Volume 1 Chapter 28 Fire

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:47:06
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The face was covered in blood and flesh, and I couldn’t tell if the skin had melted away to reveal the muscles underneath, or if the blood had seeped out of his body and covered his face. For a moment, I thought the face looked very familiar, and when I took a closer look, I realized it was Da Kui. I was shocked: a perfectly healthy person, and now he was like this.

A piece of skin had been peeled off his left had a piece of skin peeled off his head by a bullet, and the bone was visible, but the brain inside was not injured. I saw that although his injury was serious, he was not dead, and I was overjoyed. I hurriedly said, “Hurry up, maybe there is still hope!”

However He didn’t move at all. I looked into his eyes and saw a look of deep resentment. It was as if he was unwilling to let us leave him behind. I was shocked, but my hand had already been grasped by his. The horrible blood red color on his body had quickly spread to my hand. I felt a burning itch on my hand, and I cried out in my heart, “It’s over!”

Da Kui He made a muffled sound and suddenly pulled me down. I thought of the horror of Da Kui’s skin melting all over his body and couldn’t help but go crazy. I tried to shake his hand off, but he grabbed my foot again and opened his mouth wide as if he was determined to take me with him to the grave.

I yelled, “Da Kui, just let me go. This is fate. If you still want to live, come with me. Maybe I can cure you. Otherwise, it’s useless for you to drag me to the grave with you!”

After hearing He didn’t know what had provoked him, but he pounced on me like a madman, his eyes full of murderous intent, as if he had completely lost his mind. Suddenly he grabbed my neck and tried to strangle me.

I I saw that it was either you or me, and suddenly I had the urge to kill him. I kicked him hard, and when he let go of me, I pressed the trigger against his chest. The bullet was a pistol bullet with a flattened head, and it was very powerful. It knocked him flying, and his hands were flailing around in the air, but he didn’t catch anything, and he fell heavily into the pile of corpses.

At this At this time, the hand that he had grabbed was already numb and completely insensitive. I couldn’t feel whether my hand was still holding onto the branch, and I felt like I was falling straight down. I quickly reached out with the other hand to grab the ghost vine on the side, but the vine immediately retracted because of the Tianxin Rock powder on my hand. I cursed under my breath, and the whole person slid down and hit a large tree branch.

The branches was covered with corpses, and when I hit it, many of them fell off. I barely had the strength to use my legs to stop myself from sliding down, but a large group of corpses surrounded me again. I couldn’t help but smile wryly. Now I have so many ways to die to choose from. I can either fall to my death, be bitten to death by bugs, or be poisoned to death. The old gods have been good to me.

Zheng Yu I was feeling depressed when suddenly the fat guy climbed up from below, kicking away a few of the corpse worms. It turned out that this kid was crawling even slower than me. When he saw me, he cursed, “You’re still thinking about lying here? Look at the holes in my ass!” He then tried to help me up, but I yelled, “Don’t touch me! I’m poisoned! You go first! I’m hopeless!”

The fat guy Without saying a word, he picked me up and said, “Look in the mirror. You look better than I do. You’re rosy and glowing. How could you be poisoned?”

I was surprised. I looked down and saw that my hands were covered in red rashes. It looked like I had been bitten by thousands of mosquitoes. But the redness stopped at my shoulders and was now slowly fading. I couldn’t help wondering why the poison didn’t work on me.

The fat guy carried me on his back, biting his teeth and climbing upwards. I was behind him, becoming his human shield. All the corpses jumped onto my buttocks and bit me. I was in pain and yelled, “You fat bastard, I thought you were being kind, but you’re actually trying to use me as a shield!”

The fat guy yelled, “What are you yammering about? If you’re not convinced, carry me on your back! Can’t you see that my buttocks are already covered in dead flesh?”

I I didn’t want to argue with him. The nine-headed snake cypress was surrounded by a circle of corpses near the tree trunk, very dense. The fat man would occasionally bump into a pile of bones. Fortunately, the corpses also had the same problem. They couldn’t tell the difference between too many things, and many of them jumped onto the dry corpses that we had bumped into and bit them.

The fat man saw this and thought it was a good idea, so he told me to bump into the corpses and move them around. Although I didn’t want to, but there was no other way. My life was at stake.

I kicked every corpse I saw along the way, and soon the place we passed through was full of corpses spinning around. The intelligence of these worms was not comparable to that of humans. They were just spinning around, not knowing whether they were chasing us or biting the corpses. They even stopped spinning and started to circle in place.

My My hands and feet had almost fully recovered from the previous exercise. I thought to myself, the feeling I had when I was poisoned was the same as the feeling my grandfather had when he was poisoned in his notes. In the end, my grandfather didn’t die. Could it be that I have immunity because of this?

I couldn’t figure it out. I saw that my hands and feet could move again, so I asked Fatso to put me down. I saw that Fatso was sweating and panting, and I thought to myself, when I was on the stone platform, I carried you on my back and coughed up blood, and now we’re even. At this At this moment, I suddenly saw a person sitting on a branch behind Fatso, waving at me.

I shuddered and rubbed my eyes, but the person was already gone. I thought he had gone behind the tree, so I leaned over to take a look. Fatso yelled, “Don’t dawdle, let’s go!”

“Wait a minute!” I grabbed him, “Go left, go left! I just saw someone waving at me.”

He sighed He sighed and followed me over. When we got there, there was no one there at all. There was only a hole in the tree that barely fit the next person. It was dark inside and I didn’t know what was in there.

The fat guy shone his flashlight in and was shocked to see a bunch of curled vines in the hole, with a highly decayed corpse wrapped inside. The two blue eyes were so cloudy that I couldn’t see the pupils. The mouth was wide open, and I didn’t know what it was trying to say to me. The fat guy looked at me and said, “What a dead person! You must not have seen a ghost!”

There were so many strange things There have been so many strange things along the way that I can’t help but believe in ghosts. I thought to myself, since he beckoned us to come over, he must have some purpose. When I thought of this, I habitually looked at his mouth. But his chin had rotted through and something had fallen off. I continued to look and found that he seemed to be holding something in his hand. When I looked at it, it turned out to be a pendant.

The corpse the corpse began to squeak and crawl up again, and I had no desire to go through his belongings. I saw that he was wearing camouflage fatigues, so I saluted him and continued to climb. The fat man climbed very quickly, and we were not far from the top of the crevasse, so we climbed up in no time.

We As soon as we climbed out of the crack, we looked down and saw that the corpses didn’t seem to have stopped at all, and they were almost all rushing to the edge of the crack. The fat man yelled, “It’s not time to rest yet, run!”

I had been underground for so long that I had lost my sense of direction. I saw a man suddenly running out of the grass in front of me, carrying something and running over. I recognized him as Uncle San, and I was overjoyed. Uncle San saw me and yelled, “Hurry up and go back and bring all the gasoline over here!”

I ran Looking back, I realized that the crack was only separated from the place where we dug the hole by a short cliff, less than ten meters. Our equipment was still there, and I saw the barrels of gasoline. My heart burned with rage, and I thought to myself, “Okay, now you’re going to see what’s coming.”

Fatso carried a bucket each and ran back. Uncle San had already poured the first bucket down. At this time, the corpses were almost crawling to the ground. Uncle San threw a lighter down, and immediately saw a burst of fire, and then a pungent smell of burning. The insects, like a tide, instantly retreated, and the gasoline formed a wall of fire at the crack. It was a great pleasure to watch the bugs burn inside, screaming and wailing. We poured the second and third buckets of gasoline on top of the first, and suddenly the fire spewing from the crack was almost taller than two people. The heat wave was approaching, burning my eyebrows.

I took a few steps back, looked at the pendant in my hand, which had a brand name on it. The name of the corpse should be James. I wiped it and put it in my jacket pocket, thinking that I would return it to your family when I had the opportunity. Now you can rest in peace. The fat man was sweating from the heat and asked Uncle San, “Where are the two of them?”

Uncle San pointed to the back: “Pan Zi is not good, seems to have a fever, that little brother, I have not seen, I thought you were together.”

I looked at the fat man, the fat man sighed: “I didn’t see him after the explosion, I’m afraid it’s bad.”

Uncle San shook his head and said: “No, this person is unpredictable, and he was always above us just now. Even if he was scattered by the blast, he is estimated to have come up here.”

I looked I could tell from his expression that he wasn’t sure either. Although the oil bottle was powerful, it was no match for the explosives. If he had been thrown out of the tree by the blast, he would have been killed.

We searched the area, but found nothing. There were no signs of anyone leaving. Uncle San sighed and gave me a wry smile.

We We returned to the camp to pack up, lit a campfire, and warmed up the canned food in our packs. I was already hungry enough to eat anything, and Uncle San pointed to the short cliff behind us while eating: “Look, this camp is right next to the crack. It looks like the tree demon the old man saw was this snake cypress. It must have been the noise from their celebration at night that attracted the snake cypress out of the crack. Fortunately we didn’t spend the night here, we went straight down to the cave, otherwise I’m afraid we would have been dragged away by the snake tree.”

The fat man said, ‘I don’t know how long the fire will burn for. If the fire goes out, it will be a problem when the bugs come out again. It’s almost dawn now, let’s get out of the forest as soon as possible!’

I quickly took a few bites, nodded, and the fat man and Uncle San took turns carrying Pan Zi and set off into the woods.

The whole way It was very quiet. When we came, we were singing and talking, but when we went back, we were rushing along, almost as if we were running for our lives.

I had not rested for a whole night, and I was highly nervous. Now my physical strength had reached its limit. At the end, I was almost supported by the power of my spirit. If a bed suddenly appeared in front of me, I would fall asleep in less than two seconds. We We had been walking for nearly half a day and a morning, and finally came out of the woods and over the small slope of rocks formed by the mudslide, finally seeing the small, friendly village.

We dared not relax, and first took Pan Zi to the village clinic. The barefoot doctor came over and frowned, hurriedly calling the nurse over. I lay down on the stool and fell asleep after hearing just two words from them.

That was It was a really exhausting sleep, I didn’t even dream, and I don’t know how long I slept. When I woke up, I heard a lot of chaos outside, and I didn’t know what was going on.

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