Chapter 67 – Meeting Luo Feng

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:48:47
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“How is that possible?”

The three supervisors next to him couldn’t believe it either.

“Look at his profile.” The lean man even shouted as the four giants of the Ultimate General Hall stared.

“The ID number is 426123203806083211.” the lanky and tall one of the supervisors even said, “His date of birth is June 8th, 2038, which means that he’s only 19 years old this year.19 weeks old Supervisory Envoy?”

“Nineteen weeks old?” President Zhou Zhengyong and the three supervisors, including Zhuge Tao, looked at each other and all went quiet at once.

If they saw “Luo Feng” and “Yangzhou City, Jiangnan Base City” and wondered if it was some senior with the same name, but once they saw the ID number, they were sure! After all, every person had a unique ID number, and for the Extreme Martial Arts School’s global headquarters to issue this kind of appointment, it must have gone through a lot of procedures, it was impossible to get the wrong person!

“It’s really Luo Feng.”

“It’s really him.”

The president and the three supervisors were in different moods, among them Zhuge Tao had a hint of dark joy in his heart, at the beginning when he discovered Luo Feng’s talent, Zhuge Tao had helped Luo Feng, originally it was just a random casting of the net, he didn’t expect that after only a year of work, Luo Feng would leap to become his top supervisor!

“He’s only 19 weeks old, how is he a war god, and still a ‘peerless war god’?” The lean man was puzzled.

“Yu Sen.” Zhuge Tao laughed, “Don’t think about it, this notice is written, it’s absolutely correct.”

“This is troublesome.” The burly man frowned, “The new Supervisory Envoy is only 19 years old. Not very old, then I’m afraid that he’s not an old and respected person, young man, with a big fire! Maybe one of us unintentionally offended him, and he dismissed one of us in a fit of rage. Young people’s tempers are indeed much bigger than some of the old guys.

“Hmm.” The others, including Zhuge Tao, nodded.

“Don’t worry too much either.” Zhou Zhengyong laughed, “A young man’s temper is unfavorable to us. But …… this young man is much more juvenile in terms of doing things, so if we coax him a bit, he will be happier. And those old guys are one more treacherous than the other, it’s hard to coax those people to be happy.” The other three supervisors nodded their heads.

“So everyone be attentive, this Luo Feng is our Jiangnan local.” Zhou Zhengyong’s expression got serious and he solemnly said, “According to the rules, this appointing positions, they all prioritize locals! And this Luo Feng is now the ‘Invincible God of War’, and a local, after becoming an inspector general, this position, he will always sit down.”

The three supervisors also understood that even if there was a new Supervisory Envoy on the headquarters side …… but it would never be arranged to Jiangnan Base City. Because, this ‘Luo Feng’ from Jiangnan base city, is a local and a peerless war god, who is qualified to grab his position?

“This Luo Feng, if he doesn’t break through, I’m afraid he’ll be in this position for decades.”

“And once he breaks through and becomes an existence beyond a war god, an inspector! A higher position, one word can even remove me, the president, all the more reason for us to coax him.” Zhou Zhengyong solemnly said.

Regardless of whether Luo Feng broke through or not, he would always be on top of them, and since Luo Feng was a local, it was estimated that he would often live in Jiangnan base city. Hanging out under Luo Feng’s nose, of course the four of them had to coax Luo Feng.

“Don’t worry, president.”

“We understand.”

“No one is stupid.” All three supervisors said in a row.

“Very well.” Zhou Zhengyong nodded, “I’ll make a call with the side of Yangzhou City’s Mingyue neighborhood.

“Hello.” Zhou Zhengyong took out his cell phone and dialed, “Wutong, Luo Feng from your cell ……”

“What?” Zhou Zhengyong’s expression changed as he listened to Wu Tong’s narration on the phone. Next to him, Zhuge Tao, Yu Sen and the other three were also listening carefully, barely hearing words like “flying fighter” and “Luo Feng”.

A moment later, he hung up the phone.

“What’s wrong, President?” All three of them even looked at Zhou Zhengyong.

President Zhou Zhengyong revealed a hint of a smile, “Luo Feng arrived at the Bright Moon neighborhood in a triangular flying fighter just a moment ago. And that Luo Feng also said …… that flying warplane, he bought it!”

“He bought it, he’s only been appointed, how can he afford it?” The burly man couldn’t help but say.

“Don’t care how people bought it.” Zhou Zhengyong’s face sank, he drank, “Old Wang, you have to remember, from now on, Luo Feng is already an inspector, he is the highest person in charge of our extreme martial arts school, Jiangnan base city side! So watch what you say, don’t he he he, make people unhappy, one word and you lose your position.” The burly man was shocked, even hemmed and hawed and laughed: “President, I also did not convert over well.”

“This Luo Feng temper, we haven’t figured it out yet, all pay attention.” Zhou Zhengyong droned lowly, “Everyone get ready, 20 minutes later, we’ll set off on a warplane to Yangzhou city to meet the inspector general.”

“Yes.” All three supervisors answered.

Yangzhou City’s Bright Moon neighborhood, Luo Feng’s home.

Luo Nian’s family was sitting around the dining table happily eating breakfast, but the originally lively scene changed because of his younger brother Luo Hua’s words.

“Brother, you said you won’t leave when you come back this time? Why?” Luo Hua asked.

“I’ve been appointed by the global headquarters side, as the inspector ambassador of the Jiangnan base city’s extreme general guild.” Luo Feng’s one sentence made his father, mother, and brother quiet, his father Luo Hongguo couldn’t help but say, “Little Feng, this inspector ambassador sounds like, a big official, how much of a strategic official?” Mother Gong Xinlan was also curious.

In the neighborhood, the ones who usually talk the most are the president and the three supervisors. As for the divine Dragon Envoy, it was rarely talked about.

“Dad, mom.” Luo Hua, who was in the wheelchair next to him, only then recovered from the shock and even said excitedly, “That’s a very big official, even bigger than the president! The entire Jiangnan Base City, the NO.1 on this side of the Extreme Martial Arts School.”

“Bigger than the president?” Luo Hongguo and Gong Xinlan were a bit confused.

They are also small people, although they have a son who is a martial artist, but the president of the Jiangnan Base City “Ultimate General Hall”, that is definitely a towering figure. It must be known that in order to be the president, first of all must be the God of War! And also have enough connections to win this position.

Their son? Older than the president?

“Little Feng?” Luo Hongguo and Gong Xinlan looked at Luo Feng.

“Uh-huh.” Luo Feng nodded.

“I brought back that flying fighter this time.” Luo Feng said, “The price is over 100 billion dollars, and it’s something that money can’t buy.” In order to let his parents clearly realize that nowadays, he was in a position of power, Luo Feng directly stated the price of the flying fighter. This one king level intelligent warplane was indeed something that money couldn’t buy!

For example, the House of Limits and the HR Alliance mall didn’t have this intelligent fighter for sale! Even if it was a high-level member within the House of Extreme Martial Arts, such as the discounted price given to the Supervisory Envoy and the Inspector, it still amounted to 180 billion.

If other countries, forces want to buy, is two hundred billion, the extreme martial arts museum is not sold! To know “intelligent fighter” this thing …… now all over the world, only the extreme martial arts hall made out.

“More than 100 billion?” Luo Hongguo, Gong Xinlan once again shocked.

Oh my god!

It was the richest man in the country of Huaxia who only had how many assets? One must know that the last time Venina offered a bounty of 100 billion dollars, it had already caused countless powerful people around the world to covet it. It can be imagined that this 100 billion, in the world’s top richest class, is a breathtaking wealth! For Luo Hongguo, Gong Xinlan, who used to live in low-cost housing,……, astronomical figures!

In fact, even the “invincible god of war”, generally can not afford to buy!

Luo Feng is lucky, relying on the spirit of grass and trees on the island to make a fortune!

Otherwise, he didn’t know when he would be able to afford to buy this kind of intelligent war machine.


Gong Xinlan and Luo Hongguo blinked twice for a long time to recover.

“Little Feng, just how much power and how much money do you have?” Luo Hongguo asked a very silly question.

Power and money?

“Power? How can I say it ……,” Luo Feng didn’t know how to say it, Invincible War God, is the strongest person besides the existence of the Transcendent War God! The power one possesses is indeed amazing. As for money …… for Luo Feng who had the recluse shuttle, hunting lord level monsters was really simple.

Lord level monsters were his cash machine.

The only problem was …… that he couldn’t hunt too many lord level in the same area, otherwise he would annoy the king level monsters in this area.

“Don’t ask those, old man do you have the ability to spend 100 billion dollars in your life?” Gong Xinlan, who was next to him, laughed and scolded.

“Little Feng ah.” Gong Xinlan couldn’t help but say, “I have something I want you to help, look ……”

“Mom, something to say directly.” Luo Feng even said.

Gong Xinlan sighed, “Back then, your father and I, we both went through the great nirvana period. At that time, your dad and I were both young! During the Great Nirvana period, human society was in turmoil and there were countless deaths and injuries. Your father and I were both orphaned at that time.” Next to him, Luo Hongguo also recalled the years back then.

The Great Nirvana Period!

The most tragic period of years for humanity! All human cities were attacked, to the point that some countries were entire annihilated!

“I have cousins, cousins, cousins, cousins ……,” said Gong Xinlan, Gong Xinlan and Luo Hongguo, both children under family planning, both only children! Yet their parents had many siblings, so it made them have many cousins, cousins, cousins.

“When you’re fleeing from a disaster, you can’t take care of yourself, who has time to look for relatives.” Gong Xinlan shook her head and sighed, “And during the Great Nirvana period, the chaos was unparalleled, lost family registrations and unclear identities abounded, those who became orphans, single parents, and those who got lost with their parents, mostly mostly. Your father and I, we all reported our names for the records ourselves.”

“Those times were so chaotic and confusing.”

“It was ten years after the base city was built, the country rebuilt, and all the harvest was settled. Your father and I were living in low-cost housing, how could we have the time or money to look for our relatives who were separated back then.”

After becoming orphans, cousins and other relatives are even more cherished.

Luo Hongguo and Gong Xinlan have always wanted to look for their relatives back then, so many relatives back then, there will definitely be still alive …… just not enough power to find!

Even if they were family members of martial artists, they didn’t have that kind of power.

“Dad, mom.”

Luo Feng nodded solemnly, “Don’t worry, I’ll look into all the relatives of our family back then.” This was the first thing he was going to do after becoming an inspector kabuki, and it was also one of the things he did for his parents.

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