Volume 1 Chapter 20 The key

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:46:40
A+ A- Turn Off Light

I looked down and saw that it was supposed to be a copper key with a bead inlaid. The bead was dark green and must be extraordinary. I couldn’t tell what it was made of, but I knew that the ancients sometimes put beads in people’s mouths to preserve them. If I took out the key, maybe the beautiful corpse in front of me would instantly turn into a mummy. That kind of horror, I would never risk doing. However, this situation is too embarrassing. I can’t run away with this corpse on my back.

I was hesitating, suddenly heard someone shouting from afar. I looked up and saw a man screaming and crashing into seven or eight branches, and was pulled up by a vine and hung over my head. It was none other than the fat guy. It seems that he finally couldn’t hold on and repeated my mistake, and his injuries seemed to be worse than mine. Fortunately He didn’t hit his head, and he was still cursing as he hung there: “Damn, I didn’t expect that this thick branch would be so strong!” Then he saw me, and when he saw me, he was stunned. “Little comrade, working at the flower girl’s?”

I really wanted to cry and laugh, and I didn’t dare to speak loudly. I made a gesture and said, “This one is dead! You have to help me think of something!” The fat guy let out a cry and twisted his butt in mid-air, saying, “Then you have to let me down!” I I threw the sword in my hand up in the air, and he caught it. He immediately turned around and cut the vines. At first I didn’t realize it, but when I suddenly thought of it, it was too late. I just wanted to tell the fat guy to wait, but the fat guy had already let out a strange cry and landed. He was lying on the armor corpse, and he actually knocked off the mask of the armor corpse. I just wanted to peek over to see, but the fat guy turned around and yelled at me, “Don’t look, this is a blue-eyed fox!”

Unfortunately He called too late. I had already seen the face under the mask in a flash. Just one glance made my head buzz and my skin prickle. I stuttered, “This is no human being!”

Under the mask mask was a pale, ghastly face. If you looked closely, you could still vaguely make out the features of a human face. The entire head was hairless, with no eyebrows or beard. The face was very pointed, almost deformed. His eyes were almost just a long slit, with two blue eyes shining in the two slits , and the other facial features are almost indistinguishable. I can say that at first glance, this face looks very much like a smiling human-faced fox, especially his two blue eyes, which look even more eerie. To be honest, I can really stand most corpses, but I really don’t dare to look at him directly. It’s too scary. If I’m afraid I would die of fright if I saw it without any psychological preparation. The fat man was also scared enough, and he rolled off the jade platform in a panic, exclaiming, “I can’t believe it! King Lu Shang actually looks like this.”

“Is this really King Lu Shang?” I asked. “Why does it look like… like a fox?”

The fat man eyes darted back and forth on the corpse in the armor, saying, “A friend of mine once told me that this is called the blue-eyed fox corpse. A long time ago, a person dug up an ancient tomb of an unknown dynasty and found that inside the coffin was a corpse lying on top of a blue-eyed fox. Foxes are demonic creatures, and the corpse lying on it was very bad. It should have been put back intact, but the tomb raider was not skilled enough and was unwilling to give up, so he secretly left a jade tortoise behind. A few years later, he returned to his hometown to marry his wife. Later, his wife was pregnant for ten months. When the midwife was delivering the baby, she suddenly screamed and fainted. The man rushed in and saw that his wife had given birth to a child with a pair of green eyes. The man Jin did not realize at first that it was the fox that was causing the trouble, and thought that the child had a strange illness. He went around seeking medical treatment, but who knew that the child’s illness not only did not get better, but that his hair gradually fell out and his face grew more and more like a fox. At this time, Jin realized the general situation, so he traveled a long way back to the ancient tomb and put the jade tortoise back. Since then, the child’s illness has not deteriorated, but the strange fox-like face has never changed.

He smacked He smacked his lips and said, “But this green-eyed fox corpse is very strange. I heard that if you look at it, you will be infected and your face will slowly become like his. Did you just look at it?”

Although I didn’t believe it very much, I couldn’t help but shudder when I heard that it would turn into this monster. I scolded, “Don’t talk nonsense. Whether it will change or not is something for later. You help me get it out first!”

The fat man He thought it over and said, “In this situation, if you keep complaining, you’re not a real man. He tried several times to break the corpse’s hand, but it was as hard as iron and wouldn’t budge. He pulled it twice, panting heavily. Seeing my nervous expression, he said, ‘Don’t worry. I have many ways to do it. If it doesn’t work, I’ll just cut off her hand.’

I hurriedly I yelled, “No, what if there is poison in the corpse? I can’t do that. Besides, I don’t have any grudges against her, and it’s not nice to cut off someone’s hand.”

The fat guy scratched his head and said, “Generally speaking, if the corpse is not stiff, it must have some unfinished business. If you fulfill her wish, she will naturally let you go. Why don’t you think about it? When she hooked you, did anything special happen?”

I thought about it for a moment I thought for a moment and remembered that when I got up just now, her mouth suddenly opened and there seemed to be something inside. It looked like a key. Could it be this? Thinking of this, I carefully straightened the corpse’s head and said softly, “Sorry.” Then I pressed her cheeks and the corpse’s mouth opened slightly. I immediately saw the key with green beads embedded in it under her tongue.

The fat man exclaimed in surprise, “Damn, this is a good thing. She must must want you to take out the key. You think her mouth is so small, how uncomfortable it is to hold a key in it.”

I was nervous and said, ‘What if she bites down?’

The fat man was impatient and said, ‘Look at you, you are full of flaws now. Why does she have to bite your hand?’

I thought it was right, so I made up my mind. I thought to myself, “At worst, I’ll lose two fingers. I took a deep breath, stuck out two fingers and trembled as I reached into her mouth. Just as I was about to touch her lips, I suddenly heard a voice in my ear say, ‘Stop.’

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