Chapter 58: Laying the Killing Scene

Release Date: 2024-07-12 14:40:42
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Seal Quest (Lord of Laws Level) Location: Valley of the Divine King.

Quest Content: The Valley of the God King is the place where His Majesty the Great God King lived back in the day, and also the place where he built the ‘Wuqi God’. In the Valley of the God King, there is a tower, the ‘Wuqi Building’, which is nine floors high, with nine floors being the highest, and so far only His Majesty the King of God has ever entered the ninth floor, so the quest objective is to enter the ninth floor and climb to the top to enter the ninth floor. The mission objective is …… to enter the Wuqi Building and ascend to the top to enter the ninth floor, and the one who ascends to the top will be crowned!

Reward: If you return alive, you will receive 10,000 military honors, and if you succeed, you will be crowned with endless benefits.

Punishment: No punishment for failure.

Key reminder: this mission is extremely dangerous, the participants for the world of Jin’s four monarchs of the top of the law of the Lord, each experienced a lot of sharpening well-prepared, the previous fall rate reached an average of ninety percent, be sure to be careful.

The sealing mission seemed simple and there was no penalty for failure.

However, in reality, the ultra-high mortality rate is the most terrible punishment! Each take the sealing mission, all know this mortality rate, almost everyone will prepare the palace class strongest treasure, and even mechanical flow treasure, etc., but still die so many ……

“Must not be careless.”

“If you die and the golden claw god, tomb tomb boat, blood shadow blade, python river army battle armor, etc are taken away by other soldiers, that would be a joke.” Luo Feng secretly reminded himself.

“This mission is very simple, you few recruits can easily get through this mission as long as you don’t mess around!” The captain’s voice came from the side.

“Last time it was a disaster level mission, we followed the captain and all survived, why don’t you nine new recruits …… hurry over?”

“We are willing to accept you.”

“Still not coming over?”

The captain and the sergeants under his command all opened their mouths and shouted.

“Hmph, following you, if you don’t die this time, you will die in the future.” Kufa said in a cold voice, “Haven’t the few of you suffered enough? Last time, if it wasn’t for Fish Luo and I joining forces and forcing the captain to not be able to abandon you guys, do you think you guys would be able to live?”

The nine recruits hesitated.

“I will stay with Kufa and the others.” Woodhull shouted from the sidelines.

Luo Feng, who was contemplating the sealing mission, turned his head to see that the side was clearly already in a state of flames, the captain’s group and Kufa’s group. And Woodhur joined Kufa and the others, only the nine hesitant recruits were left, those recruits even looked towards Luo Feng, they all sensed that the captain, Kufa and the others were scornful of Luo Feng.

“Stay with Kufa and the others, at least, if Kufa wants to abandon you guys, she doesn’t have the strength.” Luo Feng said softly.

These words came out.

Some of the recruits who were already hesitant immediately went directly towards Kufa and her group, with the first one joining Kufa and her group, the other recruits also went towards Kufa and her group one after another. They also felt that ‘Galaxy’ had a point, in terms of strength, Kufa wasn’t as good as the captain, and Kufa didn’t have that kind of ability if he wanted to utilize such a large group of sergeants.

“Galaxy! Are you trying to make an enemy of the captain?”


Instantly those individual sergeants under the captain’s command roared, the captain didn’t open his mouth, only his gray eyes under the curved horn were staring at Luo Feng in death.

“Making enemies with your captain?” Luo Feng glanced at that captain and let out a light laugh, “Is he worthy?”

Those sergeants all glared at once, the captain’s face instantly became incredibly ugly, “Galaxy!”

“There’s no time to talk nonsense with you guys. Kufa, Woodhe …… depart.” Luo Feng smiled and greeted Kufa and Woodhurst, directly flying towards the twisted spatial wormhole not far away.

Kufa and their group of sergeants, there was still a lump in their hearts about Luo Feng not trading with them in the first place …… but they were also clear that the captain and their group of sergeants couldn’t help Galaxy, so they couldn’t help it even more, not to mention that they didn’t have any deadly hatred with Galaxy, the enemy of the enemy, should be even more of a friend.


“Go.” Kufa, Woodhurst and the rest of them were also voluminous and flew directly into the spatial wormhole.

The captain and his group of sergeants had ugly faces.

“Captain, just letting Galaxy go like this?”

“Indulging Galaxy like this, he will still fight you in the future captain, now we have less than 10 sergeants on our side, instead Kufa and the others have the most sergeants. Galaxy then mess from it …… captain you have no prestige in the future, can’t be so indulgent Galaxy ah.”

“Captain ……,” one by one, the old sergeants looked at the captain.

The captain indifferently said, “There is no need to ignore him for now.”


The captain took the lead and flew into the wormhole, the other old sergeants looked at each other, how could the captain, who was already proud and ruthless, be so soft on ‘Galaxy’? Could it be that the captain was really jealous of that Galaxy? Many thoughts began to surface in the hearts of these old soldiers, while they also flew into the wormhole one by one.

In an area outside the Eastern Army’s military camp, a large number of spatial wormhole exits gathered here.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

One batch of sergeants appeared from the wormhole after another, and these sergeants talked to each other, and then they also harnessed some warships and quickly left.

Not far from this area, on a large ancient tree, there was a gray armored sergeant staring.

“There are so many going out to carry out missions.” The gray armored sergeant transmitted his voice, “You say, how long do we have to stare like this?”

“It’s just the end of the previous epoch and the beginning of the new epoch, all the squads have set off one by one to start going on army missions, it’s the craziest time …… that Luo Feng is going to set off, I’m afraid that he’ll also set off at this time. The Patriarch specifically ordered that the ten of us be on guard in the surrounding area …… to get through this hundred years, and we will be able to go on the mission.” In another place not far away, the sergeant who was relying on a large tree looked cozy, but in reality, he was also staring at that large area.

At this moment –

In the Purple Moon Holy Land Universe, there were a total of ten Masters of the Universe, staring at the surrounding area.

This was the peak time for the sergeants to go out, Luo Feng had the highest probability of appearing, how could they be careless? Even if they didn’t go on a mission for a while, they still had to keep an eye on it.

“Look, it’s the Blood Ochre army.”

“Keep an eye on it, that’s the special army, Luo Feng is most likely to appear.”

Among the large number of sergeants that appeared, occasionally, special legion sergeants would appear.

As time passed ……

Occasionally a small group of special legionnaires, occasionally a small group, finally ……


A group of figures flew out from one of the wormhole exits.

“It’s the Python River Army, also a special legion, keep an eye on it.” Fully six of the 10 Cosmic Lords that the Purple Moon Holy Land universe was watching around were staring in that direction.

Only to see that group of figures flying out one after another, each wearing the Python River Army’s standard battle armor, from which one could determine their identity alone! The Purple Moon Holy Land had a Master of the Universe come in with the first batch, so at least they had inquired about some of the special legions within the Eastern Army.

“Galaxy, then we’ll split it here.”

“Galaxy, where are you going if you’re not on a mission with us?”

Woodhurst and Kufa spoke one after the other.

“I have something important.” Luo Feng smiled, because it was just a normal conversation, no matter if it was Luo Feng, or Woodhur and Kufa, they all opened their mouths and spoke normally, there was no sneaky voice transmission.

The six universe lords from the purple moon holy land were staring, when they saw Luo Feng, they didn’t realize that this was the target, because in this army, Luo Feng’s appearance had changed slightly, his skin color had also changed slightly, he was more brash, along with his whole body covered in python river armor, and a battle helmet to wear, so they couldn’t tell at a glance.

But as Luo Feng they spoke, although they were far away and didn’t hear them, the six universe lords could easily determine what was being said by looking at the ‘lips’!


This word immediately touched them.

“Target, human-like in appearance! It’s most likely Galaxy Lord Luo Feng.”

“Keep an eye on it.”

“Go identify it immediately.”

Soon amongst the ten cosmic lords watching from afar, one was immediately separated, only to see an ordinary looking gray armored sergeant directly transform into streams of light and fly towards this area of spatial wormholes where a large number of sergeants were concentrated.


Because there were extremely many sergeants around, Luo Feng wouldn’t pay any attention to that one ordinary sergeant, as that one flew by the side.

“Eh?” Luo Feng’s eyebrows twitched as he turned his head to look.

Breath ……

This scent, it was a scent that he knew, there were only so many strong people in the cosmic sea, in the beginning, in order to make the behemoth stop, it was thousands of cosmic lords that had gathered. Luo Feng naturally recognized many universe lords, the one just now was one of them.

“Sensing the aura, it should be from the Purple Moon Holy Land, what a coincidence? Surprisingly, I ran into one here.” Luo Feng secretly wondered, “It seems like he should have found me as well, even if he found me what can he do …… here, it’s not their Purple Moon Holy Land’s turn.”

Luo Feng didn’t put the Purple Moon Holy Land in his eyes.

After all, the rules of the world of Jin were set by the army, what the hell was the Purple Moon Holy Land.

“Let’s go!”

Luo Feng then harnessed a war ship and quickly broke through the air.

The gray armored sergeant flew past Luo Feng just now while instantly determining, “It’s Luo Feng’s scent, it’s his scent! That Python River Army sergeant just now is Luo Feng, confirmed, it’s Luo Feng!”

“Message confirmed.”

“Report back to the Patriarch immediately.”

The incomparably excited group of universe lords from the Purple Moon Holy Land immediately reported the news to the Purple Moon Patriarch.

Cosmic Sea, Purple Moon Holy Land universe.

Above the great hall.

A purple figure stood there, while at the bottom were ten universe lords kneeling.

“Confirmed, it’s Luo Feng?” The purple figure looked down below.

“Yes, it’s Luo Feng, his name in the world of Jinn, is Galaxy! And I personally flew past him, sensing his life breath, it’s Luo Feng’s earthling god body.” One of the universe lords kneeling down below even respectfully said.

“Very good.”

The Violet Moon Patriarch nodded slightly, “Since you’re sure that he’s a Python River Army sergeant, give me the opportunity to immediately find out which brigade or squad of the Python River Army it is. It must be crystal clear.”


Each and every one below responded.

This is very easy, the Python River Army is after all just so many soldiers, and knowing the name, plus the appearance …… is naturally very easy to find out.

“After checking it out, there’s no need to rush into action.” Purple Moon Patriarch commanded, “Once checked out wait silently, wait for Luo Feng to return to the military camp, once waiting for Luo Feng to return to the military camp …… in the beginning to start the killing game! If you start it early and let the Hong alliance’s know about it and notify Luo Feng …… to let him escape it would not be good. Wait for him to return to the barracks and get caught in the killing game, he won’t even be able to escape!”


All ten sergeants respectfully answered.

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