Chapter 75: The Last Obstacle

Release Date: 2024-07-12 14:41:23
A+ A- Turn Off Light

A large amount of text continuously surfaced in the belly of the iceberg, transparent iceberg, Luo Feng could see the contents of the added secret arts at a glance.

The Secret Art of the Divine Eye, Volume 2, Complete!

Luo Feng let out a sigh of relief.

A moment later.

“Here it comes again!” Luo Feng immediately turned around and looked at the other ice mountain in the distance, at a glance he could see that a large amount of text began to crazily surface in the belly of that transparent ice mountain, it was none other than the third volume of the divine eye secret art.

The text kept surfacing.

The Black Mist Commander looked at the light screen in the center of the main hall: ”This is already the third volume of the Divine Eyes Mysterious Art, it’s almost there, oo…… the third volume is already complete. Sgt. Galaxy has already learned all the third volume, compared to the past sergeants, he is already the best among all the elite sergeants of all the generations, there are nine volumes in the Divine Eye Mystic Art, I don’t know which volume he can learn!”

“Your Majesty, the God King, won’t put all nine volumes away.” The stout commander said doubtfully.

“Who knows, the highest one of the elite soldiers in front of us only learned the third volume, how many volumes has this Godking Majesty put on this seventh floor, who knows?” The other commanders also shook their heads.

It must be known.

Although they, the four great commanders, were all sealed powerhouses, even they hadn’t obtained all nine volumes of the ‘Divine Eye Mysterious Art’! After all, for a super power, this kind of important secret art became more and more important the further back one went, and the treatment of one’s subordinates was to gradually impart it as the subordinate’s merits became greater and greater.

“It’s Volume 4!”

“It’s already the fourth volume, the will shock should be extremely strong at this moment, this Sergeant Galaxy doesn’t seem to feel much.”

“Perhaps he can comprehend more.”

The four great commanders were also curious as to how much this sergeant Galaxy could actually learn.

Luo Feng let out a sigh of relief, he had finally learned all of the fourth volume. The content of each volume of this divine eye secret art was very long, it took a while for the constant text to surface alone. I was afraid that my will wouldn’t be able to carry it at the critical moment.

“Volume 5!”

Luo Feng looked at the belly of another ice mountain, a large amount of text also floated within the transparent ice mountain’s belly, it was the fifth volume of the divine eye secret art.

The fifth volume of this divine eye secret art had just surfaced one third of the way up when Luo Feng’s face changed.

“Not good.”

Luo Feng looked up at the divine eye high in the sky.

Mung golden light shrouded the bottom, the will shock momentarily increasing.

“What a strong will shock.” Luo Feng was anxious in his heart, “I’m already feeling extremely pressurized, I’m afraid that the will impacts at this moment are all mid to late stage Void True Gods.”

Luo Feng then continued to stare at the belly of the ice mountain in the distance, the belly of the mountain was continuously floating with words, no matter what, Luo Feng was absolutely unwilling to have his will collapse without even finishing reading the contents of one volume.


The more powerful the oppression!

It’s like an invisible mountain oppressing his will, and it’s constantly increasing, giving Luo Feng the feeling that his thinking speed has been sharply reduced.

“Volume 5, quick, quick, quick.” Luo Feng was anxious in his heart.

After about another fifteen seconds.

All the contents of Volume 5 are revealed.

At the same time that the fifth volume of the Divine Eyes Mysterious Art had just ended, a new volume immediately began to appear within the belly of another iceberg.

“Volume six.” Luo Feng also felt that the speed at which the divine eye secret art was manifesting was getting faster.

To be precise, from Volume 1 to Volume 6, the speed of manifestation was slow at first, but then it was gradually accelerating.


The terrifying impact of will caused Luo Feng’s face to turn white and his whole body shuddered, he was still staring at the iceberg in the distance, constantly memorizing the contents of the sixth volume of the divine eye secret art.

Boom ……

Luo Feng felt a tremor in his will, his entire body couldn’t help but soften his godly body, directly kneeling on the ground.

“No, no.” Luo Feng knew that he had already reached his true limit, if it was when he was honing his will in the inheritance space, usually if he went any further, he would have passed out.


But this time, Luo Feng inwardly wanted to see more parts of the divine eye secret art.

“Never fall down, at least the sixth volume, I must at least finish the sixth volume.” Luo Feng howled in his heart, at this moment, every second was so hard, every second seemed like an epoch so long, it also made Luo Feng feel …… how the speed of the words emerging from the belly of that iceberg was so slow.

“Must finish reading.”


At this moment, Luo Feng’s only thought was that he had to at least finish this sixth volume.


Must ……

Luo Feng felt signs of his will breaking down, but he still held on, his eyes staring into the distance, why is the speed of that text surfacing so slow? Why don’t they all show up at once …… The time is ridiculously slow, finally, the textual content of the sixth volume of the divine eye mystic art has been revealed in its entirety, full!

At the same time, in the belly of another iceberg, the seventh volume of the Divine Eye Mysterious Art appeared.

But when he saw the final content of the sixth volume Luo Feng couldn’t carry on any longer and fell directly into the darkness, he didn’t see the seventh volume manifest at all.

“Boom!” A pillar of light descended from the sky, enveloping the unconscious Luo Feng.

Thus, Luo Feng left the seventh floor.

The four commanders in the great hall were quiet, they were staring at the screen with dead eyes, the scene of the seventh layer that was revealed on the screen also caused them to hold their breath, at the critical moment, the divine eye mystic technique was revealing itself faster and faster, there was no interval between one volume and another, hold on for a little while longer, and you might be able to see one more volume!

From this, it could be presumed that-

For the Lord of Laws, the more they reached their limits, the harder it would be to go further. That’s why at the later stages, the Divine Eye Mysteries manifested that quickly.

“Volume five is a done deal.”

“Volume 6. Volume 6 is also a done deal. Sgt. Galaxy fell.”

Watching Luo Feng disappear on the screen.

Only then did the four commanders let out a sigh of relief.

“Six volumes!”

“Unfortunately, just now the seventh scroll all started to manifest …… and he immediately collapsed. But that seventh scroll manifested, but it was blurry, we couldn’t even see it.”

“It’s only normal that we can’t see the seventh volume, after all, what His Majesty the Divine King imparted to us in the beginning was only the first six volumes. This sergeant Galaxy …… is only a mere Lord of Laws, and he was able to obtain the six volumes of the Divine Eye Mysterious Art. Yet it is more powerful than us.” The four great commanders spoke to each other, and occasionally even looked at the screen.

But the screen was a void, nothing.

“Collect it!” The stout commander said.

“Uh-huh!” The Black Mist Commander answered, and then the suspended screen in the center of the great hall directly dissipated.

After all, the eighth and ninth floors of the Wuqi Building, even their four great commanders couldn’t see it, so they didn’t know exactly what was happening inside the Wuqi Building right now, what was so difficult about the eighth floor, and what was so great a secret about the ninth floor …… His Majesty the Divine King had actually left behind.


“Can only wait. If that Sgt. Galaxy can really succeed in obtaining the inheritance, then the sealing mission will automatically disappear.”

There was only one Wu Qi God.

There was only one Seal Quest for the Lord of Laws. Once anyone succeeded, the quest would disappear and would not reappear.

“Will this sergeant succeed or not?” The Black Mist Commander was worried, “The only sergeant who entered the eighth floor before also failed. After failing out, we had also questioned him, but his memories about the eighth layer were nothing.”

“The eighth layer, there must be a great secret. Otherwise, His Majesty the Divine King wouldn’t have used the means of erasing some of his memories.” The silver-armored woman commander said.


The four great commanders were indeed filled with endless curiosity.

Coming from the World of Jinn, they were naturally completely loyal to His Majesty the Divine King, and they wouldn’t hesitate to send them to their deaths at His Majesty’s command! But they were also curious, they had been in the Divine King’s Valley for long years, guarding was false, searching out the supreme figure that His Majesty the Divine King needed was true.

His Majesty the God King was so thirsty, so what exactly were the eighth and ninth floors of this Wu Qi building?

Luo Feng felt time and space twisting instantly to the eighth layer of the world.

The eighth floor of the Wu Qi building.

Luo Feng appeared and was still immersed in the previous scene on the seventh floor: “It’s really tough for the will to break through, on that seventh floor, my will also slightly improved. Estimating that my will has also reached the ‘peak of Void True God’ level, it’s not far from the limit.”

“Six volumes.”

“God’s Eye secret arts, I got six volumes. Like the first three volumes of ‘Breakdown’ suitable for True Gods to cultivate. The contents of the six volumes of this Divine Eye Secret Art, I’m afraid it’s enough for me to cultivate for a long time.” Luo Feng was also quite satisfied with pleasure.

Because ……

Divine eye secret art, even the Broken East River lineage didn’t have it, I’m afraid it’s a powerful secret art that the super power of ‘Jin’ doesn’t publicize.

“Now it’s the eighth floor, and the last difficult floor of the Wu Qi building, the final obstacle to my ascent.” Luo Feng looked around, it was a void, there was a small land suspended in the distance in the vast void, the land was so small that with Luo Feng’s god body he was afraid that he could walk back and forth in a hundred steps.

Endless void, just that small piece of land.

Luo Feng is naturally transformed into a stream of light, directly towards that small piece of land, looking not far, fly up is consuming a lot of time, and the surrounding space and time seems to be suppressed by what, can not instantly move.

“This Wu Qi Lou, there is a big secret.”

“This seal character, very unusual. And no one has been able to successfully …… such a super big secret for endless years, what will be the final obstacle?” Luo Feng was filled with curiosity and worry at the same time.

Involving a shockingly big secret, how could the final obstacle be simple?

The eighth level ……

It was the final obstacle! Everything was in that small land ahead.


After flying for a long time, Luo Feng finally descended on that small piece of suspended land, at a glance, the entire small piece of land was bare and devoid of any debris, however, the surface of this small piece of land was floating with quite a lot of ancient words.

“Eh?” Luo Feng glanced at it.

The content of the text was simple-

“The eighth floor of the Wu Qi building, the final difficult level of the sealing mission.”

“Viewing the surrounding void, one can obtain a secret technique.”

“If you can practice it, you can ascend to the top and enter the ninth floor of the Wu Qi Building.”

“If you fail, your memory will be erased and you will leave the Wu Qi building.”

After Luo Feng finished reading these words, the ancient words that appeared on this land all disappeared, Luo Feng immediately raised his head to look at the surrounding void, really, a huge text began to appear in the void in all directions, each word was like a star, connected to each other, countless words, as if a connected scroll, there was no pause or break in the sentence, and all the words were connected.

I don’t know which word is the beginning and which word is the end.

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