Chapter 47: The Only One in My Heart, Kill!

Release Date: 2024-07-12 14:40:15
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When Luo Feng, the captain and the two groups of soldiers were quietly waiting for their chance outside the True God level battlefield like hunting, the craziest battle in the entire Nine Smoke Zephyr would be the war at the level of the ‘Lord of Laws’, it was an incomparably crazy war, with a large number of weak or defensively weak Lords of Laws falling.

The Lords of Laws of the Dazzling Straining Mountain and Nine Smoke Zephyr sides naturally added up to more than ten million!

And up until now, more than a third of them had already fallen!

This is a sharpening, a screening!

The Law Lords who had gone through the trials and tribulations and survived this horrific screening, many of them would even quickly break through to become True Gods!

“That stupid bastard Galaxy! Still wanting to go and get a True God corpse, are True God corpses that easy to get?” With a flick of his tail, Woodhurst swiftly swam and moved through the vast Nine Smoke Zephyr battlefield, and also roared crazily from time to time as he killed towards the tribal warriors on the ‘Dazzling Straining Mountain’ side.


“Kill this group of scum from Dazzling Straining Mountain!” Woodhurst roared and hollered.

Beside him, there were some other foreign beasts that followed along and roared together, going to kill the tribal warriors together.

The Nine Smoke Zephyr is too big after all, the number of Law Lords is too many, there may be a new Law Lord born, the old Law Lord fell …… so any Law Lord, can recognize 80% of the Nine Smoke Zephyr’s Law Lord partners even if it’s remarkable, they see that Woodhurst is a Fae Beast, and also kills ”Dazzling Straightening Mountain” tribal warriors together with them. Dazzling Straining Mountain’ tribal warriors, so they just took it as a companion they didn’t recognize.

“Kill, kill.” Woodhur was killing like crazy, but once a Fae Beast fell around it, it would quickly put away the weapons, armor, etc. that fell from the Fae Beast.

“After three months of killing, I’ve only gotten 1200 military merits.” Woodhurst was also secretly anxious in his heart.

But the battlefield was too big after all.

It could only collect the weapons and armor that fell around it! And it had to be careful to avoid the many dangers, after all, the battlefield was chaotic, and once it was careless, even it could fall.

In another part of the vast Nine Smoke Zephyr battlefield.

“Everyone must be careful. We are all considered extremely strong amongst the Law Lords. But this is a battle of over ten million Law Lords! The Qu Luo laughter and the two of them are just because they weren’t careful enough, we are still short of many military honors, we must be vigilant and careful.” A group of soldiers led by Kufa was also mingling amongst the battlefield.

They all looked like tribal warriors and were naturally disguised as the ‘Dazzling Straining Mountain’ side.



“We’re still short of many military honors.” One by one, the sergeants were anxious.

On the surface, it was like this.

But inwardly, the group of sergeants understood that if one of their companions died, then the weapon armor of the Nine Smoke Zephyr Fey Beast that their companions had previously obtained would become theirs. When their ten sergeants added up, they had obtained just over ten thousand pieces of weapon armor, which could at least be exchanged for more than ten thousand military merits, ensuring that at least one sergeant would be able to get through this mission.

The death of a fellow soldier would be beneficial to them instead.

However, no one was willing to die on their own.

Kufa’s batch of sergeants, Yu Luo’s batch of sergeants, and the separate Woodhurst were all working hard on the battlefield of the Lord of Laws to figure out how to pick up the weapon armor of the ‘Nine Smoke Zephyr side’, and of course, they could also mix in a small portion of the weapon armor of the strongest members of the ‘Dazzling Storm Mountain’ side to make up the numbers. As long as the army verifies that there are no problems!

But after all, the Nine Smoke Zephyr was too big!

How many points of weapon armor can each of the three batches of them obtain? Doomed …… to this mission, most of them who didn’t die on the battlefield would also end up being court-martialed!

Even so!

They also didn’t dare to go to the True God level battlefield.

At the edge of the True God level battlefield, this battlefield had already lasted for nearly four months.

Luo Feng remained calm and silent waiting for his chance.

But the captain and his group of sergeants were in internal turmoil.

“Captain! You’re always so afraid of this and that, once we wait for this war to pass, where will we have a chance to get military honors in a big way?” A lean sergeant wearing dark golden armor transmitted his voice angrily, “Without military merits, we can only escape, but the army wants to kill us, even if we escape for a while, we won’t survive for long, we must earn military merits as well.”

“Right, captain, we can’t go on like this.”

“We have to live too!”

“We want military honors too!”

Several of the sergeants were anxious, and the other sergeants also looked anxiously at the captain.

The cold eyes under the captain’s huge curved horns swept the surroundings for a glance, he understood that the group of sergeants under his command were truly anxious, he could not be the least bit anxious about obtaining a True God’s corpse, but the sergeants under his command could not be as calm and comfortable as he was.

“Going within the True God level battlefield now is a death sentence.” The captain said indifferently.

“We know that it’s a death sentence, so we won’t go there, but …… right now countless Law Lords are killing each other, and that’s all military credit! As long as we have enough time to pick up a large amount of weapons and armor, it’s entirely possible that we’ll be able to scrape together enough military merit, and in the battlefield of the Lords of Laws, we’ll have a good chance of surviving.”

“Right, captain.”

“Let’s go to the battlefield of the Lord of Laws.”

One by one, they all looked at the captain.

The captain, however, laughed coldly, “Picking up weapons and armor and gaining ten thousand military merits? How long would that take? Those who want to go, just go, I won’t stop them. However, at the critical moment, I will send a message to you through the summoning token, telling you my coordinates, and at that time, you must come immediately. Otherwise ……”

“Yes, captain.”

“Understood, Captain.”

“At the captain’s call, we will arrive immediately.”

“Captain, we’ll go to the battlefield first.”

“We are always at the captain’s command.”

One by one, the sergeants immediately responded, and then one by one, they quietly and swiftly slipped away, and in just a moment, the group of sergeants under the captain’s command unexpectedly walked away.

The captain shook his head and laughed coldly, “In the face of death, each and every one of them seems to have been pushed.”

These sergeants, the captain inwardly despised, but after all, each one is a Python River Army sergeant, united or can explode enough combat power, utilized well …… is completely able to get through some tasks more easily. Not until the last moment, he will not easily abandon this group of soldiers.

Luo Feng and the captain, in different two places along the edge of the True God level battlefield, were quietly entrenched, always ready to reveal their fangs.

“Roar~~~” the long necked eight hoofed and clawed foreign beast true god, the one eye on its narrow head flashing with cunning, was roaming around the entire edge of the True God level battlefield.

Its strength, had dropped quite a bit.

Among the True Gods, those like it who didn’t have True God level battle armor were already a step below those True Gods who had ‘joined the army’! Usually some trivial things, such as cleaning the battlefield, such as patrolling, such as retrieving their side’s corpses of trivial things are they these True Gods to do, but they also understand that it is not enough strength, so they will also sharpen themselves, but in this kind of Armageddon …… once they feel that the strength of the decline quite a lot, they will choose to escape and dodge again and again.


“Once a True God dies, the weapon armor will detach from the body, and it will be captured by the enemy that killed the True God. And I didn’t get a single piece.” The Eight-Hoofed Clawed Fey Beast True God was secretly annoyed.

True God level battle armor and weapons were precious.

Whereas lesser battle armor and weapons were common, the vast majority of the countless Law Lords had them, and in the World of Jinn, even if there were a hundred or a thousand ‘peak supreme treasures’, one would never be able to exchange them for a ‘supreme supreme treasure’!

“I must obtain a True God Battle Armor.”


The Eight-Hoofed Clawed Fae Beast True God wandered again and again, it avoided battle and escaped again and again, searching for an opportunity, and if a certain ‘True God’ with True God level battle armor fell, it would definitely try to grab it! It is just that it is very difficult for that kind of true god to fall, even if it falls …… the chances of it grabbing it are also very small, otherwise it would not be so bad that there is no true god battle armor today.

Wandering again and again.

In different areas of the True God level battlefield.

“If there are no other True Gods.” The captain was anxious, “Alone with this eight hoofed and clawed beast alone, I can harness the mechanical flow treasures, one on one, and kill it for a long time and completely kill it, but this is a True God level battlefield ah, and it has collected more than thirty True God corpses on the side of the Nine Smoky Zephyrs.”

In another place.

Luo Feng’s eyes were as calm as the sea, silently locking onto that eight hoofed and clawed foreign beast True God while constantly calculating each other’s position.

“It’s strength has dropped quite a bit.”

“It doesn’t have a supreme supreme treasure battle armor to protect its body!”

“I’m certain that I can kill it in a very short period of time.”

Luo Feng locked the location of that foreign beast true god, as that eight hoofed and clawed foreign beast true god wandered, Luo Feng also began to act quietly, his speed wasn’t fast, preventing large fluctuations from being probed by the divine power, he gradually approached towards within the true god level battlefield, his speed was very slow, and at this moment …… Luo Feng was extremely patient.

This approaching took more than three days.

These three days or so of approaching caused Luo Feng to have entered within the true god level battlefield, followed closely by Luo Feng stopping and waiting for the eight hoofed clawed foreign beast true god to wander over.



“Wait for that instantaneous outburst.” Luo Feng kept building up his momentum.

The three days or so of approaching alone, as well as at this moment while waiting, Luo Feng’s entire state was constantly soaring …… the entire person’s all thoughts everything else is excluded, everything is cohesive and unique, there is only one goal – with the fastest speed to consume the shortest amount of time, to bring the This eight hoofed and clawed foreign beast true god to kill!

This kind of absolute thought only!

Also naturally make the potential burst …… Hidden, Luo Feng has a strong desire to draw the sword, why fight between life and death to break through? It’s because between life and death, the instincts of life will naturally cause all thoughts to converge and explode with incomparable and terrifying potential.

This was a terrifyingly dangerous situation!

Killing a True God in a battlefield of tens of thousands of True Gods! How crazy is that? Precisely because of the madness, Luo Feng’s heart was burning with an increasingly mad passion.



“Chance.” Luo Feng’s eyes were only filled with the eight hoofed clawed beast true god wandering in the distance.

At this moment, the eight hoofed clawed foreign beast true god is being careful and cautious, unwilling to fight with some powerful true gods on the side of dazzle strained mountain, at most, it is just killing with some equally weak tribal true gods, gradually, it is approaching towards Luo feng this close, approaching …… is approaching ……

The stone like Luo Feng’s eyes that had been dull suddenly lit up.

The entire person instantly exploded from a dead thing.

“This is the moment!”

Luo Feng instantly exploded.


Speed instantly erupted, divine power instantly began to burn furiously, boom! The first volume of Broken Destruction! Boom! Once again a stronger degree of burning, the second volume of The Broken Destruction! This was one of Luo Feng’s two biggest gains in strength enhancement in over 8 million epochs …… practicing the second volume of 銆夿reaking Destruction銆�!

“What!” The ever vigilant eight hoofed clawed alien beast true god wandering at the edge violently turned its narrow head, its one eye looking back in shock, only to see a huge blurring blade shadow with an incomparably ferocious aura directly crushing in ……

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