Chapter 56 – Luo Feng’s Mechanical Flow Treasure

Release Date: 2024-07-12 14:40:37
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Woodhurst was stared at by Luo Feng, and also gritted its teeth and finally took out the most important treasure it had brought with it this time it came to join the army …… And Luo Feng, who saw the treasure that appeared in the clearing, immediately revealed a joyful color.

A few moments later, the transaction was completed.

“Galaxy, I’ll leave you alone.” Woodhurst, who had gotten the True God’s corpse, immediately left.

“Fine.” Luo Feng nodded and smiled with a friendly attitude.

Woodhe turned into streams of light, followed by an instantaneous movement, and he had left.

Luo Feng couldn’t help but shake his head and sigh, “Worthy of being the child of the master of the northern true sea, just extraordinary, this deal is worth it!”

In this deal, Luo Feng paid for a True God corpse.

As for Woodhurst, he paid for a true god level battle armor, a large amount of lord of laws weapon armor and …… a mechanical flow treasure! This mechanical flow treasure is called ‘seven braised flying armor’, all other aspects are average, the best thing about it is that it’s life preserving and escaping, extremely good at constantly changing directions and dodging and so on. In order to exchange it at the armament point, you need to pay 120,000 military merits.

Of course this ‘seven braised flying armor’ sent to the armament point, but can only be exchanged for 100,000 military credit to hand. This shows the ‘blackness’ of the armament point.

100,000 military honors can be used to ‘offset the faults’ to save a life. Plus, if you don’t complete the mission, you won’t get any military honors.

In fact, Woodhurst got the ‘True God’s corpse’ from Luo Feng and saved his life and gained 10,000 military honors, which is equivalent to 110,000 military honors……. In fact, it was also Woodhurst’s carelessness, as he originally thought that with the many treasures in his possession, he would be able to carry through the disaster level mission. But when the task began, he was dumbfounded.

First of all, the big melee, he just put together part of the military.

After the melee, Wu He is very clear …… Dazzling Straining Mountain and the Nine Smoke Zephyr will certainly be incredibly vigilant after a big showdown. Wanting to slowly kill a few thousand Law Lords at the edge of the Nine Smoke Zephyr? That was simply dreaming! As for getting some of the weapon armor from the captain, Kufa, Fish Luo, and their three groups of sergeants, he was just one, the other three groups of sergeants could be a group, and once he stirred in, he would definitely be killed.

The worst thing is!

Before ever completing the mission …… couldn’t make any transactions at the armament point at all, nor could he exchange the ‘Seven Braised Flying Armor’ for military merits.

So ……

could only beg Luo Feng!

After trading with Woodhurst, Luo Feng had over 30 True God corpses in his hands and wasn’t in a hurry to go to the armament point to trade for treasures.

“Galaxy, please, help me once, I will never forget this great favor. I would like to offer you all the other treasures on my body in exchange for a True God corpse.”

“Galaxy …… As long as you help me, I will only listen to your orders from now on, and I will charge upwards if you tell me to kill the captain.”

“Galaxy ……”

Luo Feng’s summoning token, there has always been that group of sergeants from this squad in contact, they have never given up on getting a true god corpse from Luo Feng, and now that Luo Feng is in the barracks …… no one wants to kill him, they can only obediently bow down and trade with him.

“In a word, take out treasures worth one hundred thousand military merits in exchange for a foreign beast true god corpse. If there are no treasures worth 100,000 military merits …… I care if you live or die!” Luo Feng replied very dryly.

This group of soldiers didn’t care if he lived or died in the first place.

Why would he care if this group of soldiers died or lived.

Of course, if one could take out treasures worth 100,000 military merits, one could consider it. After all, he still had to fight for the human race.

Luo Feng was greedy, the group of soldiers were poor.

This group of poor sergeants couldn’t even take out treasures worth 100,000 military merits, of course the captain could, but the captain himself had the corpse of a true god in his hands.

So ……

Luo Feng waited while cultivating for a full year without a single transaction succeeding.

“Galaxy, you’re too greedy.”

“Damn Galaxy.”

“Damn it ……”

Not being able to get what they wanted, the group of sergeants were angry and even hated Luo Feng.

“I care if you guys die!” Luo Feng didn’t care in the slightest.

It was only in the third year after Luo Feng completed this army mission that he came to the armament point again, exchanged the ‘Seven Braised Flying Armor’ for military honors, exchanged all the other 33 True God corpses for military honors as well, and started exchanging them for treasures.

The main thing he exchanged was a mechanical stream treasure, the ‘Golden Claw God’, which cost 400,000 military merits!

The rest of the military merits were then exchanged for a domain class supreme supreme treasure (True God level), costing 30,000 military merits.

“Golden Claw God!”

Luo Feng stood in the hall inside his island, a huge stone house.

In the empty hall, there was a golden sculpture standing there, and Luo Feng was looking closely at this golden sculpture.

“Golden claw god?” Luo Feng softly chanted, “Monolithic type of machinery, it’s kind of the same category as that most mysterious ‘Wu Qi God’, just much smaller in power.”

The so-called much smaller was relative to the Wu Qi God.

After all, this was a mechanical flow treasure that cost 400,000 military merits to get, ah, it was definitely much stronger than the Black Cloud Wings and so on.

“Defense, attack, speed …… are all strong.” Luo Feng nodded slightly, “Very perfect.”

Strong in every way, means that every way is not heaven defying, but there are no short boards.

Deep down ……

Luo Feng actually had his eyes on that ‘Wu qi god’, so he got a simplified version of Wu qi god – golden claw god, and in his heart, Luo Feng liked these types of mechanical flow treasures that had no short boards, before it was military merit that was not enough, but after giving up the seven braised flying armor, it was enough.

“Try it.” Luo Feng’s mind moved, the golden sculpture in front of him whooshed and flew to Luo Feng’s body.


Golden light flowed and instantly covered Luo Feng’s entire body, in an instant, Luo Feng turned into a tall golden monster wearing a mask, this golden monster was humanoid, but his hands were in the shape of claws, his feet were also in the shape of claws, and his head was in the shape of a triangle, exuding an endless wild hideousness.

Because the ‘Golden Claw God’ was worn on the body, it forced the Python River Army’s standard battle armor to temporarily retreat, and the two could not coexist.

Luo Feng only felt as if he had changed into a supreme supreme battle armor.

“Divine power burning!” Luo Feng’s mind moved.


The burning divine power quickly integrated into this body surface of the golden claw god battle armor, the powerful energy immediately through the ‘golden claw god’ inside a secret pattern, but the result was …… unable to manipulate! Obviously the internal secret pattern was too tough, Luo Feng could only temporarily stop burning divine energy, first carefully refer to the secret pattern.

With Luo Feng’s secret law level …… also sufficiently pondered for more than three days, finally enlightened the entire Golden Claw God’s manipulation, soon accompanied by a large number of burning divine power infusion, along the countless secret lines of the grain, the precision of the joint, and finally converged on the entire Golden Claw God battle armor back a point, shoulder two points, two points at the knee.

A total of five centers.

Energy transformation!


The golden, tough, filamentary energy, after being transformed, was quickly transmitted to every part of the entire Golden Claw God, and that golden filamentary energy was incomparably in tune with the ‘Golden Claw God’, and its power instantly skyrocketed.

“It’s really different, with just one transformation, the power has increased by two levels.” Luo Feng was overjoyed, “My ninth rank attack, if I cast it through the golden claw god, it’s an eleventh rank attack?”

Luo Feng truly felt the power of the mechanical flow treasures.

“With this treasure!”

“I was already standing at the top of the cosmic sea, with this ancient civilization ‘golden claw god’, cosmic sea, who is my opponent?” Luo Feng was incomparably unrestrained, in terms of battle power, he was even more powerful than the original ancestor back then!

Of course the reason for this is that the original ancestor didn’t know the secret art of burning divine power, and the second is that the original ancestor didn’t have mechanical flow treasures.

I believe that with the major forces of the cosmic sea into the ‘world of Jin’, the entire cosmic sea’s combat power will also be an overall increase, however, the mechanical flow of treasures in general special legionnaires are qualified to exchange, and the required military service is expensive, I am afraid that in a short period of time, the major forces of the cosmic sea to exchange mechanical flow of treasures, it is very difficult.

With the golden claw god in hand, Luo Feng naturally studied it intensely, and even specialized in wearing the golden claw god to enter the ‘inheritance space’ within the tomb boat to practice.

Cultivating again and again made Luo Feng feel more and more emotional.

No wonder the ancient civilization’s records were greatly praising the mechanical flow treasures, except for the existences that stood at the peak of the ancient civilization, generally strong people using mechanical flow treasures could explode far beyond their own strength. Just like himself, just a very comprehensive Golden Claw God, can soar two levels of might.

“This is still just a single mechanical. Like that kind of group, tens of thousands of true gods, or even millions of true gods manipulating mechanical flow treasures together ……” Luo Feng lamented.

Large scale wars were like this.

Millions of True Gods manipulating a single mechanical flow treasure would completely dare to chase after Eternal True Gods!

Time passed.

Luo Feng came to the world of Jinn around the 5600th year, but Wu He quietly came to Luo Feng’s island.

“Galaxy, Galaxy, you know it right? The captain and the others have returned.” Woodhull looked gloating.

“Oh?” Luo Feng was surprised, half an epoch had passed, he had almost forgotten about the captain and his group of sergeants, “How was it?”

“How can it be, of course it’s miserable.” Wuhe shook its ugly head, “More than half of their three groups of sergeants died, even Fish Luo died! Kufa came back alive, though.”

“Fish Luo died?” Luo Feng was surprised.

Fish Luo, was the leader of that group, it shouldn’t be difficult to gather enough military honors.

“Who knows, it’s rumored that the fight was awesome.” Wu He lamented, “Originally, a disaster level mission wouldn’t have killed so many. It was said that the captain was too underhanded, forcing Kufa and Fishro to eventually go berserk. Fishro died and Kufa survived. But that captain’s harvest seems to be not small.”

This time, those old sergeants had suffered heavy losses, Luo Feng and Woodhurst, the two new recruits, didn’t have the slightest sympathy.

Those sergeants who survived, some of them have hatred for Luo Feng, even when they flew over Luo Feng lake island, they also angrily drank and cursed, they only thought that Luo Feng moved and dodged powerfully, and they weren’t afraid of Luo Feng …… If they had seen Luo Feng kill a true god, I’m afraid they wouldn’t have dared to do it, but unfortunately the only one who saw it was the captain with his own eyes, and the captain didn’t even publicize this.

Of course some of them hate Luo Feng, and some of them ignore it, and finally some of them even take the initiative to want to befriend Luo Feng.

“Make a scene.”

“I’m just a passerby. I hope you guys are still alive before I leave the world of Jinn.” Luo Feng didn’t care about this group of sergeants at all, and had also gone to the armament point to apply for a ‘sealing mission’ during these quiet years.

Getting a seal was dangerous.

But at least there was a 10% survival rate, Luo Feng thought to himself that he was definitely one in a thousand at the top of the elite sergeants, it shouldn’t be hard to survive. Not to mention that he has the ability to split his body …… How can he not try this sealing mission?

Just like this time passed, in the blink of an eye, the first epoch of Luo Feng coming to the world of Jin passed.

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