Chapter 63 – Commander of the Divine King Valley

Release Date: 2024-07-12 14:40:55
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Ten pillars of light descended from the sky, instantly enveloping their ten sergeants.


The ten pillars of light were so loud and fast that Luo Feng and their ten sergeants didn’t even have time to dodge before they were completely enveloped.

“This, is the second level of the Wu Qi building.”

“All of you and others will be transported to a small world and attacked, all you and others need to do …… is to survive all the attacks within the small world.”

“You and others two batches of soldiers, the former batch of soldiers rested for a long time, the divine body to recover a lot. The latter batch of soldiers will quickly recover themselves, and you and the other two batches of soldiers will be teleported one after the other!”

“Those who hide within the warships to avoid the battle will fall into oblivion.”

A magnificent voice resounded in Luo Feng’s and their ten sergeants’ minds.

It was followed closely by.

The five sergeants such as the dark red armored teenager from before, instantly time and space shook, and the five sergeants were instantly transported to a distant part of this dark red blazing earth, and at a glance, those five sergeants were dispersed, and each of them was plunged into a miniature world that was about hundreds of millions of kilometers away.

“Hurry to restore the divine body.”


“Try to recover as much as possible.”

Luo Feng and the others were peacefully watching from the sidelines, while the likes of Su Zhong and the others immediately used many treasures to recover their godly bodies as quickly as possible.

The treasures that restored the divine body also needed time to work. Like before they killed in the first layer just ended, was immediately sent over …… even if you want to stay in the first layer can not do. Fortunately, Wu Qilou’s consideration was perfect, giving them time to let the treasures in their bodies play out, to gradually restore the divine body.

The dark red armored teenager looked around, it was a small world with a diameter of hundreds of millions of kilometers.


In the sky above, a huge diameter of hundreds of millions of kilometers of ancient secret pattern map emerged, many colors of the secret pattern combined together, the formation of this ancient secret pattern map, apparently shrouded all parts of the earth below, followed by a roar, the ancient secret pattern map suddenly burst out towards the bottom of a light!

“Peng!” “Peng!” “Peng!” …… A series of rays of light, recklessly cutting through towards the bottom!

The dark red armored teenager held a silver scimitar, clanging, blocking a light that was shot at him, the impact force contained in the light instantly caused the dark red armored teenager to be shocked and fly backwards, tumbling in mid-air.

Because of that ancient secret pattern diagram, it was descending countless rays of light from the sky.

So the same rays of light were shot at him during the process of flying backwards.

“Too strong.”

“Any light attack is comparable to a True God attack.”

“One must rely on mechanical flow treasures.” The dark red armored teenager was so shocked that a ring pattern immediately began to appear on his legs, and the silver pattern wrapped around his legs, and even quickly continued throughout his body, and instantly the dark red armored teenager’s speed accelerated even more, and resisting those rays of light that were shooting at him didn’t cause him to be blown away.

Five small worlds, five sergeants.

Each sergeant was being ravaged by the ‘small worlds’.

“Looks like it’s not too dangerous.”

“It’s much better than the first floor of the Wu Qi Building, the first floor was killing each other, and at least half of them were bound to die. This layer is fighting with small worlds …… guess I can survive quite a bit.” Luo Feng and their five sergeants watched, Luo Feng didn’t say a word, the other sergeants did talk quietly, glancing towards Luo Feng here from time to time.

Luo Feng looked at that five small worlds in the distance.


Those five small worlds, all of them had ancient secret pattern diagrams bombarding unceasingly towards the bottom, but the threat level was comparable to an ordinary true god. Once the mechanical flow treasures were used …… those five sergeants could resist.

“Could it be that too many people died on the first level and the second level is easier?” Luo Feng secretly said.

Soon, Luo Feng knew he was wrong!

Just as the five sergeants within the five small worlds all relaxed quite a bit.

“Even though it’s more troublesome, it’s not hard to get through it.” As the five sergeants continued to resist, suddenly the earth trembled.


The earth of the five small worlds were trembling, the earth that originally had a large number of cracks, especially those blazing crimson liquids under the cracks in the earth, at this moment, they were continuously gushing out, directly gushing out of the surface, these blazing liquids …… made the five soldiers all even flew up, not daring to land.

“Wah wah wah wah ~ ~ ~ ~” The crimson blazing liquid quickly gathered together and kept converging.

In a moment.

It converged into a towering crimson giant! Immediately followed by the crimson giant body surface began to solidify, from the previous liquid giant …… into a dark red rock giant! And this rock giant’s body surface also has a trace of hot liquid flowing ……

“Roar ……”

The five dark red rock giants, at the same time, tilted their heads and roared, and a crack in the earth also continued to gush out crimson liquid, connecting to the dark red giants’ bodies.

“Rumble ~ ~ ~ ~” the sky of the five small worlds, also continuously bombarded towards the bottom, many rays of light are bombarded to the dark red rock giants, only to make the rock giants on the body of part of the rock off, but those off the rock quickly turned into crimson liquid cohesion to the giant’s body once again, not the slightest bit of damage.

Accompanied by a heaven-shaking roar.

Five dark red rock giants rushed towards the five soldiers at the same time, these dark red rock giants, or big feet trampled, or rock big fists whistling and sweeping over …… the first exchange alone, will make the five soldiers all smashed flying.

“Not good.”

“Too, too ruthless.”

“This time they are miserable.”

Luo Feng and his five sergeants who were still resting and recovering their godly bodies in the distance were also shocked, and at a glance, they could see …… what kind of treacherous environment the five sergeants who were in their respective small worlds were facing.

That first exchange of hands alone could determine that –

The dark red rock giants, definitely had True God battle power! Although these rock giants didn’t have ‘battle armor’ or other body protection, because of the endless crimson liquid below, plus the fact that even if they were injured, they would recover, they were definitely true ‘immortal bodies’.

If one were to deal with the rock giants alone, it would be just that.

One must know that the light of that ancient secret pattern diagram was cloaked in the sky! Previously, when dealing with it alone, one could still try to dodge it, and only occasionally could they not dodge it before going to fend it off a few times. But now, being attacked by the dark red rock giant at all times made it impossible for the five soldiers to try their best to dodge the light, causing them to be bombarded almost all the time.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”

Continuously, they were bombarded by rays of light.

The five sergeants were in a sorry state.

If they tried their best to dodge the rays, they would easily be blasted away by the rock giants.

Endless streams of light descended! The rock giant roared! The five sergeants were incomparably wretched, and their divine power was frantically depleting ……

The five sergeants who were still safe and sound enough to watch from the sidelines now had serious expressions.

The previous batch of five sergeants were incomparably wretched and in danger in that small world. It wasn’t that those five sergeants were weak …… but it was indeed dangerous in the small world.

“What to do?”

“I’m afraid we will face similar dangers! Countless streams of light are descending from the sky, and we still have to deal with that rock giant …… How can we fight? If we dodge the streams of light, we won’t be able to block the rock giant. If we block the rock giant, we will be bombarded by the streams of light. If this goes on, the divine body will be consumed too quickly, and I’m afraid I won’t be able to survive the final moments.”

One sergeant was anxious.

The other four sergeants were anxious, Luo Feng was still calm, only his expression was also serious: “This danger alone is nothing to me. But the ancient secret pattern diagram descending light and the rock giants emerging, after these two dangers, will there be a third danger? Or even a fourth danger?”

Ancient secret pattern diagram, rock giant, this double danger Luo Feng didn’t care.

He was afraid of more dangers emerging one by one.

No matter how strong Luo Feng was, he would always be crushed.

“The elite soldiers who enter the Wu Qi building, ten can usually survive one.”

“Since one can survive, then I can survive.” Luo Feng secretly nodded his head while continuing to stare intently.

Wuqi building, was the highest building in god king valley.

Not far from the Wuqi building, there was a three story silver grey ancient palace, outside of this palace there was a group of true gods guarding it, this was the highest center of power for the entire god king valley ‘guards’.

The third floor of the silver-gray palace.

In the incomparably vast hall, there were four huge and incomparable thrones, the leftmost throne was a huge black fog, the black fog vibrated, the entire black fog shrouded most of the huge throne, and could only vaguely see the throne’s legs, the black fog was constantly emitting an evil aura.

The other three sides of the throne were empty.

There was not a single figure.

“Wow~~~” in the middle of the hall, a light screen appeared in mid-air, and a scene from the second floor of the Wu Qi Building was floating on the light screen, and those five sergeants were in a sorry state in the five small worlds.

“Waste ……”

A sigh came from the black mist, “What a waste, this batch of sergeants is still a waste. If this goes on, I really don’t know until when the kind of supreme character that His Majesty the Divine King is looking for will appear.”

It, as one of the four great commanders of the Divine King Valley.

Even though it was merely a Void True God, it was personally sealed by His Majesty the Divine King as a sealed powerhouse. It, even though it was a Void True God like the ‘Master of the Northern True Sea’ and the others, it could easily annihilate the Master of the Northern True Sea ……

“Too weak.”

“Too weak.”

“Such a weak performance at the second level of the Wu Qi Building! Generations of elite soldiers, those whose performance is stronger than them are somewhat …… but none of them can succeed. As for them it’s even more hopeless.” The black mist that spread out let out a pale sigh, the World of Jinn was the world of ‘His Majesty the Divine King’, and the Divine King Valley was even the place where His Majesty the Divine King lived.

There was actually no danger at all, and there was no need to arrange any guards.

But the fact that it was arranged here …… is His Majesty the God King’s trust in it. The ‘guard’ task here was imaginary, and the real task was to find out the peerless person who could break through to the ninth floor of the Wu Qi Building.

“It’s been too long.”

“His Majesty the Divine King gave us the only mission.”

“We haven’t done it so far, if there is anyone who can reach the top of the Wu Qi Building, I would be willing to die immediately.” The pale voice in the black mist contained endless guilt towards His Majesty the Divine King.

“Could it be that the screening competition within the World of Jinn isn’t enough? It has to be even more brutal?” The pale voice in the black mist muttered.

On the light screen in the center of the great hall.

The other five sergeants were also teleported and began to be transported to their respective small worlds as well.

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