Third Chapter 40: Escape

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:51:51
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The red eye was filled with bloodshot, pulsating veins, and it looked eerie. When I looked into it, I suddenly felt as if my soul had been sucked out of my body. I felt nauseous and dizzy, and immediately turned my face away.

Liang Shiyi, however, seemed to be possessed, staring at the bloodshot eye with his eyes fixed and unblinking. I called out to him twice, but he didn’t respond.

Liang Shiyi said, “The Yin Eye of the Candle of Nine Yin is connected to hell. I knew something was wrong, so I quickly grabbed a handful of water and splashed it at him.

But I don’t know if it was because the Candle of Nine Yin suddenly moved forward or what, but the water splashed not on the Master, but on the head of the Candle of Nine Yin.

The Candle of Nine Yin was startled by the splash of water, closed its eyes, and retracted its snake head, as if it was about to attack. I rushed I pressed myself against the bronze tree, and the snake’s head hit the tree, bending all the branches. At this point, I thought of the backpack I had taken from “Old Itch,” and there might be some weapons in it. I quickly flipped the backpack to the front.

There was definitely no gun in his bag, but I remembered that there were some detonators that they had originally used to blow up the tomb wall. Now that I was unarmed, it would be good to have something powerful to deter them.

Candle Nine The snake coiled around the bronze tree. I moved to avoid being seen by it, and then climbed up, grabbing the backpack and reaching inside.

The backpack was full of stuff, so I took out all the food and threw it into the water. Finally, I felt around and found what I thought was a detonator. I looked at it and was stunned. I had been too sloppy when I looked at it earlier. The bundle of stuff was actually a black candle.

At this time the snake’s head had already poked out, and when it saw me, it suddenly folded its neck and assumed an attacking posture.

The average attack speed of a snake is only a quarter of a second, and although this one was a bit bigger, it was probably not much slower. I saw that if I delayed for another second, I would be finished, so I grabbed my backpack and jumped into the water.

However I was still falling too slowly, and suddenly a dark shadow flashed, and the snake’s head shot out and bit me in midair. Then the snake’s body rolled, trying to wrap me into its body.

My I was fumbling around in my bag, and suddenly I felt the signal gun they were using. I was so flustered that I subconsciously pulled the trigger, and a large hole was blown in the backpack. In the chaos, I didn’t know if the signal gun had exploded in the snake’s mouth, but I felt a hot sensation in my hand, and then everything went spinning.

I ” I fell into the water again with a “pop,” surfaced, and looked back. The signal flare in the mouth of the Candle Nine Yin was emitting a white-hot light, and the air was filled with the smell of wax.

The fat in the body of this snake is very flammable, otherwise the ancients would not have hunted it to make candles. But I didn’t expect it to burn like this. What exactly is flowing in its body?

The Candle Nine Yin was in extreme pain and could no longer control us. It kept writhing its body and its huge tail slapped against the rocks. There was already a huge crack on that side, and as it continued to slap, several small cracks spread out, and the entire mountain face kept cracking, as if the entire cave might collapse.

I I don’t know if the Candle Nine Yin will die so easily. I continued to flip through the backpack, and there was nothing useful left. I threw the backpack into the water. At this time, suddenly the underwater rapids overflowed, and the water in the pool rushed toward the crack that the Candle Nine Yin had made.

There are many cave systems in the mountains here. It seems that the mountain behind the crack has been penetrated, and the water does not know where it has gone. I I took one last look at the bronze ancient tree, and looked around for the cool master, but he was already gone. I saw the stones above begin to collapse in large chunks as the water rushed out, and the Candle Nine Yin was even more frantically dancing. I leaned back and was swept into the gap by the current.

The gap It was very deep, and it was pitch black inside. Because it was a collapsed passage, the stones inside were very irregular, and the water created many whirlpools. I was spinning around, bumping into things and scraping against things, and I could barely feel that I was drifting downstream.

After spinning around for about ten minutes, I suddenly felt like I was in free fall, and then I plunged into the water. I quickly struggled to get out and looked around, and I found that the water had already carried me to the underground river where I came from. The the water was much faster than what we had seen earlier. It should be the same as what the cool teacher said, that there had been a heavy rain outside.

Although the water here was very fast, there were not as many whirlpools as in the rock crevices, and the water was a little warm. I was able to control my limbs and began to calculate the situation ahead.

This underground river flows from top to bottom, and I don’t know where it leads to. If it rushes straight into the ground several tens of meters deep, I really have nothing to say. However, according to the direction I came from, if it doesn’t change direction significantly along the way, I estimate that it should flow into the river I crossed on the way here.

Of course, the premise is that everything goes smoothly along the way. I nervously looked ahead, fearing that something would go wrong. At this time, a flash of light caught my eye, and I saw something carved into the river wall of the underground river.

The underground river The underground river channel, judging from the erosion of the rocks, should be as old as the mountain. I saw an opportunity and grabbed a stone pillar hanging from the top. I stopped my body and shone a flashlight at it. I was stunned.

On both sides of the river wall were all the same reliefs as those we saw in the coffin on top of the bronze tree. They were in a continuous painting, some of which had collapsed, but most of them were still well preserved. The lines were bright and smooth, the clothing patterns were elegant, each piece was different, the images were vivid, and they were extremely dynamic.

At At first glance, I knew that these reliefs depicted the process of ancient ethnic minorities worshipping the bronze tree. The scenes were extremely vivid. On one relief, the huge bronze tree was covered with the bodies of slaves, whose blood flowed into the bronze tree and down the ravines above.

A large part of the relief was submerged in water, and everything at the bottom had been washed flat by the water. It seems that there was no water here when they carved it.

From the reliefs the reliefs, the scale of this bronze tree worship was very large. The more I looked, the more I felt strange. Some of the reliefs depicted scenes that were different from the worship, and I couldn’t understand them.

One of the reliefs depicted the ancient ancestors pouring liquid into the bronze tree. Then the next picture shows a “Candle Nine Yin” exactly like the one I just saw coming out of the bronze tree. Many people dressed like warriors surrounded it with bows and arrows and spears, obviously a hunting scene.

According to According to my understanding, this bronze tree should be a special symbol of divine power in ancient times. The “Candle Nine Yin” in the bronze tree was a dragon in ancient times. In some novels, the “Candle Nine Yin” was even raised to the same level as Pangu, and it should be worshiped as a sacred beast. How could the people here hunt it?

I continued to look down, hoping to see the answer from behind. Behind There are also some ritual elements. I can see that all the ancestors are wearing masks and have dull expressions, but in each relief, there is always one person who is particularly well-built. Looking at the person’s clothing and expression, I can basically be sure that this person must be their leader, and should be the original form of the statue I saw on the cliff in Jiazi Valley.

That statue’s head was blown off by the bomb, and I always felt that something was wrong at the time, but I never saw his head along the way, and this time I could take a closer look.

I grabbed the stalactite on the ceiling, leaned close to the rock on the ground, wiped off the stains on it, and looked closely.

The image of the leader in the relief was almost twice as large as the others, like a giant. If the carvings here were based on formal proportions, as I had previously assumed, then this leader might really be this tall.

But strangely, on all these reliefs, the leader has a snake head growing out of his neck, and it doesn’t look like he’s wearing a mask or anything.

Although Although I have some archaeological knowledge, I still have no idea about these things that require a lot of reading and accumulation. I only know that from the surface meaning of these reliefs, I feel that the judgment of the cool counselor at the time may have some deviations. This bronze tree may not have been used purely for sacrifice, but for some kind of hunting ritual. The sacrificed slaves may have been the bait to lure the “Candle Nine Yin” out of the ground.

The bronze The tree goes deep underground, I don’t know how deep. These “Candle Nine Yin” should live in the extremely deep underground. How to live in that place is not something I can consider. I am just curious, what did these ancestors do to hunt “Candle Nine Yin” with such a big fuss?

The reliefs didn’t give me an answer. I saw only some scenes of celebration at the end. How to deal with the “Candle Nine Yin” after it was hunted up was not carved out.

I already knew the basic I already knew the basic situation. I looked at the water level, which was still rising, and had to let go of my hands and continue drifting down with the current.

After so long, the flashlight had become very dim, and finally so dim that it had no lighting effect at all. I simply turned it off and moved with the current in the dark.

This period of time was very difficult. I was washed down some small waterfalls several times, which were not fatal, but inevitably caused me to be bruised and swollen. For a full for several hours, I didn’t know what was around me or where I was going.

I gradually felt desperate, and I didn’t know if I had just turned or entered a fork in the road. If I had judged incorrectly, I might be taking me to the bottom of an endless underground river, and I didn’t know where this river led.

Would it lead to the bottom of the “Candle Nine Yin” life? What kind of place was it? On the other hand, would there be any emperor’s tombs built deep in the underground river?

Just as I was thinking about this when I suddenly saw a glimmer of light ahead. I was so excited that I knew there must be an exit ahead. I hadn’t seen natural light for more than ten hours, so I threw away my flashlight and swam forward.

I speed was very fast. It was only a matter of minutes before my eyes suddenly flashed, then a white light, and I couldn’t see anything. It was so long since I had seen light that my vision was dulled. I cried out in my heart, but at that moment, a familiar feeling suddenly came from under me.

It was free fall again! It was another waterfall!

And from the strength of the water rushing out and the sound coming from underneath, this waterfall must be huge. I don’t know what’s down there. If the water is too shallow, then I’ll die a really unjust death.

I heard a loud noise in my ear, and before I could regain my sight, I had already plunged into the water.

I reached down and immediately felt a rock. Oh no, it was too shallow! As soon as I realized this, my head hit something and I blacked out.

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