Volume 1 Chapter 16 Little Hands

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:46:27
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I have accumulated a lot of experience in reading people in my years of dealing in antiques and rubbings. This line of work tests your eyesight the most. You have to be able to see things and people. As soon as I saw this fat guy, I knew he wasn’t a real person. If you want to get information from someone like this, it’s better to provoke him than to say nice things. So I pretended not to believe him at all and said, “You’re talking like you know. If you really knew, would you be here bumping around like a headless fly?”

The fat guy The fat guy suddenly remembered that Uncle San had also said something similar, but I didn’t really understand how they figured it out. The fat man continued, “But they are better than us. They have been buried and buried, and it is recorded in the silk book that most of the troops of the Lu Shuang Wang rest during the day and march at night and often the whole army would disappear all of a sudden, then suddenly appear in another place. And the places they went to were often “graves that were dilapidated. When asked, they would say that the spirits of the dead had all come out.” You say that we materialist proletarian revolutionaries would never believe that there are such things as spirits of the dead in the world! They must have been digging up graves and tombs everywhere. If someone discovered that the soil had been disturbed, they would say that King Lu Shang had borrowed the souls of the tomb owners, and so the rumor of the Yin soldiers spread. People at that time were very superstitious about these things, and later it became legendary.

I don’t believe it very much. I said, “You’re making this conclusion based on this information, which is a bit too arbitrary.”

The fat guy glared at me, blaming me for interrupting, and said, “Of course there is more than just this evidence. The most direct evidence is that the Seven Star Suspicious Coffins were first used by tomb robbers because they were afraid of the same fate after death after robbing countless tombs. They thought that no matter how sophisticated the mechanism was, it could not stop tomb robbers. The only way was to make them indecisive and unable to act! The seven coffins, except for the real main coffin, the other six, no matter which is opened by mistake, are nine deaths and one life, and there is either a hidden crossbow or a wicked spell. After the Song Dynasty, this trick was gradually developed by some clever people. This design came from an ignoble profession, and ordinary people found it inauspicious, and the cost of putting seven coffins in one tomb was too high.

I looked This fat guy looks very rough and careless, but I didn’t expect him to have such profound knowledge. I couldn’t help but feel a bit of respect. But I think he hasn’t finished yet, so I asked, “According to what you said, is there any way to tell which one is the main coffin?” The fat guy patted me on the back, probably seeing my change in attitude, and said very proudly, “You little comrade is quite studious, so I’ll be like Confucius and never tire of teaching. Listen carefully, there is a way to tell the Seven Star Coffin! we have our own rules. When people encounter a Seven Star Coffin, they will bow a few times and leave of their own accord. The ancestors will not blame them. In the past During the chaotic years of war, some Taoist priests who moved mountains had no way to make a living, and finally broke the rules. At that time, there was a wise man who came up with a way to break the situation. That was to use two pry bars to lift up one corner of the coffin, then drill a small hole in the bottom of the coffin, and use an iron hook to see what was hooked out. In this way, you can determine what is in the coffin.

I I couldn’t help but sigh. The battle of wits between the tomb raider and the designer is really worthy of a book. The fat man suddenly came over mysteriously and said to me, “But I’m afraid that the seven stone coffins here are all fake, and I’m afraid that this tomb of King Lu is all fake.”

He used his wolf’s-eye to look at the stone passage we had just fallen into to see if anything was crawling over, and then continued: “I couldn’t figure out why at all, but when I fell into this stone maze, I suddenly realized that this was actually a Western Zhou tomb.” I was shocked: “Could it be that the craftsmen dug this escape passage?”

At this At this time, Pan Zi cursed in the corner: “I told you long ago that this could not possibly be an escape tunnel. Who has ever seen an escape tunnel dug like a maze? Who would have the good taste to do that?” I was greatly confused, and it seemed that something was on my mind but I couldn’t grasp the point: “How could anyone build their own tomb on top of someone else’s tomb? Isn’t that trying to cut off one’s descendants?”

The fat man touched his mouth and said, “You are also a grave robber, so you naturally know about feng shui. We grave robbers are most disdainful of feng shui. Besides guiding us in our grave robbing, I really don’t see any other use for it. Feng shui is a study, but the study of the ancients, the study of the dead, is irrelevant to us young people of socialism.” He patted his chest, “And, this is buried in someone else’s tomb, feng shui also has such a saying, seems to be called … called … what is it called … hidden dragon hole, anyway, is similar to a name, these superficial names we do not have to go to it, anyway, buried in someone else’s tomb, as long as you numerology with the layout, is also very likely, so, the Lu Xiang Wang’s coffin, must be hidden in this Western Zhou tomb, absolutely no mistake!

Pan Zi After hearing this, Pan Zi burst out laughing and said, “What, with your bear-like appearance, you can also understand feng shui?”

The fat man was furious: “What do you understand? If I don’t understand… how can I know so much?” Pan Zi laughed heartily, but the wound hurt when he laughed, so he couldn’t help covering his stomach and said, “I don’t know where you heard this nonsense. If you really understand feng shui, will you take us out of this maze? I I couldn’t find the way after turning around seven or eight times.”

As I listened to Pan Zi, I remembered something and asked, ‘Right, how did you guys leave me behind and run away? You know I was almost scared to death! Where are Uncle San and the others?’

Pan Zi straightened up with difficulty and said, “I’m not sure either. At that time, the little brother went after the fat guy. Although Uncle San told me not to go after him, I thought that if the kid got nervous, it must be something important. Moreover, there’s something I didn’t tell you. I always felt that the kid’s purpose for following us was not pure. I didn’t trust him very much, and I wanted to take a look, so I followed him up.” He frowned He frowned and said, “I ran for a few minutes, and suddenly I saw something in the tomb passage in front of me. I shone my flashlight at it, and it disappeared in a flash. I got a little nervous and walked over to the place. At this time, I saw that there was a human hand about the length of a finger in the gap between the stones.”

The fat man was shocked, and his mouth moved as if he wanted to say something, but he didn’t make a sound in the end.

Pan Zi recalled all the details of that time, saying, “So I went over to take a look. You know I can’t control my curiosity. I wanted to try the poop. Now I think about it and I’m really a little scared. I really didn’t expect that thing that looked like a hand to suddenly rush out and grab my neck. It was so strong that it almost suffocated me. I didn’t know what to do at that time. Fortunately I was lucky to have a military knife on me. I kicked and flailed about, trying to cut the hand off. I found that the wrist was surprisingly thin, almost as thick as a finger. I don’t know where it got its strength from. I cut it with one stroke, and it made a long cut. The hand immediately let go and retreated into the wall.” Pan Zi He touched his neck and said, “I thought to myself, there must be something strange behind this wall, so I went to check the wall. I knocked on it left and right, and suddenly I don’t know what I pressed, and I fell down!” He patted the wall and said, “After that, you also know, I fell into a stone room just like this one, and then I found the stone path. Fortunately, I am good at acrobatics, and I jumped for a long time, and finally jumped up. Otherwise, I really don’t know when I will meet the third young master.”

“Then So you don’t know where Uncle San and the others are either?” I sighed. Pan Zi had obviously just learned that Uncle San and the others had disappeared, and he also looked very worried. I turned to the fat man and asked him, ‘Fat man, how did you get down here? Tell me the truth. Did you provoke that ghost thing?’ The fat man said: “Hey, if you say that, I’m even more wronged than Su San. When I got there, that old man who came out of nowhere had already gotten the monster out. The kid who was following me saw it and shouted, ‘Oh no!’ and ran away. I looked at it and thought that if I had to fight the monster, I probably wouldn’t lose. But the revolutionary fire had to be preserved, and I hadn’t finished the task the organization had given me, so I turned and ran too. After running for a while, After a while, I saw the little guy stop in front of me and tell me to stand there. I didn’t understand what was going on, but then he kicked the wall and I fell down. I thought he was going to save me, but I didn’t expect so many bugs down there. Damn it,” he said, looking around as if he was afraid that more bugs would crawl out and bite him.

Pan Zi looked at me and said, ‘You see, this kid seems to know a lot about this ancient tomb. There must be something wrong.’ I I always thought that the stuffy oil bottle was good, because as long as he was there, I felt very safe, but after Pan Zi said that, I also felt that along the way, that guy seemed to know too much, as if he could predict everything, and I couldn’t help but doubt it. In my bag there were a few compressed biscuits that I had found at the fat guy’s place. I remembered that I hadn’t eaten for a long time, so I took them out and we all ate a little. Pan Zi ate very little, saying that if his intestines had already been worn through, eating too much would also leak out, so he left it for us to eat because he didn’t know when we would be able to get out. After he said that, although the fat guy really wanted to eat, he didn’t dare to eat too much. I told them about the things I had encountered again, and they gradually relaxed.

We We were silent for a while, and then we talked about other things. Fat Man said that sitting around like this was no solution, so we might as well try our luck in the stone tunnel. Pan Zi thought the same way, so we decided to rest a little longer before setting off again.

I was I dozed off, half asleep and half awake, when suddenly I saw the fat guy winking at me. I already thought this fat guy was very unreliable, a bit schizophrenic. Who would think of putting a pot on their head to scare people in an ancient tomb? This kind of person either has too much guts or too little brains. Now We have one person seriously injured here, and three people are missing. Under these circumstances, he can still make faces at me. If I still had the strength, I would definitely rush up and give him a slap.

But at this time, I noticed that even Pan Zi was winking at me. I thought, “Scary, can a mental illness be contagious?” I saw the two of them keep slapping their left shoulders and moving their mouths, as if they were saying, “Hand, hand!” I looked I saw cold sweat dripping down their heads. I was very surprised, so I looked at my own hands. There was nothing unusual about them. Could it be my shoulder? I turned my head casually and suddenly noticed a small green hand resting on my shoulder.

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