Third Volume 21 Chapter 21 The Sacred Tree of Qinling

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:50:51
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Because I fired the pistol with my left hand, and the recoil was so strong that it was frightening, after these shots, I only felt numbness in my hand, and I couldn’t even lift my hand.

I I saw this as an opportunity and hurriedly urged Lao Yi to hurry up. The power of the pistol was great at close range, but the bullets were limited. Even if one shot killed ten, it was still far from enough. I didn’t know if the next shot would have the same effect.

While I was thinking, I had already retreated to the center of the pit. I looked down and sure enough, there was a dark hole in the ground, and faintly visible were the brick layers below the surface of the earth. Lao Yi with difficulty, he shoved the old man into the hole, which was right next to his spine. When he let go, the old man fell down, and then he bent over and jumped down with his hands on the ground.

I was behind him, and I heard the old man calling out to me from inside. I followed his example and jumped into the hole with one hand on the ground.

When I got down I was only half way down when my feet touched the ground. I looked up and saw Lao Yan anxiously waiting for me to come down.

I handed the lighter to Lao Yan and told him to find something to light it with. I picked up some weapons on the ground and used them to block the hole I had fallen through, preventing mice from coming in.

Lao Yan He lit torches on the walls around the tomb and looked around. He found that this was a stone chamber in the style of the Snake Kingdom. The walls of the stone chamber were all made of stone, and there were colorful murals on them. The ceiling was made of stone inlaid with blue bricks. However, because of the dampness, there were traces of mold almost everywhere that the eye could see.

The stone chamber It was very small, and there were no burial objects except for some weapons and tools. There was no coffin in the center of the stone chamber, but there were traces of a coffin on the floor.

In addition, there was no tunnel leading to other places. I couldn’t help but wonder, after a cursory glance, if the tombs that these dead people outside wanted to protect were just such a big, empty place?

Hot air The heat was coming down from above, and we could feel that we were running out of oxygen. The murals were becoming more and more colorful due to the heat, and we dared not look at them. We all knew in our hearts that although we could temporarily save our lives by staying here, it was not a long-term solution.

I drank a few sips of water, then went to see how the old master was doing. I touched his forehead and found that he was burning hot and breathing weakly. It was a symptom of high body temperature. I hurriedly gave him the rest of the half-jug of water. Lao Yi pinched his chin a few times and finally managed to revive him.

The mice outside were already crazy, surrounding the hole and desperately howling, desperately trying to get in. However, the hole was full of sharp bronze weapons, and they couldn’t get in no matter how hard they tried.

Lao Yi After looking around for a few times, he found that there was no exit, so he asked me if there was a secret passage here. If there really wasn’t, we would be steamed to death this time.

I looked around and saw that there was almost no place to set up a mechanism. It was too small and clear at a glance. Just when I was about to say that it was impossible, suddenly there was a crash and something collapsed in the hole.

These The rats couldn’t bite through the bronze, so they started to bite the loose bricks around them. I thought to myself, “These bricks are very strong, but they’re not as strong as metal. If the rats bite them with all their might, they might be able to break through.”

I picked up a spear and pushed the rat back. Then I called out to Lao Yi for help. Lao Yi quickly took off his coat and used his weapon to push it into the gap in the hole.

But His clothes were no use. After a few attempts, the mouse bit a big hole in them, and then a dozen more mice climbed down the pole of the spear.

We quickly let go, and the mice jumped to the ground, not attacking us, but instead rushing towards a corner of the wall.

Lao Yan suddenly realized what was going on and shouted, “Lao Wu, they’re looking for a way to escape!

We We hurried over and found an inconspicuous mouse hole at the foot of the wall.

Lao Yang grabbed a copper hammer from the ground, swung it and smashed it against the wall.

“Damn, it turns out that the secret passage here has to be smashed!” Lao Yang cried out, and smashed the hole with a few more hammers. The two of us carried the coolie and climbed in.

The stone chamber next door was not decorated in any way, except that there was a square shaft in the center of the stone chamber that led to a deeper place below. There was no water below, and the rats didn’t stop, jumping directly into the shaft.

Behind the sound of the tomb’s brick ceiling cracking came from behind. Looking back, I saw that the lead water used to seal the bricks had softened, and the tomb here would soon collapse. I and Lao Yang decided to follow the old rat into the well.

The well had a slight slope, and I slid all the way down, falling heavily and then rolling again, falling to a flat surface. Thinking Lao Yang and Lang Shiye were right behind me, so I quickly moved to the side. Sure enough, Lao Yang fell on his butt where I had just been standing, and then Lang Shiye fell on top of him, making him scream in pain.

Then there was a loud roar, followed by violent shaking. The tomb finally collapsed from the fire, and hot stones poured down from where we had fallen, smashing down on us.

Lao Yang sat up with his head in his hands and asked me, “What place is this?”

I held up the torch that Lao Yang had brought from the tomb chamber and looked around. It was still a square well, but it was lying on its side. “It’s a drainage well in the ancient tomb. It’s part of the drainage system.”

Lao Yang looked around at the complicated well and asked, “So where are we going now?”

I looked I looked at him and thought to myself, “How would I know?” At this time, a few rats slid down from above and jumped off Lao Yang’s shoulder, running into the passage in front of them.

I was moved and hurriedly said, “Follow them!” and quickly chased after them.

The rats climbed very quickly, and soon took us through several turns, and we almost couldn’t keep up with them. We crawled after them, and after ten minutes of hard work, suddenly, a breeze blew in from the front, and the rats disappeared in a flash. Before I knew what was going on, I felt my feet go out from under me, and I almost rolled out of the drain.

I didn’t know what the environment was like outside, so I quickly rolled over and stood up. At this time, Lao Yao and the others also fell out after me. It was pitch black, so I quickly held up a torch to shine it.

The surroundings suddenly became clear. It was not a tomb, but the bottom of a huge circular shaft, with a diameter of more than 60 meters, and a deep pit at the bottom. There were fireplaces around the stone shaft, and I lit a few of them to make it brighter.

The walls of the shaft clearly showed signs of excavation, so it was clear that the circular shaft was man-made. But what were they digging so deep for? Could it be part of the quarry above?

I could I could vaguely see something huge standing in the center of the pit, but the light was not good enough to see clearly. The temperature here was very high, and a hot gust of wind blew down from above, making people dizzy and unsteady on their feet.

I held up my torch and let Lao Yi carry the cool master into the pit. Under the light of the torch, the situation in the pit was clear.

In the pit were all the stone heads of the people I saw outside, almost a hundred of them. The heads were all dried up. In the middle of the pit was a large bronze pillar about ten meters in diameter. At first glance, it looked like a curved bronze wall that went straight up, high and unreachable.

The base of the bronze pillar was inserted straight into the stone at the bottom of the pit, as if it had grown out of there, cracking the surrounding rocks into many cracks.

The bronze There were also many small but uneven copper rods on top of the bronze pillar, very similar to the one Lao Yi was carrying. I estimated that there were no less than a thousand of them, and I didn’t know how many more there were. The shape of the entire bronze pillar was like a tree growing out of the stone, with branches and leaves, and it was straight into the ground.

Liangshi Master Liang looked at it with a chill in his heart, got off Lao Yang’s back, and said, “The people who built this must have wanted to dig up this bronze tree. Look at the traces of excavation on the edge here. They dug to the bottom of the mountain and still didn’t find the end. Then this bronze pillar, I wonder how deep it is buried in the ground.”

I looked I was also chilled to the bone. Such a huge metal object had long exceeded the level of smelting at the time. The ancestors of the She people could not have had such technology. But if they didn’t make it, then who put the bronze tree here? Did it grow out of hell?

At this time, the cool master suddenly patted me on the back. I turned around and saw that Lao Yang, who had not spoken all along, was staring at the bronze tree and walked straight over.

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