Chapter 53 – Thousand-Year Willow Heart

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:48:05
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Luo Feng pricked up his ears and listened, and sure enough, he heard a rumbling sound.

“It should be the sound of the Boreanas family’s men and horses jumping from mid-air and smashing into the ground.” Luo Feng speculated, at the same time he quickly gathered his mental thoughts, contracting from a range of 100 meters to a mere 30 meters, for strong people like the Higher War God, they were sensed when their mental thoughts swept over them.


Luo Feng heard very faint sounds of conversation coming from the thick fog in the distance.

“Katran, in front of us are the nine willow tree type grass and tree spirits.” Li Yao’s voice came from the thick fog in the distance, speaking fluent English.

“The attack power of the Grass and Wood Spirits is usually not strong, Li Yao, how come you can’t deal with them?” A cold voice rang out.

With that said, four silhouettes walked out of the thick fog.

Luo Feng narrowed his eyes and looked through the gaps in the weeds ……

The person at the head was dressed in a black robe and looked bizarre.

Li Yao was accompanying and talking next to him, clearly short in attitude! Behind the black-robed man, a seemingly strong savage big man, and a white lean man. And it looked like the savage big man and the lean man did not lower their heads in front of Li Yao in the slightest, and were clearly not afraid of Li Yao.

“It looks like the leader of these four is the black robed man.” Luo Feng muttered in his heart.

The four figures in the distance gradually became clear.

“Dealing with? That willow tree king is three meters in diameter, back then, the willow tree type grass spirit that gave birth to the ‘thousand year willow heart’ was only one meter in diameter. This Willow Tree King is much more powerful than that one. Especially one of its light golden willow branch strips, each one of them is very tough, once it’s heavily bound, it’s me, I’m bound to die!” Li Yao pointed to the nine willow-type grass and tree spirits in the distance, “It’s right there!”

Li Yao and the other four, walked over from roughly 120 meters away from Luo Feng towards the nine willow trees.

Because it was dark and foggy.

Plus, Luo Feng was only emerging with half of his head and was in the grass. Even Li Yao, Cattleya and the other four didn’t even notice Luo Feng’s presence.

“Dealing with the Willow King, just the four of them?” Luo Feng silently watched.

I’m afraid it’s not too realistic for these four to cut down the Willow King!

Li Yao and the other four stood roughly 50 meters away from the nine willow trees, one of the savage hulks said in a low voice, “Li, are you saying that these nine willow trees, are all grass and wood spirits?

“You can come closer if you don’t believe me.” Li Yao snorted.

“Cattleya.” Li Yao solemnly said, “Look, the nine trees …… core one, also the thickest one Willow Tree King is the most powerful. Moreover, its light golden willow branch strips are enough to cover the other willow trees around it, so there is no way for me to attack the other willow trees if I want to.

Cattleya looked closely, “Pale golden willow branch strips, where are they?”

“Look, wrapped around the entire main trunk of the tree.” Li Yao pointed and said.

“Oh.” Cartland also felt that this Willow Tree King was not ordinary.

“This willow tree has only one attack ability, which is to strangle people to death with willow branches! Its main trunk can’t be moved, as for the roots which are deeply planted in the ground to absorb nutrients, it can’t be attacked either. Li Yao said, ”This is the same means as that willow tree that gave birth to the thousand year old Willow Heart back then.

Cartland nodded, “There are two ways to kill this Willow Tree King.

“The first one, to kill all of its roots.”

“The second, cut off its main trunk.”

Next to him, Li Yao also nodded his head as he listened, “Right, but …… those light golden willow branches of it are two to three hundred meters long, which is enough to penetrate into the ground and protect the roots! And such a big willow tree, its root system must be very developed, to get rid of its roots can be more difficult than cutting its main trunk.

“Two or three hundred meters long?” Cartland frowned slightly.

Cartland pondered for a moment.


Only to see the black robes on Cartland’s body surface instantly closing up and disappearing, revealing a set of black combat suit inside, which had a dagger pinned on the periphery of the combat pants, a full 12 black daggers! And behind his combat undershirt, a javelin was inserted!

A full six javelins were behind him, like a shield made of javelins.

“He has the black god suit?” Luo Feng who was secretly watching from afar was shocked, before that Cattleya’s black robe on his body surface instantly gathered and disappeared there was only one possibility …… that the black robe was the Black God Suit transformed into, the Black God Suit was able to transform into a wide variety of shapes randomly according to a person’s wishes.

“His weapon, is a javelin and dagger?” Luo Feng frowned slightly.

At this moment, Cattleya’s expression was icy cold, that one silver gray javelin as well as a black dagger were chilling. Next to him, Li Yao’s eyes were all slightly narrowed.

“Leave the Willow King to me!” Cattelan’s voice was icy cold as he ordered, “Later on, I’ll attack the Willow Tree King, while Li Yao, Keita, and Ivan, the three of you will attack the other Willow Trees next to it from the periphery……. Remember, it’s most important for you to keep yourselves safe. When that Willow Tree King is completely restrained by me, you guys will then go all out to cut down the other willows.

“Understood.” The savage big man licked his lips.

“Hmm.” Ivan nodded slightly.

“Good.” Li Yao nodded.

Cattleya smiled slightly at the sight.

Thumbing ……

Only to see that his entire body was quickly covered with a black skin film, and in an instant, that black skin film covered all the locations of his skin all over his body, including his face! In other words, Katran’s face was also black, with his eyes, nose, and mouth all sealed! Smooth as a board. It could be said that Katran was now unafraid of any sharp attacks from any of the following “Existences beyond the God of War”.

“A spiritual master doesn’t need eyes to fight.” Liya was touched in her heart when she saw this scene.

“Alright, let’s begin!”

Cartland’s voice came out.


Cattleya’s entire person was like lightning, directly rushing towards that Willow Tree King, the speed was so fast that almost in a blink of an eye, he was less than ten meters away from the Willow Tree King, and the Willow Tree King also finally angrily started attacking, a large number of willow branch strips spreading across the sky frantically besieged Cattleya, and a light golden willow branch stripe also quickly joined in the battle.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Vulture Li Yao, Blood Shadow Ivan, and Giant Bear Keita also instantly transformed into stumps, and from the periphery surprisingly the three of them teamed up and together they strangled towards the same willow tree that was roughly around one meter eight in diameter. Among them, Li Yao and Ivan’s body are extended out of the black flow of light, covering the whole body, obviously both of them are possessing the Black God Suit. Precisely because of possessing the Black God Suit …… so the two of them, Li Yao and Ivan, did not use shields.

“Four people, surprisingly three of them own the Black God suit?” Luo Feng who was peeking from afar was secretly shocked.

It wasn’t that there were more black god suits on earth, but those who dared to come here were first class existences amongst the war gods, noting that even Li Yao was heavily injured, if they thought they couldn’t catch up to Li Yao, would they dare to come? There are only a few people in the world who have the Black God Suit, and the number is extremely rare. Every one of them possesses amazing strength.

“That Cattelan is a spiritual numinous master?” Luo Feng’s eyes were wide open.

One could only see Cartland’s left and right hands, each holding a dagger, while a full nine daggers were suspended in front of him!

“Snort ……”

It was like destroying everything.

The flying daggers easily chopped off a willow branch, and soon a large number of light golden willow branches shrouded towards Cattleya, while the entire person was covered by the Black God, Cattleya, he did not rely on his eyes to fight at all, but rather relied on the amplitude to spread out a full hundred meters of the spiritual power to observe everything, to fight.

“Pale golden willow branches, not to be messed with.” Luo Feng in the distance secretly said.

Sure enough!

“Snort ……” The nine daggers suspended in the air cut through the light golden willow branch strips with great difficulty.

“Hmph!” A cold snort.

The two daggers held by Cattleya’s hands, but at an astonishing speed, poof! Poof! Poof! …… In one breath, he chopped off dozens of light golden willow branch strips one after another, and instantly rushed out of the encirclement, this scene made the vulture Li Yao who was also paying attention to this secretly shocked, and Luo Feng who was peeping from afar was even more completely stunned!

“That’s a light golden colored willow branch strip, each one is very tough, when I first chopped one off I immediately backed off and drilled into the ground.” Luo Feng was shocked.

Having fought, only then did he know how tough that light golden willow branch strip was!

“Even if it’s Li Yao, it’s impossible to chop off dozens of them at once!

“The power of his two handed dagger, just how powerful is it?”

“Yes, the daggers under his control chopped the light golden willow branch strips with great effort and difficulty. It seems like his spiritual thought power, compared to me, isn’t much stronger.” Luo Feng secretly said, “However, the dagger he holds in both hands is much more powerful! It means that his body explodes with amazing strength.

Higher wargods physical qualities, such as some peak higher wargods, brute force would be 400,000 to 500,000 kilograms, while those who’re physically generating two to three times as much force would reach a million kilograms in a single punch.

And what about the ones with five or six times the hair power?

“With his physical qualities, he should be a Higher War God, and his physical hair power is also very high. And then with the spiritual thought power attached to it-” Luo Feng secretly nodded his head, that’s how it was, physical strength and chess god thought power combined together and exploded out to be so amazing! Rushing out of the encirclement near the main trunk of the willow king instantly.

“Open!” Cattleya shouted violently.

The dagger in his hand fiercely cut across the main trunk of the Willow Tree King, snorting …… across the cut down, just cutting across roughly six or seven centimeters, was unable to cut down, the green dewdrop liquid slowly permeated out from that main trunk wound.

“Boom ……”

The Willow Tree King, who originally still scattered light golden willow branch strips to attack others, finally became angry. Close to ten thousand willow branch strips flew wildly, completely surrounding Cattleya from all sides.


Katran violently rushed outward while swinging his hands violently!

Whew! Whew!

The black arms skyrocketed, and instantly Cartland possessed a pair of black arms that were seven or eight meters long, only to see his left and right black hands, each grasping a dagger was a swing towards that willow branch strip! As if lifting the curtain, the seven to eight meter long black arms, even a large number of willow branches directly separated to both sides.


Cattleya himself instantly scurried out, those light golden willow branches immediately wrapped that black arm, the black arm instantly like spaghetti, instantly escaped from a large number of light golden willow branches.

“Good, the trunk is hard enough!”

Cattleya stood roughly 30 meters away from the Willow Tree King and simply circled along the other willows, and while circling, a silver-gray javelin appeared in Cattleya’s hand.


Cattleya issued a low roar, face fierce, single-handedly holding a silver gray javelin, the whole person instantly into an arch, especially the right arm shoulder muscles bulge are supported by the black leather membrane, that silver gray javelin’s tip has a circle of threads, and then he was running after a lightning-like fling!


A bolt of lightning!

Spinning lightning! The javelin was indeed spinning in flight! A large number of light golden willow branches fluttered in an attempt to block it, but the speed of the javelin was too fast, too fast, I’m afraid it was far more than ten times the speed of sound, only three willow branches barely touched it, and then the stream of light stabbed fiercely at the main trunk of the Willow Tree King.

“Buzz ……” as if the sound of an electric drill piercing a wooden board, violently exploded open.

Snort! The entire javelin surprisingly as a whole had not entered within the main trunk of the Willow King, and even the tip of the javelin had slightly emerged from the other side of the main trunk of the Willow King.

“Cartland’s Illusory Demon Eyes, and Illusory Demon Strike, are worthy of being two of the most famous moves in the world.” When Li Yao saw this scene, he couldn’t help but tremble in his heart, “The Illusory Demon Strike …… created by combining physical strength and spiritual thoughts is simply incredible. I’m afraid that this strike barely has the power to surpass the attack of a war god existence!”

Luo Feng in the distance even sucked in a breath of cool air.

He had never thought that ……

Among the God of War there can still be such a strong existence, to know that just now Cattelan’s a dagger, only just cut less than ten centimeters only. And the entire willow king is more than three meters in diameter, but the whole in Cattelan’s a javelin, surprisingly enough to pierce the entire willow king’s torso!

Metamorphosis! Too horrible!

“Rumble …… “The entire Willow Tree King trembled crazily, while the light golden willow branches danced crazily, besieging Cattleya.

“Attack the other willows.” Cartland bellowed.


Vulture Li Yao, Giant Bear Keita, and Blood Shadow Ivan even surrounded and attacked a willow tree next to him, without the help of the Willow Tree King …… how could this Willow Tree Grass Spirit, which was only one meter and eight in diameter, withstand the three great powerhouses? In just less than a few seconds, with a rumble, the huge willow tree collapsed.

“Take the thousand-year willow heart.” Li Yao, Keita, and Ivan quickly blasted at the torso at the same time.

Boom ……

Broken pieces of wood threw up, while in it a moving green color threw up.

“It’s the Thousand Year Willow Wood Heart.” Li Yao and the other three rejoiced.

Luo Feng also saw a flash of green at a glance, from the fact that Li Yao and the three of them no longer bombarded the willow trunk but rushed towards that flash of green they could tell – it was the thousand year willow heart! What’s more, on the God of War level forum, Luo Feng had seen a photo post of the thousand year willow heart.

“A thousand year willow heart that can increase cellular activity and improve physical fitness, or a willow grass spirit with a diameter of one meter eight.”

Luo Feng’s eyes erupted with an unprecedented essence.

“That’s mine!!!”


The invisible spiritual thoughts instantly extended out, the speed of the spiritual thoughts extending was so fast that it could be called instantaneous, a spiritual thought instantly wrapped around that thousand year old willow heart! Wrapped at the same time …… Luo Feng spiritual thoughts naturally intruded into that Cattleya’s spiritual thoughts dispersion area and was discovered by Cattleya.


Wrapped mental energy, instantly recycled! That flash of green light instantly flew towards Luo Feng.

“Mentalist!” There was an extremely short period of time between Cattleya’s spiritual nimbus dispersal area, discovering Luo Feng’s spiritual nimbus, and reacting and realizing that there was a spiritual nimbus master.

And in such a split second – the green light was already only 80 meters away from Luo Feng.

“Come back.” Cattleya also passed through his spiritual nimbus, wanting to yank back.


The two invisible spiritual thoughts collided at once.


That green light directly surged into the middle of the grass where Luo Feng was, while Xilofeng himself instantly and frantically drilled towards the ground as fast as he could.

“Thousand year willow heart!” Li Yao, Keita, and Ivan all rushed over.

Katran also flew over.

The four great powerhouses stood beside the grass, looking at this inconspicuous hole in the grass.

“The Thousand Year Willowwood Heart was snatched away.” Keita and Ivan were furious.

“How is there still someone?” Cattleya looked at Li Yao angrily, “And it’s still a Spiritual Numinous Master, I’m afraid that the spiritual nimbus is close to the Higher War God level.”

“It’s Luo Feng, it’s Luo Feng.” Li Yao even said.

“Luo Feng, is he …… the Luo Feng from the elite training camp?” Cartland asked.

“Yes, yes, that’s him, he has a grudge against me, in fact, this time I came here to hunt him down, I just didn’t expect to be able to find so many Spirits of Grass and Wood.” Li Yao replied.

Cartland’s face was ugly.

“Cartland, you’re also a Spirit Thought Master, you should be able to catch him, right?”

“Going underground to catch a Spirit Nian Master who is almost at the Higher War God level?” Cartland looked at him with a cold smile, “What do you think, how can Spiritual Numinous Power be cultivated? For so many years, I’ve cultivated my physical qualities to the peak of Higher War God, but my mental nimbus has progressed very slowly.”

When Cattleya was young, there was a period of rapid advancement for Spiritual Numinaries, and Cattleya’s advancement stopped when he reached the “Primary War God Spiritual Numinaries”.

After that, it was up to him to cultivate on his own.

Unfortunately ……

The difficulty of cultivating spiritual energy was several times that of cultivating physical fitness. Cattleya’s physical qualities had risen to the peak of the High War God level over the years, but his spiritual power was only at the peak of the Medium War God level! However, the combination of spiritual power and strength also gave him extremely terrifying strength.

Achieving the name of Illusion Demon!

“Going underground to capture spiritual nimbus masters who have reached the Higher War God level? Even an existence that surpasses a War God wouldn’t dare to say such big words.” Cattleya let out a low gulp, “Now Keita, you patrol the surrounding area to absolutely not allow that person to come any closer. Liya and Ivan, you join me in quickly resolving these Willow Tree Grass Spirits.


A few people nodded their heads, and Li Yao could only grit his teeth and endure this.

“Not good.” Cattelan’s face changed, “This Luo Feng must have heard what we said just now, he should know that these are Spirits of Grass and Wood …… He will definitely notify the Extreme Martial Hall!”

“Extreme Martial Hall?”

Several people present all changed in color, Cattelan even gave Li Yao an annoyed look.

“Quickly, it will take at least three hours or so for the Extreme Martial Hall to rush over, but for safety’s sake, everyone hurry up and collect the Spirit of Grass and Wood and must leave within two hours.” Cartland chimed in, “No matter how much is collected, within two hours, you must leave.”


At this time Li Ya didn’t dare to say anything more, everyone was in a hurry.

Underground Luo Feng drilled the ground at an astonishing speed, continuing to drill down through the rock layers!

“Thousand year willow heart, haha …… Getting the thousand year willow heart, my physical quality can greatly improve by another step. At that time, my spiritual thoughts will be even more powerful!” Luo Feng’s eyes glowed with ambition.

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