Chapter 86: The Third Chapter of the Wu-Slaying Feather

Release Date: 2024-07-12 14:41:53
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“Right!” Luo Feng’s eyes – lit up, “In that case, my human community will have an unknown number of epochs more time to develop.”

The human camp and the allied camp, if they just fought on.

For fear of hundreds of millions of epochs, it would be difficult for humans to gain an absolute advantage!

“That’s why Luo Feng, you have a heavy responsibility on your shoulders, this time make sure you get it done in one fell swoop.” Chaos city lord nodded, “The most important time for the community to develop is during the primordial universe period, after all, only within the primordial universe can the strongest person in the universe be born. Once this reincarnation era ends, no new strongest person of the universe can be born.”

Luo Feng was incomparably excited in anticipation by the Chaos City Lord’s words, once the feat was accomplished, then the Bug Race, Mechanical Race, Demon Race, Prison Race, Crystalline Race and so on would have to concede a large amount of territory to the human race, and humanity would truly become the absolute number one race in the primordial universe!

World of Jin, eastern army, python river army barracks.

Luo Feng left the armament point to return to his own stone house on that island.

“Armament ring.” Luo Feng took out a delicate ring, it was the armament ring that was gifted to him earlier at the armament point.


Luo Feng’s divine power was catalyzed.


The space within the hall of the stone house suddenly changed and transformed into a vast world, within this vast world a golden figure descended.

“Lord Galaxy.” The golden figure was respectful, “I will be serving Lord Galaxy exclusively, connecting with the World Core of Jinn. Lord Galaxy …… first need to inform you, although the armament ring can also form the armament world, but I do not have any treasures, only some inheritance and other messages and so on. If Lord Galaxy needs some weapons, mechanical flow treasures and so on, it will take time for spatial teleportation to transfer the treasures over.”

Luo Feng nodded.

Spatial teleportation …… was a means similar to divine kingdom teleportation. It was just that in the world of jin, since you couldn’t enter the divine kingdom, naturally you couldn’t divine kingdom teleport.

“Look at my military achievements.” Luo Feng said.

“Lord Galaxy, existing military merit 6,615,000.” the golden figure respectfully said, “At the same time inform Lord Galaxy, Lord Galaxy, your authority is extremely high, if you exchange treasures for military merit, you can exchange it for the highest military merit. For example, a weapon exchanged for military merit can get 100,000 military merit. You, my lord, can also use 100,000 military merits and trade away the weapon again.”

Luo Feng revealed a hint of a smile.

Armament points are usually very black a weapon for military merit, maybe only get 80,000, but then if you want to buy it back, I’m afraid it will take 120,000. But Luo Feng’s authority was high, but the armament point would not leave the slightest benefit from it.

As for more than 6 million military merits? That’s what the two commanders, Swan Queen and Fire Facing Wu, gave themselves.

“That’s all the Void True God commander has.” Luo Feng shook his head, “Look, how much military merit are these treasures worth.”

Luo Feng waved his hand and threw out a bunch of treasures.

There were battle armor, weapons, mechanical flow treasures, a large amount of replenishing divine power treasures and so on……. These were all the treasures left behind by the Swan Queen and the Fire Faceted Wu Commander.


The golden figure’s eyes shot out rays of light, illuminating these weapons and armor.

“These treasures can be exchanged for military merit 5620800 ……,” the golden figure said.

“Oh!” Luo Feng instantly smiled, “Over 50 million, sure enough, these two commanders have mainly exchanged their military merits for treasures. But the two commanders combined, it’s only a little more than the military merit required for a single Wu Qi Shen. Average.”

It was easy to say, but any Void True God commander would be angry and furious when they heard it.

After all, earning military merit was only earned faster at the Lord of Laws and True God stages, and when one became a Void True God, one could only make a small amount of money, as it was only when one assumed the position of Commander that one would be bestowed with a small amount of military merit at each stage. And when they were Lord of Laws and True Gods, the military merits obtained from disaster level missions and reincarnation level missions were only slightly more, and the military merits obtained from the usual missions were barely enough to replenish the divine body treasures.

One terrifying mission after another, accumulating over ten million military merits.

After becoming a Void True God, the thin stream of water gathered so many military honors and finally exchanged them for treasures.

The accumulation of endless years was taken away at once.

Was it easy?

“Lord Galaxy.” The golden light figure continued, “Your authority, all message types, can be viewed directly without military merit. Whereas treasures and such require military merit in exchange.”

Luo Feng nodded, “Make a list of all of them.”

Right now he had over 60 million military merits! Naturally he could exchange it for tons of treasures.

“True god level palace 20 pieces! True god level armor 20 pieces! 20 pieces of True God level weapons! 20 pieces of True God-level domain treasures! True god level soul treasures 20 pieces!” Luo Feng quickly ordered a bunch of True God level treasures.


Luo Feng’s face changed slightly.


The number of supreme supreme treasures in the cosmic sea had been rare so far! Was it that there weren’t any? Definitely not, ancient civilizations don’t know how many strong people fell, the number of warriors that used to be on the cosmic boat alone is unknown, with so many strong people dead, the weapons and treasures and such that were left behind should logically be a lot.

The world of Jin alone, casually leaking out a thousand pieces of the strongest to the most precious treasure is normal. However, there had been very few treasures in the Cosmic Sea.

“There have been very few?” Luo Feng said in his heart, “Could it be that the primordial universe origin will is controlling ……”

“If that’s the case, then if I take out too many treasures to go back, will it make the primordial universe origin will ……” Luo Feng shook his head immediately after, “No, this world of jin, it’s the one that guided us to come in, obviously the primordial universe origin Will wants us to come. Us universe sea powerhouses come in, naturally we want to get the inheritance, we want to get awesome treasures.”


“The primordial origin will wants us to get the inheritance, wants us to get the treasures.” Luo Feng was puzzled when he thought of this.

Previously for endless years, the primordial universe origin will had been vaguely controlling the balance, the treasures in the cosmic sea had been scarce, and the inheritance was also pitifully scarce.

Why now?

“Why is it making us stronger? Could it be to let us deal with our enemies?” Luo Feng couldn’t help but think about this, after all, the primordial universe origin will couldn’t do anything directly, so far, hadn’t seen the origin will do anything directly.

Origin will, obviously has to follow some kind of operating rules ……

Luo Feng pondered, merely exchanging a total of 100 True God level treasures. Because he was afraid of the origin will, Luo Feng even decided that even if he brought it back to the human community, he wouldn’t easily let the human powerhouses get it.

“Part of the inventory, part for the topmost existences among humans to get.”

“And partly for my earthling lineage, and a small portion, for my family.” Luo Feng secretly said, even though he was a human, he was more primarily the leader of the earthling lineage! With the potential of the earthling line itself, develop, reach the strength of one of the dozens of human communities are very normal, if Luo Feng support, make the earthling line, reach one tenth or even one seventh, one eighty percent of the strength of the human community scale, should be hopeful.

Luo Feng is naturally happy to see this.

Of course, everything also depends on the later generations of the earthlings to struggle on their own, Luo Feng can help, is to give them the conditions, give them the opportunity to ……

Over 60 million military honors, while exchanging a hundred true god treasures only cost more than 3 million military honors, the rest, Luo Feng didn’t move, and didn’t rush to continue exchanging.

He had a feeling ……

The primordial universe origin will, guiding them into the world of jinn, should have an ulterior motive! If there was a real danger, then it wouldn’t be too late to exchange for treasures based on the danger. After all, there were only so many military honors, and once the military honors were depleted, was it hard to threaten the True God of the Void himself? Or go to the King of Jinn’s Gods to ask for it?

Primordial Universe, Galaxy Holy Land.

“This Wu Slayer Feather.” Youhai Luo Feng was sitting there with that silver-white ten-winged feather suspended in front of him.

You Hai Luo Feng’s divine power was instilled within the Wu Slayer Feather Wing, studying it carefully.

And far away within the world of Jin, the Golden Horned Beast’s doppelganger in the inheritance space cultivation space was pondering. Thinking with the help of ten thousand times time acceleration.

On the third day of Luo Feng getting 60 million military merits, of course the cultivation space had been pondering and comprehending for a long time.

“Haha, finally realized.”

“This third weight, it’s really tough enough. If it’s a normal strong person, I’m afraid that only after becoming a true god can you catalyze the third gravity of the Wuicide Feather.” Luo Feng lamented, after all, not every law lord could be as strong as him, normally one would have to be a ‘true god’ to be able to realize the third form.

“Wuicide feather third …….”

The Youhai detachment’s eyes shot out two red lights that shone on the ten-winged plume.


Only to see the ten-winged feather wing instantly escaped a blanket of white fog, hidden white fog shrouded the surrounding, to the palace where the You Hai Branch is centered, around the diameter of one hundred and twenty light years of the range are in the shroud, hidden white fog filled, at the edge of the area is even more and the outside world of the spatial division.

“This is-” Psi Hai Luo Feng revealed a look of dismay, “This, this, a thought of emptiness?”

“Burning, burning.” Psi Sea Luo Feng was so excited that he instantly wanted to catalyze his strongest power.

Boom! Boom!

Keeping the second volume of Broken Destruction burning, making the might of the side of the void manipulated by Wuicide Feathers suddenly skyrocketed, under Luo Feng’s control, the range of manipulation could also be narrowed down to directly shrink to a range of one light year in diameter.

“It’s the one thought void.”

“But it’s a simplified version of the one thought void.” Luo Feng was pleasantly surprised by this.

Even if it was a simplified version of the one thought void, it was still much stronger than a domain type supreme strongest supreme treasure. This made Luo Feng incomparably surprised, the role of auxiliary class treasures was great, after all, this was like having an extra auxiliary in one’s own battle power out of thin air, and this domain class was even better at group attacks.

Like the ‘golden kingdom’, is second only to the field of the strongest treasure.

The third level of the Wufei Feather, is even more than the field of the strongest treasure.

“What to name it?” Luo Feng pondered.

When Luo Feng realized the third weight of the Wu Slayer Feather.

The eastern army of the world of Jin, the Python River army barracks the shore of that vast lake.

Amidst the weeds, there were two sergeants lying there helplessly right by the lake, both of them looking high up in the sky, their eyes unblinking.

“How come we haven’t seen any sign of the Queen Swan yet, we’ve been waiting here for six days, didn’t we say that when the Queen Swan flies by, there must be a rainbow light?”

“There’s no news of Galaxy’s death from the Python River Army either.”

“What do we do now, the Beginning Ancestor is still waiting for news!”

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