Chapter 16: Jiangnan Pavilion

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:46:17
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The spring rain pattered on and on.

“Pah-pah!” The rain hit the umbrella and water droplets splashed.

Luo Feng held his umbrella and followed beside Yang Hui. After walking across a wooden arch bridge, they came to a cluster of buildings, Yang Hui pointed not far away, “Luo Feng, the garden over there, is the Jiangnan pavilion. There are already two cadets within the Jiangnan pavilion now, you are the third cadet living in the Jiangnan pavilion.”

“Jiangnan pavilion?” Luo Feng’s heart stirred and he couldn’t help but ask, “Teacher, how is this the same name as Jiangnan base city?”

Since he became an official member of the training camp and Yang Hui was a teacher in the training camp.

Luo Feng naturally addressed Yang Hui as “teacher”.

“Haha, it just follows the name of the base city. The two trainees living inside the Jiangnan pavilion are both from Jiangnan base city, but both came earlier than you.” With a mysterious face, Yang Hui suddenly lowered his voice and said, “Let me remind you that among the two cadets currently residing in the Jiangnan Pavilion, there is one named Shi Jiang! Very powerful, I don’t even have the certainty of winning against him. It will be good for you to be on good terms with him.”

“Teacher, you don’t even have the certainty of winning him?” Luo Feng was shocked.

Yang Hui was a medium war god!


Yang Hui nodded, “This Shi Jiang, is a top 5 ranked trainee within the training camp. Many of the trainees in this elite training camp already have ‘War God strength’, but they don’t go for the War God title! So that they can continue to stay in the training camp, the top 30 ranked trainees in the entire training camp, in fact, almost every single one of them has the strength of a war god.”

Luo Feng blinked, top 30 ranked, almost every one of them has war god strength?

Too much of an exaggeration.

Each and every one of them is pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger, obviously they can graduate, but they insist on staying within this training camp and not leaving, staying up for the full five years.

“The top five ranked ones are all perverts one by one!” Yang Hui said in a low voice, “The elites from all over the globe, especially those ranked in the top five, are extraordinarily competitive. To be able to stay in the top five for a long time, this Shi Jiang …… once he graduates, no matter where he goes, he will absolutely receive the top treatment!”

“If he’s in my Extreme Martial Hall, for example, the position of Jiangnan Base City’s president, he’ll be able to easily get his hands on it.” Yang Hui said.

Luo Feng was dumbfounded.

Jiangnan base city extreme martial arts center president? This was Jiangnan base city, the head of the four giants of the extreme martial arts school.

“Wait for him to stay up for a few more years and make another breakthrough in strength! Becoming my Extreme Martial Hall’s ‘Supervisory Envoy’, it’s not even impossible.” Yang Hui sighed, perhaps he can now and that “Shi Jiang” strength difference, but he is already more than fifty, while that Shi Jiang is only more than twenty! He is the one who has a bright future ahead of him.

In the midst of shock, Luo Feng arrived at the Jiangnan Pavilion.

The courtyard of Jiangnan pavilion was tens of meters square, with white walls and black tiles. There were even carvings of dragons on the walls.

Pushing open the courtyard door.

There were a total of three pavilions within this Jiangnan Pavilion, when Luo Feng and Yang Hui walked into the courtyard, the pavilions were quiet, Yang Hui directly shouted, “Shi Jiang, Zhao Ruo!” Instantly on the second floor balcony of one of the lofts on the left stood a short haired young girl in a loose robe, while directly in front of the loft, a silhouette jumped down directly, it was a young man with an umbrella, wearing a black practicing suit.

Luo Feng carefully observed this youth who was praised and boasted by Yang Hui.

This youth is slightly shorter than Luo Feng, about one meter seven at the beginning of the appearance, although the whole person is relatively thin, but it gives a very strong feeling. As if his entire body was made of steel. The eyes were introspective, only the occasional essence of light was alarming.

“He is Shi Jiang.” Luo Feng silently memorized.

“A new trainee has come?” Excited voices jumped down from upstairs, Zhao Ruo looked at Luo Feng excitedly with her umbrella.

Luo Feng also observed this senior sister, this senior sister called “Zhao Ruo” had short hair and a petite figure, her only drawback was that her skin was darker and her eyes were smaller. So it resulted in Zhao Ruo not being considered a beauty.

“His name is Luo Feng, from today onwards, he’ll be living with you guys in Jiangnan Pavilion.” Yang Hui laughed, “Shi Jiang, Zhao Ruo, you are senior brothers and sisters, Luo Feng he just came over, you guys have to take care of him.”

“Don’t worry, leave it to me.” Zhao Ruo patted her chest, “With me as a senior sister, I won’t let him suffer.”

“Well, then I’ll leave first.”

Yang Hui smiled and patted Luo Feng’s shoulder before leaving straight away.

There were three pavilions in the Jiangnan pavilion, the one in the center was inhabited by Shi Jiang, and the one on the left, or west side was inhabited by Zhao Ruo. Luo Feng naturally resided in the eastern side of the pavilion.

“Luo Feng, sit, sit.” Zhao Ruo was enthusiastic, at the moment she, Luo Feng, and Shi Jiang, were all in the living room of Zhao Ruo’s residence.

“I came here in 55, senior brother Shi Jiang came here in 53. But both are much earlier than you.” Zhao Ruo laughed, next to him, Shi Jiang also revealed a smile, “53, 55, 57, the three of us just happen to all be two years apart, and we’re all from Jiangnan base city, this is also a rare chance to repair fate!”

As soon as Shi Jiang opened his mouth, Luo Feng felt that Shi Jiang’s entire voice was thick and heavy, with a calmness of its own.

“I’m from Jiangnan base city Su city, senior brother Shi Jiang is from the main urban area, Luo Feng, what about you?” Zhao Ruo asked.

“From Yangzhou City.” Luo Feng said.

Shi Jiang was surprised and smiled, “My grandpa is in Yangzhou City!”

These three were also from Jiangnan base city, but Shi Jiang and Zhao Ruo, one of them went through the “basic training camp” and then competed to enter the “elite training camp”. One was a government military elite who was sent here. Only Luo Feng was directly selected from ordinary martial artists.

“Luo Feng, when you go back to your room later, open the laptop that the training camp equipped you with.” Shi Jiang reminded, “In this laptop, there’s a copy of the ‘instructions for trainees’, so you should read it over.

“Yeah, that thing is important.” Zhao Ruolian said.

“Especially the points!” Zhao Ruolian reminded, “In the training camp, the points ranking, is the most important! You should have seen that ‘Black Dragon Ranking’ at the entrance.”

“Saw it.” Luo Feng nodded.

The top three, it seemed like there was only one Chinese name.

“That Black Dragon Leaderboard is the points leaderboard. The higher the points the higher the ranking! The 1st – 28th of every month is the time to earn points. The results are tallied on the 29th of every month to come up with the final ranking for the month! Wait until the next month, all the points empty, zero. Work hard again to earn points for the rankings.” Zhao Ruo explained.

Luo Feng suddenly realized.

This point ranking, it turns out that every month is a round!

“Senior sister, senior brother, how did this points come about?” Luo Feng asked afterward.

“Points are ‘battle points’ multiplied by ‘battle power amplitude’.” Zhao Ruo explained, “For example, soon in April you’re going to start competing for rankings as well. Let’s say that from the 1st – 28th of April, your total battle points are 2,000, and your Battle Power Amplitude is 1.8, then your points are 2,000 multiplied by 1.8, which is 3,600 points! Rankings are dished out according to the level of points.”

Luo Feng listened with even more doubt.

What was this battle performance points, and battle power amplitude?

“Battle performance points, is what you get from hunting and killing monsters! As for the details, go back and take a look at the ‘instructions for students’ and you’ll know.” Zhao Ru explained, “As for ‘Battle Power Amplitude’, it’s in the virtual space that it will be determined. For the details, you’ll know when you go back and read the trainee instructions.

Luo Feng blinked helplessly.

You all have to read the trainee instructions yourself ……

“Luo Feng!” Shi Jiang finally spoke.

“Senior brother.” Luo Feng looked at Shi Jiang.

“Remember, in the training camp you want your strength to improve fast, every month’s ranking, you have to try to rush forward. The higher the ranking you charge, the better.” Shi Jiang solemnly said, “This high or low ranking is also related to various possessable resources. Some resources that are coveted by the War Gods. This is also the reason why quite a few cadets who have reached the strength of a War God still stay here.”

Next to him, Zhao Ruo bristled, “For example, our senior brother Shi Jiang.”

Shi Jiang was dumbfounded.

Zhao Ruo covered her mouth and snickered, Luo Feng also laughed.

Jiangnan pavilion, in Luo Feng’s study.

The laptop had just been turned on not long ago, Luo Feng was sitting on a chair, carefully reading the “instructions for students”.

“Trial room? Challenge room? Gravity room? All three of these training rooms were created from the remnants of an ancient civilization.” As he read, Luo Feng knew more and more about the entire elite training camp, there was indeed a lot of hardware equipment in this training camp, of course the most expensive ones were the ancient civilization relic equipment.

And the most important thing in the training camp was – points ranking!

The ranking is high or low, and it involves a lot.

For example, the ancient civilization relics of the ancient equipment “gravity room”, although now on earth there are imitation of the gravity room, but the effect on the martial artists, is far from catching up with the ancient equipment. But …… the entire training camp, only one “training room”, to whom to use? This depends on the ranking.

The higher the ranking, the longer the time you can share! This is just one!

“Ranking first every month, if you can accumulate nine firsts, you can get a copy of Dragon Blood worth 80 billion dollars, you can choose any three full sets of secret books for free, and you can choose ‘Hong’ or ‘Thunder God’ as your teacher to become their personal disciple.”

“Ranking first every month, if one accumulates six first places, one drop of chalcedony worth 30 billion, one free choice of any full set of secret books, and one chance to be personally instructed by ‘Hong’ or ‘Thunder God’. ”

Looking at the description on this e-book, Luo Feng was dumbfounded.

Dragon blood? Become a personal disciple of Hong or Thunder God? And still choosing to pick, disciple choosing master?

A full set of any three secret manuals?

To know a set of ultimate secret books, that price was scary.

“Perverted, perverted, but these rewards are all ranked first, and you have to accumulate 9 firsts.” Luo Feng continued to look down.

“Fist power generation rank 6, you can get a copy of dragon blood worth 80 billion, SS grade combat suit and weapon complete set ……”

“Fist power generation level 5, you can obtain ……”

Luo Feng looked at the long list of rewards and was a bit dumbfounded.

“Trial tower rank 5, you can obtain the position of ‘inspector’ of the extreme martial arts school, get a copy of dragon blood worth 80 billion, a full set of SS grade combat uniforms and weaponry, any three full sets of secret books, and a set of ancient civilization relics of the ‘black god’. ”

Regarding this Trial Tower rank reward, it was clearly the highest.


By all accounts, that was a position that could only be obtained by becoming an existence that surpassed the War God. And a set of ancient civilization relics ‘Black God’? What the heck?

“As long as one reaches Trial Tower Rank 5, wouldn’t they have whatever they want? There’s no shortage of anything?”

Luo Feng couldn’t help but have his heart beat faster, but when he thought of the previous scene in the trial tower where he was tested at level B, he felt extremely pressurized.

He was only in the first level of the trial and he encountered 100 primordial beast general level mangy bulls! And it was estimated that this wasn’t even the hardest of the first layer.

There are still the second, third, and fourth levels up there. ……

Even the experienced God of War, Yang Hui, only made it to the third level! The world’s strongest man, Hong, only made it to the sixth level! The difficulty of breaking through to the fifth level can be imagined.

No wonder the benefits offered were so scary.

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