Volume 1 Chapter 31 Twenty years ago

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:48:54
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The silent oil bottle, no, it should be Zhang Qiling. His tone was calm, without the slightest hint of emotion. From his narrative, I gradually saw a corner of this huge mystery. However, I had no way of understanding from his narrative what he thought and heard throughout the incident, nor could I understand his true background. For the time being, let’s imagine him as a silent and wise young man.

In the deep deep sea floor, the raging winds above the sea could not be heard, but the suffocation before the storm could still be felt.

Zhang Qiling sat quietly in the corner of the ear chamber, watching his companions scrambling to study the blue and white porcelain on the ground. These porcelain pieces were not at all attractive to him, but the seniors, who looked a little older than him, were completely captivated by these things.

They passed them around, some trying to copy the patterns, others discussing the meaning of the designs. At this moment, someone suddenly cried out, “Come and look! There’s something strange under these porcelain pieces!”

The person who said this The person who said this was Huo Ling, the youngest of the three girls on the team. Her parents were high-ranking officials, and she was usually spoiled and pampered. She liked to make a fuss to attract attention. When Zhang Qiling heard her voice, he felt a headache coming on. However, girls like her were still relatively popular in this small group. This sweet voice immediately attracted the attention of the other few people.

These The boys all scrambled to show off their knowledge in front of Huo Ling, calling out, “What’s so strange about it? Show me.” Huo Ling flipped over a piece of porcelain in her hand and let them see it. One of them took a look and said, “This, I know, is called the kiln number, which represents the place of origin of this piece of porcelain.”

Another immediately retorted, saying, “No, the kiln number of the Ming kiln is not like this. This may be the inscription of the mansion number representing the identity of the tomb owner!”

The first was a bit embarrassed and said, “The inscription of the house number is usually four characters, but here there is only one character, and it is very rare. What you said is even less likely.”

The two people inherited the legacy of the Cultural Revolution, and as they talked, they began to argue about literature, and there was a tendency to turn into a fight. Seeing this kind of scene, Huo Ling sighed, and suddenly saw Zhang Qiling leaning coldly in the corner, completely ignoring her. She snorted in her heart, walked straight over, and handed the blue and white porcelain vase to him, saying playfully, “Zhang, can you help me see what this is?”

Zhang Qiling Ling didn’t want to talk to her at all. He glanced at her briefly, but didn’t see anything clearly, and then turned his head and said, “I don’t know.”

Huo Ling’s face changed. She rarely got the cold shoulder in front of men, and she couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable. She said, “Zhang, don’t you dare to give me a runaround. Look carefully and then answer!” She suddenly shoved the bottle into Zhang Qiling’s hands.

Zhang Qiling Ling sighed, helplessly, and had to pick it up. Huo Ling proudly pointed it out to him. It turned out that the bottom of the blue and white porcelain vase that had been knocked over had a special inscription.

This inscription had never been seen by Zhang Qiling before, and he couldn’t help but be stunned. The bottom of ordinary porcelain is where the kiln number comes from, but this inscription, which has a bumpy feel, is not the name of any kiln number, but more like a serial number.

He picked up another one picked up another one and turned it over to see if there was one there too. Sure enough, there was, but it was different from the one he had just seen. He suddenly felt vaguely that these porcelain pieces were not simply burial goods.

Huo Ling saw his expression change and thought that the wood had finally come to its senses. She asked, “Zhang, what do you think? What is this thing?”

Zhang Qi Ling simply ignored her, and after picking up the porcelain, he looked at more than ten of them in a row and found that each had a different symbol on the bottom, and these symbols changed in a regular pattern, as if they were numbered in a fixed sequence.

Why were these porcelains numbered? Was their sequence so strict? Or, if they weren’t numbered in this way, would they not achieve a certain purpose? Zhang Qiling’s mind flashed with countless thoughts, and he couldn’t help but carefully examine the porcelains.

As soon as he looked at it, he was surprised again, because the pattern on the porcelain depicted not spring plowing, not a courtyard, but a picture of a craftsman carving a giant stone statue. This kind of picture was not elegant in ancient times, so why would it be depicted on porcelain?

He He looked down the line and gradually discovered some clues. These porcelain paintings, when viewed individually, were nothing special, but if you follow the sequence of the paintings, you will find that they are all continuous, as if depicting the progress of a huge project.

At this time, everyone was attracted by his strange behavior. Several boys wondered what he was selling, and they all stared at him inexplicably.

Zhang Qi Ling did not pay any attention to these people. He did not look at the paintings like I did, but went straight to the last small porcelain flower ewer and took a closer look. His heart was already moved. He saw that the scene of the entire project being completed had already been outlined on the last ewer.

It was a palace that cannot be described in words, floating in the sky. The palace is surrounded by clouds and mist, and the builders of the palace are standing on the ground, looking up at the sky, while a Taoist on a nearby mountain is smiling contentedly.

This small ewer cannot express the grandeur of this project, but Zhang Qiling still felt an uncontrollable excitement, because he knew he had found something.

He could could almost be sure that the content depicted on it was the Yunding Palace designed and built by the legendary Wang Zanghai, the master craftsman of the Ming Dynasty!

This legendary palace that could float in the sky had long appeared in Ming Dynasty legends, but at that time it was explained that Wang Zanghai used a huge kite and a large amount of gold thread to create the illusion of a beautiful and fantastic palace in the sky to please Zhu Yuanzhang.

But If the legend is correct, then what is the scene depicted here? If the legend is not correct, then do these porcelain paintings show that Wang Zanghai really built a palace floating in the sky? Legend and fact, fact and legend, which is true and which is false? Zhang Qiling began to be confused.

He thought After thinking for a while, he had no idea, so he told his companions about these things. Of course, they didn’t believe him, and they hurriedly followed his method, looking at each porcelain piece one by one. They couldn’t help but be stunned. This was not only a unique discovery in Chinese history, but also the most incredible discovery. When Huo Ling saw that her discovery had led to such a major discovery, she couldn’t help but be ecstatic. She kissed Zhang Qiling on the cheek, and the other men immediately became jealous.

However Zhang Qiling did not notice this. He probably didn’t know who kissed him, and he didn’t want to know. He walked directly to Wen Jin and proposed to immediately enter the back hall to search. He believed that more clues could definitely be found in the coffin.

Wen Jin was a responsible person after all. She thought it was too dangerous and hurriedly said, “No, absolutely not. Without a leader, we can’t go into the tomb by ourselves!”

Zhang Qiling Ling saw that she did not agree, and did not say much. She packed her own equipment and walked towards the tunnel. Wen Jin was a heroine after all. Seeing that he did not take her seriously, she could not help but feel unhappy in her heart. She wanted to teach him a lesson. After all, she often practiced kung fu in the research institute and taught those young men who did not obey her a lesson.

Thinking , she suddenly stepped forward and tried to grab Zhang Qiling’s thin wrist at the joint. This is called the pulse point. Once the pulse point is locked, it can be used to move a thousand pounds with just two pounds. She is naturally not very strong as a woman, but as long as she takes the lead, it is enough to make Zhang Qiling, a big man, beg for mercy.

The other men have all been hit by Wen Jin’s trick, and they can’t help but laugh secretly, wanting to see Zhang Qiling’s joke.

This move was always effective, and people without any martial arts training were completely unable to defend themselves. However, she had not managed to lock it this time, and was taken by surprise. At this point, Zhang Qiling had already turned around and said calmly, “Don’t worry, I can take care of myself!”

Wen Jin sneered and said, “What do you have to take care of yourself with? Zhang, you are notorious for being unorganized and undisciplined in the station, but this is an ancient tomb. Please consider the safety of everyone, not just yourself.”

Zhang Qiling Ling nodded and said, “I will consider it. I will be back soon.”

Wen Jin’s face turned red with anger. She thought to herself, “How did I get stuck with such a prick? He has a calm tone, and I can’t get angry with him. I’ll go up and grab him. I said, ‘No, no matter what you say, you can’t go. We already have one less person. How can I explain to the station if you ask me to go back?’

Zhang Qi Ling seemed a little impatient. He turned his head, his eyes cold, and said, ‘Let go.’

Wen Jin looked at him very firmly. I think any man who sees such a lovely woman looking at him with that kind of look would give in, but Zhang Qiling suddenly opened his eyes wide, and his eyes instantly became like those of a demon. Wen Jin was suddenly scared and her hands went limp, and she was suddenly pushed away by him.

When she looked again, Zhang Qiling’s eyes had returned to that kind of faint, unreadable look, and he nodded to her and said, “Thank you!”

The others When others saw this scene, they thought Wen Jin had actually agreed to his request, and they were all dissatisfied. People are like this. As long as one person breaks the rules, the others will swarm over. The other people saw Zhang Qiling walk into the tunnel. On the one hand, they were afraid that he would take all the credit, and on the other hand, they also ignited the curiosity that had been suppressed, and they all clamored to follow him.

Wen Jin After all, she is a woman. She knows that she has lost control of these people as soon as she let go of her hand. Now, unless she has a gun in her hand, there is no way to stop these young people.

Uncle San’s temper is not good. If he wakes up Wu Sanxing at this time, he will definitely have a violent conflict with Zhang Qiling for his own face. After weighing the pros and cons, she decided to take them into the back hall to take a look and come back as soon as possible. With her years of experience in digging up tombs, if this is just an ordinary tomb, there will be no problem.

The rest of the process was basically the same as what we experienced. As for how they passed through the winding passageways full of traps, found the stairs in the pool, and then went down to the bottom of the pool, although it was also very tortuous and bizarre, it was not the focus of the narrative. When Zhang Qiling was telling the story, he just passed it by in a sentence. The most critical thing was that they went down to the bottom of the pool surrounded by mist and saw the wordless stone tablet.

The scene at the bottom of the pool The bottom of the pool was eerie. The thick fog, illuminated by flashlights, changed into various masks from time to time, making people involuntarily feel fear. When they reached the last stone step, the group suddenly became united, not daring to make a sound, pulling each other in the fog, trembling, afraid that something would suddenly rush out.

Huo Ling When she saw Zhang Qiling, she was not afraid at all. The other students, who were usually so arrogant and domineering, were now hiding behind him, so she couldn’t help but feel a little bit of affection for him. She said to the boys, “Look at you guys, you are all a few years older than Zhang, and you are not even as good as his leftovers.

They At that age, people are just like newborn calves, not afraid of tigers. After hearing Huo Ling’s words, they were so excited that they didn’t care about their lives anymore. They all rushed to Zhang Qiling’s front. The pool area was not big, and they ran a few steps, seeing that nothing happened. They became brave again and walked straight into the center of the fog. They only walked a few steps. Suddenly, the one in the lead yelled, “There’s a monster inside!” and ran back while yelling.

This cried out, scaring everyone to death. The people behind him, without thinking whether they had seen it or not, also retreated, their scalps numb. Zhang Qiling ignored them and led the others into the tomb, where they saw the so-called monster, the stone monkey.

Immediately, they saw several other stone monkeys and the mysterious stone tablet with no inscription.

In an instant all of them were deeply shocked. Although the things in front of them were not spectacular, they were extraordinary in the eyes of these people. Everything in this tomb overturned the textbook-like concept of Chinese tombs that had remained unchanged for thousands of years. It had immeasurable archaeological value.

Even Wenjin was so surprised that he could not speak, muttering, “My God, these things are unbelievable. This place may become another milestone in Chinese archaeology.”

After the shock After the shock, there was ecstasy. In those days, a major discovery meant a great opportunity. Once the discovery was announced, their names would immediately become household names. Thinking about this, a few of the more gullible ones were already giggling, and one was so excited that he couldn’t help but start dancing.

At this time, Zhang Qiling, the cause of this disaster, frowned deeply. He had looked more carefully than anyone else and had already seen the ancient characters engraved on the cornerstone of the stele.

“This stele is for those with fate, it is the gate to the heavenly palace, enter it and you can reach the fairyland.

This sentence shocked him far more than the other discoveries. He was not affected by the madness of the people around him, and fell into deep thought.

According to his thinking, such words could not have been written in this place for no reason. There must be a reason for the tomb owner to put these things here.

Then where is door to the heavenly palace in the stele, where exactly is it? How can one be considered to have the right connection? He stood in front of the stele, looking for it inch by inch, but the stele was just a stele, without any traces of hidden mechanisms or secret writing.

After a while, the others gradually calmed down. Wen Jin felt that it was almost time, and it was not appropriate to delay any longer, so he called them back. Those The others had had enough fun and had seen enough, and they gathered their thoughts and walked back to the stairs, chatting and laughing. Wen Jin counted them one by one, and at the end of the count, she discovered that Zhang Qiling had not come.

Zhang Qiling had initially disobeyed the leader and insisted on coming to the back hall, and now he was unwilling to return to the team. Thinking of this, Wen Jin was very angry, but her duty was to not leave him behind. She gave a very bad command to the others, and the group quickly walked back into the mist.

They After walking a few steps, they saw Zhang Qiling still crouching in front of the stone tablet studying something. Wen Jin couldn’t help but get angry and shouted, “Why don’t you leave? What’s wrong with you?” Just as she said this, Huo Ling grabbed her hand and desperately told her not to speak. Wen Jin was puzzled and looked at the others. She found that they all had a panicked look on their faces and were very puzzled.

Huo Ling Seeing that she hadn’t reacted yet, she hurriedly pointed at the mist. Wen Jin followed her hand and looked over. She saw a huge figure in the mist, less than two meters away from Zhang Qiling.

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