Chapter 53 – Eternal True God

Release Date: 2024-07-12 14:40:30
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The corpse of a True God of nearly a million kilometers fell to the ground, causing the ground to vibrate slightly, and the corpse’s tail almost touched a soldier not far away. Some of the surrounding soldiers turned their heads to look at the corpse of the beast True God, especially after seeing it, they tsked and marveled at it.


The golden figure’s eyes shot out golden light, enveloping the corpse of the foreign beast true god, then nodded slightly, “Indeed it’s a true god of the nine smoky zephyrs, mission accomplished, counting 10,000 military merits.”

Luo Feng’s heart was shocked as he listened, a single check could confirm that it was from the Nine Smoke Zephyr? It seemed like the army’s control over the entire world of Jin was incredibly strong.

“Name your demands!” The golden figure looked at Luo Feng, “You can use these 10,000 military merits to exchange for weapons, machinery, inheritance and everything else that’s on the list. If you have other treasures, you can also offer them to the army in exchange for military merit.”

“This is the list.”

As soon as the golden figure’s words fell, a huge light screen appeared in front of Luo Feng with tons of detailed lists.

Luo Feng swept his gaze.

“I want to understand some basic information about the various levels upwards of True Gods.” Luo Feng spoke.

“Basic messages?” The golden figure said, “There are just three pieces of information explaining the basic messages, depending on the level of detail and secrecy, if you read them, you will need 100 military merit, 500 military merit, and 3000 military merit respectively.”

Luo Feng was taken aback.

Just basic information and not a cultivation guide even requires so much military credit, the military credit for a disaster level mission is only 10,000, he relies on a foreign beast true god corpse, it’s easy for him to squeeze one or two supreme supreme treasures out of Woodhurst, he might be able to squeeze even more. But one did long to know more.

“I need the highest grade.” Luo Feng directly said.

“3,000 deductions for military merit!” The golden figure said, “Sergeant Python River Army, you still have 7000 military merit left, and you can only view this secret message here.”


A large amount of text immediately surfaced on the light screen in front of Luo Feng, this light screen was only visible to Luo Feng, the other sergeants who were also at the armament point could not see it, in fact by the same token, Luo Feng couldn’t see the details of the transactions of the other sergeants at the armament point either.

“Looking here?” Luo Feng muttered, then swept his gaze to read it carefully.

The text was extremely tiny.

The light screen was extremely huge, the number of words on one side of the light screen amounted to billions, Luo Feng was immersed as soon as he took a look.

According to the basic message description.

According to the division of strength, it could be divided into below immortal, immortal, law venerable (universe venerable), law lord (universe lord), true god, void true god, eternal true god.

When a living being in the World of Jinn is first born, it is below immortal.

Generally, when they reach adulthood, they can be immortal. There are some geniuses who can become immortal within a few years of birth.

Immortals, Law Venerables, and Law Lords …… are all godlike beings! Their energies and life imprints were fused as one! The loss of divine energy is the loss of life imprints (some communities have souls, some such as rock life are other life cores, but in summary, all have life imprints).

The more life marks you lose, the greater the impact on your strength.

For example, if you lose 50% of your divine body, you will lose 90% of your strength!

This is the disadvantage of divine life.

Once you become a true god!

Once you become a true god, you will return to your roots as if you were a baby, returning to your original life.

The original flesh and blood life is still flesh and blood life, and the original metal life is still metal life. ……

Example: flesh and blood life.

Flesh and blood beings, their own flesh and blood, sinews and bones are unable to contain the mark of life, just like domain lords and realm lords, whose souls and bodies are separate! After becoming a True God, they transformed back into flesh and blood beings. Their soul and flesh would still be separate again!

The energy of a True God is the physical body!

A powerful body, where every ounce of body can be burned and turned into powerful energy for combat attacks.

The soul of a True God, on the other hand, was hidden in the ‘Heart of a True God’.

True Gods, Void True Gods, and Eternal True Gods all possess the ‘Heart of True God’.

The heart of a True God …… said it was a heart, but it was actually a hidden space within the body of a True God. Within this hidden space, there is the soul of the True God, and at the same time, this hidden space also connects to the small universe in the outside world. Regardless of how far away the True God and his own small universe are, through this link, the energy absorbed by the small universe can be quickly transferred to the ‘Heart of the True God’ to replenish the consumption of the battle.

Killing True Gods ……

There are three ways to kill a True God.

The first was to completely destroy a True God’s physical body, destroying the hidden space from the physical level, and the True God would naturally fall.

The second type, soul attack, directly destroying a True God’s soul, the True God naturally dies.

The third, and the most common, is the attack that exceeds the true god’s tolerance time and time again, the strong impact will constantly make the hidden space in the true god’s body (that is, the true god’s heart) begin to break down and even disintegrate, once the true god’s heart collapses, then the true god will naturally die.

Just like an ordinary person wearing armor, was hit by a hammer on the chest, perhaps the ordinary person surface has no injuries, but the impact of the heart was shattered alive.

A reason.

So the stronger the body is to resist the stronger attack, the weaker the impact on the True God’s Heart will be! If the body was able to block everything, the heart of the True God would not be impacted and would naturally be fine.

Flesh-like beings, rock-like beings, plant-like beings, and so on.

This is the case for all of them.

When one becomes a True God, the body and soul (the core of life) are naturally separated. So a true god’s energy is no more consumed, no more …… impact on strength. This is because the so-called ‘divine energy’ that a True God burns does not contain a soul.

True Gods possessed a small universe, however, this small universe was born from the derivation of the Divine Kingdom and was not created by True Gods through their senses.

Next, the True God needed to perceive the evolutionary birth of the universe and perceive more.


Truly control the void!

When a thought is born, the void is created! At this point, you are a True God of the Void!

The True God of the Void continues to improve and realize more, until one day …… has reached an extreme level of diffusion of the entire universe, and can even create a micro-universe in an instant.

A thought is born, then the universe becomes!

At this moment, one is an Eternal True God!

The ‘miniature universe’ of ‘one thought is born, then the universe comes into being’ wasn’t the same as the miniature universe of Luo Feng’s gifted secret method ‘I am the universe’, Luo Feng’s gifted secret method was purely too sketchy. And the miniature universe that the Eternal True God instantly created was purely because he didn’t have enough energy to make too big a universe, he could only create a miniature universe to use as a battlefield.

For example, with a single movement of the heart, tens of thousands of light years around them would enter a micro universe!

The Eternal True God, is this micro universe master!

In addition to the extremely small size, all other wonders and the real universe is no difference, the power of …… is large enough to make the Eternal True God have the strength to absolutely sweep the Void True God.

True God, Void True God, Eternal True God.

It is a process of deepening one’s control over the ‘Mysteries of Cosmic Diffusion’ until one thought can create a small universe at a later stage.

In the entire World of Jin, there were a total of four Eternal True Gods.

They were the four generals of the Eastern, Western, Northern, and Southern Armies! They commanded and managed the entire World of Jin and possessed supreme status. If any other Void True God breaks through and becomes an Eternal True God …… then the Eternal True God can directly leave the World of Jinn to fight for His Majesty the God King!

Like other sergeants, they had to be summoned by His Majesty the Godking before they could go out.

But Eternal True Gods, they could go out on their own!

Luo Feng was secretly sighing when he saw this, ”Go out freely? If that god king sire was still alive, then it would be fine if the eternal true gods under his command came out to fight for him. But now, looking at that huge humanoid creature lying in the Cosmic Sea, I’m afraid that this Godking Majesty has long since fallen.”

“If His Majesty the God King has fallen, according to what the Primordial Universe Origin Will has said, all living beings in the World of Jinn will surely die as long as they go out of the World of Jinn.”

“I’m afraid that even if the occasional supreme powerhouse is born and becomes an Eternal True God, and has just left the World of Jin filled with anticipation, I’m afraid that they’ll be directly annihilated.” Luo Feng sighed over this, then continued to look on with anticipation.

In the world of Jin, a Void True God was the overlord of a party.

Eternal true gods, on the other hand, were absolutely towering existences, and under the command of his majesty the god king, they were also great vassals with a very high status.

However, even if they were the same True God, the same Void True God, and the same Eternal True God, there would still be gaps between them.

For example, the extremely important ‘small universe’.

When one becomes a True God, the Divine Kingdom is transformed into a ‘Small Universe’, and at this moment, the structure within the Small Universe is extremely important.

When a True God was a True God, the small universe was uniformly 100 million light years in diameter.

However, once one breaks through to become a Void True God, the gap is highlighted, as the difference in the earliest architectures causes some small universes to metamorphose to a diameter of 1.8 billion light-years when one becomes a Void True God, while others metamorphose to 2.5 billion light-years, and some metamorphose to a diameter of 5 billion light-years. It was completely different.

Among the Void True God’s small universes, the minimum diameter was 1 billion light years and the maximum diameter was 10 billion light years.

“Oh?” Luo Feng looked astonished, “The two great holy lands, the Purple Moon holy land universe is smaller at 2.1 billion light years, while the East Emperor holy land universe is larger at 3.2 billion light years.”

In terms of the diameter of the holy land universe.

The Eastern Emperor Patriarch and the Violet Moon Patriarch …… are both Void True Gods!

“Keep looking.” Luo Feng looked very carefully.

Small universes, were fundamental.

Small universes could greatly absorb the outside world’s energy into divine power without a life mark and be absorbed by the strong. And every time a strong person made a breakthrough, no matter if it was a True God to a Void True God or a Void True God to an Eternal True God, the small universe had to metamorphose in order for the entire breakthrough to be successful.


When a strong person dies, the Small Universe naturally collapses.

But if the Small Universe was attacked and destroyed! The strongest person will still be able to live and absorb external energy to replenish, but they will never be able to break through again! Even if one’s senses are high, it’s useless.

But ……

Small universes are very solid and extremely difficult to destroy.

To destroy a True God’s Small Universe, an extreme powerhouse among the Void True Gods must go all out to do so!

To destroy the small universe of a Void True God, it would take an extreme existence among the ‘Eternal True Gods’ to do so.

To destroy the small universe of an Eternal True God …… is not recorded.

However, the mini-universes of all the strongest people in the World of Jinn were all arranged by His Majesty the Godking to be at the core of the World of Jinn, and there wouldn’t be any strong people who could reach there without such dangers.

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