Chapter 59 – Divine Body Breakthrough

Release Date: 2024-07-12 14:40:45
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When Luo Feng set off for the God King Valley, in the distant primordial universe, in the human frontier, within the primordial secret territory.

“Clatter~~~” the boundless sea of ghosts continued to ripple.

It was boundless!

After a long period of over eight million years, the volume of the entire Endless Phantom Sea, compared to when the war between the human camp and the allied camp occurred …… had grown far, far too large! The Endless Phantom Sea sat in the Primordial Mysterious Realm, causing every strong person who came to the Primordial Mysterious Realm and saw the Endless Phantom Sea to be shocked and marveled by it.

“This is the Endless Phantom Sea!”

“Endless Phantom Sea? Legend has it that one of the great Galaxy Lord’s detached divine bodies, it is rumored that during the original war, the joint attack of nearly a thousand Cosmic Lords from the allied camps failed to help the Galaxy Lord!”

“This, how big must this be.”

“Such a large divine body, even if you keep burning divine power, how long would it take to burn it all.”

A spaceship was flying over the Endless Spectral Sea, and some of the immortals within the spaceship were all looking outwards, looking at the Endless Spectral Sea, and all of them were excited by it.

During these over eight million years, humanity’s status in the primordial universe had grown higher and higher!

It was because of the small-scale frictional engagements between the human camp and the allied camp that had been going on! A large number of Realm Lords, Immortals, and Exalted …… would often go to kill each other, and occasionally, there would be a Lord of the Universe killing each other! So the news of the war in the first place, the human community had long spread out, filling the human sector lords and immortals with endless fighting confidence.

Moreover, under the deliberate guidance of the human community ……

Generations of newly risen Realm Lords and Immortals from the entire human community remembered the ‘Chaos City Lords’ as well as the ‘Galaxy Lords’. Perhaps those Realm Masters and Immortals didn’t know what it meant to be the strongest person in the universe, but they understood one thing: the most important and strongest person in the entire human race was the Chaos City Lord and the Galaxy Lord.

They were the pillars of the human race!

“How big is this incarnation of the great Galaxy Lord?”

“The Endless Spectral Sea is said to be getting bigger all the time, when I first got the message that the Endless Spectral Sea was over a trillion kilometers in diameter. It’s definitely much bigger now.”

One by one, there was a lot of discussion.

The Sealed King Immortal who was driving this spaceship, a lean man with a head full of golden scales, spoke, “The Great Galaxy Lord’s Endless Psi Sea detachment is now over two light years in diameter!”

“Two light years?”

“Wow, such a large divine body.”

“Back then, nearly a thousand cosmic lords were unable to deal with the Galaxy Lord, now the Galaxy Lord must be invincible.”


One by one, the Realm Lords and Immortals shuddered in adoration.

The spaceship flew over the Endless Spectral Sea, which was as calm as ever. After all, nowadays, the human race’s efforts to cultivate geniuses had greatly increased, especially by moving that set of ancient civilizations, making it so that there were often Realm Lords, Immortals, and the like who were made to come to the Primordial Mysterious Realm to be cultivated and honed, or sent to Chaos City to be cultivated.

In short, passing by the Endless Spectral Sea would be marveled by it.

At this moment–

The central region of the depths of the Endless Sea of Secrets, there was a vacuum region with a diameter of about ten billion kilometers, where not a single drop of seawater from the Sea of Secrets entered, as if the entire Endless Sea of Secrets was an oversized bubble at the center of the interior of the Sea of Secrets, but within this vacuum region, there were a large number of items suspended.

All kinds of metals, minerals, soil, liquid ……

Ten billion kilometers in diameter, what kind of large area was it?

However, this vacuum area was nearly filled to the brim, so it could be said that everything that could be found within the primordial universe, ordinary to planets, stars, neutron stars, black holes, and all other existential substances, or mysterious to some special fruits of life, immortal trees, and so on and so forth, and even part of the corpses of billions of ethnic groups of beings in the universe, and even part of a large number of special beings… …

Dead ones, living ones.

Of the primordial universe, of the cosmic sea, and even of the World of Jinn!

Billions of metals! Billions of special energy bodies! Billions of liquids! Billions of plants! All matter! And even all living beings!

As low as single-celled organisms, as high as the corpses of universe lords and true gods! Even the drop of divine blood forced out of that ‘white feather’ of the Wu-Slayer Feather …… was stored here at all.

“Talented Secret Technique – Creation!”

Once again, the Talented Secret Technique was cast.

All of a sudden, this vacuum area within the Endless Spectral Sea was all plunged into a peculiar domain, this peculiar domain could not be obtained by cultivation, it was purely a domain naturally carried by the execution of the Talented Secret Technique of ‘Creation’, and within this peculiar domain, it would swiftly analyze all the substances within the domain, desiring to analyze the origin of its life.

“A large amount of countless metals, plants and so on from the world of Jin, especially a large amount of blood scales and armor of true gods and so on, I hope I can get a big harvest this time!” Luo Feng was incomparably looking forward to it.

Previously, he was stuck in a bottleneck on the divine power route.

The main thing was that there were too few true god lives that could be dissected! Although there was a drop of powerful divine blood, that drop of divine blood was too high end to be dissected.

It was silent.

Those suspended drops of blood, a piece of scale armor and even hair, were constantly being dissected, the most original structural composition of life, everything surfaced in front of Luo Feng.


It was as subtle as the rhino emperor bureau, far beyond any rhino emperor bureau Luo Feng had ever studied, after all, this was the life composition of a true god! Luckily Luo Feng didn’t need to study it completely through, all he needed to do was to find out the difference between the life structure of a ‘true god’ and a ‘lord of the universe’, and later on change his own life structure to genetically enhance himself.

“Haha ……”

“So much True God blood, scales, and hair …… is really painful.”

In an instant, there were billions of ideas discovered by Luo Feng, but it was destined to be feared that every one of these billions of ideas was wrong.

While the endless sea of ghosts dissected, within the world of jinn, the ‘golden horned beast’ that was hiding in the inheritance space ‘cultivation space’ to maintain ten thousand times time acceleration was trying.

“Divine power, disintegrate.” Golden Horn Luo Feng’s mind moved.


Instantly, one of the Golden Horn Beast’s hoof and claw disintegrated into a large amount of divine power suspended around it.

“Life, reorganize!”

The life composition within the divine energy was immediately transformed by Luo Feng’s artificial control, as if it was genetically modified! Only Luo Feng’s was clearly higher level, he had already made himself break through the boundaries by remodeling the most basic composition! Once he succeeded, he would be able to directly make himself a powerful true god.

Peng! With a loud explosion, the divine power coalesced once again and reverted back to its original life structure. The previous perfect gene was a very perfect and stable life structure, and it was difficult to break through and surpass it.

The reorganization of divine power failed!

“Try again!”

Getting the large amount of True God blood scales and hair sent out from the world of Jin this time, Luo Feng had a large amount of ideas to conceptualize, naturally he had to keep trying as a way to explore the wonders of life.



“Reorganization failure!”

Each failure was an experience.

All avenues lead to the same end. The life origin, which was also one of the cosmic diffusion origins, also contained the ultimate mystery. This divine power route of progression …… was also of great benefit to Luo Feng’s secret method creation and so on.

Time passed, there was ten thousand times time acceleration in the cultivation space, and one hundred and sixty years passed in the blink of an eye.

“Definitely will succeed.”

“I have a feeling that it’s about to succeed, I was so close last time.”

“Life, reorganize!”

The coiled Golden Horn Beast, its hooves and claws transformed into a piece of majestic divine power, the divine power was rapidly changing internally, and the most original internal structure was changing.


Everything stopped.

Luo Feng also stopped manipulating, finally stopped, if it fails then the divine power that was altered in its origin will rapidly decompose and recover. If it stabilizes the existence …… then it means it may succeed, after all, even if it can be stabilized, the new life origin structure may not necessarily surpass the limit of perfection, it may even be lowered, such as becoming 9800 times the life gene ……

“Stabilized!” Luo Feng rejoiced.

“Divine power level ……”

Luo Feng sensed carefully.

This was a new divine force, powerful with extreme sharpness as if it was about to attack at all times.

“16,000 times!” Luo Feng instantly made a vague judgment.

“Success!” Luo Feng instantly rejoiced, “Breaking through the perfect gene bottleneck!”

If he had been studying the Lord of Laws and the countless other substances, he might have been able to break through as well, but it would have been too difficult. And the life essence of a true god was obviously higher, giving Luo Feng countless ideas and countless routes …… After being stuck in the bottleneck for over eight million epochs, with enough true god blood scales and hair, he broke through in just over a hundred years.

“God body, reorganize!” Golden Horn Luo Feng let out a low roar.


The entire Golden Horned Beast disintegrated with a loud bang, transforming into a vast amount of divine energy, followed by a large amount of divine energy that quickly condensed and transformed back into a Golden Horned Beast. It was a golden horned beast that looked exactly the same, but its aura was significantly stronger.

“Divine body, reorganize!” The Earthling’s original body within the Tomb Boat also instantly reorganized its divine body, the life gene level immediately soared to 16,000 times, the quality improved, but the amount of the divine body decreased again, the Earthling’s original divine body was only left with more than 60%.


The Golden Horn Beast’s divine power quickly replenished, causing the Earthling’s original body to quickly recover to 100% divine body status.

“This feeling, it’s wonderful.” Luo Feng revealed a joyful expression, he could feel the god body leaping, even the distant god kingdoms were stirring, because of the strength of the god body, resulting in being able to carry even more powerful god kingdoms! The divine kingdom only needed to expand again …… then it would immediately diffuse into a mini universe.

That is to say ……

Luo Feng could immediately transform the divine kingdom into a small universe if he wanted to. After that, the god’s body would get a hundredfold jump! Entering the true god stage!

It’s just that …… now it’s only 16,000 times the life gene level, far from Luo Feng’s requirements, and even this level doesn’t help much in terms of strength, after all, the three levels of the god body in the god power route, it’s only when you reach 30,000 times that it’s considered the first level, and only then does the height of the god body skyrocket by a factor of ten! And right now Luo Feng couldn’t even skyrocket his god body height.

“Haha, only just got these True God’s scales and blood and so on, and immediately reached 16,000 times ……” Luo Feng was full of confidence.

Although more than a hundred years had passed in the cultivation space.

But in reality, Luo Feng who traveled to the god king valley on the tomb tomb boat, only four days had passed in the outside world! Luo Feng still needed more than a month to arrive at the distant God King Valley.

A month and a half later.

Luo Feng, who was riding the silver war boat, also saw the vast piece of continent in the center of that endless ocean, the divine king valley, was on that continent.

“Arrived.” Luo Feng’s attention was temporarily diverted from his cultivation, because what was about to start was the incomparably dangerous sealing mission.

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