Volume 1 Chapter 23: The Coffin

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:46:50
A+ A- Turn Off Light

My eyes were fixed on the corpse, unable to move. I don’t know if it was because I had eaten the armor plate on my belt, but I didn’t hallucinate, even though I couldn’t turn my head. My eyes were in a daze, but my mind was clear.

At this At this moment, I suddenly heard the sound of my third uncle and the others rushing over. I thought I wanted to yell to warn them, but my throat felt like it was stuck with something. I opened my mouth wide, but I couldn’t say anything. I was so anxious that I almost burst a blood vessel.

Suddenly I suddenly had a flash of inspiration and realized that I could still move my hands a little. I immediately made a pistol gesture with both hands, pointing the muzzle at the head of the fox corpse and clicking it repeatedly. I kept thinking to myself, “Pan Zi, you have to be smarter this time. You really can go eat shit if you can’t understand this action!”

After clicking a few times, there was a gunshot from behind, and the head of the blue-eyed fox corpse was blown up in front of my eyes. I was was opening my mouth, and the corpse water almost exploded all over my face and mouth. I immediately vomited, and this thing was even more disgusting than eating shit. I almost vomited everything in my stomach, and only then did I turn around and see Pan Zi in the distance, covering his wound with one hand and making an OK sign with the other hand. I cursed in my heart and wiped the corpse water off my face with my sleeve.

From Uncle San There was a distance from the third uncle to the sacrificial altar. There were vines all the way, which was very dangerous. However, the third uncle was very resourceful. He used stones to first attract the vines away, and then he went over himself. In no time, they climbed up to the sacrificial altar. He was very afraid that something would happen to me, so he immediately came over to see if I was okay. As soon as he smelled the smell on my body, he frowned and almost vomited. I wasn’t very happy, either. Seeing him like this, I pounced on him and gave him a hug, which made him so sick that he almost fell.

Seeing that They were all safe and sound, and I remembered something and asked, “Uncle San, how could you leave me behind in the main tomb and run away? You scared the hell out of me. How could I stay alone in that ghostly place?”

Uncle San listened, shook his head and gave Da Kui a head bump: “I told this kid not to touch things, but he wouldn’t listen.” Then he told him what had happened. It turned out that they had seen a tomb wall in another chamber of the tomb. Generally speaking, there is a tomb wall in an ancient tomb, and there must be a hidden room behind it. Naturally, they did not expect that any secret door in this ancient tomb would open downward. Uncle San was such a smart man that he found the mechanism at a glance. Unfortunately, Da Kui was fast, and before Uncle San could figure it out, he had already pressed the mechanism down, and then, just like us, he fell into the Western Zhou tomb on the next level. After that, the plot seemed to be very twisted and bizarre. Uncle San’s story became more and more outrageous. I saw that he was almost talking about something that had nothing to do with the plot, so I hurriedly told him to stop.

Uncle San said, “You really shouldn’t disbelieve me. Look at these things I have.” He took out a black box from behind him and clicked it, and the box magically turned into a gun. I have some knowledge of guns, and this gun is very famous. I was shocked at first glance.

It was an ARES folding submachine gun, nine millimeters in caliber, and fired pistol bullets. It was about the size of a Chinese cigarette, weighing less than six pounds, and was easy to use. Of course, because of its small size, the gun was also very unstable.

Uncle San said that they had also found several bodies in the tomb passage, and that the gun and some explosives had been taken from the bodies. Not only that, but the place was full of bullet holes, and it looked like there had been a fierce battle.

I carefully inspected the gun and was very puzzled. It seemed that the previous group of tomb robbers had very good equipment, at least much better than ours. I wondered what their background was. These people had not come out after entering, so had they all died here? If not, where were they now?

As I I leaned against the sacrificial altar, but I didn’t expect that this seemingly very sturdy stone altar would not be able to support me. We were shocked and thought we had triggered some kind of trap, so we quickly crouched down. We only heard a series of sounds of mechanisms being activated, starting from under our feet and continuing all the way to the distant stone altar, where we heard a loud noise. We looked up and saw that a huge crack had opened in the trunk of the tree behind the stone altar, and inside the crack was a huge bronze coffin fixed with iron chains. The chains had already fused with the tree and were wrapped around the bronze coffin several times.

Uncle San Uncle San was stunned, and said, “So the real coffin is here.”

Da Kui shouted happily, “Good stuff, this big coffin must be worth a lot of money, right? This trip was not in vain!”

Uncle San patted him on the head and said, “It’s worth it, don’t you always think about money. You can’t move this thing even if it’s worth money. I’ve told you many times, this is called a casket, not a coffin! Don’t don’t make me lose face!”

Da Kui touched his head and dared not speak again. I looked at it carefully and felt that something was wrong. I said to Uncle San, ”It’s strange. Other people’s coffins are nailed shut and never opened again. Look at this situation. The mechanism of this stone platform seems to have been designed to allow others to find this coffin. Could it be that the tomb owner originally planned to have someone open his coffin one day? Moreover Look, these iron chains are so tightly bound, they don’t seem to be used for fixing, but rather for preventing the contents from coming out.”

Uncle San took a closer look and sure enough, it was the case. We had encountered countless unbelievable things on our way here. Could it be that there is another monster in here? Should we open it or not?

Uncle San gritted his teeth and said, ”I guess the valuables in this tomb are all in there, but if we don’t go, won’t it be a waste of time? What if there are rice dumplings inside? We have guns and cannons now. If it doesn’t work, we’ll fight it with our weapons.”

I nodded. Uncle San said, ‘Moreover, it’s not possible for us to go back the same way. Every hole on this cliff almost leads to the stone maze. It’s not known how much time it will take to get out from there. The best way is to climb out from above.’

We We looked up and saw the cracks in the ceiling of the cave. The moonlight shone down from the ceiling, making it look very desolate. Uncle San pointed to the giant tree: “Look, the top of this giant tree is very close to the ceiling of the cave, and there are many vines growing from the tree to the outside of the ceiling. This is a natural ladder, and there are so many branches on the whole tree, which is very easy to climb, which is just good for us to get out.”

Pan Zi said: “Uncle San, why are you talking nonsense here? That tree is a man-eating tree. Climbing that tree is not looking for death?”

Uncle San laughed: “This tree is called the nine-headed snake cypress. I’ve thought about it for a long time. Didn’t you see how those vines wouldn’t dare touch the stones here? This stone is called Tianxin Rock, which specializes in killing the nine-headed snake cypress. Let’s get some stone ash and smear it on our bodies. It will definitely go smoothly.”

Daku was worried and said: “Will it work?”

Uncle San glared at him. I knew he was going to start scolding me, so I quickly said, “That’s enough. Let’s just try it and see what happens.”

Without another word, we immediately set out. Da Kui carried the fat man on his back, Uncle San helped Pan Zi up, and I packed up my equipment. I glanced back at the cave and thought to myself, “We’re all safe now, but I wonder how Mian Youping is doing.” Uncle San saw my concern and said, “With his skills, he can definitely protect himself. You can rest assured.”

I nodded nod, to be fair, I really have no right to worry about the stuffy oil bottle, his skills are not sure how much better than me, and it seems to have magic, to worry about it should be him worried about me.

I I walked ahead with my gun, and they followed me. We slowly walked up the high stone steps. I had not looked closely when I had hurriedly run down the steps before, but I now saw that the stone steps were made of large blocks of Tianxin rock. I wondered how they had been transported here, and that the steps were carved with deer heads and crane heads. This kind of relief was very rare. I couldn’t help but wonder what kind of vassal the King of Lu was, and how his tomb had such a strange specification.

At this time We had already reached the tree hole by this time, and it was only then that we could see clearly that the hole had not split open on its own, but had been ripped open by a dozen iron chains inside.

The writing of the Warring States period was relatively complicated, and the writing of Qi and Lu was the writing commonly used by scholars at the time. After the state of Chu annexed the state of Lu, it also absorbed a great deal of Lu culture, and the writing was also similar to that of Lu. Now I have a lot of rubbings from the Warring States period on hand, most of which are from that period, so I can still get a general idea of the inscriptions.

At this time, I don’t know why everyone is silent, as if they are afraid of waking the owner of the tomb. Uncle San took out a crowbar and knocked on it. It made a dull echo inside. It was definitely full of things. Uncle San knew I liked these things and asked me softly, “Can you read what is written on it?”

I shook and said, “I can’t read the details, but I’m sure the owner of this coffin is the king we’re looking for, Lu Shang. The text on it should be about his life. He seems to have died before he was 50, without a son or daughter. The scene of his death was the same as I had heard before, that he suddenly died in front of the Duke of Lu. The rest should be about his life.”

I wasn’t interested in the culture of the state of Lu at that time, so I just glanced at it and didn’t read it.

“Then What do these characters mean?” Da Kui asked me. I looked at it and saw that in the middle of the coffin was a character ‘qi,’ followed by a long string of characters, which were particularly large and eye-catching. I knew that these characters were a date, but during the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period, the Zhou Dynasty was in decline, the princes did what they wanted, and the calendar was in a terrible mess, so I didn’t know which day it was. ‘This should be the date of the coffin,’ he said. But I don’t know what day it is either.

While studying the inscription, while my third uncle was studying how to open the coffin. He shook the chains, each of which was as thick as a thumb. At that time, China had just entered the Iron Age, and this thing should have been a luxury. After so many years, most of them have deteriorated beyond recognition and are basically only useful as decorations. I asked I asked them to move aside, opened the gun bolt, and fired a few bursts. The chains all snapped, leaving only a few that were used to hold the position.

Uncle San told me to step back and said, “Don’t study it anymore. Let’s get it open!”

As soon as he said that, the coffin suddenly shook on its own, and a muffled sound came from inside. I I thought I had heard it wrong, and was about to ask someone else, but then there was another tremor. This time I heard it clearly, and I couldn’t help but feel a chill down my spine. I thought to myself, “Damn it, there’s definitely something wrong with this!”

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