Volume 1 chapter 14: The Buried Oil Bottle

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:46:21
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The kid coughed once and said, “Comrades, I’ve caused you trouble. It looks like we’re going to meet Marx. I, Fatty, have never been afraid of anything, but I never thought I’d die like this.”

He was wearing a black rat suit, so in the dark I couldn’t see his body shape. I took a closer look and sure enough, he was a fat, white guy. I really didn’t think such a fat guy could be a tomb raider.

Pan Zi curses, “Fat ass, where the hell did you come from? I really want to beat the shit out of you!”

I looked at the fire lighter and it was almost out, I almost cried, and said, “You guys have to think of something, otherwise whoever beats the shit out of whoever will be the bugs’ advantage!”

Pan Zi looked around, handed the short gun to the fat man, then handed the fire lighter to me, and said, “Originally, we could have burned the clothes to buy some time, but the fire from the lighter was too weak. We might have died before the lighter even caught fire. I’ll count to three. I’ll attract the bugs, and you guys run to the wall and climb up as a human ladder. There’s definitely enough time. I’m fast, so I’ll run back over to you once you’re up. We can’t waste a second!”

Before Before I could refuse, Pan Zi jumped up and threw himself into the pile of corpses. Immediately, the corpses surged up like a tide, and there was indeed a path in front of us. I yelled that I wanted to save him, and the fat man grabbed me and said, “Go up!”

He dragged me a few steps, and I took advantage of the momentum to climb up, then reached out and pulled him up.

I I looked down and saw that Pan Zi was covered in worms and was writhing in pain on the ground. I almost cried out, but the fat guy yelled, “Get up, it’s just a few steps! Hurry!” But Pan Zi was already unable to get up. Worms had already started to crawl into his mouth. He tried to stand up several times, but he was knocked to the ground. I really didn’t expect these worms to be so aggressive. Pan Zi curled up and looked at us yelling from above. He shook his head in misery.

Finally His face was covered with maggots. I saw him stretch out his hand and make a gun gesture. His hand was already full of wounds. I knew he wanted us to kill him.

The fat guy couldn’t bear to watch anymore. He gritted his teeth and yelled, “Brother, I’m sorry!”

Just At this time, suddenly there was another sound of the mechanism above, and another person jumped down from above. Note that this person jumped down, not fell down, so he landed very steadily, but the weight of the landing was very heavy. He bent over to cushion the impact, supported himself with one hand, and let out a breath. The corpses were stunned at first, and then suddenly they started to bump around like crazy, desperately trying to get away from this person. The large bugs that had originally surged like a tide also retreated like a tide at this time, disappearing into the depths of several grooves on the wall.

I took a closer look I looked carefully and couldn’t help but be overjoyed. Isn’t this guy the Mian Youping? The fat guy also screamed, “Oh my god, this guy is still alive!” However, when I looked closely, I felt that it wasn’t good. I saw that his clothes were all torn and his whole body was covered in blood. It looked like he had been seriously injured. Mian You Bottle saw Pan Zi, who was already dying on the ground, and quickly picked him up. We saw that we were saved and quickly reached down to grab Pan Zi and Mian Youbing, pulling them up.

This was a complete turnaround from the situation just a moment ago, when we were in a hopeless situation. We wanted to check Pan Zi’s injuries, but Mian Youbing waved his hand and said, “Hurry up, it’s coming after us.”

Although I didn’t understand what he meant, but the fat guy jumped up, and it looked like he really felt it. He picked Pan up on his back. I picked up Pan’s miner’s lamp and led the way, and the four of us ran straight into the depths of the stone path.

I don’t know how long we ran, I couldn’t tell how many turns we made, and Mian Youbing grabbed the fat guy and said, “It’s okay, the design of the stone path here is a bit strange, it shouldn’t be able to catch up in a short time.” We stopped, only to find that we were sweating profusely. I hurriedly asked them what that thing was, but Mung Youbing sighed and didn’t answer me. He just laid Pan Zi flat on the ground. I thought to myself, “Right, the most important thing now is to see how badly Pan Zi is injured.”

Pan Zi was really badly injured this time. He had cuts all over his body. If we wrapped him in bandages, even if there were enough bandages, he would become a mummy. I looked I looked at him. Fortunately, most of the wounds were not deep, but there were several on his neck and abdomen that could be fatal. It seemed that these bugs were very good at attacking soft places on people. I remembered the corpse that I had touched earlier, and it was also bitten most severely on the abdomen.

Muyoubing pressed his abdominal cavity with his hand and pulled out the black gold ancient knife from his waist, saying, “Help me hold him down.”

I was shocked and had an ominous premonition. I hurriedly asked, “What are you going to do?”

He stared at Pan Zi’s belly, like a butcher looking at his victim. He used his two unusually long fingers to swipe around the wound, saying to me, “There’s one in his belly.”

“No way.” I looked at him suspiciously, then at the fat man, who was already holding Pan Zi’s foot. “From the way you’re acting, I believe him more.”

I could only I could only hold Pan’s hand, and Mung Youbing stabbed the wound in his stomach with a knife, then inserted his fingers into the wound at lightning speed, poking and prodding, and then he pulled out a greenish corpse. These movements were very fast, but Pan was still in so much pain that he arched his back. He was extremely strong, and I could barely hold him down.

“This one suffocated to death in his stomach.” Mung Youbing Bottle threw the worm corpse away, “The wound is too deep. If it is not disinfected, it may become infected and cause a lot of trouble.”

The fat man took the bullet out of the gun and said, “Why don’t we learn from the advanced experience of the American people and use this bullet where it is really needed? We can unscrew the bullet and burn his wound with gunpowder?”

Pan Zi grabbed the fat man’s foot and bit his teeth in pain, “I wasn’t shot! want to burn off my intestines?” He took a bundle of bandages out of his pants pocket, which still had traces of blood on them. It looked like they had been removed from his head wound. He said, ‘Luckily I didn’t throw them away. Tie them on me first. Tie them tight. This wound is nothing!’

The fat guy said, ‘Individual heroism is not fashionable these days, comrade. I’ve seen your intestines. Don’t be stubborn.’ After saying that he was about to do it. Pan Zi and I hurriedly stopped him. I said, “Don’t be rash. If the bullet burns his internal organs, it’s over. Let’s wrap it up first.”

The fat guy He thought it was a good idea, so we hurriedly helped Pan Zi to bandage his wound. Then we tore off some cloth from my clothes and wrapped it around him. Pan Zi was in so much pain that he almost fainted. I was very moved when I saw him leaning against the wall, gasping for breath. If I hadn’t dropped the lighter, he probably wouldn’t have gotten into this situation.

At this moment, I remembered something and asked the fat guy, “By the way, who the hell are you?”

The fat just wanted to speak, and Mung Youbing made a gesture to not make a sound. I immediately heard a creepy gurgling sound coming from the side of the aisle.

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