Chapter 40.

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:47:27
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Mr. Lee.” The captain of the flying airliner came to the cabin himself.

“Hmm?” Li Yao looked at him.

The captain even said, “Mr. Li, this airliner of ours is still going to fly from Paris Base City to Washington Base City in the United States of America this evening. So we can only stay here for another half an hour at most. If Mr. Li hasn’t told us the exact landing location within half an hour, we can only ……”

Li Yao frowned, “I understand!”

Every flying airliner was incredibly expensive, all of them were important strategic weapons of the country, it was impossible for him, Li Yao, to spend too long!

While Li Yao was troubled beyond measure, Luo Feng was cozy, in fact, when Li Yao traveled to Paris base city on the 1st of August, together with the three God of War joining him, as well as getting a laser cannon for the time being took quite a bit of time, when Li Yao set off, it was already the 5th of August.

The central hinterland of the Australian continent.

Within a mountain range.

“The biggest monster group amongst this mountain range is that ape group.” In a rather dim cave, Luo Feng was organizing the monster materials in his backpack and placing them at the bottom of his backpack, “Today, let’s take out the leader of this ape and monkey clan! Tsk tsk, worthy of being one of the top three dangerous places, the number of monsters is just high, and so is this monster lord!”

It had been the fourth day since he came here.

But it was only one successful hunt of a Lord level monster, still a Primary Lord!

“No wonder it’s said that monster lords, are hard to defeat, and even harder to kill.” Luo Feng was helpless, he was a hallowed spiritual ninja master, his methods could be much weirder than the average martial artist. But in the previous three days, he had already found eleven monster lords, but every monster lord was incredibly cunning.

Once they saw that the situation was bad, they fled!

As for Luo Feng’s spiritual thoughts to control the flying daggers, there was a range limitation, within fifty meters it was the most powerful and consumed less spiritual thoughts. And one hundred meters, can still barely maintain the strongest power, but because the distance is far away from the consumption of spiritual energy is also greater, as for the distance is further away, the power is rapidly declining down.

And when the lord level monster body moved, it was a hundred meters away.

“Attacking 11 monster lords, only succeeded in killing one.”

“That’s still because I’m a Spirit Nemesis!”

“No wonder the war gods are shouting that it’s hard to make money, they’d rather go kill high level beast generals and don’t really want to go up against monster lords.” Luo Feng picked up his water bladder and took a few sips, then immediately put everything away, put on his backpack and shield, and carefully set off with his Blood Shadow Battle Blade in hand.

Luo Feng slammed a jump along the cliffs of a mountain, directly leaping over a distance of seventy to eighty meters to another mountain, and then continued to dart forward, sometimes jumping, sometimes running, and sometimes able to make unbelievable floating movements, walking as if he were walking on the ground in this mountain range.

“Eh?” Luo Feng suddenly stopped, half crouching on one of the cliffs.

“Arrived.” Luo Feng clearly heard that noisy shout.

Looking down towards the bottom!

The canyon below was filled with all sorts of ape and monkey type monsters, at first glance it was densely packed, absolutely tens of thousands, according to Luo Feng’s experience of hunting and killing monsters in the past few days, the most powerful in this mountain range was this group of apes and monkeys! There are three lord level monsters in this ape and monkey group alone, and the leader is a high lord! The leader was a high lord! It was the number one group in the mountain range! Luo Feng also called this unknown mountain range, the ape and monkey mountain range.

“Hehe, why isn’t the leader of this ape tribe, that high lord level adamantine ape, here today?” Luo Feng carefully recognized, the most conspicuous amongst the large number of apes and monkeys in the canyon were two apes, both were giant apes with purple fur, it was none other than the top ranked ape-type monsters, the Herculean Demon Ape!

Vigorous Demon Ape, although it is the ape class ranked first, but these two Vigorous Demon Ape, the strength is also the primary lord.

“Roar ……” a piercing roar, as if it was going to tear through the sky. At that moment, the entire ape community clamored and boiled.

Only to see a giant ape below that was twenty meters tall and covered in a layer of golden scale armor was dragging a silver python that was over thirty meters long with one hand. Wherever it passed, all the ape monsters and monkeys shied away, and even those two Herculean Demon Apes ran over to pat themselves on the back as if cheering.

“Roar ……” The giant ape walked to the innermost smooth platform, sat down on his butt, and violently tore apart the python whose head was completely shattered.

Clatter ……

The python was hard to be ripped into two, blood splattered, suddenly thousands of apes and monkeys monsters excitedly shouted.

The giant ape, casually threw one of the python carcasses, next to the two vigorous devil apes immediately excitedly began to eat up.

And the giant ape was sitting there, painfully tearing bites and eating, let that python corpse blood flow on its scale armor, also do not care in the slightest.

“Surprisingly, it’s that Silver Electric Python!”

“I didn’t get to kill it, but it was actually killed by this Vajra Ape.” Luo Feng, who was on the cliff face, peeking below, watched in shock.

That primary lord level silver electric python was one of the 11 lord level monsters Luo Feng had dealt with earlier, but the silver electric python was too cunning, and with a large number of pythons under its command pestering Luo Feng, Luo Feng didn’t succeed. I didn’t expect to end up being killed by this high lord “adamantine ape”.

“I have to make him think I’m an ordinary martial artist at first in order to take him by surprise.” Luo Feng secretly said.

Vajra ape, ranked second amongst the ape monkeys.

In fact, ape type monsters were mainly divided into two types, apes with hair and apes with scaly armor. Among the hairy apes, the Vigorous Demon Ape was the most honored. As for the apes with scaly armor, the Vajra Ape was the most respected! At the same level, the Velociraptor Ape was stronger than the Vajra Ape. But the High Lord Vajra Ape, has infinite strength, great speed and amazing defense.

It was not to be messed with!

“My killing move is to control the flying dagger with my spiritual thoughts and kill it.”

“But once I injured it, but didn’t kill it. It senses that its life is in danger and will definitely want to escape. Once it escapes, I definitely won’t be able to catch it.” Luo Feng was very clear that he only had one chance!

Once he didn’t kill the adamantine ape the first time, the adamantine ape wouldn’t give a second chance.

In the canyon, countless apes and monsters screamed to the heavens, those three ape lords were even eating the silver electric python lord’s flesh and blood.


A black figure as if a black panther sashayed down from high altitude, directly trampling on the body of one of the ape-monkey monsters with a foot, with a fluffy sound, the body of this ape-monkey type monster directly exploded apart, with blood and flesh flying about. And with this amazing trampling force, Luo Feng even scurried towards the center of the distant ape group like lightning! There, there were three lords!

“Roar ……”

“Roar ……”

The two vigorous devil apes roared up angrily, and instantly a large number of beast general level apes and monkeys below, as well as other more beast soldier level apes and monkeys all frantically surrounded Luo Feng.

“Get lost!”

Luo Feng’s eyes were like electricity, his body was like the wind as he swiftly advanced.

The blood shadow battle sword in his hand instantly transformed into a lightning thunderbolt, a move of the blade slashed through, the body of an ape monster was cut apart, blood thrown and bodies flying about. In the trial tower, Luo Feng faced a large number of monster beasts surrounding him with equal strength and was able to hold out. And now, facing beast general level and beast soldier level hindrances, it was simply devastating.

Wherever he passed, there was a mess of blood and corpses.

Blood stained his combat uniform, Luo Feng violently stepped on the back of an ape and leapt directly towards the center.

“Roar ……”

On the central platform, the seated adamantine ape lord casually grabbed a nearby stone, and then directly slammed towards Luo Feng!

With the size of the adamantine ape’s palm, this stone was nearly a meter in diameter. Such a large boulder was like a cannonball, almost in the blink of an eye it reached Luo Feng’s eyes. The powerful air pressure caused by the boulder caused the surrounding air to vibrate. Logically speaking, Luo Feng could have given the boulder a “push” from the side through his spiritual energy, and the boulder would have directly smashed off! But Luo Feng didn’t want to expose his spiritual energy!

“Drink!” Luo Feng endeavored to make a short stance in mid-air while tilting his shield sideways.

The boulder grazed the shield and deflected away.

Xiluo Feng then fell into the ape and monkey beasts below, as soon as he fell into the beasts below, there was a bloodbath, Luo Feng instantly strangled more than a dozen ape and monkey beasts around him, and then, with a flash of his body, he arrived on the central platform.




Three boulders in succession were smashed by the Vajra Ape Lord.

Xilofeng, on the other hand, displayed a perfect level of stance, as if it was a green smoke, avoiding two of the boulders with a slight sway on the platform, and using his strength to block away the third boulder.


The air shook violently, even to the point of generating a shockwave visible to the naked eye!

“Fist!” The moment Luo Feng avoided the third boulder, he saw a large boulder like fist covered in golden scales arrive in front of him, that vajra ape had gone from sitting on the platform just a split second before, and with a lightning fast punch, it arrived in front of Luo Feng’s eyes!

The vajra ape’s eyes were filled with ice!


It hadn’t killed a human for a long time, but for all monster powerhouses, humans were a common enemy! And it also believed that with this punch that it had counted on the opportunity just appeared at the critical moment, this human in front of it was definitely too late to dodge, and could only fight hard to unload the force.

But ……

Its High Lord Vajra Ape’s punch, that is, a High War God martial artist would not dare to come hard!

“Been waiting for you for a long time, uninvited!” Luo Feng faced this punch, but he laughed.

Whew! The body shifted in a weird way.

With nowhere for the human body to lend its strength, it strangely seemed as if a leaf was being blown by the wind in a fluttering motion, directly avoiding this terrifying punch from the adamantine ape lord!

“Eh?” Vajra Ape Lord was shocked, how could this human dodge away?

Could it be that …… is the most special …… among humans?

Not allowing the adamantine ape lord to think at all, Luo Feng in the same instant that he used his spiritual nimbus to dodge –

Brush! Brush! Brush! Brush! Brush! Brush!

Six black flying daggers! Two SS-ranked flying daggers, four 9-series flying daggers!

Six lightning bolts!

Soaring! Target, Vajra Ape Lord’s head!

“Ho!” The adamantine ape lord’s eyes widened violently, the right fist that smashed at Luo Feng instantly unfolded, turning into a giant large palm that slapped directly at Luo Feng! At the same time, his left palm appeared lightning fast in front of his face, while his body was slightly flanked!

Poof! Poof! Poof!

The three flying daggers shot on his left palm, only piercing the surface, with a slight hint of golden red blood staining his palm.

Poof! Poof!

Two flying daggers stabbed at the Vajra Ape’s skull and face, one of them only pierced halfway in, and was stuck by the facial muscles and couldn’t penetrate any deeper. The other flying dagger was even more so when it only pierced through the scalp, it was blocked by the hard skull.


The last flying dagger, however, grazed the neck of the adamantine ape, cutting out a huge wound, and blood sprayed out as if it was tap water, causing the adamantine ape lord to let out a furious roar!

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