Chapter 50 Hair!

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:47:56
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“Safe is good.”

“Right, brother, that Australian continent, I’ve also recently looked up the Australian continent on the internet. The network said that the Australian continent is now one of the world’s three major dangerous places, there are countless powerful monsters, I also saw some videos about the Australian continent, the video recorded a head of monsters so powerful ……”

Listening to his brother’s words, Luo Fenglian said with a smile, “Don’t worry, those monsters brother kills them just like chopping a melon and cutting a vegetable.”

When he was hunting and breaking into the wilderness area, his parents and brother they were worried. Now he even came to the Australian continent …… Luo Feng also did not want his family to worry too much, so it is still better to talk about himself as powerful.

Of course ……

In reality those monsters are indeed a piece of cake for himself.

“Luo Hua, how’s it going with your girlfriend lately?” Luo Feng asked after him.

“Not bad.” The younger brother’s voice coming from the cell phone was slightly helpless, “It’s just that there’s no way to meet up with Xiao Nan.”

“Don’t be anxious, bear with it.” Luo Feng comforted.

The younger brother also knew, “I understand, actually Xiao Nan is under more pressure than me.”

Between the two lovers, brother Luo Hua and Xiao Nan, after experiencing the previous Luo Hua throwing himself into the lake, the two cherished their feelings for each other even more. However – there is one thing that does not need to be doubted, and that is that Zhen Nan’s parents are forbidding Zhen Nan and Luo Hua to be together, in the eyes of Zhen Nan’s parents, they would never allow their daughter to marry a disabled person who can only sit in a wheelchair.

But in fact, the most hardworking person is Xiao Nan ……

On one side, she has to cope with her parents! On the other side, she also had to coax Luo Hua, she was afraid that Luo Hua wouldn’t be able to think again.

“Luo Hua.” Luo Feng opened his mouth.

“Hmm?” His brother’s voice was a bit low, obviously Xiao Nan’s matter was a piece of his heart.

“At the end of this year, I can get a copy of the water of life.” Luo Feng spoke.

Luo Hua who was far away in Jiangnan base city, Yangzhou city’s bright moon neighborhood.

At this time, he was alone in his room, sitting in a wheelchair, Luo Hua was on the phone with his brother.

“What?” Luo Hua was stunned.

“At the end of this year, I’ll be able to bring a copy of the Water of Life back, and by then you’ll be able to stand up, brother.”

Luo Hua was confused.

Be able to stand up? Stand up?

“I can stand up?” Luo Hua’s entire body in the wheelchair couldn’t help but tremble, his face flushed red, so excited that he even said, “Brother, are you saying that this year? Didn’t you say before that this Water of Life is an occasional auction, not something that can be bought with money? Now there’s certainty?”

Luo Feng’s voice came from the phone, “Luo Hua, this water of life isn’t as scarce as you think.”

Luo Hua was stunned.

“This water of life is so scarce nowadays, it’s just a trick played by that United States of America government, don’t worry, I’ll definitely be able to get my hands on this share of water of life.” Luo Feng’s voice contained complete confidence, “Just leave this matter to me!”

“A trick played by the United States of America government?” Luo Hua was a bit confused.

The United States of America? That was one of the five most powerful countries in the world, one of the superpowers alongside China, Russia, and the Soviet Union, etc., the tricks played by the government of this powerful country, in his brother’s mouth, he even said it so frivolously and casually, seemingly confident.

“You can also tell Xiao Nan.” Luo Feng’s voice then sounded, “Just tell her that …… you’ll soon be able to have legs and walk like a normal person.”

“Brother, didn’t you say you wanted to keep it a secret?” Luo Hua was shocked.

Once Luo Feng had said ……

The water of life as well as that huge sum of money, once exposed it would most likely put Luo Feng’s life in danger.

“There’s no need to keep it a secret now.” Luo Feng said, now that that Li Yao has already brought his men to hunt himself down in the Australian continent, what else needs to be kept secret? And once his brother told Zhen Nan this news, then …… that Zhen Nan’s psychological pressure wouldn’t be too great. And Luo Feng was worried about one thing –

Zhen Nan changing her mind!

Maybe because her brother threw himself into the lake, Zhen Nan was touched in her heart and would do anything to be by her brother Luo Hua’s side.

But this moving is not sustainable, once the time is long, the pressure from the parents side is too much, maybe Zhen Nan will change her mind! Of course, this is just a possibility …… but Luo Feng is not wanting this kind of thing to happen, with his understanding of his younger brother Luo Hua, his younger brother Luo Hua is afraid that he can’t take another blow!

So, simply let Zhen Nan also know that his brother can stand up, so that Zhen Nan won’t be shaken.

Nowadays, in the country of China, many girls from low-cost housing are eager to marry rich people, to marry men who own their own set of houses! So the best way for men to be able to guard their girls is – to earn enough money themselves so that their girlfriends don’t need to be tempted by money because their boyfriends already have money.

A truth ……

Letting Zhen Nan know that Luo Hua had a great future ahead of him, of course she wouldn’t be swayed anymore.

“Luo Hua, tell Xiao Nan that in the future, you will hold hands with her and walk to her parents together.” Luo Feng encouraged.

The phone hung up.

Luo Hua remained sitting in front of the laptop for a while before then connecting to the video chat with Xiao Nan.

“Xiao Nan, Xiao Nan.”

Luo Hua sat in front of the computer, a video chat window appeared on the computer screen, it was exactly Xiao Nan’s avatar on that video, because it was already August, just in time for summer vacation, so Xiao Nan was at home most of the time during her summer vacation, so naturally she had a lot of chatting opportunities with Luo Hua.

“What’s the matter, see how excited you are?” Zhen Nan smiled sweetly.

“Xiao Nan, my brother said …… that I will be able to have both legs to stand up by the end of this year.” Luo Hualian said excitedly.

“What!” Zhen Nan was stunned.

“I said, I will be able to stand up at the end of this year, stand up like a normal person. In the future, all of them will be able to walk like normal people, and be able to accompany you, Xiao Nan, to stroll in the park, and be able to accompany you, Xiao Nan, to go shopping together, and go to restaurants to eat together.” Luo Hua was so excited that he even said, his eyes couldn’t help but burst into tears.

“Really?” Zhen Nan couldn’t believe it.

“Uh-huh.” Luo Hua even said, “My brother and the world’s number one powerhouse ‘Hong’ have all met and chatted, there are some special treasures in the world.”

Zhen Nan originally couldn’t believe it, after all, today’s technology is simply impossible to make broken legs grow back, but she knew …… that her boyfriend’s brother was a magical character. Now she heard that her boyfriend’s brother, even with the world’s number one powerhouse ‘Hong’ have met.

Maybe there really are some heavenly means.

“At that time I will hold your hand and walk in front of your parents.” Luo Hua even said.

“Enn.” Zhen Nan even nodded her head, tears flowing out of her eyes.

God knows …… how much pressure she has been under these days.

Luo Hua a cast lake, she and Luo Hua in love with things around the area has long been rumored, the back ground has long been pointed, Zhen Nan although the heart is firm, can be pointed out, or very difficult! Finally …… you can really straighten your back afterward.

Luo Hua quietly sat in front of the laptop, and the chat with his girlfriend had long since ended.

“It’s amazing that my fate has changed just like this.” Luo Hua’s ears could still hear a faint burst of sedan horns coming from outside, this was the base city, the prosperous and lively and safe base city. His brother, on the other hand, was in the distant and dangerous Australian continent, one of the three dangerous places! Two brothers, in different places, like in two worlds.

And his brother, now has stood in the world’s high level, speak are directly say “United States of America government”, talk about money are talking about tens of billions of units.

“Brother! Thank you!” Luo Hua said silently in his heart.

The Australian continent, one of the three most dangerous places on Earth, was an extremely mysterious place in the Australian continent – within the Misty Island.

In the cavern in the rocky strata underneath the ground of Fog Island.

The cave was incredibly dark and vague, only Luo Feng’s communication watch screen emitted a bit of light, this weak green light, in the dark cave was even more inconspicuous, it could only allow one to barely see a blurred shadow sitting cross-legged, Luo Feng was cultivating genetic original energy at the moment, and he didn’t know how long it had been ……

In the dark cave, Luo Feng opened his eyes.

“Hmm, this arm of mine is much better.” Luo Feng waved his left arm, the left arm that was fractured at first was now mostly better.

“I don’t know if that Li Yao died in the lake or came to the fog island.”

Looking at the communication watch, it was already past three in the afternoon.

“Go up and have a look, can’t stay here all the time.” Luo Feng’s mind moved, the three streams of light immediately rotated around each other like a sharp cone, directly piercing through the upper rocks, while Luo Feng’s hands closed above his head, his hands just after the three flying dagger streams of light, the whole person immediately rushed towards the top!

Thumbing ……

Nowadays Luo feng body skin can be much more powerful than diamond, barely stepping into the primary war god level body, is sniper rifle armor piercing bullets can’t break the skin. Luo Feng hands together is much more powerful than a mace iron tip platinum, not to mention that there are three flying daggers in front of him to open the way, even more relaxed.

Straight line up!

Of course Luo Feng deliberately and the original route of drilling into the ground, slightly different, slightly deviated a little, Luo Feng did not want to be attacked by that Willow Tree King as soon as he ventured out.

“Ah!” A pained voice came vaguely from the surface of the ground, the soil sound transmission was good, the god of war hearing was even more amazing.

“This is a human voice?” Luo Feng’s eyes lit up, “There are still people on this fog island?”

Luo Feng’s first thought was that it was Li Yao!


Luo feng speed still dare not too fast, the closer to the surface the slower the speed, at the same time the spiritual thoughts have long diffused open a full 80 meters range, and then silently Luo feng quietly ventured out, just in a weed bush.

“Huh?” Luo Feng saw Li Yao in the distance in black at a glance.

At the moment, Li Yao’s face was pale, there was blood at the corner of his mouth, but his eyes had a shockingly bright color.



Li Yao sprayed out two mouthfuls of blood in a row, staring at the nine thick willow trees in the distance, Luo Feng couldn’t help but see this and said, “It seems that this Li Yao has seen the weirdness of this willow tree and has suffered a loss.

“It’s me, Venina!” Li Yao was talking to his communication watch, so excited that he even said.

“Yao, what is it?” Venina asked.

“We’re rich, we’re rich, an island I’m on now is an island with endless wealth and endless treasures ah. I’ve discovered over twelve Spirits of Grass and Wood.” Li Yao couldn’t suppress his excitement.

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