Chapter 54 – Dark Golden Orb, Broken

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:48:08
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The underground rock layer was pierced through layer by layer by Luo Feng and kept going deeper and deeper, it had completely exceeded the depth of the previous resting cave, a breath of desperation to rush down …… And when Luo Feng passed through, the rocks and dirt that he squeezed apart would close up again. It was hard to spot Luo Feng based on the trajectory.

“That Cattleya is very strong, it’s better for me to go deeper into the ground so he can’t find me.” Luo Feng rushed downwards in one breath.


“Earlier when I fought for the thousand year willow heart, my spiritual thoughts collided with Cattelan’s spiritual thoughts, his spiritual thoughts strength seems to be slightly weaker than mine, by a hair.” Luo Feng thought of this and his speed couldn’t help but decrease.

There was a fluffy sound!

Two to three thousand meters deep underground, above an underground dark river, a silhouette crashed through the rocks and fell directly into the underground dark river.


Luo Feng leapt up and landed on a raised rock next to the underground dark river.

“There’s actually a dark river in the depths of this underground.” Luo Feng stood on the rock and looked towards the two sides of the dark river …… It was pitch black, the entire dark river river was raging, it was five or six feet wide, the entire dark river channel, there was almost no landing place.

“Within this underground dark river, there seems to be no aquatic monsters.” Luo Feng didn’t realize it before.

“I wonder where the dark river leads to?”

Luo Feng stood on the raised rock and looked at it, then it was a shake of the head, directly impacted on the rocky cave wall next to him, that rock seemed as if it was fragile as tofu in front of Luo Feng, it was directly knocked out of a big hole, the three black flying daggers opened up the way in front of him, and Luo Feng swiftly constructed a cave next to the twenty to thirty meters.

This cave was only twenty to thirty meters away from the underground dark river.

“Thousand year willow heart.” Luo Feng stretched out his left palm that he had been holding, revealing a green crystal in the shape of an egg, this green crystal was constructed in a very peculiar way, as if there was a swirling green liquid inside the crystal, the entire thousand year willow heart, viewing it with the naked eye alone made one’s heart skip a beat.

Luo Feng felt a burst of coolness disappear into the skin, the whole person is refreshed, millennium willow heart, can improve human cell activity, can also improve the quality of human body, has these two effects.

For Luo Feng nowadays, I am afraid that this is the best treasure, even if it is a good treasure …… for Luo Feng, it is also a waste, because Luo Feng is not too far from reaching the peak of the War God! Even if the ten thousand year willow heart is given to him …… Luo Feng will still reach the peak of the War God at most and will not be able to break through again.

Peak War God, to an existence beyond War God ……

This step to cross over! Very tough.

This was also the reason why many people were stuck at the Higher War God level.

“How do I use this thousand year willow heart?” Luo Feng secretly said, “That post said it was taken orally, but …… is it true or false? That post might be bluffing.”

The thousand year old willow heart, itself was incredibly tough.

It was difficult to destroy even by chopping with a sharp sword, something like this orally?

“Just like dragon’s blood, never take it orally, once you take it orally it will kill you. What about this thousand year willow heart?” Luo Feng frowned slightly, getting treasures is a good thing, but you also need to know how to use them like this, treasures if used incorrectly, then it won’t bring benefits, instead it will bring disaster! A moment of hesitation …… Luo Feng looked down at his communication watch and pulled up a phone number to dial.

“Duh… duh… duh…”


“Hello.” A low voice rang out.

“Hello, this is Elite Training Camp Luo Feng.” Luo Feng even answered, this number was exactly the internal contact number between himself and the extreme martial arts school, asking for huge rewards or contacting the extreme martial arts school was all through this number. And now that he doesn’t understand how to use the Millennium Willowwood Heart …… after thinking about it, he decided to ask about it.

Anyway, after he used it, his strength jumped out by a large margin, and the martial arts hall would know that he was using the treasure.

Then there was no need to hide it, anyway, he had snatched it from someone else.

“What’s the matter?” The low voice asked.

“I want to ask, how should I use the thousand year willow heart?” Luo Feng inquired.

There was silence over there.

Luo Feng couldn’t help but feel apprehensive.

Only after a long time did a voice come from over there, “The surface crystal shell of the thousand year willow heart is incredibly tough, the inner liquid is the essence, the way to use it is to pierce the surface crystal shell, and then the inner liquid essence can be taken orally. Never …… swallow that crystal shell.”

Luo Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately he asked.

The description of the post in the God of War level forum only said to take it orally, but not how to take it orally …… If he was foolish enough to swallow the crystal whole, he would have been miserable.

“The process of taking it will be very comfortable, there will be no painful symptoms, depending on how much strength is jumped up, the length of this metamorphosis process varies.” The low voice slowly said, “Is there anything else?”

“No more, thank you sir.” Luo Feng even said.

“Sir?” The low voice rarely laughed twice.


The phone hung up.

“Yay!” In the dark rocky cave, the communication watch emblem slight glow reflected, Luo Feng’s pair of eyes were brighter than ever!

“Right now, my strength, compared to Li Yao who has the black god suit, is still a hair short.”

“But once I use the thousand year willow heart after ……” Luo Feng expects a lot, since the year after the heavenly bounty, he has never dared to have a trace of laxity, the long term pressure has also made Luo Feng has always been very desperate, in the middle of that elite training camp also never had a trace of He has never been lax in that elite training camp.

Perhaps, the fact that he was able to gain the favor of the extreme martial arts school in a short period of time, and even gained a huge reward such as dragon’s blood, also had the credit of the vulture and scorpion couple.

Without the pressure they gave, how would Luo Feng be so desperate?

“Vulture Poison Scorpion, from now on, it’s not me who’s worried and scared of you guys, it’s you who’s scared of me!” Luo Feng’s mind moved.


Green egg shaped crystals, suspended in the middle of the air in front of him. At the same time, a SS grade flying dagger by Luo Feng’s side cut through a lightning bolt and directly stabbed on the surface of that green egg crystal, “Puff!” The tough crystal shell was directly pierced under Luo Feng’s deliberate attack.

Gu Gu ……

The essence liquid inside slowly flowed and flowed out from within the crystal, however, these green liquids filled with vitality were suspended in front of Luo Feng’s eyes controlled by his spiritual thoughts.

“Come on.”

Luo Feng opened his mouth and swoosh! These stirring, full of endless vitality thousand year willow heart essence flew directly into Luo Feng’s mouth under the control of his spiritual thoughts. Although the entire crystal was said to be the size of an egg, yet the essence within this was feared to be only the amount of a small wine glass.

Swallowed in one mouthful, this essence flowed into the body along the esophagus, immediately a, cool, comfortable, feeling filled the whole body, even to the point of making one’s soul tremble.


That mysterious person on the phone said that taking the thousand year willow heart would not cause a bit of pain, instead it would be very comfortable, it seems to be true.” Luo Feng was lying motionless within the rocky cave, clearly feeling the subtle changes in his body …… The pain of using the dragon’s blood in the first place was something Luo Feng couldn’t forget.

To be able to increase in strength and not have to experience pain, Luo Feng was certainly in a happy mood.

“So soothing.”

“I feel like my entire body’s sinews and flesh are performing tremors.” Luo Feng looked down, through the faint glimmer of the communication watch, the naked eye could see the skin of his hands undergoing a very small but amazingly fast vibration, and during this vibration, threads of grayish-black substance penetrated from the pores of his skin.

This feeling is amazing ……

The whole body was cool!

At the same time it was as if the skin and flesh of the whole body left the bones and lost control, only vaguely feeling the constant vibration as if it was a massage.

And in Luo Feng’s body, the essence contained in the thousand year willow heart, that raging endless vitality almost instantly merged into every part of Luo Feng’s body, this vitality energy made Luo Feng’s sinews, bones and muscles of the cells, undergo amazing changes. It was as if a sapling grew until it was a heavenly tree.

At this moment-

The countless cells in Luo Feng’s body were undergoing amazing changes, his genes were developing at a rapid pace constantly perfecting themselves, detaching useless genes for another perfect integration, this speed was very rapid and it seemed that all of Luo Feng’s genes had absorbed a sliver of that thousand year willow heart, the genes were undergoing special changes.

The cellular activity was increasing by leaps and bounds.

Under this vitality, Luo Feng’s entire body was soaring.

The texture of the sinews and bones seemed to have changed, the muscles and skin were also undergoing amazing changes, however, this change didn’t bring Luo Feng the slightest bit of pain, Luo Feng only felt as if it was a massage, very soothing.

In the sea of knowledge.

In the endless sea of knowledge, the dark golden orb was rapidly rotating, while constantly releasing energy. And the entire sea of consciousness was a dense fog, at the same time in the middle of this endless fog, a large amount of droplets were constantly being produced, as if they were dew drops, this rate of improvement was simply appalling.

Luo Feng’s physical quality was improving!

This spiritual thoughts naturally based on the limit of physical quality to withstand, was insanely improving!

Luo Feng’s physical quality, from the bottom line of Primary War God (fist force around 64,000 kilograms)…… Primary War God average level (fist force brute force around 96,000 kilograms)…… Primary War God peak level (fist force brute force close to 128,000 kilograms) …… Medium War God!

Step by step!

When the physical quality reached “medium war god” the moment, the dark golden orb in Luo Feng’s sea of consciousness violently expanded once, and then “click click click ……” the entire dark golden orb even directly cracked! After that, the dark golden orb directly cracked, and the endless surging spiritual energy directly spread out, filling the entire sea of consciousness.

The physical quality of a Medium War God is already able to withstand the almost limitless spiritual energy in the War God realm!

Spiritual energy skyrocketed!

Luo Feng’s physical quality was still rising ……

All metamorphosis finally stopped, in this rocky cave next to the dark river at a depth of two to three thousand meters underground, Luo Feng was lying quietly and flat.

“The dark golden orb …… shattered ……”

That night’s awakening back then, one became a spiritual numinous master with an endless future!

One has always been worried that the dark golden orb will support oneself to what …… One should know that many spiritual Nian masters, when they support themselves to Higher War Generals or Primary War Gods, they stop rapidly ascending and exhaust the latent energy. There were only a handful of Spiritual Numinaries who could rapidly ascend to the medium War God level.

“My sea of consciousness!” Luo Feng’s consciousness was immersed in the sea of consciousness, before, he was already barely a high level war god level spirit nymph master, the sea of consciousness was a droplet of liquid.

And now –

In the endless sea of consciousness ……

The fog filled and pranced around, and the amplitude dispersed without boundaries.

“Rumbling ……” raging liquid water flow, as if the Milky Way generally flowed in Luo Feng’s sea of consciousness, the spiritual power contained was simply appalling, and in this “spiritual power liquid” In this “spiritual energy liquid” galaxy, you can also occasionally see some dark golden fragments mixed in.

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