Chapter 38 The Speaker

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:47:21
A+ A- Turn Off Light

All of the Battle God teachers quickly returned to the flying airliner, after which, this airliner slowly lifted up and flew, before turning into a blue light and disappearing at the end of the sky.

On the wasteland, only 183 trainees remained.

One by one, the trainees gathered in groups of three or five with each other, pulling some martial artists who were strong enough to form small teams. Especially those weaker trainees who had only just joined the training camp, wanting to live alone in the Australian continent for 28 days was definitely an impossible task.

“Luo Feng.” A voice rang out.

Luo Feng turned his head to look, it was senior brother Shi Jiang, Shi Jiang sighed, “This is the hinterland of the Australian continent, and before the great nirvana period of the Australian continent, the most populated area was in the east coast and southeast region of the Australian continent. And in our region, it’s hard to even find a city, it’s considered lucky to find a small town!”

Luo Feng nodded.

One of the uses of dilapidated cities for martial artists was rest! With tons of residential buildings, it was easy to find a hidden room to rest. However …… in the Australian continent, this endless by wilderness, it did cause a bit of a headache.

“If in the wilderness, a person wants to rest are troublesome. Once you fall asleep, you might be eaten by monsters in your sleep.” Shi Jiang looked at Luo Feng, “How about you and I form a squad? The two of us can help each other, and we can also better survive here.”

“You and me?” Luo Feng frowned slightly.

If there wasn’t that vulture Li Yao thing, partnering up with senior brother Shi Jiang would be fine, but ……

This time he came here by himself, he wasn’t just fighting the monsters, the bigger danger was from Vulture Li Vulture!

“Senior brother, this time I still have some complicated matters in the Australian continent, so …… I can only be alone.” Luo Feng solemnly said.

“Complicated matters?” Shi Jiang was a bit surprised.

“Please allow me to not be able to tell you now, before long, I believe you will know.” Luo Feng said.

Seeing this, Shi Jiang smiled and nodded, not minding.

In fact, Luo Feng alone ranked in the forties, Shi Jiang was generally unlikely to invite to form a squad.

The main reason is because before the chief librarian “Hong” praised Luo Feng’s strong spiritual power, Shi Jiang wanted to join forces with Luo Feng …… Even if the team up doesn’t work, with Shi Jiang’s identity and strength, there are many trainees who would like to rush to form a small team with him.

Soon ……

183 trainees, some two people form a small team, some three people, the most even six people form a small team.

And those who were alone, there were also five.

“Communicate if anything happens.”

“See you in 28 days.”

Luo Feng said his goodbyes to his familiar friends, and alone, carrying his backpack, shield, Blood Shadow Battle Knife, and even storing ten flying daggers in his pants pockets, he just took a big stride through the Endless Wasteland.

“Hey Wei Tong, so Luo Feng is alone?” Candace stood beside a Chinese youth.

“Well, we invited him just now and he refused.” This Chinese youth named Wei Tong shook his head and smiled, “In the three major dangerous places, all dare to be alone. Those are all confident ……”

Of the five people who were alone this time, the other four were all ranked in the top twenty. As for this Luo Feng, people’s real identity is a Spiritual Numinous Master, very strong ah.”

Candace, however, narrowed her eyes and looked at Luo Feng’s departing direction from afar before looking down at the map on her communication watch to identify it.

“Candace, gone!”


Three young white men and women shouted.

“Coming.” Candace took note of Luo Feng’s approximate direction of advancement and turned her head to rejoin her own squad, also advancing along the direction they had set.

The climate of Australian continent is almost the opposite of China’s, it’s the beginning of August, China is the hottest time, but in Australia it’s the end of the winter season, the temperature is only about 4 or 5 degrees Celsius, but for Luo Feng, whose physical quality has almost reached the boundary of the “Primary God of War”, it’s just a few dozen degrees below zero, and he’s still bare-shouldered.

When the wind blew, the weeds were low, revealing a lot of monsters eating grass with their heads down.

Among the monsters, there are carnivorous and herbivorous. But there is a common point …… that almost all monsters are strongly aggressive.

Whoosh! A floating figure swept past from the distance of these monstrous beasts without disturbing them at all, this was none other than the solo Luo Feng.

“According to the map, there’s a mountain range more than 300 miles away, I’ll establish a stronghold there for a while.” Luo Feng secretly said, “If my guess is right, the Candace in the training camp is one of the vulture scorpion’s eyes.” Anyone who wasn’t a fool could guess that Venina was Candace’s aunt!

“Guess, Candace will tell Vulture Poison Scorpion the direction I’m moving forward.” Luo Feng shook his head and smiled.

When he separated from the other trainees, he did so in a deliberate circle, if Vulture Li Yao followed the direction Candace guided him to, it would definitely be a waste of time.

“First establish a stronghold and have a place to rest.”

“Then start hunting lord level monsters.” Luo Feng secretly said, “Anyway, hunting monsters this August is not counting points, and the martial arts hall side won’t search! This time …… just take the opportunity to make more money.” To other war god martial artists, this Australian continent was also a very scary and dangerous place.

But to Luo Feng, an existence that was close to invincible amongst the Higher Wargods ……

The Australian continent, this world with countless monsters, was his cash machine! As long as he didn’t arrogantly provoke king level monsters, Luo Feng’s strength, there was almost no danger! It’s not surprising, such as those wilderness area cities in the country of Huaxia, it’s hard for ordinary battle god powerhouses to fall, and falling one is a national mourning session! But the three major dangerous places, which were more dangerous for ordinary wargods, were safer for higher wargods, while for Luo Feng, there was almost no danger.

“Hunting powerful lords is quite difficult. I’ll seduce the lords with my martial strength first, while I’ll use my mind power to control the flying daggers and take care of the lords!”

“Kill more lords so that we can make money.”

Spiritual Nian master, has always been a rich man in the martial artist, and this time …… Luo Feng in addition to dealing with Li Yao, other time target is the lord, as for beast general level monsters, Luo Feng kill are lazy to kill, beast general level monster materials, Luo Feng are too temporary their backpack space, no way …… He has just one backpack.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Luo Feng’s fluttering figure is like a gust of wind, with a speed of almost 300 meters per second, advancing in the wilderness, depending on the path of the monsters as if they were nothing.

Europe, Paris base city.

Paris base city is one of the richest base cities among the six base cities in Europe, it is located in the hinterland of the former France, and because most of the island countries suffered from the catastrophe during the Great Nirvana period, so the former British rich and powerful class fled from England early, and a lot of ordinary British people who could escape also entered Paris base city.

Inside a luxury stretch limousine in the main downtown area of Paris base city, where the traffic was dense.

“I know.”

Venina hung up the phone, looked helplessly at Li Yao and plugged in, “Yao, all the mercenaries have rejected our request after knowing Luo Feng’s identity.”

“Not surprising.” Li Yao half squinted his eyes and sat on the comfortable sofa in the south of the car, “Those mercenaries one by one don’t dare to mess with the Extreme Martial Hall, that Luo Feng is after all on the side of the Extreme Martial Hall. Luckily …… I’m already satisfied. After all, there are still three war gods who have accepted our employment in a private capacity.”

“Hmm.” Venina nodded as well.

This time, hiring mercenaries was a total failure, but there were still war gods from the mercenaries who accepted commissions in their private capacity, after all, it wasn’t easy for war gods to make money, and war gods were also divided into high war gods, medium war gods, and elementary war gods! This time, there was one medium War God and two elementary War Gods who accepted the employment!

For a Primary War God, the commission is 1.5 billion Euros. Medium God of War, 3 billion euros.

This was equivalent to a year’s income for those War Gods, just one strike, the target was just a 19 week old brat, and they also believed that the …… Extreme Martial Arts Hall wouldn’t be so bad that they would end up looking for trouble from the hired War Gods.

“Thumbs up!”

The sedan stopped, the door opened, and both Venina and Li Yao got out of the car.


A bus and a van also stopped behind it, the doors pulled open, and nearly fifty people quickly came out of the bus, while eight or nine people also came down from the van, one by one carrying boxes. Li Yao and Mr. and Mrs. Venina both walked over.

“Be careful, hold it gently.” Li Yao said in a low voice.


Those elite personnel who were carrying them were all very careful, they knew very well what was inside each of these boxes …… This was the ultimate weapon for humans to deal with monsters – the laser cannon! The laser cannon was a large optical weapon with a very complex construction and many devices, and it was very large in size.

That’s why generally flying airliners and trains can only carry laser cannons.

Or within the base city, there would be laser cannons as part of the defense system! Because the laser cannons were assembled, especially this UHF one, the volume was also very large! Once assembled, there was no way to carry them. That’s why they were all parts now, and would only be assembled and fixed when they arrived at their destination.

“I managed to get this set, even though it’s not the highest level.” Venina lowered her voice, “But at its highest frequency, it should be able to seriously injure a king-level monster. Against lord level monsters it’s a 100% kill! If you use it against Luo Feng, it’s definitely fine. But the biggest problem is …… energy! The energy carried this time is enough to fire the highest frequency three times, and at the second level, it can fire nine times. Save it.”

Li Yao nodded slightly, in order to get this set into his hands, the amount of energy spent was indeed great.

Fortunately, it was in the HR Alliance’s home base in Europe, and the Boreanas family was originally a big arms dealer, but it took a lot of effort to get it.


An enthusiastic voice came from the side, only to see three men walking over, two white and one yellow-skinned man. These three men were the three war gods that Li Yao had invited this time.

Li Jiao smiled and greeted them, when suddenly his cell phone rang.

“Hello.” Li Yao answered his cell phone.

“Mr. Li, the above has ordered to stop all our operations. Sorry!” The voice within the phone was low but full of apologies.

Li Yao’s face immediately changed drastically and became a bit grim, “Stop? Who gave the order? Who is it?”

“It was a direct order from the headquarters,” the voice within the phone said.

Li Yao’s face turned ugly.

“Yao, what’s wrong?” Next to her, Venina even asked, Li Yao’s face was grim as he said in a low voice, “On the side of the Huaxia country, the action of the people I arranged has stopped.”

“Stop?” Venina was also surprised.

Suddenly Venina’s cell phone also vibrated, Venina immediately walked to the side and answered the phone.

“Venina!” A slightly high-pitched voice rang out.

Venina’s face changed and she immediately became respectful, “Speaker!”

This was the management of the entire HR Alliance, which was the Alliance Parliament, the legendary underground parliament!

And the Speaker, was the highest person in charge of the parliament! It was the chief leader of the HR Alliance, the high status could be imagined! The chief of the HR Alliance, which controls half of the world’s economy, what kind of status is that? There were several Beyond War God existences that were related to her alone, even to the point of being willing to be invited by her to serve the alliance!

“Venina, listen carefully.” That high pitched voice became stern, “You are absolutely not allowed to touch that Luo Feng’s relatives! Once that happens …… you Boreanas family will wait to be sanctioned by the entire alliance!”

Venina’s face changed drastically.


The phone had hung up.

“What’s wrong?” Next to him, Li Yao walked over and looked at Venina suspiciously.

“The Speaker, the Speaker himself called.” Venina’s face was pale, she was not a fool …… able to make the entire HR Alliance Chief Chief, the Boss personally called, and also said that the warning to make a core family to accept the sanctions of the entire alliance. It must be that the HR Alliance was under unprecedented pressure-

Pressure that came from one person!


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