Volume 1 Chapter 15: Fart

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:46:24
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The fat man raised the short gun with only one bullet, gesturing to Mung Youbing, as if to say, “Why don’t we fight it out?” Mung Youbing Bottle waved his hand to disagree, and then asked us to do the same, covering our noses. He covered Pan Zi’s nose with one hand and turned off the miner’s lamp with the other.

Immediately, we were plunged into absolute darkness. All I could hear was the terrifying sound of gurgling and my own rapid heartbeat. During this time, all my attention was focused on the sound. I could hear it getting closer and closer, and a very peculiar fishy smell was in the air.

I was so scared I was so scared that I almost couldn’t breathe. The sound was getting clearer and clearer, and I felt like a death row inmate waiting to die. Suddenly, in a trance, the sound suddenly disappeared! I shuddered. Did it find us?

After five or six minutes, an extremely eerie but clear gurgling sound suddenly appeared beside us. It was so real, my God, almost right next to my ear! My scalp went numb, and I desperately held my mouth shut to prevent myself from screaming.

I was in a state of extreme agony for several minutes, my mind a blank, not knowing whether I would live or die. After another thirty seconds or so, the sound finally began to move away. Suddenly, “puff,” I don’t know which son of a bitch actually let out a fart at this time.

The sound suddenly disappeared, and at the same time, the mine light came on. I immediately saw a huge strange face almost pressed against my nose, and two eyes without pupils staring straight at my eyes. I was so scared that I stumbled and took a few steps back. At this time, the fat guy yelled, “Run!” He seemed clumsy, but in fact he was very agile. He rolled over on the ground, picked up Pan Zi, and ran away. I followed him, yelling at him, “You fat bastard, did you fart?”

The fat guy’s face turned red. “Damn it! Which eye did you see me fart with?”

I was really annoyed. “I said, you’re a real disaster!” At this moment, At this moment, I suddenly heard the fat guy in front of me yell, “Ah…”

I was shocked and just wanted to ask him what the hell, but suddenly I felt my feet go empty and I also yelled, “Ah…” It turned out that I had not taken the miner’s lamp with me and had taken a few turns, so I could hardly see anything. At this moment, the road under my feet seemed to have suddenly disappeared. I couldn’t see below and didn’t know how deep it was, so I felt like I was falling into an abyss.

However That feeling was quickly replaced by a sharp pain in my butt. I was dizzy, and suddenly there was a flash of light. The fat guy had turned on his wolf-eye flashlight. I looked and saw that it was another stone room, very simple, very similar to the one where we had just fought the zombies, but because of the difference in size, I knew it was definitely not the same one. But the fat guy was very nervous at this time, saying, “It’s really a narrow road, and it won’t be bitten by bugs here again, will it?”

I thought With the oil lamp, at least we don’t have to worry about bugs. I looked back and saw that he was gone! Could it be that he had taken a different route? I quickly recalled that during the chaos, I hadn’t noticed whether he had followed us. I thought to myself, that monster is something I don’t know, how could he let us run away? He must have helped us block it in the back. I don’t know if he is more likely to die.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that it is very bad. the more I thought about it, the more I felt that it was not good. If it went on like this, sooner or later we would be dead. The fat man checked around, then put the pan in the corner and sat down himself, rubbing his buttocks and saying, “Right, I have to ask you something. Are you also looking for the ghost seal?”

I heard this and was puzzled. “Is it true that there is such a thing?”

The fat man listened carefully and seemed to hear nothing chasing after him. He whispered to me, “What? You don’t know anything and you dare to go down to this tomb? Do you Do you know what this King Lu Shang did?“

I heard that it seemed that I could get something out of his mouth, so I asked, ‘Isn’t he just a small prince, but I heard that he could borrow the Yin soldiers to fight.’

”Bullshit ,” the fat man looked at me contemptuously. ‘I’m telling you, this so-called King Lu and the so-called borrowing of the army of the dead to fight in battle are actually a big lie. The hidden mystery in this ancient tomb, if I don’t tell you, you won’t be able to guess it even if you rack your brains.’

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