Chapter 30: Crazy tactics

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:46:59
A+ A- Turn Off Light

In this training camp, although the Ancient Civilization Gravity Chamber had fewer chances to use it, the effect of using it every time was amazing! Moreover, every day in the training camp there were 2 hours that one could be in the imitation gravity chamber, although the imitation gravity chamber was at most three times the gravity, but it couldn’t help but use it for a long time.

So here Luo Feng’s progress was obviously much faster than when he was in Jiangnan base city.

When he first arrived at the end of March, Luo Feng’s fist strength was 11,500 kilograms.

By the end of April, Luo Feng’s fist strength was 13600 kilograms. The efficiency of raising 2100 kilograms in a month was obviously much faster.

At the end of May, Luo Feng’s fist power, reached 16500 kilograms, raising 2900 kilograms in a month. Mainly because in May, Luo Feng used the ancient civilization gravity chamber for an extra hour, this extra hour could be divided into three days, twenty minutes a day, in this way, the three day effect was as good as the 15 day effect! This was the speed of progress under extreme gravity.

Of course there was also the reason that Luo Feng’s physical quality had improved, causing the cultivation speed to naturally have some increase.

The stronger the body, this cultivation speed would naturally become faster.

At the end of June, which was yesterday Luo Feng personally tested, his fist strength reached 19,600 kilograms, an improvement of nearly 3,100 kilograms in a month. Compared to May, the progress wasn’t too great.

Must know ……

16000kg – 32000kg is medium battle general level. 32000kg – 64000kg is high battle general level. More than 64,000 kilograms is the level of a war god.

Luo Feng now had around 55000 kilograms at 2.8 times burst. It wasn’t even that far from a primary war god!

“Last month I was ranked 48th, so my time this month, in the Ancient Civilization training room, is doubled.” Luo Feng was well aware of the effects of the ancient civilization gravity chamber. With 20 minutes a day, the effect in three days was comparable to 15 days of normal cultivation!

This month, Luo Feng had 4 hours that he could split in 12 times for 20 minutes.

This was also the highest efficiency cultivation method in limited time that the elite training camp students, down the long term, had worked out. Twenty minutes each time, three days down the line. The effect was almost exactly double than just one hour a day in the Ancient Civilization Gravity Chamber!

“Last month, an improvement of 3100 kilograms. This month, the fist power improvement is estimated to reach over 4000.”

“At this rate, in 10 months’ time, my physical quality will reach the Primary War God realm. Spiritual thoughts, that’s the Higher War God realm!” 10 months, that is to say, in the first half of next year, he or she will have the strength to be invincible across the War God level …… Of course, the premise is that the dark golden orb has that much spiritual nimbus.

Expect it …… Expect the dark golden orb in the sea of consciousness to last until one becomes a High War God!

“If I can get a copy of the dragon’s blood!”

“Then, in just a month or two, I can become a Higher War God!” Luo Feng wanted to get a copy of dragon blood very much in his heart, dragon blood had different effects depending on the strength of the person using it. The stronger the strength, the weaker the effect of course. But normally it doubles the strength! And the medicinal power contained in the dragon blood could also make the martial artist cultivate faster in the future!

Dragon blood!

And right now, one had a chance to obtain dragon blood, which was to have a battle power amplitude of 12 by August 1st.

“12! I’m only 8.96 now, what should I do?”

“The normal method of burying one’s head in the sand and practicing hard, in just one month, it’s hard to make a breakthrough.” Luo Feng clenched his teeth, “Give up the child to catch the wolf, I can only use that method!”

Life and death battle!

The best method to increase strength was life and death battles!

And life and death battles are also divided into, life and death battles with monsters, and life and death battles with humans.

Naturally, it was a life and death battle with a human martial artist who had high fighting skills and was smarter that had better results! However, it was also meaningless to compete with martial artists whose strengths were too different. To defeat an opponent with a single move, or to be defeated by someone with a single move, where was the mood of that life and death struggle? The truly best opponents – of equal strength and able to fight to the death!

And how many martial artists were willing to fight to the death? Fortunately, there is a challenge room, and in the challenge room virtual space, one can fight to the death, regardless of everything. But – Challenge Room betting on battles requires money! Or it required points!

“Isn’t it just money?”

“Last time, I won 5 billion from William, and the Extreme Martial Arts School has wired me 5 billion for this year’s activities! I just don’t believe that I can lose 10 billion in a month’s time. Even if I lose 10 billion, as long as my battle power amplitude can reach 12, it’s still worth it.” Luo Feng was on the deadline for a month.

He chose to gamble on a wide range of battles!

The next day when Luo Feng returned from hunting monsters in the wilderness area, it was after 8pm in the Jiangnan pavilion.

“What, you’re going to bet on a battle with that many people?” Shi Jiang was shocked and looked at Luo Feng.

Luo Feng nodded, “Right, senior brother. I don’t know much about the strength of the experts in the training camp, I hope that you, senior brother, can tell me which people are comparable to me, I want to find people who are comparable to me and have a betting battle!” With those who were too much stronger than oneself, for one thing, a life and death battle wouldn’t be very effective, and for another, it would be giving away money to others.

“You’re really desperate.” Shi Jiang shook his head, “Betting on a battle, the minimum bet received by that virtual space system is 1 billion Chinese coins. Every betting battle is 1 billion, that’s a big number.”

“Moreover, those who are weaker than you will definitely not be willing to receive a betting battle.”

“And only those who are confident in defeating you will choose to bet on the battle. I’m afraid you’re going to lose a lot of money if you bet on a battle on such a large scale.” Shi Jiang shook his head and sighed, “Let’s put it this way, there are some people in the training camp who are good at hunting monsters ranked higher, but their strength isn’t necessarily really that high. And there are people who are strong but not good at rushing rankings.”

The ranking of the Black Dragon Ranking was a points ranking.

Although it reacted to strength to a certain extent, it didn’t react 100% to strength.

Shi Jiang, as an old trainee and a first-rate powerhouse of the training camp, did understand quite a few people’s strength.

“I’ll give you a list, the ones on this list, are close to your strength, or slightly lower, or slightly higher. Who wins and who loses in battle will depend on the field.” Shi Jiang finished speaking, first opening his laptop to pull up the list of the leaderboard, and then looking at the leaderboard, he quickly tapped the keyboard and wrote out a list.

A total of 32 names! These were the ones that Shi Jiang thought, weren’t too different from Luo Feng’s strength.

“Thank you senior brother.” Luo Feng took a look at the list, these people were mainly between 60th – 30th in the rankings, there were very few exceptions, the most outrageous one was 91st and the highest one was 21st.

Late that night after 9pm.

Kyoto pavilion.

“Luo Feng, why are you here, sit.” The three male trainees of the Kyoto pavilion were chatting together, when they saw Luo Feng coming, they all stood up and greeted him with smiles.

“Senior brother Wang.”

Luo Feng said humbly, “I came here because I want to bet on a battle with you.” Wang Tao was ranked 36th last month.

“Bet on a battle?” The challenged Wang Tao frowned, he didn’t provoke this red man of the training camp, right, the other two youths also had a radical change in expression.

Betting on a battle in the training camp was generally provocative behavior.

“Senior brother Wang, I just want to spar and compete, I don’t mean anything else. We bet on the battle, and we don’t bet on points, we just bet on money, the minimum amount of 1 billion.” Luo Feng even said.

When Wang Tao heard this, he smiled. To the trainees, the most important thing was the points, the points were related to the rankings! And the general gambling wars either bet on points or money.

Or bet on both! And to bet on points, the minimum amount is also 2000 points, and to bet on prophecy, the minimum amount is also 1 billion Chinese coins! Luo Feng betting on money alone without betting on points, and it was the minimum amount, clearly labeled as for sparring, no provocation.

“Haha, okay! I’ll block battle with you Luo Feng once, turn around and you send a challenge application, we’ll bet on a battle tomorrow.” Wang Tao said cheerfully.

It was only a billion dollars, and the possibility of him Wang Tao winning was still high.

Why not give Luo Feng face?

On the day of July 3rd, Luo Feng and Wang Tao bet on a battle, a life and death battle in a tropical rainforest environment in virtual space.

As a result, Luo Feng lost!

After this first loss, Luo Feng started challenging other trainees again! Throughout the month of July, Luo Feng set off a challenge frenzy in the elite training camp, rarely would a trainee be so crazy about challenges, but because Luo Feng didn’t gamble on points and the bets were of the smallest amount, the strength of the chosen opponents was rarely worse than him.

So most were successful! All accepted his challenge!

There were even people who heard that Luo Feng liked challenges and took the initiative to come and bet on battles with Luo Feng.

Every single number in the training camp, Luo Feng was able to find opponents for life and death battles! It could be said that the craziest person in the month of July’s betting wars was Luo Feng.

From the 3rd – 27th, Luo Feng had 36 betting battles, losing 19 and winning 17. Each bet was 1 billion, obviously the trainees didn’t want to gamble too much, which meant losing 2 billion!

On the 28th, late at night, just after 11 o’clock.

Candace Boreanas, returned to the residence.

“This Luo Feng’s ranking has unexpectedly risen again this month, rushing to 43rd. It’s now less than an hour before 12:00 late at night, so I guess it’s hard for the ranking to change.” William and Candace walked back to their residence side by side, Candace’s face was ugly and she said in a low voice, “Don’t mention that Luo Feng, in front of me.”

William looked at Candace.

Candace gritted her teeth, obviously with a belly full of fire.

“I told you earlier, don’t chase after Janet.” William sat on the chair, “Janet only has Luo Feng in her eyes.”

“That Chinese kid.” Candace was furious.

These three months, Candace had been trying to find ways to win Janet’s heart, but unfortunately, he had failed time and time again, Janet’s eyes clearly only had that Luo Feng senior brother of hers.

And this evening there watching the black dragon ranking, Candace went to get close to Janet again, and was exasperated by Janet’s one sentence and came back.

“Endure, endure, endure!”

Candace forced himself to hold back his anger and advised himself.

Reason told him that he couldn’t provoke Luo Feng, he could only endure!


The sound of footsteps rang out.

“Eh?” Candace and William both looked up in confusion, at this time of the day, many people were over at the giant black dragon carving only, who came to them?

A silhouette entered the compound.

Candace’s face changed slightly, William was even more surprised and stared wide-eyed, “Why is he here?”

The person who came was none other than Luo Feng!

“Candace, hello.” Luo Feng smiled aggressively, among the list Shi Jiang had written in the first place, there was Candace’s name.

“Luo Feng, you came, what’s the matter?” Although she hated to eat the person in front of her, Candace still squeezed out a smile to maintain basic politeness.

Luo Feng smiled, “Candace, I was thinking of betting on a battle with you! I don’t mean anything else, it’s just for a sparring match …… We don’t bet on points, oh, there’s no points to bet on tomorrow either. We’ll just bet money, a minimum amount of 1 billion Chinese coins. How about it?”

“Betting on a battle?” Candace and William both drifted off.

They had long heard about this Luo Feng’s crazy gambling wars. Unexpectedly today, it came to him, Candace.

“This yellow-skinned monkey, always dallying with Janet!” Candace had a belly full of fire, watching his favorite girl always get close to other men, he still had to hold back his anger for three months, that anger was never something an ordinary person could hold back, “I haven’t been very good at finding trouble with you, and today he even came to gamble on battles with me.”


This opportunity, how can I miss it? A chance to retaliate in the open! And it’s still this Luo Feng who sent himself to the door! If I don’t teach Luo Feng a hard lesson, I’m sorry for holding back my anger for so long!

“Betting on a battle, fine, but the size of the bet is too small, Luo Feng, you’re at least a popular person in our training camp. How about a bet of 10 billion Chinese coins?” Candace stared at Luo Feng, this was a big number, it was also a big amount of money for him, but only a lot of money could make the other party’s heart ache!

“10 billion?” Luo Feng was shocked.

The betting war in front of himself, each time could be just 1 billion, how can he play 10 billion? Elite training camps rarely come across such a big betting war once a year! And in terms of strength maybe in terms of physical quality, this Candace Boreanas as an old trainee is a lot stronger than himself. However, in terms of the amplitude of battle power, it is estimated that he is not much stronger than himself. How did he press such a big bet all of a sudden? “What, scared?” Candace smiled and looked at Luo Feng.

“It’s not that I’m afraid, I want to have a sparring match with you Candace, just for the sake of sparring, nothing else. Why bet so much?” Luo Feng said.

Candace sneered in her heart.

If you don’t bet big and end up winning a billion dollars, there was no way to make Luo Feng’s heart ache, how could he vent the anger he was holding back and enduring?

“Haha, back when Luo Feng you won me 5 billion Chinese coins, but you didn’t even blink, how come you’re so timid now that you’re gambling with Candace?” William helped from the side, staring at Luo Feng, “Or do you think you’re sure to lose this amount to Candace? If that’s the case, simply don’t look for Candace to compete with, why did you even come here.”

Luo Feng’s brows furrowed.

Both Candace and William’s words were clearly provoking himself.

“Could it be, that you were filled with confidence that you could beat William, that’s why you bet with him for 5 billion dollars, to make him a hard fortune. And now that you’re not sure of winning, you refuse to bet big?” Candace looked at Luo Feng.

“Candace, you really want to bet 10 billion?” Luo Feng frowned.

“Of course, that would be fun!” Candace smiled.

“Alright then, as you wish!” Luo Feng replied.

His own strength, of course he knew best!

This past month, from the beginning when he lost a lot of betting battles, to the later when he won a lot and lost a lot, every time he fought a life and death battle, there was some experience and some progress.

Luo Feng thought to himself that his strength had improved quite a bit from before this month first started. Even the bar number’s trial tower level, Luo Feng had rushed to 3.4.

Strength progress, indeed great.

“Although I’m not completely sure, the probability of winning is about 50%, maybe even higher.10 billion bets pressure, this life and death battle might allow me to make another breakthrough!” Luo Feng said in his heart.

There were only three days left until August 1st!

He wanted his battle power amplitude to reach 12, this big stakes betting battle was also an opportunity.

“As I, wish?” Candace was slightly struggling to understand the Chinese language, then looked at Luo Feng in surprise, “You mean, you accept a 10 billion dollar betting war?”

“Yes, a 10 billion dollar betting war.” Luo Feng nodded, “I’ll go back and send a request to the system.”

“Very well.” Candace smiled and nodded, but it was as if there was a hint of flame in his eyes, the flame of revenge.

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