo Feng nodded slightly as he listened.

Machinery, not any kind of machinery, was suitable for super large scale warfare.

Ancient civilization, strong people like clouds, the major powers of the mega war is very scary, some machinery …… I’m afraid that just on the battlefield is finished, in the strength of the weak mechanical use is great, but if it is to the level of the three generations of the ancestor, the god king, the machinery on the contrary, it will be in a weak position.

But for true gods and void true gods, the mechanical use is great!

Good machinery …… has to be adapted to war, has to be able to be manufactured on a large scale, and the materials used can still be as economical as possible …… It is indeed very complicated.

“I’m afraid that His Majesty the God King has long since perished.” Luo Feng secretly said, “Without His Majesty the God King’s call, the army within this Jin’s world can only follow the previous orders and keep making machinery and preparing their forces. Waiting for the call at any time, but I’m afraid they’ll never get the call. I’m afraid that all this machinery …… will only go to waste.”

Luo Feng secretly shook his head.

He didn’t have any ambition for those machines either.

Because ……

There were too many strong people needed, Jin Luo heaven and earth needed at least a million true gods! How could they do it in the Cosmic Sea? Even “Hatchet Painting” needs at least a hundred True Gods, which is still beyond the capacity of the Cosmic Sea.

“Ancient civilizations are really powerful.” Luo Feng sighed in his heart.

Luo Feng wasn’t surprised that it was so powerful.

Because of the existence of super mechanical flow treasures like the universe boat, then Luo Feng can vaguely see what level the top battle power of the ancient civilization would be, at least not stupid can easily deduce that a universe boat, battle power if it can all explode …… true gods? Even hundreds of millions of True Gods are just ants.

“It’s a pity that the universe boat broke and stopped there forever.”

“That humanoid creature suspected to be His Majesty the God King also lies there forever.”

“The Broken East River lineage of previous generations also perished one by one, leaving me alone …… “Luo Feng shook his head, cruel ah.

It was only from this world of Jin that one could still glimpse some traces of ancient civilization.

The eastern army barracks, endlessly vast.

About a quarter of the tribes and beast forces in the entire Jin world will join the East Army, so it can be said that every day there are “warriors” to join …… and the screening test is already strict, which makes the warriors waiting for the screening test, has long been lined up in a long line, a glance at the end of the line can not be seen. At a glance, one could not see the end.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”

As the warships landed, right on a plain around them, it was easy to see that two palace supreme treasures had also landed in the distance, obviously coming to send warriors as well.

“Quickly, come out.”

“Don’t be slow, hurry up.”

Amidst the Northern Rock True God’s chants and kicks, the 800 warriors of the Dryfield Tribe and Luo Feng all quickly came out onto this plain.

“Go over there and line up.” Northern Rock True God even drank, “Wait for screening, you little brats …… don’t even fail to join the army.”

With the Northern Rock True God, the leader who was familiar with everything, everything was naturally swift.

The 800 tribal warriors, including Luo Feng, quickly came to the very back of the line that had formed a long line and quickly proceeded to line up.

“Uncle, how long will this line take?” Bei Feng asked eagerly.

Luo Feng also looked towards the front, it was really a sea of people, wrong, apart from humanoid creatures, there were tons of foreign beasts mixed in as well. Obviously the ones joining the army were not tribal forces.

“From the looks of it, there are around 800,000 people in line right now.” The Northern Rock True God judged with a sweep of his gaze, “According to the normal speed, it should be your turn in half a month, wait. An individual rush, all good calmly storing power to prepare, the most basic screening to join the army alone, can join the army normal only one third, the other two thirds have perished.”

Luo Feng eyebrows jumped.

Join the army to perish two thirds?

“Don’t disgrace my Dryfield tribe.” Northern rock true god droned, then he left and went directly to exchange with some other true gods in the distance, “Haha, Zanjian tribe, your warriors are here too, oh, the little ones look good.”

Those individual True Gods exchanged words.

Of course the Northern Rock True God would not leave in a hurry, he would wait, at least he had to see …… how many of his Dryfield Tribe could enter the army this time.

Time passed.

Warriors from various tribes, foreign beasts from various territories were constantly being screened for blood, roars, hisses, and cries of pain were constantly coming from the very front, it was obvious that the screening to enter the army was extremely brutal. Luo Feng was also constantly advancing along with the ranks, indeed after half a month, it was Luo Feng and the dry wild tribe warriors’ turn.

“Next batch, three thousand, all come in.” As a foreign beast with blood red curved horns swept and growled, all 3000 warriors (including the foreign beasts) including Luo Feng and the Gan Ye tribe were led to the bloody screening to join the army.

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