Volume 1 chapter 19: The Corpse

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:46:37
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The look in his eyes was really creepy, and I stared at him too, not knowing how to react. I was hanging here like a sausage, and there was no way I could run. I could only pray and try to think of a way to break free. But after hanging there for fifteen minutes, the armored corpse didn’t move at all, not even his eyes. I couldn’t help but wonder if it was my own imagination. But that strange look just staring at you, even a fairy would feel uncomfortable. I I didn’t want to look at him, and I thought I had to find a way to get down quickly. Hanging upside down like this all the time, my brain was about to burst.

I used used all my strength to lift my head and found that my body was in a terrible state, almost all covered in bruises. My feet were entangled in a vine. When I turned my head again, I couldn’t help but gasp. As far as I could see, the place was covered all kinds of bodies, and I couldn’t see the end of them. It wasn’t just a few dozen or a few hundred bodies, I estimated there must be tens of thousands. These bodies were swaying in the wind, looking like wind chimes made of many bones. This feeling was very uncomfortable.

I looked I took a closer look and found that there were both human and animal corpses inside. Most of them had completely dried up, and a few of them were also very badly decayed. The air was filled with a stench from time to time. And large and small flies were densely packed on these corpses, nibbling on them. I was relieved that I had specially brought some blood from the oil bottle from Pan Zi to smear on my body. Although this was a bit mean, it was better than having no arms or legs.

At this I thought of the fat guy, who, like me, had also been caught by the ghost vine, and I couldn’t help but worry about him. But when I looked out, I could see nothing but vines. I could only feel a digital camera, and there was nothing else I could use. I was annoyed, when suddenly the vines on my feet loosened, and I sank down, almost thinking I was going to fall. I quickly put my hands down to protect my head, but I didn’t expect it to just loosen a little and then stop. When I opened my eyes, my face was almost touching the face of the female corpse face, and if I had gone down a little more, I would have been face-to-face with her. I was so scared that I quickly tucked my mouth in and tried to shrink my neck. At this moment, I glanced at her and suddenly saw a small dagger at the waist of the armored corpse next to her. I was overjoyed and thought to myself, “This fairy, I am now in a desperate situation. I asked your friend to lend me a small knife. He wouldn’t mind, right?” Thinking , I twisted my waist and reached out for the dagger with all my might. I swung it back and forth a couple of times, and then suddenly I exerted all my strength and grabbed the handle of the dagger. I pulled it out with all my might, but the dagger was so tightly attached that not only did I not pull it out, but I also ripped the belt of the armored corpse off.

I looked at it and thought, “Oh no, I ripped off the belt of the corpse, and now it’s not going to turn against me?” I quickly I used my legs to hold the scabbard and pulled the sword out with all my strength. The blade flashed with a cold light, and I knew it was a good sword. I said to myself, “Heaven helps me,” and then I used all my strength to climb up. With just one cut, I cut the vines . At that time, I was only thinking about cutting the vines, and I didn’t think about what was underneath. When the vines broke and I fell, it was too late to regret it. It took only a fraction of a second, and I was already lying on top of the female corpse.

To be honest To be honest, I was lucky that I stopped myself the moment I landed and didn’t press down on her, otherwise I would have pressed her corpse into the ground and made her shit. But the inertia was too great, and I couldn’t keep my distance from the corpse. My face was pressed against hers, and I felt cold, so cold that my hair stood on end. I was I was stunned, thinking, “Will a tongue come out of her mouth and go straight into my throat, sucking out my organs and lungs?” I was relieved to think that it was a female ghost, and that she wasn’t too bad-looking. If it had been a male ghost, I would have been disgusted.

But after I stayed there for a long time, but I didn’t see a tongue sticking out. I thought to myself that I was lucky to have met a reasonable host, so I slowly raised my head and tried to sneak away. Just as I raised my head halfway, suddenly a fragrant breeze blew, and the two arms of the female corpse suddenly rested on my shoulders. I was stunned, and the whole person was scared stiff. At this At this time, the corpse next to me also made a clunking sound. I heard it and thought, “Dude, it’s your wife who won’t let me go, not me who is flirting with her. Don’t get it wrong!”

I turned around and saw that I had just pulled off his belt, and a piece of armor had fallen off. I couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. The only thing I could be thankful for now was that it was this female corpse that was holding onto me, not the monster next door. Otherwise, I would have definitely peed my pants.

For a dozen seconds, stuck like this for more than ten seconds, seeing that she was not going to make any further moves, I couldn’t help but want to sneak my head out from under her arm. But as soon as I moved, her hand also moved with my neck, she went forward when I went forward, and she went backward when I went backward. I was determined to break free from her, and then roll over and escape, but I didn’t expect her hand to be so tight. I raised my head, and I actually pulled her up to sit up. Moreover a shock, the mouth of the female corpse opened, revealing a thing she had in her mouth.

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