Chapter 55 – War God Luo Feng

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:48:11
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In a rocky cave two to three thousand meters deep underground, Luo Feng, who was lying flat on his back, finally opened his eyes.

“This metamorphosis, only half an hour passed before and after.” Luo Feng glanced down at the time on his communication watch, his dirt covered face couldn’t help but reveal a smile, half an hour ago he was already a first class powerhouse within the circle of war gods, but at that time there were still characters like the “Illusionary Demon” Cattleya who were stronger than him.

But now!

“Boom!” Luo Feng casually swung out a fist, causing the air to explode.

“My random punch has caught up with my past fist power outbursts, now my physical quality is at the very least a medium war god, maybe even a high war god!” Luo Feng could only rely on his vague senses to confirm that he was at least a medium war god, as for whether he was a high war god or not, he still needed to rely on instruments to test.

Physical quality himself is not too sure ……

However, the spiritual thoughts were 100% certain.

“Peak War God!”

“Peak war god spiritual ninjutsu master.” Luo Feng didn’t doubt this in the slightest, the raging galaxy in his sea of consciousness, the strength of the spiritual nihility he was manipulating was far, far stronger than before. You have to know that before he had barely reached the bottom line of “Higher War God level”, but now that he had improved so much, of course he was at the peak of War God!


An incomparably powerful feeling!

“It’s widely recognized that a peak wargod mentalist is an invincible existence amongst wargods.” Luo Feng revealed a hint of a smile, “Well, let’s go clean up a bit first, then go see Li Yao, Katran and the rest of them …… By the way, I’ll also settle the grudge with Li Yao after so many years.”


Luo Feng directly followed the passageway, rushed to the nearby raised rocks next to the underground dark river, his spiritual thoughts controlled a huge water ball suspended in front of him, quickly cleaned the skin of his entire body including his combat uniform!


In just three minutes, Luo Feng violently rushed into the sky.

Rumbling …… rushed through layers of rocks, quickly rushing toward the surface.

In the fog island, it was still dark and foggy at this time.

“Poof!” After rushing out of the surface soil.

“There are sounds of fighting over there.”

Luo Feng smiled as he took a step in the direction of the nine willow trees, “I didn’t expect that after half an hour, they still haven’t cut down all the willow trees.”

This time the location that emerged from the ground was nearly a thousand meters away from the nine willow trees.

However ……

On the quiet and incomparable fog island, Cattleya, Li Yao and the others frantically attacked that willow tree type grass and tree spirit, generating the sound of air bursts that made it easy for Luo Feng to find them.

“Oh!” Luo Feng looked carefully.

At this time, eight of the nine willow tree grass and wood spirits had collapsed, their trunks shattered and the “thousand year willow heart” was taken out, leaving only the last willow tree king! Willow tree king with a trunk diameter of more than three meters thick, the trunk has pierced a full six javelins, javelins are stuck in the trunk.

The Willow Tree King surprisingly had hundreds of light golden willow branches all heavily curled around the six javelins.

“Cartland’s six javelins are stuck within the Willow King’s torso.” Luo Feng watched from afar, after this metamorphosis, his own eyesight had all become much stronger, nearly doubling his previous eyesight, “The javelins are stuck within the torso, and they’re curled by those light golden willow branch strips, it’s hard to pull them out.

As for the three Black God Suit possessors, Katran, Ivan, and Li Yao, these two were attacking frantically.

“This Willow Tree King’s main trunk is damaged, its strength is greatly reduced, quick!” The corner of his mouth has a blood stain Cattelan shouted, his hands two daggers waved crazily, those light golden willow branch strips even slower than before, by Cattelan cut off a large number of light golden willow branch strips, just …… those willow branch strips most of the number.

“Break!” Li Yao shouted lowly.

“Yaaaaaaaah!” That Ivan hissed madly, as if a whirlwind surrounded the Willow Tree King, and a large number of light golden willow branch strips broke!

The main trunk was damaged, and the willow branch strips’ speed and binding power were obviously weakened by sixty to seventy percent. Only the toughness remained!

Weakened by so much, for the three of them, Katran, Li Yao, and Ivan, all they needed now was enough time to cut all the light golden willow branch strips! Although these willow branches were very long, once they were cut, they would ooze liquid and their power would be greatly reduced once again, making them even inferior to ordinary willow branches.

“Quickly, hurry up.” Cattleya’s eyes were glowing as she eagerly drank, “After we cut down this Willow Tree King, we still have to go and seize the other Spirits of Grass and Trees.”



Li Yao, Ivan both were quickly and desperately cutting a light golden willow branch strip, as for that Keita was patrolling the surrounding area to keep watch …… just in the dark foggy natural conditions, Luo Feng had the intention to hide in the bushes and the distance was more than two hundred meters, that Keita was still really hard to find.

“Haha, broken, all broken.”


At once a big laughter, that light golden willow branches again more can’t hold three Higher God of War frantic hacking, finally all the light golden willow branches are broken a section, broken section are flowing out of the liquid, that traumatized light golden willow branches power once again drastically sharply reduced, at all to the Higher God of War has no threat.

“Attack the torso.”


Katran, Li Yao, and Ivan frantically rushed over.

“Keita, come here.” Katran even shouted.

“Coming.” That savage hulk Keita also fluctuated and rushed over to help together.

Only to see that the huge Willow Tree King, which was more than three meters thick in diameter, was powerless and unable to move, so it could only let these four humans hack and slash! After Cattleya pulled out six javelins, she frantically destroyed and hacked along the holes pierced out by the javelins, apparently attacking from the inside seemed easier.

Moreover, as it was hacked again and again, the toughness of the Willow King’s torso was surprisingly decreasing.

“Snorting …… “The original branches and leaves of a large number of willow branches, quickly began to become withered, the entire Willow Tree King’s torso is also rapidly losing vitality, the speed of this loss of vitality …… is the naked eye Can be clearly seen, along with the loss of vitality, the torso’s defense ability is obviously weakened.

The entire Willow Tree King slowly tipped over, that towering huge Willow Tree King smashed off some of the trees and plants next to it, and finally rumbled …… on the ground of the fog island.

“Haha, finally succeeded.”

“Quick, find the ten thousand year old willow heart,” Cattleya and the others fluctuated ten thousand times, in order to cut down this willow tree king, the energy spent was ten times more than destroying the other eight willow tree grass and wood spirits combined! Luo Feng in the distance had been watching for over ten minutes.

“Tsk tsk…”

“Luckily my metamorphosis only took thirty minutes and I was able to see the scene where they chopped down the willow tree king.” Luo Feng revealed a hint of a smile, “Since the Ultimate Martial School’s men haven’t arrived yet, it’s good!” Luo Feng, who had undergone a metamorphosis deep underground, had increased his strength greatly, now was the time to jump into action.

The rumbling sounds were constant!

The group was chopping the Willow King torso.

“Quick, hurry up and find it.” Cattleya and the others wanted to find the ten thousand year old willow heart from within the torso.

“Hmm?” Cartland’s scattered spiritual thoughts sensed that someone had entered and was shocked, immediately turning his head to look. Only to see that at a hundred meters, Luo Feng in his combat uniform with his shield on his back, just simply holding his blood shadow battle sword, he slowly walked out of the black night mist and walked towards them.

Keita, Ivan, and Li Yao also noticed.

“Luo Feng!!!” Li Yao’s eyes exploded with a cold light all of a sudden.

“Long time no see.” Luo Feng smiled as he looked at Li Yao.

Katran looked at Luo Feng and revealed a cold smile as he spoke in a twisted Chinese, “Luo Feng? If you were hiding under the ground with your spirit numenera ability, I wouldn’t be able to catch you. But you even came to the land, how stupid.” Next to him, the giant bear Keita and Blood Shadow Ivan also revealed cold smiles.

None of the Cattleya trio was weaker than Li Yao! The three of them plus Li Yao, this four person combination …… would fear Luo Feng?

“Could it be that you used a thousand year old willow heart and instantly became a peak Higher Battle God Spiritual Nihilist?” Cattelan snorted, he was a spiritual nian master of course he knew clearly, spiritual nian master: it was originally very very rare, and most spiritual nian masters were gifted with the ability to rapidly rise to the higher generals rank.

To reach the primary God of War level, even if it is good. Medium War God level spirit masters were already incredibly rare. As for one-time ascension to Higher War God level, there were only a few of them.

A psychic master who had rapidly risen to the peak of Higher War God level in one go? Looking at the entire planet, were there one or two? No one knew.

“Thank you for helping to cut down the Willow Tree King.” Luo Feng smiled faintly, “Saved me a lot of things.”


The entire person instantly turned into a stump and rushed towards the Willow Tree King.

“Kill!” Cattleya shouted in a cold, violent voice.

“Luo Feng!!!” Li Yao even roared as he rushed at the first with his dual swords in hand, as if there were flames burning in his eyes.

Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!

Six flying daggers! Like six black lightning, at close range, so fast that even Li Yao himself couldn’t dodge out of the way, but why would Li Yao dodge out of the way? Only to see that the black color had covered his whole body, only his eyes and nostrils were slightly exposed with a little gap, with his ability it was absolutely impossible to be shot at this little gap.

Black God Suit! Trying to pierce through the Black God Suit would be difficult even for a king level monster! The only way to kill a War God wearing the Black God Suit is pure impact, I can’t pierce through your Black God Suit, but that terrifying power impact alone can shatter your internal organs.

“Rumble ……”

All six rounds of flying daggers bombarded Li Yao’s body! Luo Feng, who had now reached the peak of Higher War God, already possessed an incredible and terrifying strength, back then, after using the dragon blood, when he first passed the fist power testing machine test, at that time, one of his flying daggers contained around 220,000 kilograms of impact force. And now – one of his flying daggers had an impact force of over 500,000 kilograms!

One handle of flying dagger impact force, over 500,000 kilograms!

Six flying daggers!

That added up to over 3 million kilograms of impact force! Although the advantage of spiritual masters is that they are bizarre and can’t be defended against, but after …… reaching the peak of the Higher War God, just by looking at the pure impact power, it has also reached an unbelievable point! It was close to the strength of a peak War God martial artist who had reached 500,000 kilograms of brute force and six times the hair power.


Li Yao’s entire body was directly bombarded with his feet leaving the ground, flying backwards at an astonishing speed, at the same time crashing into the Blood Shadow Ivan behind him, and rolling a few times in mid-air, falling hundreds of meters away.

Phew! Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!

The six flying daggers that were as fast as lightning and as heavy as Mt. Taishan again blasted the Illusory Demon Katran, who had a terrified look on his face, directly backward and flew away.


Luo feng directly landed beside that willow king torso, six flying daggers crazily bombarded on the willow torso, the defenses of the torso whose vitality had disappeared were much weaker, it quickly exploded, a touch of green with tinsel leapt up, Luo feng’s spiritual nimbus instantly curled around it, taking it back in front of him.

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