Volume 1 Chapter 22 Eight Treasured Vases

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:46:46
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The purple-gold box felt very heavy and looked a bit like the silver-rimmed roof of the Eight Treasured Vases (eight boxes for storing relics), only much smaller. I shook it, but there was no sound. I thought to myself, “Could it be that the ghost seal the fat man was talking about is inside?”

The key In the mouth of the female corpse, I calmed down, took a deep breath, inserted my fingers under her tongue, and clamped the key. Then I carefully took it out. Before the key came out of her mouth, I saw a very thin silk thread tied to the key handle, which went all the way to the throat of the female corpse. I suddenly realized that something was wrong. It seemed that something was still tied to the end of the thread.

Grandpa told me that during the Shang Dynasty, Chinese craftsmen were already able to cleverly install crossbows inside human corpses, firing them with gold wire. As soon as the tomb raider removed the jade plug or treasure ball from the corpse’s mouth or anus, the mechanism would immediately activate, and the crossbow bolt would burst out of the body.

I pressed I pressed the belly of the female corpse and sure enough, I felt a few hard objects. I thought to myself, “Luckily I was slow, if it was a fat person or a Pan Zi, I’m afraid they would have been caught!” I couldn’t help but feel a chill as I thought about all these arrangements, as if they were specially designed for tomb robbers.

The silk thread behind the key was gold silk, which could be pulled but not bent. I took out the key and matched it with the keyhole on the purple and gold box, and sure enough, it matched. But I don’t know what’s strange about this box, maybe there are still mechanisms. I thought about it for a while, and it was better not to open it for the time being.

Just At this moment, I suddenly noticed that the female corpse hanging from the hook had suddenly become hideous. I was greatly shocked. I saw her face, like a rotten orange, instantly deflate. I heard an indescribable sound from her throat. In a matter of seconds, in front of me, the living beauty quickly turned into a mummy. I just shook, and her withered arm broke. The dry body fell to the jade table and kept shrinking.

I was so scared I was scared stiff. It seemed that the gem on the key really had an anti-corrosion effect. I dared not think any more nonsense, stuffed all these things into my bag, and thought to myself that it was not a good place to stay for long, and then went to carry the fat man.

The fat man was hit hard by me, and there was no movement after I pulled him a few times. I thought to myself, “It can’t be that bad, can it? I can’t be killed.” At this time, I couldn’t care less. I first grabbed one of his hands and yelled, “Up!” Then I straightened my back and put him on my back. The fat man was very heavy, almost making me spit blood. I shook my head and cursed the fat man’s ancestors as I walked.

Fortunately, the stone corridor was not very long, and I soon reached the middle. As soon as I came out of the area surrounded by vines, I saw the cliff. Third Uncle and Pan Zi were not on it, so it looked like they had gone back to find a way out. I walked to the sacrificial altar at the end of the stone corridor, and put the fat man on the altar to rest. Suddenly, I saw that Uncle San had already come out of the hole closest to the ground.

He was very familiar with these things like the strange door and the magic armor. With him, the maze was nothing at all. I was afraid that he hadn’t seen me, so I waved and yelled, “Uncle San, I’m here!”

Uncle San saw me and wanted to laugh, but his face suddenly changed. He pointed behind me, and when I turned around, I saw that the fat man had sat up at some point, and the corpse of the blue-eyed fox was actually lying on his back, looking at me coldly.

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