Chapter 45: Escape Plan

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:47:41
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Li Yao and the other group of people waited very patiently, as if they were lurking snipers, ready to use their laser cannons to strike a fatal blow.

Within the Ape Mountain Range, in Luo Feng’s stronghold.

In the dimly lit cave, only to see Luo Feng was sitting in meditation with his knees crossed and five hearts facing the sky, absorbing the cosmic energy into his body and converting it into genetic primeval energy, Luo Feng deliberately controlled the base primeval energy at his arm to surge into his left arm’s elbow, a burst of tingling sensation spread, after a moment, this elbow injury part couldn’t absorb genetic primeval energy any more, only then did Luo Feng stop.

“Dragon blood effect is really very good.”

“Last time, although my physical quality skyrocketed a lot, but a lot of the dragon blood’s energy was lurking within Huo, just now once I practiced, a lot of the energy was integrated into my body. This elbow is much more comfortable, I believe that after another two or three days, it will be almost completely fine.” Luo Feng slightly moved his left elbow for a moment or two, he couldn’t help but reveal a smile.

A martial artist’s increased strength was an evolution of life.

Reaching the Primary War God level, Luo Feng’s body immunity and body recovery ability were all much stronger than the original.

“Hmm, let’s see where Li Yao and the others are and what they’re doing!” Luo Feng put on his backpack and swiftly scurried out of the cave.

In the middle of the wasteland.

“It’s moving, that Luo Feng has moved.” Klein even shouted in surprise.

Li Yao who was standing next to him had his eyes lit up, still staring at the radar in silence as he watched. In the mountains.

Luo Feng scurried through the mountain range, his gaze was ghostly cold: “Hmm, if I have the chance to teach them a hard lesson again, I killed quite a few of them before. Right, they seem to have brought quite a few boxes over. Coming all the way to the Australian continent to hunt me down, and bringing so many boxes with them. It must be important things, when the time comes, destroy them all together.”


Luo Feng jerked to a halt, half crouching halfway up the mountainside, his complexion changing drastically.


“Box? Not coming over from thousands of miles to chase and kill, and carrying so many crates? And moving the boxes so carefully?” Luo Feng thought while his entire body’s sweaty hairs stood up, “If, if I were Li Yao and came to kill a spiritual Nian master, to be completely sure …… what method would I use?”

“As long as the Spiritual Numinous Master flies, Li Yao can’t kill him even if he is more powerful.”

“And there are only two kinds of weapons …… among humans that are a threat to a War God level spiritual Nian master. A nuclear weapon and a laser cannon.” Luo Feng’s face changed drastically, “This, this Li Yao even, even brought a laser cannon?” Luo Feng was essentially only a youth of 19 weeks old.

Although it is said that the education of China’s country makes people’s horizons broaden, but subconsciously …… Luo Feng has always thought that the “laser cannon” and “nuclear weapons” are the two trump cards of the human species of thermal weapons, which are the most powerful tricks to deal with monsters. The strongest trick to deal with monsters, how could he think that Li Yao would use laser cannons to deal with himself?


At this moment, Luo Feng stood in Li Yao’s perspective and thought about the way to deal with the spiritual masters, and surmised that – I’m afraid that there is only the laser cannon. Coupled with the fact that he had seen so many boxes before, this was an affirmative guess!

“Laser cannons, according to what I was taught in physics class, laser cannons are restricted all the time, generally airborne laser cannons are the only ones that are able to fight across the entire territory.”

“And fixed on the ground, affected by the whole earth being spherical and the ground being curved.”

Luo Feng’s mind quickly surfaced a lot of information about the laser cannon, to know that Luo Feng’s cultural studies, the strongest is the science …… If it is not the high school entrance exams, when the test math surprisingly fainted, Luo Feng’s scores I’m afraid that it is enough to go to the top of the academy, coupled with the laser cannon I’m afraid that the countless men are most curious about the weapon, of course, will understand a lot.

“Now ……”

“I absolutely can’t venture out!”

“Luckily with this big mountain blocking them, they can’t do anything for now, and once I venture out, I’m afraid they’ll just kill me!” Luo Feng’s forehead couldn’t help but ooze cold sweat.

Afterthought ah!

The power of laser cannons was too terrifying, first of all, speed, laser cannons were the speed of light! At the speed of light, Luo Feng was afraid that before the thought of dodging could even surface, he would be blasted into slag. Second is the power, since the power of laser cannons have been researched to a very high level, humans are strong enough to separate themselves from the monsters.

“This Li Yao, what madness.”

“Bringing so many boxes, if it’s not a laser cannon, what else would it be? Other instruments are simply useless in the battle of Spiritual Numinaries and Warlords.”


“I have to flee far away now, and laser cannons are limited by distance, once they are too far away, they simply can’t detect me.” Luo Feng no longer wants to venture out and probe, that’s not probing …… that’s taking a risk! Who knows if Li Yao is now aiming his laser cannon at this place? The moment he ventured out, he would blast himself to death!

“Where do I go?” Luo Feng immediately watched the communication watch on his wrist and pulled up a satellite map of the surrounding area.

Through the map, Luo Feng clearly knew the geography of the surrounding area.

“Li Yao and his group are on the north side of the mountain range, so it’s best for me to quickly advance towards the south! Because of the large mountains in the way, they won’t be able to attack me for a while.”

“Here …… about three kilometers from the mountain range, there is a river!”

“Water refracts light, and a laser cannon blasted on a river will firstly evaporate a large amount of gas, and secondly produce refraction. A lot of energy is wasted …… I’ll be safe once I’m deep in the river.” Luo Feng knew very well that what laser cannons feared the most was weather such as heavy rain and fog, and he was in the depths of a big river. The obstruction of the water current was much more effective for the laser cannon than the rock and steel obstruction.

“Along this river ……260 kilometers, it arrives on a large lake.”

“This lake according to the satellite map shows that it is surprisingly nearly a hundred miles in circumference, Luo Feng is very happy, the hinterland of the Australian continent originally had a lot of lakes, especially some ocean monsters killed inland along the river, but also took the initiative to create a lot of big lakes. Generally this kind of big lake is where all kinds of water monsters survive.

“In the center of this big lake, there is also an island that is twenty to thirty miles in circumference.”

“Hmm, I’ll follow the river into that big lake, and then cross the lake and enter the island!” Luo Feng secretly said, “Over two hundred kilometers away, the laser cannons can’t be that far away and reach me, unless I fly to extremely high altitudes. And the lake around the lake island, there is no threat to me, but to Li Yao, Li Yao can not fly, can only swim through the lake ……

After thinking about it, then –


Luo Feng quickly leapt from the halfway point of the mountain in one leap into the mountain, and then along the service below the canyon, quickly moving towards the south.

On the wasteland, Li Yao and his group.

“Why isn’t he moving?” This group of elite personnel of various skin colors were all astonished. Even Li Yao frowned, before, they were very excited to see that small human point of light in the radar detection rapidly advancing towards the big mountain. After all, everyone present was afraid that they wanted to kill Luo Feng! By killing Luo Feng, they would have money to make, and they would also avenge the dead Miao people.

“He’s turning back again!” Klein exclaimed.

“Not turning back, he fled towards the south.” Next to him, James, the God of War’s face changed, and even indeed, the human light point shown in the radar detection was rapidly moving towards the south in that mountain range. Li Yao remained silent. Gradually-

“Mr. Li, this target has already escaped the mountain range area and continues to the south!” Klein was eager, “This cunning brat.” Li Yao’s eyes narrowed.

Li Yao already suspected …… Luo Feng if he guessed that he was carrying a laser cannon, although it is said that ordinary people can’t guess it, but with Li Yao’s understanding of Luo Feng …… this young man named Luo Feng is indeed very cautious and also very cunning, wanting to kill this Luo Feng, it seems to be not be easy.

“James.” Li Yao said in a low voice.

“Li.” James looked at Li Yao, his face changed.

Could it be that ……

This Li Yao, wanted him to deal with Luo Feng? That terrifying kid instantly killing his partner as well as Bei Yuan Gang had long since made James not have the slightest thought of confronting him.

“You take my men, transport this laser cannon carefully, to a hilltop in that mountain range, and choose a spot, where you can aim south!” Li Yao instructed “Remember, you must be careful, don’t damage the laser cannon. James couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief.

“Don’t worry, it’s only a few kilometers away. And there are so many of us.” James said confidently, if it was difficult to move the laser cannon for hundreds of miles, but just a few kilometers, it was indeed not a problem for a War God as well as many War General level martial artists.

“Very well.” Li Yao looked at Klein, “Klein, remember, as soon as you get the chance, kill Luo Feng for me. The security here …… will be your responsibility, James.”

“Don’t worry.” James nodded. “Klein, then Luo Feng’s location.

“You inform me.” Li Yao instructed.

“Yes.” Klein would say.

Li Yao immediately moved his body, and he quickly disappeared into the distance as a black residual shadow, with his terrifying speed of double the speed of sound, in just a few seconds, he rushed to the Ape Mountain Range a few kilometers away.

Luo Feng’s speed was not as fast as Li Yao’s, but once he exploded, coupled with his spiritual thoughts attached, he also had a second speed of over 500 meters per second, after rushing out of the mountain range, it was also only a few seconds before Luo Feng got stuck in the middle of the large river that was over ten meters wide. Only ten meters wide, this kind of big river although there are water monsters, but generally not strong. The truly powerful water monsters would be in large lakes or seas.


Under the water Luo Feng lay on his six pronged shield, controlling his buoyancy while his spiritual thoughts acted on his feet boots, generating over 200,000 kilograms of powerful propulsion!

Shoo! Much faster than the speed of a water mine, Luo Feng quickly and frantically flowed at the bottom of the river. While Li Yao, who had rushed out of the Ape and Monkey mountain range, was yelling lowly into his communication watch, “Where’s Luo Feng?”

“Mr. Li, there’s a river three kilometers ahead of you, that Luo Feng is rapidly advancing along the river towards the south!” While the voice was still ringing, Li Yao ran towards the river at an astonishing speed.

Just hearing the sonic boom sound rumbling continuously where he ran past, many monsters were scared to avoid it.

Rushing to the river, he quickly darted towards the south along the bank of the river.

In just a few moments, Li Yao and Luo Feng had already advanced tens of kilometers.

“Where is Luo Feng?” Li Yao asked after them.

“Mr. Li, the distance is too far, the radar can’t detect Luo Feng at all right now.” Klein’s voice came from the communication watch.

Li Yao couldn’t help but stop.

“What? Can’t discover it?”

Li Yao looked at the sparkling, tumbling river in front of him, where did he know where Luo Feng was, clenched his teeth, even dialed his wife Venina’s phone, “Venina, quick, give me Luo Feng’s new phone number.” And at the moment at the bottom of the river eight kilometers away from Li Yao …… Luo Feng was like a water mine and was rapidly advancing under the water.

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