Chapter 83.

Release Date: 2024-07-12 14:41:45
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Outside the Anaconda River Army’s compound there were two sergeants sitting by the lake chatting seemingly casually, one of the two sergeants had three sides and eight arms, while the other had a normal one-sided double arm.

“Boom!” Suddenly high in the air, an incomparably dazzling green light crossed the sky, and there was also a hint of golden light in that green light.

It was dazzling and eye-catching.

It was like a rainbow hanging across the sky!

“It’s the Swan Queen Commander.” The two sergeants glanced at each other, both revealing a hint of joy.

“Cheng Mu has succeeded, Commander Bird’s Back has come to Python River Army.”

“Report it to the Patriarch quickly.”

These two sergeants transmitted their voices and talked to each other.

Cosmic Sea, Purple Moon Holy Land Universe.

“You guys continue to wait for news, once you confirm that Luo Feng is dead, come and report immediately.” The Violet Moon Patriarch looked down below and directly ordered.


Both of the two universe lords below answered.

A rare smile appeared on the face of the Violet Moon Patriarch as he secretly said, “Anyone who can be the commander of a special legion, especially a Void True God who can start a brand new special legion, is not an ordinary Void True God. That bull’s-eye has been creating special legions for an unknown amount of time, and with the army’s precious inheritance for her to cultivate, she is definitely in the top category amongst the Void True Gods! And her illusion art is so famous in the military camp, with her strength, it’s me, I’m afraid I’m not her opponent.”

“This kind of specializes in illusion techniques, the topmost Void True Gods. In terms of will, it has reached the Eternal True God level at the very least! It might even be willed to transform into a Saint.”

“If she strikes, a Lord of Laws would have to be caught in an illusion even if he’s even more heaven-defying.”

“That Luo Feng and indeed came from the outside world, it’s easy to be discovered, once discovered …… it’s soul annihilation, dead beyond death. Hahaha …… Luo Feng boy, if you are ordinary, even if you are a true god I don’t care. Who let you get the Broken East River lineage inheritance, threatening me that much, I only blame you for your bad fate.” Violet moon originator was smiling, the group of universe lords below saw the originator like this also understood that it was because Luo Feng was going to die that the originator was so happy.

World of Jin.

Streams of light like rainbows, that beautiful in the void, this was already the symbol of, the Bird Queen.

“It’s the Bird’s Back Commander.”

“Queen Bird’s Bird Commander, the Commander is here.”

Outside the scattered clusters of several palaces at the junction of the Python River Army’s military camp, the Lord of Laws’ military camp, and the ‘True God’s military camp’, there were two True God guards and four Lord of Laws’ guards patrolling, and as soon as they saw that rainbow stream of light high in the sky, they immediately recognized their identities.

After all, the commanders of these special legions had each lived for an unknown amount of time.

In the world of Jin these commanders in addition to the general and a few other is who is not afraid, natural temperament changed, some low-key like ordinary soldiers, some are openly arrogant, some are vicious, some are like to set the scene …… In short, different, these in the barracks to stay long enough to be within the special legion of the true God, but also know that some of the commander of the temper. The temperament of the commander, they do not dare to offend, after all, how high the status of the commander even if they kill them are no big deal.


Rainbow streams of light descended, it was precisely wearing that incomparably splendid and dazzling Bird Queen Commander, the appearance of the Bird Queen Commander possessed a deadly magic, her tail feathers were even more beautiful.

“Greetings Commander.”

“Greetings, Commander.” The two True God guards even saluted.

“Fire Touwu!” Swan Queen Commander naturally raised her head, scanned the two True God guards and then didn’t bother, even if it was the soldiers under her command, she drank and scolded casually, and once she offended her, it was even more of a military law.

“Queen Swan, why did you come to my place?” A voice came out.

After hearing this voice, Empress Bird’s Nest walked directly towards a hall not far away, shouting first to inform the other party, also respecting the other party. Although she, Empress Bird, was high and mighty, and disdained True Gods and Law Lords, she was still courteous to some Void True Gods who were also the commanders of special legions, unless they had a grudge.

“Swan Queen, since I have been the commander, you have only come to me here twice in the endless years. One of them was to punish my sergeant for coming to inform me, and the other was to congratulate me on my assumption of the position of Commander. What, could it be that another one of the soldiers under my command offended you and you punished them and came to let me know? Haha! A sergeant is just a sergeant, if you punish you only need to notify me, you don’t need to come in person.” A very frivolous voice.

This was a man wearing a fire-red armor suit, appearing thin and tall, with flame tattoos on all six ears. His pair of eyes were even as if they were cold and poisonous scorpions.

“Casually punishing a sergeant is a trivial matter since.” The figure behind the bull’s-eye was light and subtle, not caring, “I came here this time for something big.”

“Oh?” Fire鐞㈠崍’s gloomy eyes looked away, “To our commander, what qualifies as a big event?”

Their status was too high.

Even some Void True Gods such as the Master of the Northern True Sea and the Master of the Nine Smoke Zephyr had to bow down in front of them, after all, they were from the army and were special legion commanders. Ordinary Void True Gods couldn’t sit in such special positions. With such a position, they were completely horizontal in the World of Jinn, and it was still really hard for ‘great things’ to happen to them.

“You and listen to me, there is a sergeant under my command, named Cheng Mu, he went to my place ……,” Queen Bird’s Eye said very casually, but what she said made Fire Zhuo Wu’s face change.

“Outside life?” Fire Zhuo Wu was shocked, “A long, long time ago, my Jin’s World did have outside life come in. But at that time, I was not yet born. Now for endless years, there hasn’t been any outside life that has come in, could it be that there is another …… this, this, are you sure?”

“I also felt absurd at first.” After the swan sighed, “But my subordinate to die to prove, this sergeant under my command knows that the matter is serious, for my Jin’s world worry anxious, in order to cause me to pay attention to, even to die to prove, although I’m not yet fully sure, but also have to come to check out a bit.”

Fire Tuo Wu even nodded his head.


This matter was extremely serious! There were also soldiers who proved it with their deaths, so how could they ignore it?

“Under my command, there’s this sergeant Galaxy.” Fire Tuowu nodded, then closed his eyes, “I’ll check his location.”

“Follow me.” Fire Zhuo Wu immediately went out, and Swan followed.

Python river army’s compound that one island, one island could only have one owner, fire Zhuo Wu as python river army commander, naturally he could check which sergeant corresponded to each island within the army camp, naturally he quickly found out which island Luo Feng had chosen in the first place.

Inside the island.

Luo Feng was incomparably relaxed on top of the roof of a stone house, next to him was fruit wine from within the world of jin, drinking the fruit wine was very cozy.

Seemingly cozy, but in reality, Luo Feng’s consciousness was mainly on the Demon Slayer Race alter ego, the Demon Slayer Race alter ego was currently studying the ‘Wu Slayer Feather’, because during the Wu Qi Lou sealing quest, he had created the top seventh ranked blade technique, ‘Path to Nine Heavens’, Luo Feng thought to himself that he should be able to realize the third weight of the Wu Slayer Feather.

“The first one is chaotic space and time, the second one is the golden kingdom, what about the third one? Really looking forward to it!” Luo Feng secretly said.

The Wu Qi God and the Wu Slayer Feather were different.

The Wufei Feather is more primarily a support! It’s not a direct offense …… and the Uqi God and the Wu Slayer Feathered Wing can be used at the same time at all, wearing the Uqi God, you just need to have the feathered wing attached to your back! U Qi God, Golden Claw God and so on and war armor conflict, wearing U Qi God, Golden Claw God and so on can’t wear true god armor.

But there’s no conflict with wu qi god’s feathers, and the battle armor doesn’t conflict with wu qi god’s feathers. Wasn’t Luo Feng wearing a robber armor in the past and carrying the Wu Slayer Feather.

“Hmm?” Just as Luo Feng was looking forward to the Wu Slayer Feather, he suddenly sensed two powerful fluctuations appearing in the sky above by virtue of his sensing of the world power of the ‘World of Jinn’.

Luo Feng immediately looked up into the sky.

Boom! Boom!

Two figures instantly appeared high in the sky, one emitting colored light incomparably noble, one emitting endless flames incomparably evil, as soon as Luo Feng raised his head, he saw those two pairs of eyes …… Both pairs of eyes had a natural superiority, and the pair of eyes that had a seductive look that was flooded with turquoise light was even more vaguely abhorrent.

“Rumble ~ ~ ~ ~” powerful pressure instantly descended below, and caused the surrounding space to instantly isolate, the space around the island was surrounded by endless nothingness.

Luo Feng frowned and secretly said, “A thought of emptiness?”

“Two void true gods? The two void true gods that appeared in the barracks are feared to be commanders, I don’t know if they’re commanders of ordinary legions or special legions.” Many thoughts swept through Luo Feng’s mind.

Like the sergeants, each one wore standard armor and could be identified at a glance.

But these commanders, with their high status, naturally dressed casually, Luo Feng had a low status before and had never seen a Python River Army commander before, so naturally he couldn’t recognize them.

“Rumble ~~~~” the mighty pressure pressed, two figures descended from the sky.

That powerful pressure caused Luo Feng’s face to change slightly.

Luckily his will was strong enough!

Otherwise, he was afraid that he would have to kneel down.

“Let’s see what these two commanders want.” Luo Feng secretly said, different status different strength, this mentality is also different. If it was a normal special legion sergeant who saw the two commanders descending, naturally they were scared to tea respectfully not daring to breathe a bit, after all, if they angered the commanders, being killed was all for nothing.

Boom! Boom!

The two figures descended onto the island and looked at Luo Feng on the stone house from afar, while Luo Feng leapt down from the stone house.

“Hmph.” Seeing this, the swan back commander said in a cold voice, “Fire鐞㈠崍, look, look at this sergeant under your command, a small Law Lord sergeant. Seeing our two commanders coming, he’s even so reckless!”

Normal sergeants would immediately greet and be incredibly respectful.

Obviously Luo Feng’s attitude instantly displeased the swan commander who was used to being superior.

But what was Luo Feng’s status at the moment? In the entire world of Jin, he was definitely high up, even the four Eternal True God generals had to surround him, so it could be said that apart from His Majesty the God King, it was Luo Feng who had the highest status. Such a status …… Luo Feng and how could Baba welcome him with incomparable respect?

“This sergeant is very reckless.” Fire鐞㈠崍 similarly felt dissatisfied, coldly drank, “Sergeant Galaxy, seeing the commander, what should be done, have you forgotten?”

The voice was like thunder, exploding in Luo Feng’s ears.

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