Volume 1 Chapter 11 The Seven Star Coffin

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:46:11
A+ A- Turn Off Light

I took a closer look at the shadow, just in time to see it lower its head. When it raised its head, it became enormous, almost wider than its shoulders. This kind of fear is really indescribable. I felt my scalp tingle and uncontrollably shouted, “There’s a ghost!”

Everyone turned to look at me. I couldn’t stop shouting. I pointed at the shadow and turned my head. Almost at the same time, I saw the owner of the shadow. It was a monster with a huge head! was holding a strange weapon. In the semi-darkness, the deformed, large head was much more terrifying than any monster you could imagine. The oil lamp was picked up and shone on the monster, and we saw its true face. It was like… like a person putting a large pot on his head… Damn, your grandfather.

My My extreme fear immediately turned into extreme anger. It turned out to be a person, wearing a large pot on his head, holding a flashlight in his hand, and posing like an Egyptian. There were two holes in the pot, and two evil eyes looked out through the holes, which was very annoying.

The scene was very awkward for a while. We couldn’t figure out whether this person was an enemy or a friend. At the same time, we were also scared by this guy. Our brains hadn’t reacted yet, and in the end, Pan Zi cursed, “Fuck you, I’ll shoot you!” After that and went to get his gun. The guy saw that we were angry and yelled, “My God!” He also ran away very quickly, directly running into the aisle where we came from. Pan Zi was not polite, cocked his gun, and then fired a shot, shattering the pot on the man’s head, leaving only a trap around his neck. The man ran and cursed, “You’re fucking looking for death. See how your grandfather will come back and fix you.” As he said he disappeared like he had oil on his feet.

Muyoubing looked at him and said, “We can’t let him go to our cave. If he touches that coffin, he’s finished!” He then took out the black gold ancient knife from his bag and chased after him into the darkness without mentioning a miner’s lamp.

Pan Zi I wanted to go and help, but Uncle San pulled me back, saying, “You can’t help him. Go and check the two ear chambers to see where he came from.”

I hurried walked to the right ear chamber and saw a hole dug directly from the stone wall. There was also a candle in the corner, which was burning there and emitting a faint green light. I let out a sigh. It turned out that the guy was a gold digger. I saw a bag on the ground, which looked like he had dropped it here. When I opened it, there were some tools, a few batteries, and There was also a sketch of this ancient tomb. Although it was very rough, I could tell at a glance that the squares inside represented the seven coffins. There were many words written on the side of the sketch, all different notes. It seems that they were written by several people when they were discussing here. There was a big question mark written on the side of the sketch, and then a few words were written—Seven Star Suspicious Coffin.

I I couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous. I seemed to have seen this Seven Star Suspicious Coffin somewhere before. I thought about it and remembered that my grandfather had mentioned it in his notebook. This Seven Star Suspicious Coffin, except for one that is real, the others either have traps or extremely strange tricks. In short, if you open the wrong one, the traps or spells in the suspicious coffins will be triggered, and it will definitely be extremely dangerous. Look at that The foreigner, who probably didn’t understand the situation, thought that there were treasures in every coffin, but he ended up being trapped. I don’t know what dragged him into the coffin, but his partner, probably seeing his companion being killed, panicked and fled from the tomb chamber, then dug another hole in the corridor and fled in a panic.

Analysis Here, I myself think it makes perfect sense. I took the map and wanted to tell my third uncle. But when I walked out, I realized that there was only one miner’s lamp left outside. This one had been in the water in the corpse cave, and now it was bright and dark, and it was very difficult to use. My third uncle and Da Kui were gone! I went to another ear chamber to take a look, but I didn’t see them. So I picked up the miner’s lamp and shouted, “Third uncle!!”

According to the I thought they couldn’t have left me behind and gone off on their own. I first suspected that something had happened to them, but there had been no sound of fighting. With the skills of Pan Zi and the others, they would have been able to scream even if they had encountered any monsters!

But Apart from the echo, no one answered me. This dark, gloomy tomb, the seven cold coffins, and the strange corpse immediately forced me back to reality. I suddenly remembered that I was not a professional grave robber, and I could not stay in the tomb alone. Even if there were no monsters, my imagination could already drive me to death!

I yelled again, hoping that someone would answer me immediately, but there was still silence. This At this moment, the miner’s lamp in my hand suddenly flashed, as if it was going to go out. I broke into a cold sweat and my mind began to spin.

If it had been quiet, I might have been able to calm down slowly, but unfortunately, at this moment, I suddenly heard a clatter from one of the stone coffins. I didn’t know which of the seven had made the sound, but I felt dizzy and my heart was pounding in my throat. I backed up against the wall, and suddenly, something flashed. I turned around and saw that the candle in the next chamber had gone out.

I sighed I sighed, thinking to myself, “I didn’t take anything from you, why did you blow out the light for me? I looked back at the sarcophagi, and the ancient corpse in the sarcophagus that had already been opened had actually sat up. The corpse of the foreigner was also taken up by it, as if the two corpses had sat up together. At least it didn’t look back at me.

I I dared not look again, closed my eyes, moved cautiously along the wall with trembling legs, and then darted into the ear room.

My grandfather wrote in his notes that his heart trick for practicing courage was to pretend that it never happened if you couldn’t see it. I thought so too. Otherwise, looking at the two thousand-year-old ancient corpses sitting there, I simply couldn’t think. I put I put the miner’s lamp in the corner to keep the light from shining outside, then I desperately rummaged through the bag left behind by the fat man to see what else was inside. After a long time, I found a few compressed biscuits and some other papers with a lot of things and drawings written on them. It seems that he brought all the important things with him. Because There was no light outside now, it was pitch black, and I didn’t know what the corpse was doing. If it just kept getting up and lying down, exercising its abs, I wouldn’t be afraid of it. I was just afraid that it wouldn’t know better and come over.

At this At this moment, a gust of wind blew in from the cave, and I immediately had a flash of inspiration. I thought to myself, “This hole must lead to the outside, or else it would lead to somewhere else. No matter where it leads, it’s better than being here. I carved a mark on the edge of the hole so that if Uncle San came back and saw it, he would know that I had gone into the hole. Then he picked up the miner’s lamp, packed up the fat man’s bag, put it on his back, and went in.

As I climbed, I recalled the common sense my grandfather told me when I was young, such as ancient round and near square, Qinling Han slope, nine shallow and one deep, oh no, damn it. I shook my head and realized that I actually knew very little about this. I looked I looked at the hole, which was neither round nor square, and wondered when it had been dug. I thought to myself, if the kid with the pot on his head had dug this tunnel himself, then when he knocked on the tomb bricks, he would have either triggered the mechanism, or at least made some noise. But when he came in, we barely noticed him. That must mean that the hole had been there for a long time, which means that the hole must have been dug by another group of people, or he had dug it a long time ago. I deduced that either this kid came down from someone else’s tunnel, or he dug a tunnel that ran into this one. After crawling for a while, I saw a fork in the tunnel. I deduced that either this kid came down from someone else’s tunnel, or he dug his own tunnel and it ran into this one.

After climbing for a while, I saw a fork in the tunnel. The two tunnels were completely different in style, so they must have been dug by two different groups of people. I thought that either tunnel would lead to the outside, so I just picked one at random. In order to make sure that Uncle San could find me, I drew a mark on the tunnel I chose, and then climbed in.

At this point I was already looking forward to a breath of fresh air and a full moon. It would be best if I could stick my head out of the hole and see a fire burning. The people who were waiting for me would see me, pull me up, let me into the tent, and then I would eat some dry food, sleep well, Then my uncle and the others would find me and we would go home together. I’m really fed up with this. Other people spend their whole lives digging and only meet a few white-haired or black-haired people. I’ve dug for the first time and everywhere I go there are zongzi, not even letting me catch my breath. I’m not easy. Thinking I thought it would be best if the person waiting for me up there was a woman, and then she could give me a shoulder rub or something.

I was so full of energy that I sped up my movements. Soon I saw a light in front of me. I was overjoyed. The darkness before dawn! I used all four limbs to thrust my head out, really wanting to take a deep breath.

The bigger the hope, the greater the disappointment. In front of me was another tomb passage, very similar to the one I had passed through on the way here. It looked like this tomb was very complicated!

I I couldn’t help but curse, and I used the miner’s lamp to shine around. I looked carefully and I was dumbfounded. Isn’t this the same tomb passage I came in? How come this tunnel is connected to that one? At first we thought someone dug this tunnel to escape.

I was really confused and couldn’t think of the purpose of the person who dug this tunnel.

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