Chapter 59: Return to Base City

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:48:23
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“This long vine!” Luo Feng looked startled, that one long black and purple vine sticking out from the distant mist was boundless and endless, unable to see the end at a glance. At first glance it looked like a large tumbling and twisting python, winding towards the man with the golden mask who was fleeing in panic.

Poof! Poof!

The golden masked man’s hands, each holding a long knife as thin as cicadas, as if transparent ice knife, ruthlessly with the winding black purple vines split together.

Immediately, the naked eye visible shock waves violently transmitted in all directions, the sky-high trees below were shattered by these shock waves. Even the vulture Li Yao, Blood Shadow Ivan, and Giant Bear Keita below all fled in a sorry state, once they were accidentally caught in the waves I’m afraid they would be finished immediately!

“What!” Luo Feng was taken aback.

The long black purple vine that had a diameter of twenty centimeters was slashed by two ice blades, and the surface was barely slashed with a roughly one centimeter wound, but this wound was completely repaired in almost the blink of an eye.

“Let’s go.” Inspector Liu pulled Luo Feng with one hand.

Luo Feng didn’t resist, and together with this Inspector Liu immediately flew towards the distance …… As for the black purple long vine, it was chasing the golden masked man to death and didn’t waste time chasing Luo Feng and the others.

“Get on the warplane.” Inspector Liu shouted lowly.


The purplish red triangular warplane hovering in the distance unexpectedly flew directly over and opened its hatch.

Shoo! Shoo!

Inspector Liu and Luo Feng, like two streams of light flew directly into this triangular warplane.

Inside the cabin of the triangular warplane, it was dark.

Luo Feng and Inspector Liu looked out through the hatch, while the warplane quickly flew towards the distance and distanced itself from the black purple vines.

Clatter! The hatch closed.

“Pull up the battle scene of the iceberg.” Inspector Liu ordered.


Inside the dark cabin, a video scene immediately appeared out of thin air, the very same battle scene that was happening over Misty Island at this moment. The clarity was much better than viewing it with the naked eye. In the video, there was only one person, the man in the golden mask, who was attacked by a long vine over the fog island! The golden masked man was as fast as lightning, and was flying outward at a delayed speed!

“Snap!” An earth-shattering sound.

That long rattan even lashed out in the air, as if it was a whip, that over a thousand meters long black and purple long rattan lashed out in the air, and between this swinging and retracting, it produced an unbelievable explosive sound! Even after passing through the cabin’s hatch, it made Luo Feng feel his ears roar continuously.

“Such a long long vine can actually seem to whip people like a long whip?” Inspector Liu couldn’t help but sigh, “Icebergs are finished when they get whipped.”

“Inspector Liu, are we just going to watch?” Luo Feng asked.

All on the side of the extreme martial arts school, watching their own people being attacked?

“Luo Feng, that Iceberg’s personal guard is slightly stronger than me, his ability to save his life is even more impressive! He is the pavilion master’s personal guard, the pavilion master has imparted many life preservation abilities to them, me going? Me going will only help.” Inspector Liu was not anxious at all, “Don’t worry, this one long vine is still – not good!”

Inspector Liu’s face changed drastically! Luo Feng also stared at the video and sucked in a breath of cold air!

“Rumble ……”

Only to see that in the video, the entire fog island trembled while another long black and purple vine with no end in sight quickly reached out from the thick fog. This time is a full two black purple long vines …… no! Only to see the entire fog island trembling, a third black purple long vine that seemed to stretch out across heaven and earth.

The fourth long vine! The fifth long vine!

The length of each long vine was such that the head could not be seen with the naked eye, definitely more than a thousand meters long, and each long vine was black purple, all twenty centimeters in diameter, and equally tough. Even the existence …… of a transcendent War God had little to do with it.

“Big trouble.” Inspector Liu’s face was ironic.

In the air above the fog island, the long vine that pierced the firmament was like the light hand of the entire fog island, frantically dancing to encircle the golden masked man from all directions! Although it was said that the speed of the golden masked man was already incredibly fast. A sway was hundreds of meters, and it was reasonably easy to get rid of the long vines.

However, the long vines themselves were bizarre! It could twist and wind at will! It was so fast that it transformed into a phantom, not allowing the golden masked man to escape at all.

At this moment–

In the video, there were six long vines that danced wildly in the air above the fog island, and the golden masked man was struggling to avoid the danger again and again.

“According to the computer system data, these six long vines …… are over 1600 meters long! The speed of instantly stretching, contracting, and moving is more than 1,000 meters per second.” Inspector Liu’s face was unsightly, “The toughness is just comparable to a normal king level monster, only, its recovery ability is too terrifying, the wounds recover instantly.”

Luo Feng also silently watched ……

The six vines in the video worked together exquisitely, in one attack, naturally forcing the golden masked man to have less and less space to dodge.


“What.” Luo Feng and Inspector Liu were both shocked.

Under the siege of the six black and purple long vines, the incomparably small golden masked man was instantly transformed into a white stream of light, the speed of the …… almost instantly escaped the six long vines surrounding the area. This white stream of light was flying towards the triangular war machine at an incredible speed.

Wow! The hatch opened!

The white stream of light sharply decreased in speed and transformed into a silhouette, directly crashing into the cabin, and the hatch immediately closed.

“Return to headquarters.” Inspector Liu even droned.


The purplish red triangular warplane immediately turned into a purplish red stream of light and disappeared at the end of heaven and earth, leaving only that fog island in the sky, that one long black and purple vine tearing through the sky, waving crazily, seemingly furious.

Inside the cabin.

“Iceberg, how is it?” Inspector Liu even helped up that golden masked man.

The golden masked man collapsed on the seat, his eyes closed, his breath weak, and he whispered, “Don’t worry, Liu He, I can’t die yet! It’s just that using the Original Energy Forbidden Trick has caused too much damage to my body, so I’ll have to rest for a while when I go back this time.”

Only then did Inspector Liu let out a sigh of relief.

“Iceberg, what forbidden move, can you teach me?” Liu inspector can’t help but ask, not that he doesn’t know the rules, but just now when the iceberg guards escaped the speed displayed is really amazing, although it is said that after using it, the whole person has no resistance, but …… this move is definitely a life-saving trick.


“This is in the past five years, I accumulated a lot of wealth and treasures to contribute to the Pavilion Master, the Pavilion Master only spent quite a lot of time, according to my original energy characteristics, created a life-preserving stance.” Iceberg glanced at Inspector Liu, “Your original energy characteristics, are different from mine, you simply can’t learn it.”

Inspector Liu shook his head helplessly.

He also knew that ……

If enough wealth and treasures were given to the Pavilion Master, the Pavilion Master would help design stances for his subordinates, it’s just that this kind of thing also consumes a lot of energy for Hong, so it’s amazing to make the request.

“Just redeeming this ‘Qiankun-class’ Intelligent Fighter consumed a lot of my wealth.” Envoy Liu Jincha couldn’t help but shake his head.

“Intelligent war machine?” Luo Feng couldn’t help but say, “This warplane is able to act according to a person’s wishes without the need for an incompetent pilot?” Too advanced, one has never seen this kind of warplane before. And before …… this warplane’s intelligence Luo Feng completely felt it.

“Right. This is a ‘Qiankun level’ intelligent warplane, the cost of materials alone is countless.” Inspector Liu couldn’t help but feel a bit self-congratulatory, “At critical moments, I can maneuver it to fend off the attacks of king level monsters, even king level monsters will never think of destroying this one warplane! It’s made of materials throughout its body, it’s much better than an SS grade weapon.”

Luo Feng was dumbfounded.

Too much of an exaggeration, the materials of the warplane, better than an SS grade weapon? Luo Feng had finally seen how extravagant the “Existence Beyond War God” was.

“But that vine just now, it was an entanglement type attack, that’s why my intelligent war machine couldn’t work.” Inspector Liu shook his head, then looked at Luo Feng with a smile, “Luo Feng, the amount you shared this time with Misty Island’s contribution is definitely a huge reward, it’s definitely enough to buy a Qiankun grade intelligent war machine. Maybe …… you’ll be able to buy the highest grade ‘flood level’ intelligent war machine. Flood level intelligent warplane, know it? It’s the one that the pavilion master rides in, with incredible defense, even to the point of being equipped with onboard laser cannons.”

Luo Feng remained silent ……

Had he fooled himself?

The harvest this time is obviously very big, a thousand year willow heart is more valuable than a serving of dragon blood, let alone a ten thousand year willow heart? Together with the “Iceberg’s guards” who had obtained a backpack of grass and wood spirits, their quota was an incredible amount of wealth, which they had wasted to buy a warplane?

“Iceberg, how was the harvest this time?” Inspector Liu couldn’t help but ask after him.

Seemingly slightly better, the Iceberg proctor who opened his eyes looked at him indifferently, “Great, very great.”

Inspector Liu couldn’t help but say, “I should be considered meritorious this time, right?”

“Hmph, you’ll just hold back that Councilor Farr.”

The Iceberg Prince indifferently said, “The mission of mining the Spirit of Grass and Trees can get a total of 30% share of the total wealth, I’ll put in a good word, you can barely get 5%, Luo Feng, who contributed 10,000 year old Willow Heart and two thousand year old Willow Hearts, he can barely get a 5% share as well, I’ll get 20%.”

Inspector Liu had nothing to say, he really didn’t take any credit.

“Ten thousand year old willow wood heart, plus two thousand year old willow wood hearts, only a 5% share?” Inspector Liu couldn’t help but say.

“What do you know!”

The Iceberg Progenitor smiled blandly, “The ones I personally picked alone already have 92 grass and wood spirits, and the ones that are better than the 10,000 year old willow hearts are more than six.”

Luo Feng and Inspector Liu both sucked in a breath of cold air.

This wealth that was an exaggeration, this fog island was really a treasure island, giving birth to so many grass and wood spirits all at once.

“The most precious one is still that long vine.” The Iceberg Prince’s voice was lowered, “I originally sensed the energy of the long vine and attacked, but I didn’t realize that it was only a small part of the long vine. The entire long vine is more than two thousand meters long, and …… I estimate that this long vine is only a part of a certain spirit of grass and trees, but in the end, there were a full six long vines chasing me.”


“There is an incredible Spirit of Grass and Wood on the entire Misty Island.” The Iceberg Progenitor blandly said, “That’s the greatest wealth, when I fled just now, I sent the battle scene to the Pavilion Master, and for this matter, the Pavilion Master should personally come out.”

“Pavilion master personally?”

Inspector Liu and Luo Feng all nodded secretly.

Indeed, if all six long black vines are just a part of that grass and wood spirit, the strongest grass and wood spirit on this fog island …… would be too bad to mess with.

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