Volume 1 Chapter 25: Jade figurine

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:46:56
A+ A- Turn Off Light

I was shocked, and I took a few steps back, my muscles tensing in fear that the corpse would suddenly stand up and pounce on me. I asked softly, “How can this corpse breathe? Have you ever encountered this before?”

Da Kui said, trembling, “Of course not. If I encountered this kind of thing often, I would rather clean toilets than come to dig graves.”

I looked I looked at Pan Zi, who was covering his wound and sweating. He said, “No matter what it is, give him a shot. If he doesn’t die, he’s going to be in trouble when he gets up.” I thought it made sense. In the underground, it’s better to do more than think about it. If you’re one step ahead of everything, you’re sure to be right. I quickly picked up the gun. Uncle San and the fat man waved their hands and shouted, “Wait… wait!”

As he said , Uncle San had already gone up to the corpse. He waved to me while looking at the armor on the corpse, his mouth agape in amazement. He pointed at the black armor and said, “This… isn’t it a jade figurine? My God, it turns out this thing really exists!”

I was was confused and asked what it was. Uncle San was so excited that he almost started to cry. He stuttered, “It’s a miracle! I’ve been looking for this for so long, and finally… finally I’ve found a magic artifact. It’s a jade figurine.” He grabbed my shoulder and said, “As long as you wear this, you’ll become young again. You see? It’s true! This corpse is the evidence!”

In that In those days, forty or fifty was considered old. Although the muscles of this corpse had shrunk, the man’s face was really very young. I couldn’t help but be secretly surprised, thinking to myself, “Is it really possible that there is such a thing as rejuvenation in this world?”

The fat man also looked at it with wide eyes and said, “I really didn’t expect that Qin Shi Huangdi couldn’t find this thing, and it was actually on him. That Third Uncle, do you know how to take this thing off?”

Third Uncle shook his head, “I heard that this thing can’t be taken off from the outside, which is also a problem. Do we have to carry the whole corpse out?”

They checked and checked, and I saw that the corpse was pulled by their arms and legs, and they had no temper at all. It seemed that there was no danger, and my mood gradually eased down. I asked, “If the jade figurine is taken off, what will happen to the person inside?”

The fat man didn’t think of this either, and said, “I really don’t know, Master Fat. At worst, it will just be ashes.”

I said, “He was alive and well, so aren’t we committing murder?”

The fat man almost laughed himself to death, and said, “Little comrade, if you have this kind of ideological awareness when digging graves, then you don’t need to do anything else. Even if you find them, you have to shoot them. You’re still worried about this, you’re just full of yourself.”

I I thought it was right. Seeing them busy, I didn’t want to be idle either, so I went to check the coffin to see if there were any good things in the burial goods. There was a thick layer of scaly things on the bottom of the coffin, and inside were layers of unidentifiable artifacts. I grabbed a handful of these scales and asked, “What are these things?”

Uncle San was absent-minded and said after sniffing, “This is the human skin that fell off him.” I I felt sick and immediately threw the thing away, cursing, “Damn, did King Lu Shang get a skin disease and shed so much skin?”

Uncle San said, “Don’t talk nonsense. That’s the old skin he shed. Every time he sheds it, he gets younger. Look at the amount of skin. He must have shed five or six layers of skin.”

I found these things too disgusting, like snake skin, and I wasn’t in the mood. At this time, the fat man called out, “There’s a door!”

We We looked over and saw that there was an extra head of gold thread on the jade in the jade figurine’s armpit. I was puzzled: “I said, you fat bastard, your eyes are too sharp. You can even see an extra thread here.”

The fat man glared at me and muttered, “You Southerners are too ruthless. You’re always digging up graves. This is a delicate craft. See? If it weren’t for me, you’d have to dissolve the corpse to get the jade figurine out.”

Uncle San couldn’t take the humiliation and shouted, “Go to hell! You don’t know if it’s true. Maybe there was already a thread there.”

The fat man laughed and said, “You don’t believe in evil.” Then he went to pull the thread. When his hand was halfway there, he heard a “whoosh” and felt something flash in front of his eyes. It was like lightning. Uncle San reacted super fast and kicked the fat man out with one kick. The fat man just stepped aside, and a black knife was nailed to the tree with a “bang,” not going in by more than half. I was I was scared. If it weren’t for Uncle San’s kick, the fat man’s head would have been pierced.

When we looked back, we saw that the Mian Youbing was standing at the bottom of the steps, covered in blood. He had a green unicorn tattoo on his body, and his left hand was still in the position he had been in when he threw the knife.

In his right hand, he was holding something strange. When we saw it clearly, we all gasped.

What he was holding in his right hand was the head of the bloody corpse. Bottle looked at us and walked up the steps a bit unsteadily. He was breathing very heavily, and it looked like things were not going well. Judging from the scars all over his body, it must have been a fierce battle. He first looked at the coffin, then waved at us and said softly, “Move aside.”

The veins on the fat man’s forehead bulged out. How could he buy his account? He jumped up and yelled, “What the hell did you just do?”

Bottle turned his head and glared at him coldly, saying, “Kill you.” The bottle turned his head and glared at him coldly, saying, “Kill you.”

The fat man was furious and rolled up his sleeves to rush forward. Da Kui quickly held him in his arms. Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, the fat man was not a kind person either. He quickly made peace and said, “Don’t panic. The young man must have a reason for doing things. Let’s listen clearly first. He has saved your life many times on this journey, right? Take it easy first.”

The fat man He thought, “That’s right. It’s not good to start fighting again. He broke free of Da Kui, angrily sat down on the ground, and said, ‘You people have many people, and I can’t fight four people with one punch.

Muyoubing put the bloody corpse in his hand on the jade bed, coughed, and said, ’This bloody corpse was the previous owner of this jade figurine. When King Lu Shuang found him, he took off the jade figurine, and he became what he is now. Entering this This jade figurine sheds its skin every 500 years. Only when it sheds its skin can it be removed, otherwise it will turn into a blood corpse. The living corpse in front of you is already more than 3,000 years old. If you had just pulled the thread, the corpse inside would have immediately risen, and we would all have died here.

After he finished speaking, he coughed a few times. I saw blood oozing from the corners of his mouth. I thought to myself, “This is bad. He may have injured his internal organs.”

Pan Zi I was leaning against the side in pain and had not spoken up until this moment, when I suddenly said, “Little brother, I, Pan Zi, have a straight tongue. Don’t be offended. You know too much. If it’s convenient, you might as well explain. Which immortal are you? You saved my life. If I have the chance to get out, I’d like to come and thank you.”

Pan Zi This is a very clever thing to say. I thought that Pan Zi would not be able to get away with it, but I didn’t expect him to remain silent. It was as if he had never thought about dealing with us. He walked over to the corpse of King Lu Shang, looked at him with disgust, and suddenly a cold light flashed in his eyes. I hadn’t seen his movements yet, but his hand had already grabbed the corpse’s neck and lifted him out of the coffin. The corpse let out a scream from its throat and began to shake uncontrollably. This It all happened so fast that I couldn’t react at all. Mian Youping said coldly to the corpse, “You’ve lived long enough, you can die.” A vein on his hand burst, and a bone burst. The corpse’s limbs kept trembling, and the last kick of the leg quickly turned the skin black.

We all stared at him in shock, and for a moment no one knew what to say. I grabbed him, “Who the hell are you! What deep hatred do you have with what deep hatred do you have with this King Lu Shang?”

Muyoubing looked at me for a long time and said, ‘What can you do if you know?’

The fat man said in an unconvinced voice, ‘What kind of reason is this? We worked hard to get into this tomb, and finally opened this coffin. You strangled the corpse without saying a word. You should at least give us an explanation!’

Muyou The bottle turned his head and looked at the bloody corpse’s head on the jade bed. His expression was very sad. He pointed to a purple jade box at the back of the painted lacquer coffin and said, “Everything you need to know is in that box.”

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