Chapter 31 – Luo Feng vs Candace

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:47:01
A+ A- Turn Off Light

After being reviewed by the computer system, Luo Feng and Candace’s betting battle would start at 9:15am on July 29th.

On July 29th, the morning was already a touch sultry.

Inside the Jiangnan pavilion.

“Luo Feng, Luo Feng!” Zhao Ruo’s crisp voice resounded throughout the Jiangnan Pavilion.

“Senior sister.” Luo Feng appeared on the balcony on the second floor of the pavilion and looked at Zhao Ruo below, “Calling me early in the morning for something?”

“Something’s wrong? You guy is so calm, as if nothing happened?” Zhao Ruo’s eyes widened, “I just heard it over breakfast at the restaurant, you and that Candace are actually going to have a betting war this morning …… And, you, you actually bet 10 billion with him?”

10 billion, this was a big number for even the God of War.

These geniuses were extremely wealthy even though they were pulled in by various countries and organizations. However, they also had to spend money on purchasing secret books, combat suits, etc., so if they weren’t sure, who would be willing to bet 10 billion?

“Quickly, is this thing true or false?” Zhao Ruo urged.

“It’s true.” Luo Feng nodded.

“Shit!” Zhao Ruo looked at Luo Feng with a look of a madman, “Crazy, really crazy!”

“Senior sister, I’ll meditate first and prepare for the life and death battle in the morning.” Luo Feng even returned to his own quiet room, facing this big-headed, tougher than a man senior sister, Luo Feng was better off hiding.

In the quiet room.

Sandalwood incense filled the air, Luo Feng sat in meditation with his knees crossed, his heart as still as water.

As a veteran who had already fought 36 matches in a row in July, Luo Feng was very clear, two people with very different strengths fighting together in a life and death battle, there was really no way to say who would lose and who would win, for example, if someone was in a low mood and in poor condition, they would probably be killed by their opponent instantly. And when the state is excellent, it can kill the opponent again.

The state!

The best state, is the heart is as quiet as the water, completely empty state. That being said, how many people’s hearts can be as quiet as stopping water, without the slightest distraction?

Two hours later.

Elite training camp’s largest building – nine heavy building, the ninth floor of the hall, more than a hundred people gathered here, the entire training camp’s trainees a total of 183, plus the God of War teacher, is barely more than 200 people! And now more than a hundred people have gathered here, more than the last battle between Luo Feng and William, which attracted an unknown number of people.10 billion dollars of gambling battle ah!

It’s hard to come across a bet this big in a whole year of training camp! Moreover, one of the targets was the standard outstanding old trainee “Candace Boreanas”, and the other was the rapidly rising new trainee “Luo Feng”.

“In this battle, Candace’s chances of winning are a bit higher.” Among the trainees from the European Union faction, a handsome elf-like young man, surrounded by a group of people like stars, commented on this battle.

“Luo Feng is very spiritual and enlightened when he fights in life and death, his chances of winning are not small.” On the Chinese country side, Shi Jiang was also in the center of a group of young men and women making comments.

“Candace, will win.” On the side of the American Faction trainees, a young black girl who appeared to be petite seemed like a saintly maiden, calmly and directly announcing a clear judgment.

“Candace, has a 70% chance of victory. Luo Feng, 30%!” On the Indian side, a bald and burly man with a tall stature that seemed to be cast in steel, like a Buddhist Lohan, slowly said.

One by one, each of the storm troopers within the entire elite training camp made their own judgments.

The worst one of these flavorful characters had the strength to impact the top ten, taking out any one of them, they could easily defeat Luo Feng and Candice!

The last time Luo Feng and William fought, it didn’t attract a few people, however today, this battle attracted a lot of people! After all, Luo Feng and Candace were good enough and the stakes were high enough!

“Candace Boreanas, Luo Feng, enter the challenge room!”

An electronic voice echoed in the ninth floor hall.

Luo Feng, who had been meditating with his eyes closed at the edge of the Chinese faction crowd, opened his eyes.

“Luo Feng, go for it.” Teacher Jiang Fang next to him encouraged. Luo Feng looked at teacher Jiang Fang and then at the fellow Chinese next to him and nodded his head and walked directly towards the challenge room.

Candace also walked out of the crowd and walked towards the challenge room.

“Ka!” Opening the door to the challenge room, Luo Feng and Candace entered it successively, and then the door to the room automatically closed.

Luo Feng laid down on the sofa and picked up the ghostly blue helmet, he couldn’t help but glance at Candace next to him. Candace also turned her head to look, those turquoise blue eyes stared at Luo Feng, if the gaze could kill, I’m afraid that it would have already cut Trofeng into dozens of pieces, “Luo Feng, don’t lose too ugly, that would be too meaningless.” Said Candace licked her lips, as if a viper was spitting its core.

Luo Feng grinned and directly put on his helmet.

Candace, also put on the helmet.

In the virtual space.

Luo Feng and Candace, both quickly put on their combat suits and chose their weapons. After that, Luo Feng, who had a lower ranking as the Black Dragon Ranking, picked the battle scene – a dilapidated city under a rainstorm.

Snap! Snap! Snap! Snap!

Heavy rain poured down, every single raindrop slammed hard into this long deserted city, one high rise building had long since decayed, some even collapsed. On one of the streets with four lanes in both directions, there were also quite a few rusted and overturned cars, at this moment, two silhouettes appeared on the street at the same time.

Luo Feng, Candace!

“You actually chose the battle scene of a rainstorm?” Candace was dressed in a black combat suit, looking at Luo Feng from a distance dozens of meters away.

Luo Feng’s gaze was icy cold.

His blade technique “thunderbolt” contained a hint of thunderbolt intent, which he had finally realized after watching the lightning thunderbolt before the rainstorm and then practicing hard in the rainy night!

Normally when practicing his saber technique, Luo Feng also realized that in a rainy environment, his thunderbolt saber technique could be executed more freely.

The battle started and electronic sounds echoed in the sky above the barren city.

Whoosh! Candace’s figure was illusory, as if it merged into this torrential rain quickly rushing towards Luo Feng.

“Clang!” Luo Feng drew his sword lightning fast and also quickly charged forward.


The Blood Shadow War Blade was flicked sideways and upwards, the cold light directly tilted and swept towards Candace’s neck. Candace’s gaze was cold, the whole person seemed like a viper in the rainstorm, the long sword in his hand was a viper spitting out its core, directly stabbing Luo Feng’s head, at the same time a cracking sound came from a broken piece of steel that was broken from a car! The iron piece soared towards Luo Feng’s blood shadow battle sword!

Sharp sword, stabbing towards Luo Feng’s head!

“Retreat!” Luo Feng instantly made a decision, with his perfect level stance control of his surroundings, he naturally understood that he was already at a disadvantage when that iron slice shot at him.

While storming back.

Under the 2.8 times power outburst, the blade light of the blood shadow battle knife was indeed very moving, like electricity like fog, under this rainstorm it was even more fantastic, even while brushing through the iron slice, it also cut through the fast and amazing long sword stab.

Blade technique “thunderbolt”!



Two consecutive sounds, Luo Feng had already retreated backward to thirty meters away under his full strength.

“Perfect level stance?” Luo Feng looked at Candace in the distance.

“Hmph.” A cold snort sounded, the distant black Candace coldly said “Surprised? Most of the old trainees in the fourth and fifth year of the elite training camp, as long as they aren’t too bad, they all comprehend perfect level body techniques! There are even people who have realized the Realm of Intent level! No matter how powerful you are, you’re still just a new trainee.” After saying that, Candace killed again!

Whew! Whew!

As Candace’s blurry figure approached, it unexpectedly instantly resembled two silhouettes.

“Peng!” Luo Feng kicked the broken car next to him, the power of his kick of more than twenty tons caused the whole broken car to instantly crack, a lot of car parts flew around and flew towards the direction Candace was rushing from.


Luo Feng instantly rushed away, surprisingly catching up with the flying car parts.


As the snow-white blade light lit up, for a moment a blade light quickly enveloped Candace. Candace, however, seemed like a hidden viper in the night, strangely flashing again and again, the longsword in her hand was easily blocking Luo Feng’s wave after wave of battle knife impacts, and from time to time, there was also a counterattack.

Clank! Clank! Clank!

Only to see the surrounding one by one car parts, debris, all become tools for both sides to influence each other, every pace, every body movement can be utilized to the greatest extent possible to utilize the environment, so that the car parts do not influence themselves while influencing the opponent’s body movement!

Perfection level body techniques against perfection level body techniques!

Luo Feng’s sword technique seemed like a lightning bolt that was continuous. Candace’s sword technique on the other hand was continuous, at times it was weirdly supple and defended against every attack, at times it sent out a blitz.


A black shadow unexpectedly stuck to the edge of the six pronged shield, the long thin sword unexpectedly bent and directly wrapped around, the blade unexpectedly wrapped around Luo Feng’s left arm holding the shield, gently slashing and pulling!


Since the bend of the arm, a section of the arm that was holding the shield directly fell to the ground.

“Ah!” Luo Feng’s figure seemed to instantly move, falling back tens of meters away.” The left arm is broken.” Luo Feng’s face was ugly.

“Luo Feng, my fist power generation is 2.5 times stronger, in terms of speed and strength, you are a step ahead of me.” Candace sneered and took a step, as if he was a god of death in the rain “Unfortunately, my sword technique with my body technique is far superior to yours.” Although this Chinese Candace didn’t speak too fluently. But Luo Feng’s face turned white, firstly because of the blood loss and secondly because he realized what the problem was.

Candace’s stance is perfect level, swordsmanship reaches the level of “rigid-flexible”, higher than their own sword law, and …… this Candace’s swordsmanship of a trace of the mood, belonging to the serpent-like bizarre. And Candace’s stance, is also that kind of weird stance, stance, swordsmanship are all belong to weird, the combination of the two, the effect is better!

“Without the shield, you will definitely die.” There was a hint of madness in Candace’s gaze.

Finally, he was able to retaliate ruthlessly for once.

“Hmph.” Luo Feng stormed back and scurried into the middle of the neighboring street store.

“Useless.” Candace also stepped in.

This dilapidated street front store was leaking under the torrential rain, there was a pool of water on the floor of the store’s interior, and from time to time a droplet of water dripped from the roof.

The water surface of the pond, as if a mirror reflected the appearance of Luo Feng next to him, Luo Feng looked down at himself on the water surface of the pond, a droplet of water dripped down, the water surface which was originally calm as a mirror, suddenly rippled, flooding a ripple.

“Mirror fist, ripples?”

“Nine heavy thunder blade powering up?” Luo Feng frowned slightly.

“Mirror! Mirror?” Luo Feng’s expression froze a little.

“Mirror!” Luo Feng revealed a look of surprise.

And at this moment, Candace who strolled into the store, as if he was a gentleman attending a dinner party, holding a fine sword walked towards Luo Feng and smiled, “Luo Feng, this ten billion dollars will be mine, and I won’t thank you much.” Said his body lightning like a ghostly forward dash, the black fine sword in his hand even drew a bizarre arc, slashing towards Luo Feng’s neck.

“You’re the one who gave me 10 billion!!!” Luo Feng shouted violently.

The body violently made a forward dash!


The speed even reached an appalling point, even avoided this terrible sword of Candace, at the same time a flash of snow white blade light was like a thunderbolt out of nowhere in this store, the speed was so fast that it didn’t allow Candace to retreat and avoid it, “Puff!” A head directly tumbled and flew up.

Luo Feng’s forward figure had already appeared under the rainstorm in the street more than ten meters behind Candace.


Candace’s headless body collapsed with a bang!

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