Chapter 40: Rampage

Release Date: 2024-07-12 14:39:57
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“Join hands?” Fish Luo, who was all turquoise, had a grim voice as he swept a glance at the captain and the seventeen sergeants behind him, “Honorable captain, do I dare to join forces with you? Hm? When I was a new recruit, it was still just a normal one-time mission, I flattered you and followed you, but what happened? You used me as bait …… If it wasn’t for my strong life preservation ability and some treasures given to me by my grandfather before I joined the army, I’m afraid that I would have died on my first mission. A captain like you? Still want us to join forces with you?”

Fish Luo and the eight sergeants behind him sneered at the captain.

The captain growled lowly, “Every sergeant has a different strength, a different status, and a different natural position. How can you blame me when you were just a new recruit and didn’t know anything? This time is a disaster level mission, every disaster level mission has to perish quite a few sergeants, nine of you acted and thought you could succeed?”

“Don’t worry, this doesn’t require you to worry.” Fish Luo shook his head and smiled coldly, “The nine of us, we live and die together. Since we are together, we have taken an oath …… We are all assured that we will hand over our lives to each other. As for you? Hmph, we don’t feel comfortable handing ourselves over to you.”


“Don’t bother.”

“Pulling us, I’m afraid we’re going to be utilized again at the critical moment.” The group of foreign beasts behind Fish Luo each roared.

Fish Luo even looked at Luo Feng and Wu He and said grimly, “You two new recruits, you encountered a disaster level mission as soon as you came in, count yourselves unlucky. But remember …… Kufa if he’s willing to take you guys, it’s okay. But this captain? Bring you guys that is certainly to use you, and will let you go to death.”

“And …… captain, in order not to be used by you. We will leave first.” After Fish Luo finished speaking, he took the eight sergeants under his command and directly walked towards a twisted spatial wormhole in the distance next to the Evil Great Hall, which was a spatial wormhole created by a strong person, and could directly lead to the outside of the barracks.


Nine figures, instantly drilled into the wormhole and disappeared.

The captain and a group of other soldiers were annoyed beyond measure.

“Kufa.” The captain looked at Kufa, “What about you?”

“Not necessary.” Kufa shook her head and smiled, her smile was incomparably beautiful, she turned to Luo Feng and Wu He, “You two new recruits, this time it’s a disaster level mission, I can’t help you. But it’s a long way from here to the Nine Smoke Zephyr, and it’s dangerous along the way, I have True God level warships, set off with us, I’ll take you guys with me to reach that Nine Smoke Zephyr, and when we get there, we’ll split up again.”

“Good.” Wu Helian answered.

“Good.” Luo Feng also nodded.


Kufa gave an order, a total of ten sergeants from her side, plus Luo Feng and Woodhur, together they quickly flew towards the distant spatial wormhole and drilled into it.

Only the captain and his group of sergeants remained.


“Captain don’t have to care, we can still complete this army sent mission without them.” One by one, the other sergeants opened their mouths.

The burly captain looked away from the wormhole and coldly grunted, “Kufa and Fish Luo, how long have they only been in the army? Just how many times have they broken into disaster level missions, think every disaster level mission is the same, this time it is the Nine Smoke Zephyr, as far as I know, the Nine Smoke Zephyr just had a big battle with the Dazzling Straining Mountain not long ago, so the vigilance is incomparably tight …… to succeed they must join forces, forget it, since they are so confident, see… . when this mission is over, how many of them will still be left.”

“The captain is the one who survived the reincarnation level mission, is he not comparable to Fish Luo and Kufa?”

“Right, I’m afraid they won’t live to see the next epoch.”

Those individual sergeants, very much believed in the captain.

Because the captain’s strength was the undisputed number one in the team, the captain who had lived for an unparalleled amount of time, but also had mechanical flow treasures in his body, although “selfish”, but in some extremely dangerous missions, following such a captain might perish a few. But if you follow Kufa and Fish Luo, you might lose your entire army.

“Go!” The captain ordered.

“Yes.” Each one responded.


This group of sergeants also quickly left.

Through the spatial wormhole, they directly came to a vast mountain forest outside the barracks, the beautiful Kufa even waved his hand and threw out a black warship, it was the “palace type strongest treasure”, then one by one, including Kufa, they all quickly went in, Luo Feng and Woodhurst also entered without any hesitation.

“From here to the Nine Smoke Zephyr.” Kufa’s voice was crisp and pleasant, “The fastest will take twelve days, everyone just meditate and prepare first.”

Luo Feng stood in the cabin, but he wasn’t worried in the slightest.

If in the universe sea …… is never easy to enter other strong person’s palace treasure, because once entered, once the other party has bad intentions, afraid will directly take the palace treasure back to the “small universe”, and then kill him! However, in the World of Jin,……, there is no need to worry about this.

Because in the World of Jin, no matter if it is an immortal, Law Venerable, Law Lord, or even stronger True God or Void True God.

Their “divine kingdoms” and “mini-universes” were all in the core space of the entire World of Jinn.

At the core of the World of Jin, there was an incomparably vast space, which should be considered the “origin space” of the World of Jin, where there were a large number of divine kingdoms and a large number of small universes. However, the powerhouses of the World of Jin were unable to enter the origin space, so naturally, they were unable to enter their own divine kingdoms, nor could they enter their own mini-universes.

They were unable to utilize their “small universes” to kill their enemies!

Not only that!

There are many other differences between the World of Jinn and the Cosmic Sea.

For example, ……

Within the World of Jinn, none of them had a split body! Those Immortals, Law Venerables, and Law Lords all had only one divine body!

In fact, the so-called “ability to split” was originally bestowed by the Primordial Universe, and none of the beings in the World of Jinn, who had not been bestowed by the Primordial Universe, naturally had a split body.


Within this supreme treasure warship, even if that Kufa flipped out, he would at most trap everyone within it. To kill them, there was nothing Kufa could do. And once the next mission period (after one epoch) came, and these soldiers had not returned, once the army investigated, if they died, it was just a matter of death, if they found out that they were imprisoned by the Kufa, the Kufa himself would have to be dealt with by military law.

When Luo Feng and a group of sergeants such as Wu He and Kufa, left the military camp to head to the Nine Smoke Zephyr ……

Inside the Eastern Army’s military camp.

Outside one of the armament point halls.

“This is the armament point?” A foreign beast with a huge golden shell on its body looked up at the huge hall.

“Yokai, you’ve received the True God grade battle armor, why are you still coming to the armament point?” Another sinuous coiled foreign beast next to him transmitted a voice.

That golden-shelled foreign beast was none other than the Hengxing Demon God.

In the beginning, it was incredibly tragic that once it descended into the world of Jin, it messed with a True God level beast, and he and that True God level beast intentionally fought for a long time to learn the “ancient civilization language”, but then it was even more hunted down by a group of beasts True God level beasts……. Luckily, it is the best thing that it is good at is defense. Fortunately, the best thing it can do is to defend itself, so it finally escaped and escaped.

The way to break into the world.

True God, in the world of Jin has been counted as a strong person, the void true God after all counts the real super hegemon, are in their own lair will not run around. Therefore, although the devil god all the way through a lot of experience, but under caution, but also made some friends of foreign beasts, but also gradually know the situation in the world of Jin.

Soon he understood that the entire Jin’s World’s countless inheritances and treasures were concentrated in the army!

So he came to join the army!

Although the general Lord of Laws joined the army, but that was only the bottom line of joining the army …… Some cultivation is too fast, before entering the army to become a true god, and then later go to join the army. The army is also welcome! True God to join the army, join the screening elimination is much lower, every 10 true gods only eliminated three. The Yokai Demon God was just strong in defense, naturally he survived and joined the army, and was even given a standardized battle armor.

“What do you care!” The Hengxing Demon God immediately said, “Wait for me, I’ll go in.”

The Hengxing Demon God immediately rushed in.

Inside the armament point hall.

“Buzz ……” Once he entered, it was as if space and time changed and he entered another world.

“It feels similar to the human virtual universe.” The Horizontal Demon God muttered in his heart, looking at everything in front of him, in front of him was a very prosperous piece of space and time, with a large number of sergeants, and every sergeant was entertained by a golden figure. At this moment, another golden figure flew directly in front of the Hengxing Demon God.

“But it’s even more amazing than the human’s virtual universe, the virtual universe is just the consciousness going in, this even has the body coming in.” The Hengxing Demon God secretly said.

“True God Sergeant.” The golden figure descended, “Name your request.”

“I want to exchange this treasure for military honors, and after that I want to exchange the treasure.” The Horizontal Demon God was a little apprehensive while holding its Blood Sea Demon Armor, which was his supreme supreme treasure battle armor that spanned the Cosmic Sea and had a powerful will impact effect, but now there was a formulated battle armor and the effect wasn’t too different.

Formulated battle armor, seventh-order attacks are all ineffective.

Blood sea magic armor, under the eighth-order attacks are all invalid. As for the weakening amplitude is the same, but the tolerance limit is higher for the Blood Sea Magic Armor. But for the “transverse demon god”, even the limit value of the true god level standardized battle armor …… can only reach that level with at least the attack of the true god of the void.

There is no need for such a strong battle armor in the Cosmic Sea.

As for invalid below the seventh order or below the eighth order? Which attack of a True God powerhouse is below the eighth rank?

“Buzz-” The golden figure’s eyes shot golden light and scanned the Blood Sea Demon Armor, “This is Void True God level armor, worth 300,000 military merits! Is it worth 300,000 military merits?”

When the Hengxing Demon God heard “Void True God Grade Armor”, he froze and stared blankly.

“Is it exchanged for military merit?” The golden figure continued.

“Exchange, exchange, exchange.” The Horizontal Demon God said in succession, while in his heart, he was ecstatic, earning, earning.


The golden figure reached out his hand, and the Blood Sea Demon Armor was taken away, then he said, “You need to exchange for treasures, this is the list, you can choose whatever you want.” Only to see a large screen of light instantly appear in front of the Horizontal Demon God, on the screen were many detailed lists, and under each list was a large number of treasures.

A moment later.

The Rampant Demon God waddled out of the Armament Point Hall, and its sergeant friend outside greeted him.

“This is rich.”

“All of a sudden, I’ve changed the Supreme Supreme Treasure Palace, and even got four sets of Supreme Supreme Treasure Attack Supreme Treasures. My attack, defense, escape, and everything is complete. Back in the Cosmic Sea, I’m truly walking sideways.” The Horizontal Demon God was incomparably happy, “It’s just a pity that I’m not from the Special Legion, or else I would have been able to exchange for mechanical flow treasures.”

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