Chapter 1 Three Months of Cultivation

Release Date: 2024-07-11 16:45:36
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“Let’s go, go down and have breakfast with mom and dad.” Luo Feng smiled.
“Uh-huh.” Luo Hua’s entire state was completely different at this time, before he was still feeling hopeless and worse than death. But after seeing the miraculous effects of the “water of life” and the huge savings on Luo Feng’s cell phone, Luo Hua’s whole body was full of vigor! Pushing the wheelchair, Luo Feng brought his brother downstairs.
Dad Luo Hongguo and mother Gong Xinlan, are sitting on the sofa without saying a word, from yesterday to today, a day, the couple’s blow is too great. Their youngest son even jumped into the river to commit suicide, and now their emotions are all so low and unstable.
“What to do.”
“What the hell to do.” The couple had no way at all, and the kitchen had already cooked breakfast, but no one was in the mood to eat.
“Dad, mom!” Luo Feng pushed his wheelchair and brought his younger brother downstairs, shouting with a smile, “Where’s breakfast, let’s have breakfast together.”
“Breakfast?” Luo Hongguo and Gong Xinlan all stood up.
Brother Luo Hua also smiled, “Mom and dad, I’m hungry.”
Luo Hongguo and Gong Xinlan looked at their youngest son “Luo Hua” as if they were looking at a monster, and then snapped to their senses, Luo Hongguo even said, “Good to be hungry, good to be hungry, quick, quickly serve breakfast!”
“Qin mom.” Gong Xinlan shouted and rushed towards the kitchen.
Father Luo Hongguo also ran into the kitchen, the whole home was instantly filled with life, no more the slightest bit of previous depression.
Luo Feng looked at this scene and smiled, “This threshold is passed, especially when the younger brother grows his legs out later and can stand up. The family will definitely be happier.” He took the risk of stealing the dragon’s egg in the first place, what was the reason for that, it wasn’t to be able to gather enough money to buy the “water of life” for his brother as soon as possible.
It was also God’s help that when he stole the dragon’s egg, he got a set of God of War’s equipment by the way, which made the huge sum of 30 billion dollars almost enough in one go.
Jiangnan Base City, main downtown area.
Inside the first floor hall of the luxurious mountaintop villa of “Hua Yao Peak”, one of the peaks in the Jiangnan Shanshui District, the Higher God of War, “Venina Bolinas”, who was known as “Poisonous Scorpion” in the martial circle, was sitting on a sofa with a cold face. was sitting on the sofa with a cold face. Next to her, the expressionless vulture Li Yao stood there as if he was a sword.
“What’s the result.” Li Yao said in a cold voice.
In the living room, the middle-aged butler wearing a black suit respectfully said, “Sir, Madam. Out of the previous 506 investigation targets, after our investigation in the past few days, we have selected 12 people with higher possibilities. However, these 12 people, even though we have been following them one-on-one during this period of time, we still don’t have enough evidence to identify someone.”
“In other words, up to now, you can’t name a target?” The fury in Li Yao’s eyes surged.
The black suit butler felt as if he was being stared at by a huge monster, and could not help but hold his breath and respectfully said, “Of the 506 people, in terms of motivation, some have been oppressed by the HR Alliance, and perhaps because they wanted to take revenge on the HR Alliance, they set their hands on the young master, and there are some people, who have a grudge against the young master’s bodyguard ‘Caron’, and there are also Someone, who has a grudge against the young master’s bodyguard ‘Panya”s Tiger Teeth Squad …… On the subject of motives, one can find out that all 8 people have some motives. But these motives, they are all very small, as long as their brains aren’t broken, they won’t go so far as to kill the young master.”
“The one who has a grudge against Wei’s bodyguard kills Wei? Also that what Tiger Teeth Squad, what kind of bullshit squad is that, what level of enemy can it mess with!” Li Yao reprimanded “Remember, the person who killed Wei is an expert who was able to instantly kill two high level battle generals, and two medium level battle generals, and made the four of them not even have time to send a message back!”
“Yes.” The butler even responded respectfully.
“Remember, this murderer is very strong, and has at most hidden his battle records! To be able to instantly kill two Higher War Generals in seconds, with such a strong strength, he should be 25 years old and up.” Li Yao instructed, “Among the targets of this query, apart from the dead, a lot of the 506 people alive are very young and weak, even to the point of just passing the ‘Martial Practical Examination’, could it be that all those little guys have the ability to kill two major Higher War Generals in seconds?”
“What mister said is true.” The butler responded in a respectful manner.
Li Yao ordered in a cold voice, “Carefully check their past deeds, who is more likely to be a hidden powerhouse. Once you think it’s possible, check for me!”
“Understood!” The butler didn’t dare to say more.
“Hm! But whoever pops up with a hint of a strong person who could possibly be a ‘War God’ strength, or whoever, could possibly be a Spiritual Numinous Master. Just give me more effort to keep an eye on and check!” Li Yao coldly said, “Of course the key targets are to be investigated, but those who are unlikely, give me an eye on them as well, and record all sorts of things about them, from bank deposits, Wilderness Area battle results, their relatives and friends, and so on, in all directions.
“Yes.” The butler respectfully said.
“You’ve been with who I am for so many years, I don’t want you to slack off on this matter, understand?” Li Yao’s voice was low and contained a dark killing intent.
The butler’s forehead couldn’t help but sprout beads of sweat: “Understood.” Of course, he knew how powerful this male master was, knowing that even “Poison Scorpion” Venina Boreanas, the eldest lady born in the Boreanas family, was also a High War God! Facing Li Yao with such a status, she was usually slightly lower.
“Go!” Li Yao waved his hand.
The butler quickly left.
After the butler left, only Li Yao and Mr. and Mrs. Venina Boreanas were left in the entire hall.
“Yao, I’m afraid that the murderer didn’t even carry a communication watch if he really killed our son with purpose and preparation.” Venina’s twisted Mandarin rang out, “This means that I’m afraid that none of those 506 targets are the murderer.”
“I know it’s possible.”
Li Yao said in a cold voice, “However, we absolutely cannot let go of a single chance. If there aren’t too many people …… I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go!” Li Yao’s eyes flashed with a cold light, this time, more than five hundred people were involved, and behind them, the Extreme Martial Arts School, Thunder and Lightning Martial Arts School, the government army and so on were involved.
Adding to the fact that these people were all around the base city, some of them entered the base city from time to time. He didn’t dare to kill them all in one breath. If it was just a few dozen people, he would still dare to do it.
“Yew, who do you think could have moved?” Venina frowned.
“Globally, there are no less than 10 Higher War Gods who have a grudge against me, Li Yao. Back then, in order for you to sit as the Executive President of this HR Alliance’s China Region, the two of us also offended quite a few people.
Fortunately, I managed to come out after entering the ruins of an ancient civilization back then. Only then did each of those cow devils and snakes not dare to make a move!” Li Yao coldly said, “Don’t let me find out who shaded me and killed Wei, no actually in the eyes of Venina and Li Yao, the two strongest people, the most probable one is one of their past enemies of the God of War.
However, for those 506 suspects, Li Yao and Venina will not give up their investigation.
Yangzhou city, bright moon neighborhood.
Luo Feng was very relaxed, some of the time he was chatting with martial artists at the “Ultimate Club”, but most of the time he was immersed in the cultivation of the “Nine Heavy Thunder Blade” by himself.
“Hey, Captain.”
In the Extreme Clubhouse, inside the nerve reaction test room, Luo Feng walked to the side and picked up his cell phone and answered the call, “Oh, you guys are going to go to the wilderness area after the New Year’s Eve, on March 1st? Fine, I have no problem with that. I also want to stay at home for some days, live two months peacefully, and by the way, I’ll refine my sword technique again, eh, fine, I’ll go to the wilderness area after the New Year.”
“You all know about my brother’s matter? This thing spread really fast.”
“It can’t be helped, I can’t do anything when it comes to this kind of thing, but fortunately, my brother, he has adjusted now.”
“Well, I’m practicing my stance. Alright, talk to you later.”
Luo Feng hung up his cell phone and just put it aside in the corner while walking towards the nerve reaction testing machine.
Saying it was a testing machine, in reality, Luo Feng completely treated it as a training machine.
“Intermediate battle general level test, time 10 minutes.” Luo Feng adjusted the testing time of the nerve reaction testing machine, which was already the maximum duration. In fact, under a large amount of rubber bullets shooting, it was indeed very capable of training one’s dodging ability, Luo Feng usually liked to come here for training very much.
With a sweat, Luo Feng put his cell phone and some other odds and ends into his pocket.
“This time in the wilderness area for more than a month, the vast majority of the time, every day, I carried out absorbing genetic original energy and strengthening my body. Right now, I’m not too far away from the ‘junior battle general level’ physical quality standard.
“Work a little harder and see how much I can improve in these nearly two months.”
Time passed day by day, New Year’s Eve, Luo Feng and his family also happily watched the Spring Festival gala together. A few days into the Spring Festival, Luo Feng and his family also went to party with some friends to liven things up, as for relatives? Luo Feng really didn’t have any relatives, because his father and mother, were both orphans after the great nirvana period.
The great nirvana period caused a lot of families to fall apart, there were a lot of orphans.
Early in the morning of February 26th.
Luo Feng, who was dressed in a white practicing outfit, smiled as he walked towards the Extreme Clubhouse.
“Crazy man, going to the guild hall early in the morning?” A bearded burly man laughed.
“We’re going to the wilderness area in a couple days, now we have to train and train in the nick of time.” Luo Feng laughed, the bearded man glared, “Damn, crazy, don’t say angry words. Still clasp the Buddha’s feet in the battlefield, when you quasi martial artist examination I was present, a turn of the eye are stronger than me.
Luo Feng laughed: “This Yangtze river waves push forward, of course the generation should be stronger than the generation.”
“Go go go, don’t be angry.” The bearded burly man laughed and cursed.
Luo Feng also stepped into the Limit Clubhouse and came to the sixth floor.
Early in the morning, the limit clubhouse was rarely occupied, and today it was as empty as ever.
Luo Feng wouldn’t have been able to come over so early if he wasn’t trying to test his recent results.
“Last time on December 1st, my test results were speed of 78.6 meters per second, fist strength of 6121kg, which can reach nearly 13000kg under burst, nerve reaction test, primary battle general extreme, superior!” Luo Feng slightly moved his body, “Now on February 26th, nearly three months, I wonder what degree of physical quality, I’ve reached now!”

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