Volume 1 Chapter 21 The Corpse of the Blue-Eyed Fox

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:46:43
A+ A- Turn Off Light

I was stunned. I thought to myself, ‘This voice is so familiar. Isn’t it Uncle San’s?’ He He was still on the cliff, so how could this voice seem to be so close? I hurriedly turned to look for him, but found that there was no one else around except the fat man. I couldn’t help but wonder, and suddenly I heard the third uncle say, “You have blood on your hands. As soon as you put it in the corpse’s mouth, it will immediately rise. Don’t mess around.”

I looked around to find the source of the voice, and finally found that the voice came from under the jade table. But the jade table was so dark that I couldn’t see what was underneath. I hurriedly asked, “Uncle, are you under the jade table?”

Uncle He said, “I’ll explain it to you later. You do it my way. Lower the head of the corpse, hold her throat with your thumb, and then hit her on the back of the head. Remember, you must hold her throat, otherwise the key will be swallowed by her!” I promised and did as he said. I held the corpse’s throat and then gently hit her. A key fell out of her mouth. The key just fell onto the jade platform, I felt my shoulders relax, and the corpse’s arms fell down, and the corpse lay down on the jade platform.

I let out a sigh of relief, thinking that I was finally liberated, when I heard my third uncle say again, “Younger brother, is there a fat man next to you?”

I looked up at the fat man, who had already picked up the fallen key and was carefully studying it. He nodded and said, “Yes.”

My third uncle suddenly asked in Hangzhou dialect, “Do you see if he has a shadow?”

I I was a bit confused and didn’t understand what he meant. I just looked at the fat man’s feet reflexively and saw that his shadow was blocked by the shadow of the jade bed. If I didn’t stick my head out, I couldn’t see if there was a shadow or not. I was a bit confused and said, “I can’t see clearly now.”

Uncle San sounded very nervous and said to me, “Listen, I’ll tell you something. Don’t be afraid. On the way here, I saw the fat man’s body. You must be careful. The fat man in front of you is probably not a human being.”

I took a look at the fat man and saw that his cheeks were rosy and his expression and movements didn’t look like a ghost at all. I couldn’t help but wonder, “Uncle San, could you be wrong?”

Uncle San said, “No, it must be him. I won’t be mistaken. I think he was also one of the tomb robbers in the last group. He must have just been encouraging you to put your hand in the mouth of the female corpse, right? That’s to harm you!”

I suddenly felt scared and asked, “According to what you said, the fat man in front of me is a ghost?”

Uncle San said, “Yes, no matter what he says, don’t believe it. Now you should quickly find something around you to ward off evil spirits.”

At this At this time, the fat man looked up at me and I suddenly felt that his eyes were very strange, as if they were very venomous. I immediately believed half of it and hurriedly touched everything. I touched the belt of the armor corpse, which was also attached to the scabbard of the sword. I thought that the ancients would engrave the words of the ghost on their own decorations when they moved, so I quickly picked it up.

Although the characters on the belt were already very faint, but I recognized at a glance that they were indeed the characters of the state of Lu. Could this person really be King Lu Shang? Who was the female corpse over there? Could it be his wife? I thought about it for a moment, and my eyes were not idle. I had already swept the belt. Although I could not read most of the characters, the characters “Yinxi Baodi” written in gold powder were very easy to recognize. They were indeed the incantation to ward off ghosts. I was was pleased.

At this time, I thought of one thing and asked Uncle San, “It’s strange. This jade bed is not transparent. How can you see us?”

Uncle San said, “I don’t know either. I can see very clearly from below. It’s like a transparent glass. When I came over, I saw you trying to take the key from the dead woman’s mouth. I stopped you just in time. Fortunately, you could hear me, otherwise it would have been terrible if you had put your hand in.”

I was I was even more puzzled, always feeling that there was something wrong. I thought to myself: The jade bed is not wide, the two corpses on it are very close together, and the moonlight here is not particularly bright.

I looked at the fat man again and saw that he was still studying the key. Suddenly I felt that something was wrong.

Given the fat character, even if he didn’t understand my Hangzhou dialect, he would definitely have interrupted me. It was absolutely impossible for him to be staring at a key for so long.

I flipped down the jade bed and patted the fat man on the shoulder. I just wanted to test him out, but I didn’t expect that such a simple pat would cause such a big reaction from the fat man. He suddenly opened his eyes wide and yelled, “You little bastard, you’ve been lying to me all along!” After that, he raised the sword in his hand and stabbed it over. I was I was shocked, and I took a few steps back, yelling, “What are you doing?”

His eyes were red, and he didn’t listen to me at all. He rushed over and stabbed again. The fat man’s movements were quite sharp. I saw that if I didn’t run, I would definitely be stabbed. I hurriedly turned and ran down the stone steps. The fat man yelled, “I told you to run!” He chased after me desperately, his teeth clenched, as if I had killed his father.

I ran desperately along the stone path. ran desperately along the stone path. The fat man looked bloated, but he ran very fast. I saw that the stone corridor was short, and if I ran a little further, I would reach the stone altar at the end. Behind it was a field of vines, and if I stepped into it, I would probably get hung up again. I was anxious. I thought to myself, “Could it be that he is really a ghost, trying to drag me down with him? But how could a ghost stab someone with a knife?

Thinking I thought, “There’s almost no road ahead. I slammed on the brakes, then whipped the belt in my hand like a whip. The fat guy dodged, and I jumped on him and bit his hand. I thought to myself, ‘I’m the first person in the world to bite a ghost!’ He screamed in pain, dropped the knife to the ground, and I kicked the knife out of the stone corridor with a flying kick.

In one move, I had already revealed my weakness. The fat guy grabbed me and said, ‘I’m going to strangle you to death!’ and grabbed and grabbed my neck.

In desperation, I grabbed his neck with my belt, thinking, “You’re ruthless, but I’m not a pushover.

I strangled him, and he strangled me. The key to The key to strangling is to strangle the other person to death before you suffocate yourself. I saw that the fat guy was not holding back at all, and I almost vomited my tongue out. I quickly used all my strength and used my hands with all my might. I didn’t expect that the belt, which looked like it was in good condition, turned out to be of such poor quality.

When I exerted my strength, it snapped and broke. belt was made of cowhide, with small scales of copper armor on it. When the cowhide broke, the scales fell on my face like flowers scattering in the wind. The piece of armor engraved with “Yinxi Baodi” fell into my open mouth. I suddenly felt a bitter liquid flow into my throat. I remembered that the piece of armor was from the corpse, and I felt sick and choked. Suddenly, I felt a haze in front of my eyes, as if I had fallen into a black mist.

I was very confused. was very confused, thinking to myself, “Could it be that I’ve already been strangled to death by the fat man?” I could only feel the bitterness in my mouth getting stronger and stronger, and the things in front of me becoming clearer and clearer. Then I suddenly woke up, and suddenly found myself being pressed down on the jade bed by the fat man. His eyes were green, and he was holding my neck tightly. The key in the mouth of the female corpse had not fallen out, and her hands were still tightly hooked around my shoulders. The scene was extremely chaotic!

I then realized that everything that had just happened was an illusion!

I turned I looked over at the corpse of the blue-eyed fox. His mask was still on the ground, and the eyes in the two slits had turned to look at us.

I thought to myself, “No wonder the fat guy told me not to look. The eyes of the blue-eyed fox corpse are so evil. The fat guy is so strong, and even if I’m awake now, he’s going to strangle me to death. I quickly touched my mouth and found that the piece of shell in my mouth had completely melted. I was I was in a hurry, and suddenly I saw the purple and gold box in the hand of the fox corpse. I didn’t think much about it, and desperately reached out and grabbed it and smashed it against the fat man’s head.

The fat man was very fierce, and he yelled and tightened his hands again. I thought to myself, “Where the fuck do you want to strangle me? You want to strangle my neck off!” I was I suddenly had the urge to kill him. This person was very scary. As soon as I had the urge to kill him, the strength in my hand was completely different. I heard a bang, and the fat man rolled his eyes. He was almost knocked out by me, and he fell on top of me. I loosened my neck and coughed up a mouthful of blood.

At this time, At this time, I suddenly saw that the eyes of the corpse of the blue-eyed fox seemed to suddenly open wide. A strange force made me look at him involuntarily. Suddenly, my mind began to become chaotic again. In a hurry, I couldn’t care about the fat man, and I pushed him onto the corpse. The fat man was very burly and just pressed the corpse firmly. With this pressure, the strange feeling immediately disappeared.

I rubbed my neck, my fingers were almost deformed, and my whole body was in pain. The eyes of the blue-eyed fox corpse were so powerful that if it weren’t for the fact that I happened to swallow the piece of armor on his belt, the fat man and I would have died. I looked I looked at the purple and gold box that I had just used as a weapon, and suddenly noticed that there was a small keyhole on it. I couldn’t help but exclaim, and then looked at the mouth of the female corpse and thought to myself, could it be that the key is used to open this box?

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