Volume 1 Chapter 27 Lies

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:47:02
A+ A- Turn Off Light

As soon as I heard this, a flash of inspiration came to my mind, and I was surprised, “Could it be that at the last moment, the two of them switched places?”

Muyoubing nodded and looked at the corpse: “This person schemed and schemed, but all he wanted was to use the power of King Lu Shang to achieve his goal of immortality.”

“How do you know this? It’s as if you’ve experienced it yourself.”

“I I didn’t experience it,” Mian Youping shook his head. ”When I was digging a few years ago, I found a complete set of silk manuscripts from the Warring States period in a Song Dynasty tomb. This thing is actually the autobiography of Mr. Tie Mian. After he taught Lu Shangwang all his plans, he set fire to set fire to his own family, threw the body of a beggar into the fire, pretending to be him, and then disguised himself as a beggar and escaped death. Although the king knew there was something fishy about it, there was nothing he could do. In the end After the king was buried, he easily sneaked into the tomb, dragged the king out of the jade figurine, and lay down in it. The king had worked so hard, but in the end he ended up doing the work for them. I was surprised and said, “If the king’s body was dragged out, wouldn’t it be a bloody corpse? Wouldn’t there be two here?”

“This This is not written in his book either. It may be because the time that King Lu Shang entered the jade figurine was too short, and he could not turn into a blood corpse.” His eyes were a little uncomfortable. ‘An autobiography, these are only mentioned briefly, and there can be no detailed records.’

I looked at the oil bottle and didn’t know why, but suddenly I felt that his words were a bit false. I looked at Uncle San, and sure enough, he didn’t believe it either. But since people don’t want to say it, they make up lies. It’s not much fun to expose him again. After the After saying this, the oil bottle seemed to have completed his task, and he resumed his expressionless face. He stood up and said, “It’s almost dawn. We should probably go out.”

“No, we haven’t found the ghost seal yet,” said the fat man. “Look at all the good things here. Wouldn’t it be a waste to leave now?”

The oil bottle looked at him coldly, as if he was a little hostile to the fat man. The fat man was embarrassed and shrugged his shoulders, saying, “Okay, but we have to take this jade figurine with us anyway, right? This thing in the world may only be one, but I’m doing it for everyone’s sake.”

This is true. Uncle San slapped his butt and said, ‘Then what are you waiting for? Let’s get it over with and get out of this ghostly place.’

Suddenly suddenly lost interest in all this, and I didn’t want to help them. I closed my eyes and prepared to take a break. At this time, suddenly a few drops of water fell on my face. I thought it was raining, and when I looked up, the strange face of the blood corpse had already poked out of the jade bed. The two eyes without pupils were almost touching my eyebrows.

I was so scared I jumped up in fright, and saw that the head of the blood corpse was still rolling on the jade bed. At this time, it rolled to the ground, as if something was inside. The fat man wanted to go over to take a look, but the stuffy oil bottle held him back and said, “Don’t move, take a look first.”

The fat man nodded. At this time, a very small red corpse bit through the blood corpse’s scalp and crawled out. Da Kui looked at it and cursed, “Damn it! How dare such a small one show its face here?” He raised the crowbar in his hand and tried to hit it.

Uncle San grabbed him and said, “You idiot, this is the king of the creeps. If you kill it, you’ll be in trouble.”

Da Kui was stunned and said, “A little one is the king of the creeps? Aren’t the big ones going to be depressed to death?”

Muyoubing was also very surprised. He patted me on the shoulder and said, “Let’s leave quickly. The king of the creeps is here. I can’t control these creeps. It’s very tricky!”

At this time At this time, the little red corpse suddenly squeaked twice, shook its wings, as if it had seen us, and suddenly spread its wings and flew towards us. Mian Youping yelled, “It’s poisonous! It’s deadly if you touch it, so get out of the way!”

Uncle San He turned around and came over to us. Da Kui, who was already a little dazed, didn’t react in time and reflexively grabbed the bug. He froze for a moment, then suddenly let out a scream. The hand instantly turned blood red, and not only that, the blood red part spread up his arm very quickly.

The fat guy yelled, “Poisoned! Cut off his hand!” and grabbed the knife from the oil bottle. The oil bottle was already very weak, and when the fat man hit it, the black knife fell out of his hand. The fat man caught it in midair, but suddenly the whole person sank down, and he cursed, “Damn, why is it so heavy!” He tried to pick up the knife several times, but failed.

It was too late at this point. Dakuai was in so much pain that his whole body was twisted. In a matter of seconds, his whole body turned blood red, as if all his skin had suddenly melted.

He looked his own hands, very frightened, wanted to scream but could not, and the fat man saw me trying to help Da Kui, grabbed me and said with clenched teeth, “Don’t touch him, or you’ll die!”

Da Kui saw us all retreating like we were monsters, very frightened, and he rushed at me, his mouth wide open, as if he were shouting, “Help me!” I looked I was so scared that I couldn’t move a step. Uncle San rushed over and pulled me away. Da Kui missed his target and, like a madman, pounced on Pan Zi. Pan Zi was already in a bad way and couldn’t react in time. The fat guy yelled, “No good!” and suddenly grabbed my gun. I was shocked and knew he was going to shoot. I hurriedly wrestled it away from him. In the chaos, the gun suddenly misfired. A gunshot rang out, and Da Kui was shot in the head. He shuddered and fell to the ground.

My brain My head buzzed, and I suddenly fell to my knees. It all happened so fast. A person who was fine just a moment ago suddenly became like this. My mind was blank, and I didn’t know what to do.

The little red corpse squeaked and crawled out of Da Kui’s hand, shaking its wings. The fat man cursed, and Mian Youping yelled, “Don’t!” It was too late. The fat man ran over and picked up the purple jade box, smashing the bug.

For a moment The cave was deathly silent, and no sound could be heard. Mian Youping suddenly grabbed a handful of dust from the ground and threw it over himself, shouting, “Hurry up, or it will be too late!”

The fat man looked around, but nothing had happened. He said, “Why should we leave?”

As soon as he finished speaking had just fallen, the cave, which had been relatively quiet, suddenly became noisy. Countless squeaks came from all directions. Then we saw that in the large and small caves on the cave, one, two, three, ten, one hundred… countless green corpses rushed out like a tide. The scale was simply beyond human language. I saw wave after wave, the front ones stepping on the back ones, crawling over in an overwhelming manner.

I was stunned at the sight, and Uncle San slapped me on the back of the head and yelled, “Run!”

He picked up Pan Zi on his back, and the fat man still wanted to pick up the purple jade box. Uncle San yelled, “Are you out of your mind?” The fat man couldn’t move it, so he grabbed the gold-embroidered silk and stuffed it into his pocket.

We We all climbed up the tree. The tree was covered with vines and protrusions, making it easy to climb. People with my skills could climb up to a dozen meters in a flash. At this time, the corpses had already swarmed to the base of the tree. I looked down and saw that the entire tree was covered in green. If I fell, there wouldn’t be a single bone left.

The corpses had gathered together and suddenly began to jump up. They climbed the tree much faster than us and suddenly reached our feet.

The fat guy climbed on top of me and asked, “Didn’t you say that your brother’s blood is more powerful than mosquito repellent? Why isn’t it working?”

My brain I was still thinking about the scene of Da Kui falling just now, and I didn’t want to talk to him at all. He was disappointed and cursed in a low voice. Suddenly, I felt a pain in my foot. A corpse had already bitten my calf. I kicked it off and looked down. It was like a pot had been opened. The corpses were scrambling to climb up. At this time, Uncle San was calling from above: “Dynamite! There’s still dynamite in the bag next to the jade bed!”

I asked, “Where is it?”

Uncle San yells, “You don’t even know where it is, it’s in the left pocket!” I looked down and saw that the explosive was not in the sea of corpses, I couldn’t see it at all. I fired a few shots, only hitting a few bugs. At this time At this time, the smelly oil bottle suddenly took out a few firecrackers from his pocket, lit them and threw them on the jade bed. Although the bugs were no longer afraid of his blood, they were still afraid of fire. As soon as they saw the fire coming down, they “swished” and made a big circle, revealing the backpack in an instant. The fat man’s ass was already hanging with several bugs, and he yelled, “Damn it, light a firecracker quickly, I can’t hold on anymore!”

Pan Zi shouted from above, “Fuck! , there’s too much explosives in there, and if it explodes, we’ll die too!” I saw more and more corpses crawling up, and knew that hesitation was definitely a dead end. I yelled, ‘I can’t care about so much anymore, I’ll die if I die!’ I gritted my teeth and fired a burst at the backpack.

The explosion The explosion was so fast that I heard a loud noise and felt a jolt. I felt like my chin, butt, and thighs were all hit by a pile driver at the same time. I was blown up by the blast and then slammed into something. I was really confused. My throat was sweet and I vomited a mouthful of blood. It was pitch black in front of me, my brain was buzzing, and I couldn’t hear anything with my ears.

It took me It took me a long time to recover. When I looked down, I saw that the corpses below had been blown away by the air blast. I turned around and couldn’t see anyone else. I used my hands and feet to climb up. Because I had coated myself in the powder from the stone platform below, so the ghost vines let me pass. At this time, I heard a loud noise from below, and when I looked down, the corpse vines were gathering like a tide. They were crawling very fast, and I knew I had to keep going, even if it hurt. I closed my eyes and desperately crawled up.

I could see I was about to climb to the crack when suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my back. I turned around and saw that a corpse had jumped up and was biting my back. I turned around and shot it. But at the same time, another, bigger one, bit my thigh at once. I gritted my teeth and smashed it with the gun, but it immediately grabbed the branch and tried to jump up again. I turned around and shot it. But the third and fourth ones jumped up again immediately.

I saw that I was only a few steps away from the exit, so I thought to myself, “Go ahead and bite. You won’t kill me in a short time anyway. I’ll show you when I get to the ground.” I thought about continuing to climb up, but at this moment, my hand that was holding onto the branch suddenly felt a sharp pain. I turned my head and saw a bloody face suddenly poking out from behind the tree trunk.

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